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 Unit 2: marketing management


Marketing: is an act of facilitating the exchange of given commodity for goods,
services, and/or money to deliver maximum value to the consumer.
Concept marketing management
The concept of marketing management is related to three main aspects,
1. The administrative process.
2. The needs and desires of consumers.
3. The appropriate marketing mix.
Marketing management: is an administrative process based on planning,
organizing, directing and controlling.
Important of marketing
 Marketing is recognized as the most important or significant activity in our
 Marketing has achieved social importance because it is entrusted with the
task of creation and delivery of standard of living of a society.
 Marketing studies continuously consumer demand which is varied and
dynamic. Marketing is vital in connecting link between
producers(production) and consumers(consumption).
 It Is primarily responsible to keep the wheels of production and
consumption constantly moving or running at their optimum speed.
Lesson 1 : Questions
1= Define the following concepts:
a. Marketing b. Needs c. Marketing with social networks.
Ans: a. Marketing: is an act of facilitating the exchange of a given commodity for
goods, services, and/or money to deliver maximum values to the consumer.
B. Needs: is something that you can’t be okay without. This can range from food
and water to human contract and socialization.
C. Marketing with social network: is the use of social media platforms to interact
with customers to build brands, increase sales, and drive website traffic.
2= list the scope of marketing activity and give an example of each?
Ans: Goods service ideas people places
Foods doctor success costumer home
Cars mechanics peace store
3= not all marketing leads to a sale. Explain?
Ans: marketing relationship: adopt the costumers logo for life building trust is the
basis of relationships with customers.
Part two: Multiple choice
Circle the correct answer for each of the following.
1= in what stage of marketing is the customer free to communicate around all
(A):social network marketing.
B:department of marketing.
C:marketing company.
D:Marketing relationships.
2= at what stage of marketing development has the slogan ‘lifetime customers ‘
been adopted?
A: sales.
B: department of marketing.
C: Marketing company.
(D): marketing relationships.
3= what does a holistic concept of marketing involve?
(A):focusing on marketing all kinds of goods and services.
B:interest in everything from products, ideas, issues, etc.
C:focusing on marketing ‘people and places’.
D: focusing attention in the first place on issues and ideas.
4= what stage of marketing raised the slogan ‘selling everything that is
A: sales.
B: department of marketing.
C: marketing company.
(D): production.
5= which of the following constitutes the fruit of successful marketing
represented in enabling the buyer to use the product in exchange for paying its
A: product.
Lesson 2: Marketing Mix
The success of the business is related to their ability to build a marketing mix that
meets the needs of consumers and exceeds their expectations.
Important to marketing mix
The term often refers to a common classification that began as the four ps:
 Product
 Price
 Placement
 Promotion
Marketing Mix: is the combination of the four marketing elements controlled by
the organisation.
Marketing Mix consists of four components namely:
Product, price, promotion, and place.
1. Product
This represents an item or service designed to satisfy customer needs or wants.
The factors that must be studied in a Product:
A: product benefits
Product benefits are the things a product offers to satisfy the needs, desires and
wants of a consumer.
B: Trade name
It is a legally registered name which the business is know for and distinguishes it
from others business in the market.
C: After sales services
These are all the services provided to the customer after the sale process. Such as
installation or maintenance.
2. Price
Price is the cost consumers pay for a product.
The following most Important:
 Average prices of competitors.
 Cost Based pricing.
Cost Based pricing is the practice of setting prices based on the cost of the goods
or services being sold.
NOTE: the determination of the desired profit margin:
Price of the proposed product = total cost of one product + profit margin.
3. Promotion
Promotion includes advertising, public relations, and promotional strategy.
The Promotional communication process is carried out either by using:
 Face to face method such as personal selling.
 Indirect method through mass media, such as publicity and advertisement.
According to their dependence on the promotional mix elements:
 Sales meetings.
 Magazine.
 E-mails.
 Newspapers.
 Television.
 Regular mail
 Posters on buses.
Advertising: is related to the use of mass communication means.
Direct marketing: is based on communication directed towards specific
customers without using mass communication means.
4. Place
Place refers to the product’s placement on a specific store’s display.
Lesson 2:Questions
Part one: answer the following questions.
1. Define the following concepts:
A. Product b. Promotion c. The distribution.
Ans: product: this represents an item or service designed to satisfy customer
needs and wants.
Promotion: includes advertising, public relations, and promotional strategy.
The distribution: means to spread the products through out the market Place.
2: mentions seven promotion tools that can be used in a somali market.
Ans: sales meetings.
 Magazine
 Emails
 Newspaper
 Television
 Regular mail
 Posters on buses.
3: what is the difference between primary product and secondary product of an
Ans: primary product: are products in their natural state.
For example : raw material
 Secondary product: are products that have been processed.
4: explain the effect of the brand name in building an image of a product in the
minds of consumers?
Ans: brand image develops and conveys the products character in a unique
manner different from its competitors image.
5: an organizations offer many services to customers after the sale process. List
six service your expect to receive after subscribing when you buy A mobile SIM
card from a Somali telecommunication company.
Ans: installation.
 Training.
 Delivery.
 Warranty.
 Replacement.
 Online support.
Part 2 :multiple choice
circle the correct answer for each of the following:
1.What builds the image of the product in the minds is of consumers?
(A): the trade name.
C: the product itself.
D: After sales services.
2.In what element of the marketing mix lie the benefits that the consumers
A: pricing.
(B): the product.
C: distribution.
D: promotion.
3.What is the only component that brings revenues directly to the organization?
A. The product.
B. Distribution.
C. Promotion.
(D): pricing.
4.What is the Function associated with all activities aimed at improving the
image of the enterprise to the public?
A: personal selling.
B: Public relations.
C: Advertising
(D): promotion.
5.Which of the following jobs aims to influence and win customers to buy a
business product?
A: promotion.
B: personal.
(C): Advertising and publicity.
D: Public relations.
Lesson 3: consumer behavior
Consumer behavior: Is the study consumers And the process they use to choose,
use (consume), and dispose of products and services.
Importance of consumer behavior
Consumers of goods and services are classified into:
i. Ultimate consumer.
ii. industrial consumer.
The final consumer: the one who buys the products for final use.
The industrial consumer: It is represented by all individuals and organizations
that buy products for use in production or resale .
This organization may be: industrial, commercial, governmental or otherwise.
We deal with it this element as follows:
 buyers personal characteristics:
Personal characteristics of the consumers consist of a group of aspects, namely:
 Consumer demographic characteristics.
 Motives.
 Perception.
 Lifestyle.
 Environmental characteristics:
Reference groups: Any group is that have a direct or indirect influence on
individuals are there attitudes Towards purchasing a particular product; as
religious scholars celebrates and family members
 Buying decision:
Steps according to the sequence of their implementation by placing the step
number in the appropriate place:
i. Realizing the need.
ii. search for information.
iii. Evaluate alternatives.
iv. Purchase decision.
v. Decision evaluation.
Lesson 3 questions
Part 1 :answer the following questions:
1=State the steps in the purchase process, then apply it to a purchase of a solar
energy system for home?
Ans: Releasing the need.
i. searching for the information.
ii. evaluate alternatives.
iii. Purchase decision.
iv. Decision evaluation.
2= What are the questions that arise in the consumers mind when buying a
Ans: why would I buy a phone device?......
i. What type of device will I buy?.....
ii. When will I buy the device?......
iii. How many device will I buy?......
iv. How much do I buy the device?.....
v. Where will I buy the device?.....
vi. How will I buy the device?....
vii. Who will make the purchase?....
viii. Who will I use to make the purchase decision?....
Part2 multiple choice
circle the correct answer for each of the following:
1.What do we mean by studying consumer behavior?
A: Determine how to influence it.
(B): Now in his interest’s and predicting his behavior.
C: standing on his actions, responses and characteristics.
D: Knowing the characteristics of the product he wants to buy.
2.What are the inputs represented in the consumers behavior as a system when
making the purchasing decision?
A: motives and place of purchase.
(B): 4 p’s
C: The buyers personal effects.
D: The buyer's environmental effects.
3.What do we mean by selective attention as a type of cognitive process
affecting consumer behavior?
(A): Consumer Focus on a specific stimulus that matches his needs and interests.
B: Consumer Focus on several stimuli in line with his needs and interests.
C: consumer interpretation of the information in a way that supports his beliefs.
D: Recalling the information to the consumer in line with his trends and interests.
4.At what stage of purchasing decision making process show the criteria be
established on the basis of which the selection will be made?
A: evaluate the decision.
B: Decision making.
(C): evaluation of alternatives.
D: releazing the need.
Lesson 4 :electronic marketing
Electronic marketing: Is the process of forming, pricing, promotion and
distribution physical and digital goods and services using a wired or cellular
Internet network.
The electronic marketing mix consists of four components, namely;
 E-product.
 E- pricing.
 E- promotion .
 E- distribution.
E- product can be classified according to their ability to be digitized, as follows;
A: Full digital product: These are products of an intangible nature in electronic
form; they are therefore displayed, ordered, sold and transmitted using the
B: digital partial products: these they are products consisting of two parts one of
them is electronic and the other is physical.
Basic principles of e-promotion or Internet marketing are the following:
o Confidence.
o Reach.
o Cost.
o Personalization.
o Relationship & investment.
o Social engagement.
Social networking : services facilitate the development of online social networks
by connecting a user’s profile with those of other individuals and or groups.
Website: a set of interconnected Web pages.
Customer satisfaction : as an overall feeling or the attitude a person has about a
product after it has been purchased.
Electronic promotion tools:
o Email marketing.
o Search engine marketing.
o Mobile advertising.
o Marketing with social media
Electronic distribution: is one of the types of distribution and one of the most
used in electronic commerce since the product may be transferred from the seller
to the buyer in full or partial electronic form.
Lesson 4 : Questions.
Part one : answer the following questions.
1.What is meant by the following concepts?
A) Electronic marketing.
B) Fully digital products.
C) Subscriptions form.
Ans: electronic marketing: is the process of forming, pricing, promotion and
distributing Physical and digital goods and services.
Fully digital products: these are products of an intangible nature in electronic
form, they are therefore displayed, ordered, sold and transmitted using the
Subscription form: is based on the customers payment of an amount that may be
monthly in exchange for obtaining a specific service.
2. State electronic marketing mix components.?
Ans: 4 ps
o Electronic promotion
o Electronic distribution
o Electronic pricing
o E product
3. Mention three names for electronic marketing?
Ans: e marketing
o Internet marketing.
o Web marketing.
4. State phases of the online promotion cycle?
Ans: convince.
 Reach .
 Cost.
 Personalization.
 Relationship & investment.
 Social engagement.
5.Give three examples from the Somali market of fully digitized products?
Ans: software programs .
 Online courses.
 Electronic book.
6.What is the difference between ecommerce and ebusiness?
Ans: e commerce: Is the process of buying, selling and exchanging goods, services
and money and information through computer network.
E business: Is a broader concept than ecommerce while the electronic market is
considered a framework for the exchange of product between seller and buyer.
Part two: multiple choice questions
circle the correct answer for each of the following:
1.What is called the electronic technology through which the seller and the
buyer meet to exchange products?
(A): Electronic business.
B: the electronic market.
C: ecommerce.
D: digital marketing.
2.Which of the following does not apply to partial digital products?
(A): Electronically transmitted.
B: displayed electronica
C: to be ordered electronically.
D: sold electronically.
3.Which of the following is not a suitable example a fully digital products?
A: films .
B: the songs .
C: The advisory service.
(D): fast food.
4. What do we call the electronic pricing method which depends on the time
basis in payment in exchange for the Customer obtaining specific service?
(A): contributions form.
B: referral form.
C: announcements form.
D: sales model.
5.What is the basis for the transaction fee form what is one of the revenue
models in ecommerce?
A: Allowing publication on the organization website.
B: Referring customers the website of other establishment.
(c): The value of customer transactions.
D: The period of time for use.
6.What does the online promotion cycle start?
(A): Assess the need for promotion.
B: Determining the target market.
C: Launching the promotional campaign.
D: by drafting the promotional message.


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