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Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy

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Advancing synthetic therapies for the treatment of

restless legs syndrome

Stefano de Biase, Gaia Pellitteri, Gian Luigi Gigli & Mariarosaria Valente

To cite this article: Stefano de Biase, Gaia Pellitteri, Gian Luigi Gigli & Mariarosaria Valente
(2019): Advancing synthetic therapies for the treatment of restless legs syndrome, Expert Opinion
on Pharmacotherapy, DOI: 10.1080/14656566.2019.1654997

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Published online: 19 Aug 2019.

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Advancing synthetic therapies for the treatment of restless legs syndrome

Stefano de Biasea, Gaia Pellitteria, Gian Luigi Giglia,b and Mariarosaria Valentea,c
Neurology Unit, Department of Neurosciences, University Hospital of Udine, Udine, Italy; bDMIF, University of Udine, Udine, Italy; cDepartment of
Medicine, University of Udine Medical School, Udine, Italy


Introduction: Restless Legs Syndrome/Willis-Ekbom disease (RLS/WED) is a common sensory-motor Received 23 April 2019
neurological disorder that impairs nocturnal rest causing decreased alertness, depressed mood, reduced Accepted 8 August 2019
job performance and poor quality of life. In patients affected by moderate to severe RLS/WED, KEYWORDS
a pharmacological treatment is mandatory. Augmentation; α2δ calcium
Areas covered: The present review is based on an extensive Internet and PubMed search from 1996 to channel ligand; dopamine;
2019. It is focused on drugs currently used and under development (phase III and beyond) for the investigational drugs; iron;
treatment of RLS/WED. MAO-B inhibitors;
Expert opinion: The drugs currently available for the treatment of the disease do not always allow for oxycodone-naloxone;
obtaining the optimal control of symptoms, in particular in the long-term treatment. Although initially restless legs syndrome
effective, long-term dopaminergic treatment tends to wane over time and augmentation can occur.
Updated international guidelines now recommend α2δ calcium channel ligand medications as the
initial drug of choice. Oxycodone-naloxone demonstrated a significant and sustained treatment effect
for patients with severe RLS/WED insufficiently controlled with previous treatments. Head-to-head trials
of different drugs, as well as more studies on nondopaminergic agents and combination therapy, are
greatly needed. Monoamine oxidase B inhibitors could be good candidates for the initial treatment of
RLS/WED, sparing stronger dopaminergic agents for later stages of the disease.

1. Introduction severity with age, and a strong familial link. Genetic studies identi-
fied several candidate loci associated with RLS/WED [11]. Family
Restless legs syndrome/Willis-Ekbom disease (RLS/WED) is
and twin studies have estimated that RLS/WED heritability is 50%
a neurological sensory-motor disorder defined by an urgency
to 60%. Initially considered as mostly a Mendelian disease, it is now
to move the legs, usually combined with uncomfortable or
considered as a complex multifactorial disorder with both genetic
unpleasant sensations, which occurs or worsens during rest,
and non-genetic factors contributing to the susceptibility [12].
usually in the evening or at night, and disappears with move-
Significant findings have been obtained in several genome-wide
ment of the legs [1]. Many patients with RLS/WED (about 80%)
association studies (GWAS). A recent meta-analysis of several
present periodic involuntary and stereotyped jerks in the
GWAS databases replicated previously identified six risk loci,
lower limbs, known as periodic limb movements (PLMs) [2].
MEIS1, BTBD9, PTPRD, MAP2K5, SKOR1, and TOX3, and 13 new risk
Insomnia is the most common reason for a patient with RLS/
loci, with each genetic variant increasing about 50% the risk for
WED to search for consult in clinical practice.
RLS [13].
The prevalence of RLS/WED ranges from 5% to 10% of adults
The precise pathogenesis of RLS/WED is still under study,
in North America and Europe, while studies from Asian countries
but dysfunctional dopaminergic modulation of neuronal excit-
showed a lower prevalence [3]. Women are affected about twice
ability is generally thought to be the main underlying patho-
as often as men, and the incidence increases with age.
physiological mechanism of RLS/WED, as suggested by the
A large proportion of patients (70–80%) are affected by the
positive response to dopaminergic agents in patients with
primary or idiopathic form of RLS/WED [4]. To diagnose a primary
RLS/WED [14]. However, there is increasing evidence that
form of RLS/WED, all the conditions known to cause the disease
interaction with other transmitter systems, such as adenosine,
should be excluded. There are several well-established second-
opioids and the γ-aminobutyric acid-ergic system, as well as
ary causes of RLS/WED, including iron deficiency, end-stage renal
iron deficiency, is crucial for the manifestation of RLS/WED
disease, diabetes, polyneuropathy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s
symptoms [11,15].
disease (PD), pregnancy and medications that can induce RLS/
Not all patients with RLS/WED need pharmacological treat-
WED (e.g., neuroleptics, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
ment. For patients with intermittent and mild symptoms, non-
(SSRI), lithium) [5–10]. Symptomatic forms of RLS/WED may
pharmacological remedies are often sufficient. This approach
improve or disappear treating the underlying disorder.
consists of sleep hygiene, behavioral therapy as well as the
Primary RLS/WED has an earlier onset (<45 years old), a slower
elimination of substances that might exacerbate RLS/WED
development, an higher incidence in women, an increasing
symptoms such as caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and medications

CONTACT Gian Luigi Gigli Neurology Unit, Department of Neurosciences, University Hospital of Udine, Udine, Italy
© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

the International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group

Article highlights (IRLSSG), the European Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group
● Restless legs syndrome/Willis-Ekbom disease (RLS/WED) is a neurological
(EURLSSG) and the RLS Foundation (RLS-F) suggest to choose
sensory-motor disorder defined by an urgency to move the legs, usually an α2δ ligand for intial treatment of RLS/WED, considering the
combined with unpleasant sensations, which occurs or worsens during low risk of augmentation [22].
rest, and disappears with movement of the legs.
● Although initially effective, long-term dopaminergic treatment tends
to wane over time and/or augmentation can occur.
● Updated international guidelines now recommend α2δ calcium chan-
nel ligand medications as the initial drug of choice. 2.1. Pregabalin
● Monoamine oxidase B inhibitors could be good candidates for initial
treatment of RLS/WED, sparing stronger dopaminergic agents for 2.1.1. Mechanism of action
later stages of the disease. Pregabalin is an α2δ ligand, an auxiliary protein associated
● Oxycodone-naloxone demonstrated a significant and sustained treat-
ment effect for patients with severe RLS/WED insufficiently controlled with voltage-gated calcium channels. It binds α2δ subunit
with previous treatments. reducing calcium influx at nerve terminals of central nervous
system (CNS). This, in turn, limits the release of several neuro-
This box summarizes key points contained in the article.
transmitters, including glutamate, norepinephrine, and sub-
stance P. Pregabalin may also modulate pain transmission
through interactions with noradrenergic and serotonergic cir-
cuits directed from the brainstem to the spinal cord.
known to enhance RLS/WED [16]. If symptoms remain uncon- Pregabalin is a structural derivative of gamma-aminobutyric
trolled and disruptive, then the addition of pharmaceutical acid (GABA), although in vitro and in vivo studies have shown
medication is clinically recommended intermittently [17]. no direct binding to GABA receptors [25].
The symptoms of chronic, persistent RLS/WED are character-
ized as moderate to severe, occurring at least twice a week,
thereby requiring treatment [18]. Chronic RLS/WED should be 2.1.2. Efficacy and tolerability
treated with either a non-ergot dopamine agonist (pramipexole, Pregabalin is effective for the treatment of RLS/WED symptoms.
ropinirole, and rotigotine) or an α2δ calcium channel ligand It may be considered as a first-line treatment, particularly in
(pregabalin, gabapentin, and gabapentin enacarbil) [19]. patients with comorbid anxiety, insomnia or neuropathic pain.
Although less common than levodopa, augmentation with In a double-blind, randomized, crossover study, pregabalin
dopamine agonists represents the main challenge in RLS/WED 300 mg/day improved subjective RLS/WED symptoms (IRLSSG
treatment. To date, the exact pathophysiological mechanism caus- rating score and Clinical Global Impression of Improvement
ing augmentation is unknown. It has been hypothesized that (CGI-I)) more than placebo or pramipexole 0.5 mg/day. The
augmentation might be the result of a relative predominance of effect of pregabalin on arousals associated with PLM was similar
D1 receptor stimulation, caused by a hyperdopaminergic state. to pramipexole, despite smaller reductions in PLMs [26].
Augmentation refers to the worsening of RLS/WED symp- A large-scale, 52-week, randomized, double-blind trial has
tom severity from pretreatment levels following an initial assessed the efficacy between pregabalin, pramipexole
benefit, with an earlier onset of symptoms by at least 2–4 h, 0.25 mg, pramipexole 0.5 mg, and placebo (3 months of
often associated with a shorter latency to RLS/WED symptoms placebo followed by 40 weeks of a randomly assigned active
at rest, extension of symptoms to other body parts and treatment) [27]. With 719 participants, the study found that
increased intensity of symptoms [20–23]. Compared to dopa- pregabalin had greater efficacy than 0.25 mg of pramipexole.
mine agonists, α2δ ligands have little or no risk of augmenta- Furthermore, the augmentation rates were significantly
tion. For this reason, updated international guidelines now greater in the pramipexole 0.25 mg and 0.5 mg group (6.6%
recommend α2δ ligand medications as the initial drug of and 9.0%, respectively) than pregabalin group (1.7%) [27].
choice [22]. Utilization of α2δ ligands should be given further Pregabalin is safe and well tolerated. Dizziness and somno-
preference over dopamine agonists in patients with comorbid lence are the most common side effects, but are usually dose-
insomnia, anxiety, pain, or impulse control disorders (ICD) [22]. dependent and are typically worse in the first weeks of treatment
In refractory RLS/WED, combination treatment should be [28]. Other reported side effects are ataxia, weight gain, dry
considered for patient with symptoms that cannot be con- mouth, and blurred vision.
trolled with a low-dose monotherapy of either treatment class.
Opioids as monotherapy or add-on treatment should be con-
sidered when alternative satisfactory regimens are unavailable 2.1.3. Evidence and guidelines
and the severity of symptoms warrants it [24]. Although effective in the treatment of RLS/WED, the US Food
The aim of this review is to describe the drugs currently and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines
used and under development (phase III and beyond) for the Agency (EMA) have not approved pregabalin for the treatment
treatment of RLS/WED (Table 1). of RLS/WED. According to American Academy of Neurology
(AAN) guidelines, there is evidence (Level B) to support the
use of pregabalin in the treatment of RLS/WED [29]. The
2. α2δ Calcium channel ligands IRLSSG guidelines suggest the use of pregabalin as a first-
α2δ ligands are effective and safe in the treatment of RLS/ line treatment [22]. The suggested initial dose is 50–75 mg/
WED, with low risk of augmentation. A combined task force of day; recommended therapeutic dose is 150–450 mg/day.

Table 1. Drugs currently used and under development for the treatment of RLS.
Starting dose;
FDA EMA therapeutic dose (mg/
approval approval day) Common side effects
Pregabalin No No 50–75; 150–450 Dizziness, somnolence, ataxia, weigh gain
Gabapentin No No 100–300; 900–2400 Dizziness, somnolence, headache, nausea
Gabapentin Yes No 300–600; 600–1200 Dizziness, somnolence, headache, nausea
Pramipexole Yes Yes 0.125; 0.25–0.75 Dizziness, headache, nausea, insomnia, somnolence, orthostatic hypotension, impulse
control disorders
Ropinirole Yes No 0.25; 0.25–4.0 Dizziness, headache, nausea, insomnia, somnolence, orthostatic hypotension, impulse
control disorders
Rotigotine Yes Yes 1; 1–3 Local sitereactions, dizziness, headache, nausea, insomnia, orthostatichypotension,
somnolence, impulse control disorders
Rasagiline No No 1 Headache, nausea, dyspepsia
Levodopa No No 100–200 (on demand) Nausea, headache, dizziness
Oxycodone- No Yes 5.0/2.5 bid, 10/5.0–40/ Constipation, dizziness, somnolence, nausea
naloxone 20 mg/day
Topiramate No No 25; 25–150 Paresthesia, fatigue, headache, somnolence, dizziness, weightloss, depression
Bupropion No No 150 Agitation, tremor, insomnia, headache, nausea, constipation
Iron No No 500–1500 mg iv, 325 mg Nausea, abdominal pain, epigastric discomfort, diarrhea; anaphylactoid reactions with iv
oral formulations
Vitamin D No No Notavailable Fatigue, somnolence, dizziness, constipation, abdominalpain, nausea, diarrhea
Abbreviations: bid = twice a day; iv = intravenous

2.2. Gabapentin 2.3. Gabapentin enacarbil

2.2.1. Mechanism of action 2.3.1. Mechanism of action
Gabapentin is a structural derivative of the inhibitory neuro- Gabapentin enacarbil (GE) is an extended-release prodrug of gaba-
transmitter GABA. Similar to pregabalin, it does not interact pentin, synthesized to overcome limitations in intestinal adsorp-
directly with GABA receptors and binds to the α2δ subunit of tion of gabapentin. There are no differences in the mechanisms of
the voltage-dependent calcium channel, with specific affinity action. When orally administered, the drug is absorbed throughout
for α2-δ1 subunit. It reduces synaptic transmission by decreas- the intestine via non-saturable high capacity nutrient transporters.
ing presynaptic voltage-gated calcium and sodium channels. It Thus, the absorption of GE shows no evidence of saturation and
also reduces exocytosis of presynaptic vesicles [30]. the exposure to gabapentin is dose-proportional [34].

2.2.2. Efficacy and tolerability

2.3.2. Efficacy and tolerability
Gabapentin is a preferential treatment for patients with painful RLS/
Numerous randomized controlled trial have demonstrated the
WED and comorbid neuropathic pain. Gabapentin has been stu-
efficacy of GE in the treatment of RLS/WED [35–37]. GE sig-
died in comparison with other agents [31,32]. A study compared
nificantly improves RLS/WED symptoms and sleep quality ver-
the efficacy of gabapentin (200 mg) and levodopa/carbidopa (-
sus placebo [38]. GE also improves quality of life and mood
110 mg) in hemodialysis patients with RLS/WED. Both drugs were
disturbances [39]. To our knowledge, the longest clinical trial
found effective for the management of RLS/WED, but the effect of
regarding GE is a 52-week study [40]. As with previous studies,
gabapentin was more significant [31]. A placebo-controlled poly-
responses to the drug (evaluated with IRLSSG and CGI scores)
somnographic and psychometric study compared the acute effects
were superior to placebo [41].
of gabapentin and ropinirole in RLS/WED. Gabapentin, compared
The efficacy and tolerability of GE is not influenced by prior
with placebo and ropinirole, improved more objective and subjec-
exposure to dopamine-agonists and can provide a valid alter-
tive sleep and awakening quality. On the other hand, ropinirole
native in non-responder patients [40].
showed more efficacy in reducing PLMs [32].
A clinical trial started to compare safety, effectiveness and
Gabapentin is usually well tolerated. The most common
tolerability of gabapentin versus gabapentin enacarbil started
side effects are dizziness, somnolence, headache, and nausea.
in 2014. The study terminated without any results in 2016.
In a recent review, the use of gabapentin in pregnancy was
Recruitment was not successful due to overly restrictive inclu-
reported safe. However, further studies with a pregnancy reg-
sion/exclusion criteria [42].
istry are needed to confirm these results [33].
GE is generally safe and well tolerated. The most common
adverse effects are somnolence and dizziness. Other common
2.2.3. Evidence and guidelines side effects are headache and nausea [40].
Gabapentin is not approved by FDA and EMA for the treat-
ment of RLS/WED.
According to AAN guidelines, there is insufficient evidence 2.3.3. Evidence and guidelines
to support or refute the use of gabapentin in the treatment of GE is approved by FDA, but not by EMA, for the treatment of
RLS/WED (Level U) [29]. The recommended starting dose in RLS/WED. The AAN guidelines supports with strong evidence
the IRLSGG guidelines is 100–300 mg/day; daily therapeutic (Level A) the use of GE at doses of 600 mg/day [29]. The
dose is 900–2400 mg/day [22]. IRLSSG guidelines suggest starting with GE 600 mg/day

(300mg/day in patients > 65 years); the recommended ther- gradually increased to 0.25–0.5 mg/day [29]. The IRLSSG guidelines
apeutic dose is 600–1200 mg/day [22]. suggest 0.75 mg as maximum recommended daily dose [22].

3. Dopamine agonists 3.2. Ropinirole

The nonergot dopamine agonists pramipexole, ropinirole, and 3.2.1. Mechanism of action
rotigotine are approved by FDA and EMA for the treatment of Ropinirole is a nonergoline dopamine agonist. Its affinity and
moderate to severe idiopathic RLS/WED. Dopamine agonists activity at the D3 receptor is 20 times higher than at the D2 [50].
are clearly effective in the treatment of RLS/WED. Although
initially effective, long-term dopaminergic treatment can result 3.2.2. Efficacy and tolerability
in loss of efficacy, difficulties with tolerability, or augmenta- Ropinirole is effective in improving RLS/WED symptoms and
tion, necessitating a change of drug regimen. Updated inter- PLM, as proved in several studies [22]. A randomized, double-
national guidelines now recommend α2δ ligand medications blind, 26-week clinical trial followed by a 40-week open-label
as the initial drug of choice. Dopamine agonists can be con- extension in patients with baseline IRLS total scores ≥24 has
sidered in circumstances where the patient presents with confirmed efficacy and tolerability of ropinirole in the treat-
severe symptoms of depression, obesity/metabolic syndrome, ment of RLS/WED. Ropinirole compared with placebo alle-
a risk of falls, or cognitive impairment, as these conditions may viated RLS/WED symptoms, enhanced sleep, and improved
be exacerbated with α2δ ligand integration [22]. disease-specific quality of life. The post hoc analysis of the
IRLSSG total score and the CGI-I responders consistently
showed improvement in the ropinirole arm [51].
3.1. Pramipexole
The most common side effects are nausea, dizziness, head-
3.1.1. Mechanism of action ache, and somnolence. Most adverse events are mild to mod-
Pramipexole is a nonergoline dopamine agonist with a high erate in severity and are typically worse in the first weeks of
selectivity for D2 and D3 receptors, with a 7- to 10-fold higher treatment. As with pramipexole, patients should be aware that
affinity for D3 receptors [43]. they may experience extreme daytime drowsiness or even fall
asleep during their daily activities. Like pramipexole, ropinirole
3.1.2. Efficacy and tolerability might cause compulsive behaviors in RLS/WED patients [52].
Pramipexole is effective in improving RLS/WED symptoms, as In a recent study over a period of 66 weeks, Garcia-Borreguero
proved in several Phase II and III trials [22]. Two open-label et al. reported an incidence rate of augmentation of 3.5% in
studies reported that efficacy on RLS/WED symptoms con- patients treated with ropinirole. Discontinuation of treatment
tinues up to 1 year [44,45]. A study comparing pramipexole occurred in 50% of all patients with augmentation [53].
with dual-release levodopa/benserazide found that both drugs
are effective in reducing RLS/WED symptoms and PLMs, but 3.2.3. Evidence and guidelines
levodopa had a higher rate of augmentation (21%) compared In 2005, ropinirole was approved by FDA and EMA for the treat-
with pramipexole (6%) [46]. ment of moderate to severe idiopathic RLS/WED. There are both
Pramipexole is usually well tolerated, main side effects are IR and ER formulations, but the latter is not approved for the
nausea, headache, somnolence, dizziness, orthostatic hypoten- treatment of RLS/WED. The AAN guidelines report strong evi-
sion, and hallucinations. Patients should be warned about drowsi- dence (Level A) to support the use of ropinirole in patients with
ness and even falling asleep while engaged in activities of daily RLS/WED and concomitant PLM disorder. There is also evidence
living [43]. Even if lower than levodopa, significant rates of aug- (Level B) of positive effects on RLS/WED symptoms and subjec-
mentation (8–56%) have been reported for pramipexole [47]. Silver tive sleep measures. The recommended starting dose is 0.25 mg/
et al. showed that risk of augmentation due to pramipexole per- day, that may be gradually increased up to 4 mg/day [22,29].
sisted for up 10 years of treatment in RLS/WED patients. In parti-
cular, the authors reported an annual augmentation rate of 7%
3.3. Rotigotine
[48]. Maestri et al., in a case series of 24 patients, demonstrated that
the shift from immediate-release (IR) to extended-release (ER) for- 3.3.1. Mechanism of action
mulation may be an effective option to treat augmentation, sus- Rotigotine is a nonergoline dopamine agonist with an almost 15-
taining the hypothesis that the half-life of the drug plays an fold higher affinity for the D2 receptor than for the D1 receptor.
important role in the mechanism of augmentation [49]. Rotigotine is administered as transdermal patches because of
a low oral bioavailability due to a large first-pass effect [54].
3.1.3. Evidence and guidelines
In 2006, pramipexole was approved by FDA and EMA for the 3.3.2. Efficacy and tolerability
treatment of moderate to severe idiopathic RLS/WED. Several clinical trials investigated the efficacy and safety of
Pramipexole is available as IR and ER formulations, only the first rotigotine in the treatment of RLS/WED. Rotigotine has been
one was approved for RLS/WED treatment. According to AAN shown to reduce RLS/WED symptoms up to 6 months in 2
guidelines, strong evidence (Level A) supports the use of prami- class I and 3 class II studies (level A) and reduce PLMI in 1 class
pexole in the treatment of RLS/WED. There is also evidence (Level I study (level B) [22]. A Japanese phase III, multicenter, rando-
B) of benefit on PLM disorder and subjective sleep measures. The mized, double-blind study confirmed that rotigotine at 2 mg/
recommended starting dose is 0.125 mg/day; then it may be 24 h and 3 mg/24 h was superior to placebo in improving IRLS

total score and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) in 4.2. Levodopa
patients with RLS/WED [55].
4.2.1. Mechanism of action
Rotigotine is usually well tolerated. The most common side
Levodopa is the immediate metabolic precursor of dopamine.
effect is represented by application site reactions [56]. Other
Levodopa is almost invariably combined with a peripheral
common side effects are those typical of dopaminergic drugs:
decarboxylase inhibitor, either carbidopa or benserazide, that
nausea, somnolence, dizziness, orthostatic hypotension, head-
blocks the peripheral breakdown of levodopa. Levodopa
ache. Augmentation is reported in patients receiving rotigo-
crosses the blood-brain barrier and once has entered the
tine for RLS/WED. It was found to be clinically relevant in 1.5%
CNS, it is converted into dopamine by the enzyme dopa
of 748 patients treated with rotigotine for 6 months in
decarboxylase [64].
a double-blind, randomized setting (compared with 0.5% of
214 patients on placebo) [57], and in 2.9% of 620 patients
treated with rotigotine in a 1-year open-label setting [58]. In 4.2.2. Efficacy and tolerability
a 1-year observational study regarding patients with RLS/WED Levodopa is mainly prescribed for the treatment of PD, it is also
and augmentation with oral dopamine-agonist treatments, rarely used for patients with intermittent RLS/WED symptoms as
switching from oral therapies to rotigotine was effective in on demand treatment. In a double-blind, randomized, cross-
improving RLS/WED symptoms in 37 of the 43 patients (from over trial, levodopa/benserazide was compared to pramipexole.
the original population of 99 patients) who remained in the Results have shown comparable effects on patients with mild to
study over 13 months [57]. Rotigotine has been shown to moderate RLS/WED, while augmentation was observed more
provide long-term efficacy and safety at a stable dose in frequently in patients treated with levodopa [47].
a 5-year open-label extension study [56]. The classical side effects reported with levodopa are nausea,
vomiting, headache, dizziness, and fatigue. The most important
complications in the treatment of RLS/WED are rebound, toler-
3.3.3. Evidence and guidelines ance, and augmentation. Rebound phenomenon is due to the
In 2012, rotigotine received FDA and EMA approval for the short half-life of levodopa. Augmentation may occur in up to
treatment of moderate to severe idiopathic RLS/WED. 80% of patients receiving daily dosing of levodopa [65].
According to AAN guidelines, strong evidence (Level A) sup-
ports the use of rotigotine in RLS/WED symptoms; there is also 4.2.3. Evidence and guidelines
evidence (Level B) of benefit on PLM disorder and subjective FDA and EMA have not approved levodopa for the treatment
sleep measures. The guidelines indicate therapeutic doses of RLS/WED. The AAN guidelines report a weak evidence
between 1 and 3 mg/day, starting with 1 mg [29]. (Level C) to support the use of levodopa (100–200 mg/d) on
RLS/WED symptoms, PLM disorder and subjective sleep mea-
sures [29]. According to IRLSSG guidelines, levodopa may be
4. Other drugs considered for intermittent treatment (two or three times
4.1. Rasagiline a week). Daily treatment with levodopa is not recommended
because of the high risk of augmentation [22].
4.1.1. Mechanism of action
Rasagiline is a selective, irreversible monoamine oxidase-B
(MAO-B) inhibitor, leading to increased levels of dopamine in 4.3. Oxycodone-naloxone
the striatum [59]. Oral rasagiline as monotherapy or as adjunc-
4.3.1. Mechanism of action
tive therapy to levodopa provides an useful option in the
Oxycodone is a mu receptor opioid agonist whose principal
treatment of adult patients with PD.
therapeutic action is pain relief, whereas naloxone acts locally
on the gut as an opioid receptor antagonist counteracting the
4.1.2. Efficacy and tolerability opioid-induced constipation [66]. The mechanisms by which
To our knowledge, there are only two case reports describ- endogenous opioids contribute to the pathophysiology of
ing rasagiline as a useful therapeutic option for RLS/WED: RLS/WED remains unknown. It has been hypothesized
the former in a patient already affected by PD, the latter in a protective effect of opioids against the dopaminergic cell
two sisters with RLS/WED, involving also the arms [60,61]. degeneration [67].
In 2010, a phase II-III trial started to evaluate if rasagiline at
a dosage of 1 mg/day is effective and safe for the treat- 4.3.2. Efficacy and tolerability
ment of RLS/WED. To our knowledge, no trial results have Trenkwalder et al. published the result of a phase III trial that
been reported [62]. investigated the efficacy and safety of oxycodone-naloxone
Rasagiline is usually well tolerated and side effects are mild prolonged release (PR) for patients with severe RLS/WED
or moderate. The most common adverse effects are headache, inadequately controlled by previous, mainly dopaminergic
dyspepsia, somnolence, dizziness, and depression [63]. treatment [68]. The study consisted of a 12-week randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial and 40-week open-label
4.1.3. Evidence and guidelines extension phase. A total of 306 patients were randomly
FDA and EMA have not approved rasagiline for the treatment assigned to oxycodone-naloxone PR twice daily or placebo in
of RLS/WED. Rasagiline is not included in the most recent AAN a double-blind phase with 197 patients then entering a 40
and IRLSSG guidelines for the treatment of RLS/WED [22,29]. weeks open-label extension in which all patients took

oxycodone-naloxone PR. The mean change of the IRLSSG rat- 4.5. Bupropion
ing scale score at 12 weeks was −16.5 ± 11.3 in the oxyco-
4.5.1. Mechanism of action
done-naloxone PR group and −9.4 ± 10.9 in the placebo group
Bupropion is an inhibitor of the neuronal uptake of norepi-
(p < 0.0001) with maintenance of long-term improvement
nephrine and dopamine [74]. Due to the dopaminergic effects,
after the extension phase (mean sum score was 9.7 ± 7.8) [68].
bupropion may be a treatment option in RLS/WED patients.
A further analysis on the same population showed positive
effects of oxycodone-naloxone PR also on the quality of life,
sleep efficiency and daytime sleepiness [69]. 4.5.2. Efficacy and tolerability
Common side effects with oxycodone-naloxone PR include Antidepressant drugs, such as SSRIs and selective serotonin
constipation, dizziness, somnolence, pruritus, headache, and and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), may exacer-
fatigue. No augmentation was reported in RLS/WED bate RLS/WED and PLM disorders. On the other hand, bupro-
patients [68]. pion may have a positive effect on RLS/WED symptoms, as
initially reported in a small study [75].
In a Phase II/III trial, 29 participants with moderate to severe
4.3.3. Evidence and guidelines RLS/WED received 150 mg sustained-release bupropion once
In 2015, oxycodone-naloxone PR received a positive European daily, and 31 control participants received placebo. Bupropion
Commission decision as second-line symptomatic treatment for significantly improved RLS/WED symptoms compared to pla-
patients with severe to very severe idiopathic RLS/WED after cebo at 3 weeks. The difference at 6 weeks was not statistically
failure of dopaminergic therapy. However, FDA have not significant because of improvements in the placebo group;
approved oxycodone-naloxone PR for the treatment of RLS/WED. however, the improvements in the bupropion group persisted
According to AAN guidelines, there is a weak evidence through 6 weeks. Bupropion did not exacerbate the symptoms
(Level C) for the use of oxycodone-naloxone PR in RLS/WED of RLS/WED, making it a possible therapeutic option for treat-
symptoms. Its use is suggested in patients who have not ing depression in individuals with RLS/WED [76].
responded to other treatments, only after an appropriate risk- Bupropion is usually well tolerated. Most common adverse
benefit assessment [29]. In patients with severe augmentation, effects are mild, including agitation, tremor, insomnia, head-
a low dose of oxycodone-naloxone PR can be considered ache, nausea, and constipation [74].
instead of an α2δ ligand, or if previous approaches fail [22].
The recommended starting dose is 5mg/2.5 mg of oxycodone- 4.5.3. Evidence and guidelines
naloxone PR at 12 h intervals; usually, effective dose is up to Bupropion is not approved by FDA and EMA for the treatment
40/20 mg/day [22]. of RLS/WED. According to AAN guidelines, there is insufficient
evidence (Level U) to support or refute its use [29].

4.4. Topiramate
4.6. Iron
4.4.1. Mechanism of action
The anticonvulsant action of topiramate may be mediated by 4.6.1. Mechanism of action
different mechanisms of action. It blocks voltage-dependent There is accumulating evidence concerning the role of iron in
sodium and calcium channels. It also inhibits the excitatory the pathophysiology of RLS/WED. Although the serum iron is
glutamate pathway while enhancing the inhibitory effect of often normal, people with RLS/WED have a state of low iron in
GABA [70]. the brain. Brain iron deficiency in the substantia nigra and
putamen has been noted in individuals with RLS/WED [77]. In
the CNS, iron, and dopamine appear to co-work: dopamine
4.4.2. Efficacy and tolerability production via tyrosine hydroxylase needs iron as cofactor. In
In 2004, a study involving 19 outpatients has shown good animal models, iron deficiency leads to abnormal function of
tolerance and efficacy of topiramate on RLS/WED symptoms dopamine transporters [78]. All patients presenting with symp-
[71]. A phase IV trial investigating the use of topiramate in toms consistent with RLS/WED should have iron studies com-
RLS/WED started in 2005. To our knowledge, no results have pleted. For those individuals with serum ferritin levels that fall
been published [72]. Korkmaz and Aksu reported the case of below 75 ng/mL, iron supplementation is warranted [79]
a woman who had RLS/WED after using topiramate, as Several oral iron salts (ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate, ferrous
a prophylactic treatment of migraine. The authors supposed fumarate) as well as intravenous iron (iron-dextran, iron sucrose,
a possible antidopaminergic effect of topiramate [73]. ferric carboxymaltose) can be used in clinical practice [80].
The most common side effects are paresthesia, fatigue,
headache, somnolence, dizziness, weight decrease, depres-
4.6.2. Efficacy and tolerability
sion, and nausea [70]. Most adverse events are mild to mod-
Patients with serum ferritin below 75 ng/mL have demon-
erate in severity and dose-related.
strated an improvement of symptoms with iron supplementa-
tion [17,81]. Intravenous (IV) formulations are usually
4.4.3. Evidence and guidelines considered when oral therapy cannot be tolerated by the
Topirimate is not approved by FDA and EMA for the treatment patient, if the iron formulation cannot be orally absorbed, or
of RLS/WED. It is not included in the most recent RLS/WED oral iron therapy cannot keep pace with rapid iron loss (eg.
treatment guidelines of AAN and IRLSSG [22,29]. acute blood loss) [17,81].

A recent meta analysis considered 10 different studies, to a remarkable improvement in severity of RLS/WED with vita-
assess the efficacy of iron in the treatment of RLS/WED [80]. min D supplementation [85].
Nine studies compared iron to placebo and one study com- A phase IV, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled
pared iron to a dopamine agonist (pramipexole). The authors clinical trial in patients with chronic kidney disease and con-
concluded that iron therapy probably improves restlessness comitant RLS/WED started in 2017 to further investigate the
and RLS/WED severity in comparison to placebo. Iron therapy benefits of cholecalciferol on RLS/WED symptoms. The study is
may make little or no difference to pramipexole in restlessness currently recruiting participants [86].
and RLS/WED severity, as well as in the risk of adverse events.
The effect on secondary outcomes such as quality of life, 4.7.3. Evidence and guidelines
daytime functioning, and sleep quality, the optimal timing Vitamin D is not approved by FDA and EMA for the treatment
and formulation of administration, and patient characteristics of RLS/WED. It is not included in the most recent AAN and
predicting response require additional study [80]. IRLSSG guidelines for the treatment of RLS/WED [22;29].
Most common side effects with oral iron therapy are gastro-
intestinal (nausea, abdominal pain, epigastric discomfort, and
5. Conclusion
diarrhea) and dose-related. On the other hand, side effects
associated with IV iron supplementation are anaphylactic-type RLS/WED is a neurologic disorder that affects 5–10% of
reactions, bronchospasm, dyspnea, convulsions, flushing, head- Caucasian populations. Treatment should be considered if
ache [82]. Finally, because there is no mechanism for excretion RLS/WED symptoms interfere with sleep or daytime function.
of iron, long-term monitoring for hemochromatosis is necessary. The primary goal of RLS/WED treatment is to reduce or elim-
inate symptoms and improve patient sleep and quality of life.
4.6.3. Evidence and guidelines Three dopamine agonists (ropinirole, pramipexole, and roti-
Iron is not approved by FDA and EMA for the treatment of gotine) and one calcium channel α2δ receptor ligand (GE) are
RLS/WED. According to AAN guidelines, there is evidence currently approved by FDA and EMA (with the exception of GE
(Level B) to support the use of oral iron and IV ferric carbox- that is not available in Europe) for pharmacological treatment
ymaltose in the treatment of RLS/WED symptoms, but there is of moderate to severe RLS/WED. Considering the proven effi-
insufficient evidence (Level U) to support or refute the use of cacy, the positive safety profile and the low risk of augmenta-
iron to improve PLM and subjective sleep measures [29]. tion, α2δ ligands are increasingly used as initiation treatment
The IRLSSG guidelines recommend supplementation with in patients with RLS/WED. This recommendation is limited by
oral or IV iron if serum ferritin levels are <50–75 ng/mL or lack of availability or regulatory approval for α2δ ligands in
transferrin saturation is less than 20% [22]. The general con- certain regions of the world (e.g., Europe). In 2015, oxycodone-
sensus is to prescribe 325 mg of oral ferrous sulfate to be naloxone PR, received a positive European Commission deci-
taken daily along with 100 mg to 200 mg of vitamin C to sion as second-line symptomatic treatment for patients with
increase iron absorption [19]. Finally, iron may be considered severe to very severe idiopathic RLS/WED after failure of
as a first-line treatment during pregnancy. dopaminergic therapy.
In summary, this review analyzed the main drugs currently
used and under development (phase III and beyond) for the
4.7. Vitamin D
treatment of RLS/WED.
4.7.1. Mechanism of action
Cholecalciferol deficiency may have a role in RLS/WED. It
6. Expert opinion
seems that brain dopaminergic dysfunction plays a key role
in the development of RLS/WED. Vitamin D is essential for RLS/WED is a common neurologic disorder. Updated interna-
protecting dopaminergic neurons from toxins and increases tional guidelines now recommend α2δ calcium channel ligand
the levels of dopamine or its metabolites in the nigrostriatal medications as the initial drug of choice [18]. Although initially
dopaminergic pathway [83]. effective, long-term dopaminergic treatment can result in loss
of efficacy, difficulties with tolerability, or augmentation,
4.7.2. Efficacy and tolerability necessitating a change of drug regimen. Compared to dopa-
A recent case-control study examined the association between mine agonists, α2δ ligands have little or no risk of augmenta-
RLS/WED and vitamin D level [84]. The risk for the development tion. A recent study comparing pramipexole and pregabalin
of RLS/WED was significantly higher in vitamin D deficient cases over 52 weeks has shown lower rates of augmentation for
compared to those who were vitamin D sufficient. Additionally, pregabalin, with similar or better long-term efficacy [27].
the mean serum 25(OH) vitamin D level was significantly lower in Further longer-term comparative studies are needed, even
patients with RLS/WED than in normal controls. Data also considering extended release dopamine agonists against α2δ
revealed an association between increased IRLSSG severity rating ligands. Moreover, an α2δ ligand can be preferred in patients
score and decreased serum vitamin D level [84]. with comorbid insomnia, painful RLS/WED, comorbid pain
To our knowledge, only one study evaluated the effect of syndrome, history of ICD, and comorbid anxiety. Dopamine
vitamin D supplementation on RLS/WED symptoms. Twelve agonists can be considered in circumstances where the
adults with primary RLS/WED and vitamin D deficiency were patient presents with severe symptoms of depression, obe-
recruited. Patients were treated with vitamin D3 supplements sity/metabolic syndrome, a risk of falls, or cognitive impair-
(high oral dose or intramuscular injection). Results showed ment, as these conditions may be exacerbated with α2δ ligand

integration [22]. A treatment with a dopamine agonist requires Most new trials are now focusing on nondopaminergic treat-
close follow-up to identify early signs of augmentation. The ment options, and future studies will include IV iron treatments
risk of augmentation is associated with higher doses and and substances that act on adenosine and glutamate. MAO-B
therefore it is important to keep the dose as low as possible inhibitors are discussed among potential candidates to spare
[87]. Furthermore, a longer acting version may reduce the risk dopamine agonists, but further studies are needed to prove
of augmentation. However, the efficacy and tolerability of their efficacy [91,92]. Finally, further studies are needed to confirm
extended release dopamine agonists need to be confirmed the positive effect of vitamin D supplementation on RLS/WED
in further long-term studies. Given the high rate of augmenta- symptoms. There is also a greater need to identify and develop
tion for dopamine agonists, further study is needed exploring effective non-pharmacologic strategies to treat RLS/WED.
the biology of augmentation and possible methods to reduce
the risk and severity of its occurrence.
When monotherapy proves ineffective, combination treat-
ment should be considered (e.g. an α2δ ligand for patients This manuscript was not funded.
treated with dopamine agonists or vice versa). Although
a substantial number of patients are treated with
Declaration of interest
a combination of dopaminergic and nondopaminergic medi-
cations in clinical practice, studies are needed to prove the The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any
efficacy of a combination treatment in RLS/WED. organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with
the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript. This includes
Opioids are still markedly underused in treatment of RLS/ employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options, expert
WED in situations in which alternative therapy either does not testimony, grants or patents received or pending, or royalties.
exist or is not effective. Opioids can be used as additional
therapy to either or both dopamine agonists and α2δ ligands
(combination therapy) or can be used alone as monotherapy. Referee disclosures
Trenkwalder et al. confirmed the efficacy of oxycodone- Peer reviewers on this manuscript have no relevant financial or other
naloxone PR in the treatment of severe RLS/WED inadequately relationships to disclose.
controlled with previous treatment [68]. Further studies are
needed to evaluate if oxycodone-naloxone PR is equally effi-
cacious for first-line treatment. Additional controlled and com-
parative studies would be very helpful, even considering other Papers of special note have been highlighted as either of interest (•) or of
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