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Class-X Session - 2023-24

 Portfolio Activity
1) Find at least 10 poetic devices and write their definition along with examples on A 4 size sheet paper.
2) Art Integrated Project pairing with Rajasthan and Nagaland
 Write an article on ‘ Beauty and culture of Nagaland’ in about 200 words on A4 size sheet paper.


1. PORTFOLIO ग्रामीण व शहरी संस्कृति में अंिर (सतित्र) शब्द सीमा 150 A4 size sheet

2. Art integrated pairing Rajasthan Nagaland Activity

नागालैं ड पर्यटन तवभाग द्वारा पर्यटक ं क नागालैं ड आने के तलए आमं तत्रि करिे हुए एक तवज्ञापन िैर्ार कीतिए word limit 50 to 80

3- P.T.I पाठ्यक्रम र्ाद करें ।


*Lab activities

1.To obtain the types of parabola graphically

2. To obtain the conditions for consistency of a system of linear equations in two variables by graphical method.


*Art integrated activity -Flora and fauna of Ntangki National Park of Nagaland

* Lab manual work

* Write-up (Topic-Natural Resources)

Social Science

 Art integrated project

 Prepare a collage on the art and craft of Nagaland and Rajasthan .
 Art and craft of Nagaland
 Wood carving
 Basket weaving
 Textile weaving
 Pottery
 Beads jewellery
 Art and craft of Rajasthan
 Blue pottery
 Textile
 Leatherware
 Puppet making
 Jewellery
 The student can choose any two craft form, from two states n prepare a collage on a A- 3 size paper.
 The collage must show the uniqueness of the states.
2.Prepare a social science project on any one of the given topics -
 Consumer awareness
 Sustainable development
 Social issues
3.Internal Assessment Activities -
 Map activity - soils of India
4.Subject enrichment activity-
 What is an average income? What are its limitations. Explain it by taking your own example.
5.Learn PT - I course
Information Technology

Part- B- Unit - I → Digital Documentation-Portfolio Activity

Chapter 1 (1) Pg 116 - Creating a new style from Selection

(2) Pg 117- Creating a new style from drag & drop
Chapter-2 (1) Pg-126 - Text wrapping
(2) Pg-127- Arranging Images
Chapter-3 (1) Pg-130-Setting up a Custom Default Template
Chapter 4 (2) Pg-134- Creating Table of Contents
Chapter 5 (1) Pg-143- Creating A Salutation
(2) Pg- 143-Adjusting Layout
(3) Pg -143- Editing Individual Document

Enjoy safe and secure summers!

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