Dreams Can Come True CH 1

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Dreams Can Come True

by AnonSky

Vicki stepped out of the hot shower, shivering in the cold air of the bathroom, and grabbed the
towel and began to dry herself. "Damn," she muttered to herself, "when is the power going to
come back on? It's cold in here. Thank goodness the water heater is gas."

She glanced at the window as a sudden gust of wind rattled it and even though she couldn't see
anything in the darkness outside, she knew the storm was still raging - snowing heavily - huge
moist flakes covering everything. Removing her shower cap, Vicki shook her head and then ran
her fingers through her hair. Watching herself in the foggy mirror, the candlelight giving her
body and hair a sensual appearance, Vicki appraised herself. "Hmm, 36-28-38, not bad for a 37
year old broad with a nineteen year old son," she thought as she cupped her breasts in her hands
and turned slightly to see her buttocks in the mirror. "At least I haven't gone totally to pot," she
muttered to herself, "at least not yet." At 5'10" and 132 pounds, Vicki could easily have passed
for being in her late twenties or early thirties.

There was rap on the door. "Mom, are you through yet? I heard the shower stop," Tony called

"In a minute, hon. Was there anything on the radio about the power outage?"

"Yeah, they said it wouldn't be on until sometime tomorrow or even the next day," replied Tony.
"They said they were still having line failures because of the ice and snow."

"Ok, I'll make up the bed in den as soon as I get out of here. The fireplace will keep the den
warm enough for us," said Vicki. "The bedrooms feel like freezers right now."

Vicki slipped on her panties and then one of Tony's large athletic shirts that came down to the
bottom of her buttocks. Then donning her robe she went into the den where Tony helped her
open the couch bed in front of the fireplace.

"I'll make this up while you get your shower. Once we close the door to the den, the fire should
keep us pretty comfortable and we've got plenty of firewood," said Vicki. "Tony, put on your
pajamas tonight, okay. At least the bottoms," she called out as Tony left the room.

Vicki was already in bed when Tony came back in closing the door. She watched him by the
light from the fireplace as he put another log on the fire. "God," she thought, "he looks more like
his father everyday, except he's a little taller and even better looking." At nineteen Tony was a
lean muscular six feet tall, 175 pounds, still trim from his high school sports of football and
track. Vicki's eyes teared up as she thought how proud Antony would be of Tony if he had lived
to see him grow up, but Antony had died in that plane crash when Tony was ten. Tony was 19
now and in his first year at the Jr. College.

As Tony slid under the covers, Vicki asked, "Don't you need a top on. It's still pretty cool in here,
even with the fire."
"Naw, you know I hate those things. They get all twisted up -- the bottoms are bad enough," said

"Okay," chuckled Vicki, "you be good and I won't tell any of your friends that you had to sleep
with your mother tonight."

Tony laughed, "That's no threat. Some of my friends would love to get you in bed, but not for

"Tony! That's a terrible thing to say to your mother."

"Mom, it's a compliment. The guys think you're one of the prettiest and sexiest women they've
ever seen....heck, so do I," said Tony.

Nudging Tony with her elbow, she whispered, "Go to sleep...you kids are hopeless." As Vicki
drifted off to sleep she thought about Tony's remark. It made her feel good, maybe she wasn't
over-the-hill yet in the looks department. "It makes me feel sexy to know someone thinks that,"
she thought as sleep overtook her.

Vicki woke suddenly, confused and disoriented with her hand between her thighs cupping her
pussy. She could feel the dampness and heat radiating from her moist pussy, and in her
frustration, she had to think for a moment where she was. She had been dreaming, dreaming
about having sex with Tony -- her own son -- but awaken before she climaxed. She felt her face
flush with shame as she recalled her dream, seducing her own son, but right now all she wanted
to do was relieve the unfilled ache in her lions as she gently stroked her pussy lips through the
damp panties.

The fire had died down and was merely a mass of glowing embers, but still giving off heat and a
dim light. She had been sleeping on her left side and during the night Tony had snuggled up
against her, draping one arm over her. She could feel the warmth of his body and his legs against
hers as they lay there...it felt good. She smiled to herself, this must have triggered her dream,
feeling his body next to hers.. She hadn't slept with a man since Anthony died. She heard Tony
mumble something and then felt him pushing against her butt and something sliding along the
bottom of her panties, poking at the back of her thighs. It was hard and very warm...."My God,"
thought Vicki, "it's his prick...he's got a hard on."

She lay there trying to figure out what to do when she heard Tony mumbling again. Listening
intently she caught about every third or fourth word as Tony press himself against her ass,
"mom.....oh mom...good...so good." She felt thrilled, he was dreaming about her. She felt the
tingling in her pussy and felt herself becoming even more moist as she realized what was
happening -- Tony was having a wet dream about her. Then as Tony pushed against her, she
raised her right leg slightly and felt his prick slide along her crotch, rubbing her pussy through
the thin cloth and triggering a gush of moisture to her pussy that soaked her panties and the top
side of his prick. The head of his prick pushed into the palm of her hand which was cupping her
pussy. Vicki closed her legs trapping his rigid prick between them pressing it against her wet
pussy and gently squeezed the head of his prick, stroking it with her fingers. She could feel the
pre-come oozing from his prick coating the palm of her hand as she let her fingers gently stroke

"Damn, I know this wrong," thought Vicki, "I know it, but it feels so damn good." As Tony
pushed against her she heard him moan softly and felt his prick swell even larger, get even
warmer and then begin to throb as he flooded her hand and crotch with spurt after spurt of hot
cum. She could feel the hot cum soaking through her panties and running down her thighs.

The intensity of his orgasm shocked Tony awake and he jerked away from his mother as he
realized what had happened. "Oh damn, I......Mom, I didn't mean.....I...." Giving up Tony rolled
over facing away from his mother, obviously embarrassed.

Vicki chuckled and grasping his shoulder pulled him over on his back. She gave him a quick kiss
on his lips. "Honey, it's okay. I understand and I really didn't mind. I know you've had wet
dreams before...I've seen the sheets. You were dreaming weren't you? Dreaming about me," said

"Yeah," mumbled Tony softly. "It's always you, Mom."

"Really?.... Just me? The two of us having sex?" asked Vicki.

"I know it sounds sick, Mom, but you're so damn beautiful and I've wanted you, wanted to really
make love to you for as long as I can remember," whispered Tony looking away from her. "I just
can't help it."

Wrapping her arms around him, Vicki pulled him to her. Hugging him tightly, she murmured,
"Honey, it's not sick. I'm flattered you would even think of me that way." She could feel his prick
still hard pressing into her thighs. "Oh Honey, I may regret this," she said softly as she opened
her legs letting his prick slip between her cum covered legs and nestle against her pussy. "Tony, I
was awake. I knew what was happening...I wanted you to cum. I wanted to feel you cum," she
whispered as she slowly moved herself back and forth on his rigid prick. "Right now I want you.
I don't care about right or wrong.... or anything else.....I just want you." Vicki grasped his hand
and put it under her shirt on her breast, whispering, " I want you to make love to me if you still
want me."

"Yes....Oh God, yes," said Tony huskily as he kissed her, probing her lips with his tongue.

She opened her lips and sucked his tongue into her mouth and then when he pulled his tongue
back, thrust hers deeply into his mouth. Rolling over on top of him, she sat up and removed her
night shirt and grasping the waistband of his pajama bottom pulled them off him. Her face was
right over his rigid prick and she lowered her head and began to lick his cum off its huge dark
head. Swinging around she straddled his head with her knees and returned to licking his prick
and then opening her mouth, slowly slipped her lips down around the large head going down
until she could feel it pressing against her throat almost gagging her.
"I want to taste you," said Tony as he ripped the sides of her panties exposing her pussy and
pulling her ass downward so his mouth could find her pussy. As he began to lick her pussy and
massage her clit, Vicki raised her mouth off his prick and moaned softly then lowered her mouth
to his prick again, tonguing the slit in the head of his prick, spreading the oozing pre-cum over
the engorged head.....she let her lips slip around the large purple head and took him into her
mouth. She took him as deep into her throat as she could and then slowly back out to the
head....she could feel a quiver in his legs as she tongued around the crown of his prick, working
her tongue into the little 'v' on the underside of the head of his prick.....then running her tongue
all way down his shaft to his balls, she tongued his balls, sucking them into her mouth one at a
time. She began to slide her lips and tongue back up his shaft...over the head of his prick and
deep into her mouth. Tony was nibbling on her clitoris with his lips and she could feel the
tension building in herself and in her cunt.....the harder and faster he tongued her....the deeper
and stronger she sucked on his cock. Just as she began to cum, feeling the tremors start in her
pussy and wash over her body, she heard Tony yell, "I'm going to cum....I'm going to cum."

When the first blast of his cum hit the back of her mouth, Vicki felt a sudden convulsion, an
intense contraction, in her pussy....she was cumming a second time.... her tremors intensified and
swept over her body again. She took his prick as deep as she could, feeling the head throb at the
back of her throat as he pumped out shot after shot of cum. She felt some cum trickle out the
corner of her mouth and down her chin as she tried to keep up with the torrent of cum pouring
into her mouth. As the throbbing prick lessen its output of cum, she lifted her mouth off him and
watched his prick as the last few dribbles of cum oozed from the slit in the head of his prick.
Using her tongue, she spread the last bit of cum over and around the head of his prick.....then
slipping his prick into her mouth, she sucked him clean.....she continued to gently suck him as
his prick soften from its rigid rock-hard erection.....she sucked until the once hard, proud prick
was limp and soft as a large noodle. She felt Tony give her pussy a last kiss, then she got up and
laid down beside him. Tony pulled her to him and kissed her....she tasted her pussy juices on his
lips and tongue.

Vicki gave him a quick kiss. "Why don't you put another log or two on the fire while I run to the
bathroom," she said as she slid out of bed.

When she returned, Tony was back in bed, waiting for her. She crawled in beside him and
snuggled up to him. She noticed his prick was just semi-hard, but as her body pressed up against
him, it rapidly became fully erect. They turned on their sides so they were facing one another.
Vicki opened her thighs and let his erect prick slide between them....then closed her thighs,
trapping his prick against her pussy.

Vicki kissed him running her tongue deep into his mouth, letting him suck on her tongue. She
broke the kiss and pulled back some and looked at him. "Tony most people would think that
what we're doing is wrong, a sin." She buried her face in against his neck and hugged him
tightly. "Oh Tony, when I woke up I just wanted you so much....I still want you. Oh God, I just
want to feel that beautiful prick in me...that's all I can think about."

Tony kissed her, and began rubbing the shaft of his prick against her pussy while he massaged
her breasts and tweaked her nipples. Tony could feel the wetness of her pussy coating his prick.
After a few minutes of this, Vicki rolled him over on his back and climbed atop him, and
whispered softly, "Put it in me...I want to feel you in my pussy."

Tony rubbed the head of his prick up and down her slit and then eased it in to her wet pussy
tunnel. Tony hugged her tightly and began to thrust his hips up to meet her downward thrusts,
driving his prick deep into her pussy. They very quickly established a rhythm and continued with
the long slow strokes, grinding their hips against each other each time they made contact. Vicki
kissed him, sucking his tongue into her mouth and then attacking his tongue as though it were a
small prick. Tony's hands massaged her breast, his fingers gently pinching and pulling on her
hard, erect nipples.

"Oh Tony, this feels so good......I could get used to waking up to this every morning," she
moaned huskily. "Damn, it feels good....you're so big, I can feel my pussy lips stretching, trying
to hold on to your prick, when you pull it back."

Vicki raised herself up, her arms fully extended like she was doing push ups, and pushed her
pussy even harder against his prick and his thrusting hips. She began to speed up her thrusts,
pumping her ass up and down on his prick, occasionally pausing when it was fully buried in her
to raise up even higher, trying to get his prick even deeper into her pussy.

Tony cupped a tit in each hand and pushed upward, helping her get more upright, until he was
thrusting his prick almost straight up into her wet, hot pussy tunnel. "Oh God, Mom..., God that
feels good..........you're so damn wet...so tight and hot. It feels like my prick is being gripped by
your pussy when I pull it back....damn, you're tight."

She collapsed forward onto Tony's chest and began to pump her ass up and down very rapidly,
sliding her pussy down on his shaft so hard that they could hear the wet squishy sounds
emanating from her pussy as his prick rammed into her wet depths.

"Oh Mom, I don't think I can last much longer," Tony moaned softly. "God, I feel like I'm going
to burst if I don't cum."

"Oh make us cum together....finger my clit. Oh God, Tony, make me cum.....cum now."

Tony slipped his hand between them and found her stiff, engorged clit and fingered it, rolling it
between his fingers and gently squeezing and pressing it.

When Tony's fingers found her clit and began to massage it, Vicki began to slam her pussy down
even harder and faster on his rigid prick. She could feel the sensation building in her pussy and
in her body, pushing her up to the crest. When Tony's hands grabbed her hips and he thrust his
prick up into her, and then held her there, grinding his hips against her and her throbbing pussy,
she stifled a yell by burying her face against his shoulder at the base of his neck, sucking his
flesh up into her mouth. She felt Tony's body tremble, and then the eruption of his prick deep
within her pussy filling it with his cum, pushed her over that crest, triggering her own eruption of
spasms in her pussy as her orgasm swept through her body.
They lay quietly, just holding one another, gradually coming down from their sexual high. Tony
rolled over to one side, keeping his prick buried in her pussy, so that they were both lying on
their side, still joined together.

"Oh Mom, even my fantasies, my dreams, were never this good," murmured Tony.

Vicki chuckled quietly, "It was good wasn't it. God, I haven't been with a man since your father
died." She kissed him lightly, "Tony, you were wonderful...Lord, I feel so good right now." She
kissed him stroking his lips with her tongue. "Uh-Oh, you slipped out," whispered Vicki as his
softened prick was pushed from her tight pussy.

Tony laughed, "I think it'll be ready to go again in a little while."

Vicki reached down and pulled a blanket up over them. She pulled him to her hugging him
tightly, "Honey, we've got all day tomorrow. With this storm we don't even have to get out bed.
Just hold me....hold me tight. I'm so damned tired."

"I will, Mom...I will. God, I love you," whispered Tony.

Vicki smiled as she heard his words and drifting off to sleep thought, "Tomorrow is going to be a
very interesting day."

To Be Continued...

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