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Tajuk 1. Students attitude towards green chemistry and its application

S Mulyanti and A Kadarohman 2021 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1806 012181

Pernyataan Masalah The application of the principles of green chemistry is required in lecturing activities so that students are no longer antipathy to the
application of the principles of green chemistry both in lectures and in their daily lives. In the end, the hope for the application of
green chemistry is carried out thoroughly in every aspect of life .

Objektif To analyze how undergraduate student of chemistry and education chemistry apply green chemistry principles both in laboratory or
their daily activity. This research will be best argument for the chemistry lecturers how to teach green chemistry to their students so
that it can be applied perfectly by them, and we can see how our life will be safer and healthier both in learning chemistry or daily

Metodologi Qualitative method with descriptive design. The research conducted by online questionnaire with 36 questions to 190
undergraduate students of chemistry and education chemistry from various state universities from Java and Sumatra islands.
Respondents from the island of Java were obtained from chemistry education students from several state universities such as from
Jakarta s 4 respondents, from Semarang 47 respondents, and from solo 127 respondents. The respondents from Sumatra island were
obtained from one state university in Medan are 12 respondents. Whole respondents came from various generations ranging from
second semester students to eighth semester students.

There are 36 questions consist of 12 green chemistry principles, each principle consist of 3 questions. The question made in the
form of a questionnaire with 4 answer choices, the answer scores ranging from 0 to 3, according to the subject's view about the
application of green chemistry principles in each question.


Figure 1 shows that the highest number of respondents on zero score or who do not want to apply the principles of green chemistry
is the eight principle, reduce derivative. The high number of respondents shows they do not believe in the application of the
principle of green chemistry in reducing the derivatization of reaction, the main target product is produced completely without any
unwanted by-products and is still considered difficult for researchers in chemistry. Some respondents also do not want to apply or
do not believe the second principle of green chemistry can be applied, that the reaction method must be designed to maximize the
incorporation of all materials used during the process until the final product (atom economy) is still considered impossible to do,
even though much research can apply this principle.

The use of renewable feedstock in chemistry reaction is also still considered difficult or impossible for some respondents, even
though many researchers have tried to use renewable feedstock for chemistry experiments in the laboratory .As well as the use of
catalysts that are environmentally friendly and can be easily separated at the end of a reaction, some respondents still consider this
impossible, despite so many studies that have tried to apply the ninth principle of green chemistry .

Figure 1 also shows that all respondents agreed not to ignore the application of the fourth green chemistry principle, safer
chemicals - the reaction products should be designed to use chemicals with no toxicity .This shows that all respondents want the
use of environmentally friendly chemicals and not harmful for use in chemical reactions, although not all chemicals used during

Cadangan The application of the principles of green chemistry became an initiation for students at higher education levels to fully understand

the chemical concepts that support every chemical reaction. Educators have a big task to be able to apply the principles of green
chemistry in every chemistry learning activity, so that in the end the mastery of chemical concepts is not only limited to cognitive
abilities, but also affective abilities in the sustainability of ecosystem life on earth as the main mission
of formulating the principles of green chemistry.

Kesimpulan The results showed that of the 190 respondents obtained results generally they agreed with the application of the principle of green
chemistry, but on several principles it was known that some respondents still considered it impossible or did not want to apply it in
chemical experiments or daily life. Principles that are still considered impossible to do include atom economy, renewable feed
stocks, reduce derivatives, and catalysis. This has become a discourse for teachers to be able to provide concrete
examples of the application of the principles of green chemistry in teaching and learning activities,
especially on principles that are still considered not applicable.

Tajuk 2. Impact of student-initiated green chemistry experiments on their knowledge, awareness and practices of environmental
sustainability (H Taha et al 2019 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1156 012022)

Pernyataan Masalah Schools would be able to manage chemical waste more effectively if students and teachers were more knowledgeable and
committed towards green chemistry practices. Solid and chemical waste from schools’ laboratory, should comply with
environmental preservation principles. Therefore integrating the principles of green chemistry in a school’s chemistry laboratory
plays significant role to raise awareness and understanding of all members of the school community on improving environmental
sustainability practices. Hence, to play an important role as environment sustainability educationist, chemistry teachers need to
equip themselves with ample knowledge and skills to disseminate the effective green practices to their students. Since the nature of
chemistry lessons is very unattractive to students, teachers need to manipulate investigative and research-like approaches to trigger
and enhance students’ awareness of the environment. Armed with green chemistry as the platform, chemistry teachers could
involve students in designing green chemistry experiments, encouraging them to embark on their own research and seek
information on green chemistry practices. This would in turn enhance students' practical knowledge and increase their pro-
environment awareness and practices.

Objektif 1.To identify differences in students’ knowledge, awareness and practices of environmental sustainability between students who
did the conventional chemistry experiments from the textbook with those who developed their own green chemistry experiments.
2. To seek relationship between students’ awareness and practices of environmental sustainability.
3. To identify best predictor that contribute to students’ practices of environmental sustainability.
4. To identify differences in students’ performance in the topic of rate of reaction between students who did the conventional
chemistry experiments from the textbook with those who developed their own green chemistry experiments.

Metodologi Sample
A total of 46 secondary school students were involved in the study. 23 students were undergoing traditional chemistry experiment
(control group) and 23 students developed and carried out green chemistry experiments (experimental group).

A set of questionnaires of 48 items was used to elicit students’ knowledge, awareness and practices of environmental sustainability,
while a paper and pencil test in the topic of rate of reaction was employed to gauge students’ grasp of the topic. The questionnaire
was constructed by the research team based on extensive literature analysis and some items were adapted from Tee [25], Mohd
Zubair [26], Nurbaity [27] customized to Malaysian secondary school students. The test on rate of reaction (ROR) was constructed
based on Malaysian secondary school chemistry syllabus. A pilot study conducted on 30 respondents found the validity and
reliability of the instruments were high (Cohen’s kappa = 0.94 and Cronbach’s alpha = 0.91 for the questionnaire; and content
validity agreement from another three experts for the ROR’s test was 0.99 and inter-rater reliability r = 0.98).
4.3. Research Procedures
Pre-test on the ROR’s topic were first given to both groups. The control and experimental groups were formed from intact classes
which were equivalent in terms of performance and background. The control group then proceeded with direct teaching by a
teacher (selected from the research team) using the conventional chemistry experiments from the text book provided by the
Malaysian Ministry of Education. This group managed to finish off the topic in six school periods. At the same time, the treatment

group started to design green chemistry experiments of the topic under the supervision of another member of the research team.
Development of these experiments was based on students’ research on the 12 principles of green chemistry; such as using benign
materials used in daily life and by downsizing the amount of chemicals used; to study factors affecting the ROR. A series of brain-
storming and debate sessions took part throughout the project. Students first tried out their ideas during the chemistry lab periods
before finalizing the green experiments. The treatment group finished 4 teaching periods later than the control group. Both groups
were guided to carry out research, to manage information, develop critical and creative thinking and build their coherent analysis of
the experiments.

Keputusan First, differences in students’ compatibility was examined by comparing the pre-test scores of both groups on the topic of ROR.

Table 2 shows the mean of the experimental group was 15.00, while the control group was 14.56 (t = 0.868 and p > 0.05). This
shows there was no significant difference of both groups’ performance in the pre-test. Thus the two groups were equivalent in
terms of prior knowledge. Next, table 3 shows there was no significant difference in the achievement between students undergoing
traditional chemistry experiments and the green chemistry (GC) experiments.

The post-test results demonstrates there was no significant difference in the post-test mean scores between the experimental and
control groups, (t = 5.933, and p > 0.05). The results indicates the achievement of the experimental and control groups were not
significantly different, although the mean scores for the experimental group (mean = 18.88) was slightly higher than the control
(mean = 18.36).
Below, table 4 shows the comparison of the post-questionnaire results for both groups on the knowledge of green chemistry (GC).
The mean value shows a significant difference between the groups. The treatment group shows a much higher mean score,
indicating a significant increase of their knowledge of GC after completing the green chemistry experiments project. Students
seemed to gain more knowledge when the topic was taught using green chemistry experiments. They were compelled to look for
more information on green experiments, had many brain-storming sessions and heated discussions on how to ensure the
experiments could really be done realistically. They even tried out the experiments several times before finalizing their report.
These exercises of active learning might be the contributing factors of the present results of this study.

Cadangan Integrating sustainable practices in lessons actively would be an integral parts to cultivate the awareness among students.

Furthermore, it is also recommended proper training for teachers so that they will be able to teach their students effectively.
Teachers need to be equipped with more ‘hands on’ skills rather than mere theories and facts to deliver effective green chemistry
lessons. If teachers were not environmentally literate, it will be almost impossible for them to produce environmentally literate
students. ESD in schools should call for more collaborative participation and engagement from all school staff, parents and local
community to instill pro-environmental practice into children and community at large.

Table 5 shows the pre and post-test comparison for awareness of GC for students who were involved in the green chemistry
experiments. Result shows there was significant difference in awareness, with the mean value showed substantial increase after the
exposure towards green chemistry experiments. These seemed to support research done by Cullifer [28] that reported students’
understanding of green chemistry was significantly enhanced when presented with two real-world scenarios and applied benefits-
costs-risks analysis that emphasizes a decreasing dependence on limited non-renewable resources and an increasing focus on
preventing pollution by-products of the chemical industry.

Although the literature suggests knowledge could be a viable predictor for environmental attitude of GC [31], this study does not
seem to yield similar results. Next, Table 7 seems to indicate awareness on green chemistry as a strong significant predictor for
practice. The percentage of the predictor is 60.5 percent towards the criterion variable and however, as expected, knowledge does
not significantly predict practice of GC (p > .05).

Kesimpulan This study revealed student-initiated green chemistry experiments have positive impact on students’ knowledge, awareness and
practice of green chemistry. It is evident from the study that encouraging students’ participation in designing green experiments
enhances their sustainable practice. Integrating green chemistry in school chemistry experiments triggers students’ sense of
responsibility towards the environment.

Tajuk 3. Importance of Green Technology, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Environmental Education for
Students and Society

Pernyataan Masalah

Objektif This concept paper aims to provide environmentally relevant information and sustainable development education (ESD) in line
with the importance of green technology.

Metodologi Kajian Kualitatif

Keputusan Green technology, ESD and Environmental Education are interconnected because it involves the way to empower students and
communities that preservation and conservation of the environment is crucial to reduce global warming.Therefore, the combination
of these three aspects will trigger the idea of other researchers to be more interested in the field of green technology which is the
driver of sustainable development education (ESD) important for students and thecommunity.

Cadangan The awareness of environmental conservation should be nurtured since childhood as those who will change the next generation.
Hence, the application of green technology as a sustainable development education driver (ESD) is expected to help address
environmental issues. Additionally, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) can also play an important role in
the greening of TVET greening that can be linked to green technology and ESD.

Kesimpulan Most previous studies have found that lack of awareness on the community's knowledge of environmental issues. In addition, this
can be seen after the environmentally-related education of sustainable development education (ESD) applied among the
community, especially students, is expected to raise awareness on environmental care. In this case, green technology can also be
applied in sustainable development education (ESD) as it involves the application of a product to safeguard and preserve the

Tajuk 4. Pengetahuan dan Pengamalan Amalan Hijau dalam Kalangan Mahasiswa

Pernyataan Masalah Pertumbuhan populasi disamping peningkatan penggunaan gajet menyumbang kepada peratusan penggunaan tenaga yang tinggi
dalam kalangan masyarakat dunia. Malaysia sebagai satu negara yang juga terlibat dalam perubahan arus digital juga tidak

ketinggalan menghadapi masalah pembaziran penggunaan tenaga. Krisis pandemik Covid-19 mencatatkan penggunaan tenaga
elektrik dan air yang tinggi serta luar biasa dalam kalangan masyarakat hingga menimbulkan ketegangan antara pihak
pengguna dan pemberi perkhidmatan.

Objektif Untuk mengkaji tahap pengetahuan dan amalan hijau dalam kalangan mahasiswa

Metodologi Kaedah kuantitatif melalui edaran borang soal selidik kepada responden. Responden yang terlibat dalam kajian ini adalah seramai
100 orang mahasiswa dari pelbagai program pengajian di Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor. Pemilihan sampel adalah
berdasarkan persampelan mudah (convenience sampling). Bagi penentuan saiz sampel pula, pengkaji merujuk kepada saranan
Roscoe (1975) di mana menurut beliau, saiz sampel yang lebih besar dari 30 dan kurang dari 500 responden adalah mencukupi
untuk menjalankan sesuatu kajian. Memandangkan saiz sampel yang dicadangkan untuk kajian ini ialah 100 orang mahasiswa,
pengkaji merumuskan saiz sampel ini adalah kukuh untuk mencapai matlamat kajian. Data bagi kajian ini dianalisis menggunakan
perisian SPSS versi25.0

Keputusan Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan tahap pengetahuan mahasiswa mengenai amalan hijau berada pada tahap tinggi (min= 4.29).
Manakala, dari aspek pengamalan amalan hijau berada pada tahap yang sederhana tinggi (min= 3.8273). Kajian juga mendapati
pengetahuan mahasiswa mengenai amalan hijau mempengaruhi pengamalan amalan hijau sebanyak 40

Cadangan Walaupun mahasiswa memang telah didedahkan dengan maklumat, pendidikan dan penerapan amalan
hijau, kempen dan program berkenaan amalan hijau perlu lebih ditingkatkan.

Kesimpulan Tahap pengetahuan yang tinggi terhadap amalan hijau secara tidak langsung menunjukkan kesedaran mahasiswa mengenai
pentingnya menjaga alam sekitar dan mengamalkan amalan hijau dalam kehidupan seharian.

Tajuk 5. Impak Pemerkasaan Teknologi Hijau terhadap Amalan Pengamal Perhubungan Awam Hijau di Malaysian Green

Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia) ( Karmilah Abdullah & Jamilah Ahmad)

Pernyataan Masalah Tahap kesedaran dan pengetahuan rakyat Malaysia tentang kepentingan teknologi hijau pada masa kini dan hadapan masih di tahap
yang rendah

Objektif Untuk mengenalpasti impak Pemerkasaan Teknologi Hijau terhadap Amalan Pengamal Perhubungan Awam Hijau di Malaysian
Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia)

Metodologi Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif iaitu wawancara mendalam (in-depth interview). Seramai empat orang pengamal
perhubungan awam di Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia) dipilih menjadi responden. Persampelan
bertujuan di aplikasikan dalam kajian ini, dengan memilih responden yang terlibat secara langsung dalam bidang perhubungan
awam di dalam organisasi tersebut. Pemilihan keempatempat orang responden ini kerana mereka merupakan
kumpulan sasaran yang dapat memberikan maklumat seperti yang diharapkan oleh penyelidik.

Keputusan Dapatan kajian menunjukkan pengamal perhubungan awam hijau di Malaysia berperanan sebagai juruteknik komunikasi dan
fasilitator komunikasi. Di samping itu, pengamal perhubungan awam hijau turut menerapkan pelbagai strategi perhubungan awam
untuk mempromosi namun amalan dan strategi perhubungan awam yang digunakan masih kurang menyeluruh. Secara
keseluruhan, kajian ini mendapati pemerkasaan teknologi hijau di Malaysia kurang memberi impak terhadap amalan
perhubungan awam hijau.

Kesimpulan Pemerkasaan teknologi hijau kurang memberi impak terhadap amalan perhubungan awam hijau. Maka, penyelidik mencadangkan
agar kajian akan datang dapat dilakukan dengan membandingkan peranan perhubungan awam di organisasi-organisasi lain yang
berorentasikan teknologi hijau dalam mempromosikan teknologi hijau.

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