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Obed ees SNO.225 Koi oO TAIZAN INSTRUCTION MANUAL MAIN SWITCHBOARD NKK CORPORATION TSU WORKS SNO.225 - Aosta f SeP.25.200 \ th Conn : iS Read this instruction manual thoroughly and understand its contents sufficiently before operation, inspection and maintenance of this product. E-5-03-2 TATYO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. 1. 2. oon coNTeNTS Introduet ion Sapna eames ea saalttatat -a) 2.1 Cautions for safety -@) 21.1 Cautions for safety during transportation oe (3) 24.2 Cautions for safety during installation prior to operation (3) 213 Caution during energization : E seer) 214 — Caution for modification a) 21.5 Caution for protective devices ~ a 2.1.6 Cautions for check and maintenance @ 2.2 Safety label s+rr+++ 7 ©) 221 Safety label for preventing electric shock sevens 66) 2.2.2 Safety label for megger and voltage withstand test “@ 23 Safety label for programmable controlier -++-++5+-+ +6) Qutline of the product s++re+++rsre++ nee O 3.1 Purpose of use» oa om 3.2 Features of the product serseetrserenes oe oO Qualification of operators. +++s++ssesereseseeeeseaecenseerseetrseseeseeses ee (T) Identification items. <++seresrrere+ oa sr) Unloading, unpacking and storage ++++++++ 6.1 Unloading oo oe 6.2 Unpacking (when packaged in a wooden frane) 6.3 Caution for storage s++rrereerveeeereeereeeeees Installation TSE eea gaa dels elieeeb beavis Henne 71 Installa in vork Operation 8.1 Check prior to operation srrersrrerererereeeee BAL Installation states sssssseessessseeeesseseeeseseeseeeeeese seed 82 Configuration BS &3 Operation “8-4 8.3.1 Manual operation s+s+esseeevsesreersesseseeseeeeeeseeeeneese ee eBad Manual startup and shutdown operation of engine 3.1.2 Manual individual operation of generator (adjustment of voltage and frequency) 83.1.8 Manual shutdown of generator -++++++++ 8.31.4 Manual parallel operation of generators s+sr+resereseeeeeeee eB Manual parallel cancellation of generators in parallel operation ++++++++++++ Generator space heater +> . Bnergency shutdown and preference Irip Grounding resistance meter (insulation resistor) +++++ 8.4.2 Automatic operation and action 8.3.21 ulline of automatic action «++-+-+-++re00-+ 8.3.22 Automatic ACB close by ACB control switeh and automatic parallel operation Automatic parallel cancellation by ACB control switeh ++ 83.2.4 Automatic substitution of first standby generator due to no bus voltage St Automatic substitution of first standby zenerator due to bus abnormal . stents 5-18 84 Protective devices of generator s+++er+++ 8.21.1 instruction manual for programmable terminal (touch panel- 9. Check and maintenance *+-++---- : §.1 Purpose of check and naintenance 8.2 Classification of check and maintenance 8.21 Routine check vrresrerreeee 9.22 Periodical check 9.2.3 Temporary check os $3 Safe work 9 veetereereeereeerees 9.3.1 Basic matters for safe work - 9.3.2 General matters for safe work srvserseeereeeesees 9.4 Recording of check and maintenance 9.5 What are to be checked and maintained 9.5.1 General notes 9.5.2 Check and maintenance items s++++ereereeeeeee 10. Troubleshooting - 1. Check Vist srsveeres 1, Introduction This instruction manual describes how to handle main switchboards and safety precautions when using this. Before you use your main switchboard, be sure to read this manual and understand how to handle the main switchboard correcty. If the main switchboard is not handled in accordance with this manual, serious accidents may occur. Please also see each instruction manual for generator, engine and other related devices. Also, please read the manual with referring delivered drawings (completion drawings finally) submitted seperately. ‘The manual is arranged not to repeat contents in delivered drawings (completion drawings) as a rule. WARNING Careless use of the main switchboard (hereinafter called the product) may cause serious injury or death. Operators and service staff are requested to fully read this manual before operating, checking and servicing the product, ‘Keep this manual near the product for easy reference by those who handle the product. @Do not use the product before fully understanding the contents of this manual. @keep this manual near the product, and read it repeatedly. @if you transfer the product to another party, be sure to transfor this manual with the product to the new owner. ‘@if you lose or damage this manual, immediately order another copy from us or our dealer. @Do not modify the product. Safety precautions are explained on pages (2) to (4). -a- 2. Safety For easy reccgnition of safety labels used in this instruction manual and the product, safety messages are selectively used as follows: ® WARNING ‘This mark is used when wrong handling can cause a dangerous state which is liable to result in severe injury or death.J AN CAUTION This mark is used when wrong handling can cause a dangerous state which is lable to result in moderate trouble or light injury, or physical damage only. J Even areas marked [4 CATO" j may cause a serious resultSince all description are for important matters, be sure to observe them carefully. Nobody can predict every danger for every operation, check and service in every environment. ‘Therefore, the warnings stated in this manual and on the main switchboard do not cover all possible safety matters, For any operation, check or service which uses a method not stated in this manual, the ‘operation cupervicor should assess the safety and take responsibilty. -@- AX CAUTION + Toke care of loading and unloading, since danger is involved. + When selecting the transport vehicle, take the woight of the product and the load capacity of the vehicle sufficiently into account, * When loading and unloading, use the suspension holes of the product. Furthermore, considering a case where the product should drop or fll, keep an escape distance during work. * When loading and unloading using a forklift, take care of the weight of the product and the stability of the product when liftd. * After completion of loading, fasten the product firmly using wire ropes, fasteners, square bars, etc. famsadiernceensstaisnareadininitet aierideey sien hdentabetintan DWARNING Do not bring any fire close to the product. Before operation, confirm the place where an extinguisher is placed. Any fire which is brought close to the product may inflame the protective covering, resin parts, ete. AX CAUTION This is product must not be used under any other environmental conditions than AX CAUTION Before operation, refer to the connection diagram, to confirm there is no wiring. Otherwise, a short-circuit may cause a fire. Z\ CAUTION Before operation, be sure to confirm whether the phase rotation is correct. Depending on the kinds of the lads rotation in the wrong direction can AX CAUTION Before operation, confirm that the grounding resistance is higher than the required value, Otherwise, earth leakage may be eaused to bring about an or death as the case may be. -@- D WARNING ‘Take care of an electrie shock. ‘When checking the switchboard internally while it is energized, give the utmost care to stay away from energized parts, 2.1.4 Caution for moiliication AX CAUTION Do not modify the product. ‘Any modification made without our approval could cause a safety problem. Before modifying, consult us. We are not responsible for any accident resulting in injury or death or any trouble caused by the modification made AX CAUTION Do not change the values set in the protective devices. ‘The change of the value ect in the protective device may cause a serious accident. If there is something wrong with any set value, please contact, ‘us. We are not responsible for any accident resulting in injury or death or any trouble caused by the change of any set value effected without our 2.1.6_Cautions for check and maintenance AX CAUTION Before starting check and maintenance, keep the sections concerned informed of the work, and put up a caution sign. Otherwise, any unexpected feed from any one of apparatus installed nearby could cause an electric shock, ete. AX CAUTION For performing check and maintenance, switch off the power. Furthermore, confirm the voltage using a voltage detector. Even if all the power supplied in the switchboard are turned off, an -@- 22 Safety label 22.1 Safety label for preventing electric shock 1D Inside of panel O Terminal [( WARNING) WARNING) ® ‘SH, ‘THEY ARE enc 2e0 Fc exreew Powe Serre ——) ‘CAN SHOCK, DO NOT ToucH LIVE PART, 222 Safety label for megger and voltage withstand test 5 Megger and voltage withstand test Z\ CAUTION DO NOT TEST, MEGGER AND HIGH POTENTIAL TEST. 2 Megger A\ CAUTION BE SURE TO DISCONNECT WIRING OF TERMINAL ‘ON GROUND SIDE OF GROUND RESISTANCE SENSOR IN CASE OF MEGGER TEST. 223° Safety label for programmable controller Gi Battery replacement A\ CAUTION PC (PROGRAMMAGLE CONTROLLER) Oi ee Te Rebar 3 vEaRs PLEASE CHANGE THE BATTERY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE WHEN THE REPLACING HAS COME. ———HOW TO CHANGE 1, BE SURE TO TURN OFF THE PC POKER BEFOR REPLACING. 2. THE AVAILABLE TIME FOR THE REPLACING 15 WITHIN 5 MINUTES, 3. BATTERY 1S TO BE REPLACED TOGETHER WITH CONNECTOR: 6) 3. Outline of the produet 3.1 Purpose of use This produc is a main switchboard for eupplying clectic power from generator to electric loads installed in various places in a ship, ‘This manval is only concerned with the cases where this product is used for specified purpeses. When the product is used for any purpose not referred to in this manusl, the user shall be responsible for the safety. Never operate or handle the product in any manner inhibited in this manual 32. Features of the product ‘This product is a main switchboard for an automation system manufactured to conform to the ship's class standard. It is equipped with the following main electric apparatus: * Air circuit breakers : For protection of generator (ACBs) * Molded case circuit: For protection of feeder circuits. breakers (MCCBs) * Meters : For measurement of operation states Control switches: For control, operation and selection + Indicator lamps For indicating states + Control relays For sequence control + Protective relays: For protection of reverse power, te. + Automatic : For automatic synchronization when generators are synchronizing device operated in parallel + Automatic load For frequency control of generators, and automatic load sharing device sharing in parellel operation * Programmable For sequence control in automatic operation controller + Engine controllers For electric control of diesel engines + Alarms For alarming when any failure occurs: (The engine controller and the alarms may be provided outside the switchboard, to conform to desired specifications) 4. Qualification of operators ‘The operators of this product: must have the following qualification, “Qualified marine engineer (engine) or a person appointed under the responsibility of the qualified marine engineer" -@- 5, Identification items If you have any question concerning this switchboard, please contact: Quality Control Department, Controller Factory, Gunma Works, ‘Taiyo Electric Co, Ltd. Model ‘Main switchboard Machine number and type: Marked on the name plate stating the ratings on the panel Shipyard concerned _ : NKK CORPORATION TSU WORKS. Ship number SNo, 222 / 225 Date of delivery ‘Aug, 2001 Mar, 2002 Country of manufacture : Japan Address 726, Yattajima-cho, Isesaki City, Gunma Pref TEL 0270-32-1234 FAK 0270-31-2789 When you contact us, please state the model, shipyard, ship number and machine number. -@- 6. Unloading, unpacking and storage 6.1_Unloading WARNING + For lifting the switchboard, use the suspension holes of the upper ‘suspension angles, lest the switchboard should be strained. + When letting the hooks of a crane catch the suspension holes, confirm that the hooks securely catch the holes. Accidental unhooking could cause a serious accident resulting in injury or death. + Considering the switchboard should fall or drop, keep an escape distance. WARNING For mounting this product on a forklift, carefully take the weight of the product and the stability of the lifted product into consideration. If the allowable load capacity of the forklift is exceeded or if the product is lifted in an unstable state, the product may drop to cause a serious accident resulting in injury or death. “Let the hooks of a crane catch the suspension holes of the product, when unloading from the transport vehicle. “If the product is packaged in a wooden frame, unload it from the transport vehicle using a forklift. 62 Unpacking (when packaged in a wooden frame) (1)Unpack the wooden frame packaging the product as a whole. (This is not necessary if no wooden frame is used for packaging.) (2)Loosen and remove the bolts fixing the wooden leg beams to the product 6.3_Caution for storage ZX CAUTION * Store in such a way and at such a place as to prevent the ingress of dust, for preventing the deposition of impurities. + Store to prevent the ingress of water, for preventing the deterioration of grounding It is recommended to cover with a water-proof sheet and keep a proper amount of a moisture absorbent such as silica gel inside. 7. Installation 7.1. Installation work ZX CAUTION When letting the hooks of a crane catch the suspension holes, confirm that the hooks catch the holes positively. Accidental unhooking may cause a serious accident reculting in inj death. + Before installation, confirm whether respective portions are damaged. If any damaged portion is found, quickly let us or our dealer know it, * Confirm whether any part is missing. If any part is missing, let us or our desler know it. ZX CAUTION In the case of floor type, work the mount to prevent the ingress of water from the bottom. AX CAUTION In the case of floor type, install a vibration damping stay between the top vibration damping hole and a structural reinforcing material of the hull. AX CAUTION Install horizontally, since otherwise the switchboard performance may be adversely affected. AX CAUTION Work the mount to prevent the switchboard from being strained, since otherwise the door operation may be adversely affected. AX CAUTION Keep the inside of the switchboard away from the gas of welding, since otherwise soldered portions may be adversely affected. “Plug the external cable introducing holes with putty, ets, to prevent small animals from entering inside, + Secure a space necessary for operation and maintenance in front of the switchboard. About 1000 mm, * Secure a space necessary for maintenance at the rear, if the maintenance of the switchboard requires access from the rear. About 500 mm. AX CAUTION Before connecting a DC power supply, confirm the polarity and voltage by tester lest connection reversed in polarity should be effected, and connect the cable to the terminal block. If the voltage is not as specified or or reversed _in polarity, the apparatus in the switchboard will be damag * Firmly tighten the terminal crews of the cables connected from outside the switchboard, within a proper clamping torque range. 8. Operation 8.1 Check prior to operation 8.1.1 Installation states (Q)Confirm that the tie bolts of respective portions are tightened enough without Deing loose, Any loose bolt can cause any part to drop due to vibration, resulting in an accident, @)Confirm that all the electric wires introduced from outside the switchboard have been connected. Furthermore, confirm that the bolts and nuts of the terminal block are tightened enough without being loose. ‘Any loose bolt or nut can overheat the junction, to cause a fire. (@Confirm that the switchboard is internally free from any remaining tool, ete. and dust, ete. As required, clean, Any remaining tool can cause a short-circuit, and dust, ete. can cause the grounding to be deteriorated. (If the current output on the secondary side of a current transformer or the 4~20 mA current output of a signal converter goes outside, confirm that: the output terminals form a closed circuit, If a closed circuit cannot be formed up to the final end, connect the output terminals each other. If the circuit is left open, the current transformer, etc. may be damaged. ()Confixm that the insulators are not contaminated or discolored. AX CAUTION Remove all the fuses of the control cireuit, and confirm that respective busbars do not conduct each other. If busbars conduct each other, a short circuit will occur to cause a serious accident such as a fire or apparatus breaking. AS CAUTION Before operation, be sure to confirm that the phase rotation is correct. Depending on the kinds of the loads, rotation in wrong direction can cause AX CAUTION Before operation, confirm that the grounding resistance is not lower than the required value, since otherwise earth leakage may be caused, to ‘cause an accident resulting in or death as the case may be. (Measure the grounding resistance by a DC 500 V moggor. Confirm that the measured value is more than about 1 MQ AX CAUTION Before measuring the insulation resistance of an electronic apparatus by a megger, be sure to remove its wires from the terminals, since otherwise the Every apparatus which does not allow megger test is provided with a caution plate for inhibition of megger. BE SURE TO DISCONNECT WIRING OF TERMINAL ‘ON GROUND SIDE OF GROUND RESISTANCE SENSOR IN CASE OF WEGGER TEST. ‘DBefore measurement, remove (oat) the earth wire of the ground resistance meter installed in the switchboard Without removing the earth wire, the megger test will give an unreliable result, @Each earth wire is provided for the AC 440 V circuit (main switchboard, emergency switchboard), the AC 100 V circuit (main switchboard, emergency switchboard) and the DC 24 V circuit (battery charge and discharge panel). ‘A measured value of more than about 1 MQ is acceptable. @Measure between the respective busbars and against the earth, between the respective phases of the AC control circuit and against the earth, and the respective phases of the DC amntrol cireuit and against the earth. 2 82 Configuration ‘The respective panels are arranged in the following order from right to left when you face them. For details, coe the outline drawing of completion drawings. ()I00V feeder panel @INo. 1 440 V feeder panel (No. 1 generator panel (No. 2 generator panel (No. 3 generator panel (No. 2 440 V feeder panel ‘The switchboard is of dead front stand alone type, and insulated handrails are installed in front of and at the rear of the ewitchboard, @ WARNING Before start of operation, let the persons in charge of surrounding machines and related machines confirm safety. Do not start operation before you obtain their confirmation of safety, since otherwise a serious accident may be caused. ‘Meanings of symbols: [++] refers to status indication, andl") refers to operation. 83.1 Manual operation 83.1.1 Manual startup and shutdown operation of engine (@)Confirm that the air circuit breaker (hereinafter called ACB) of the generator is [OPEN] @In reference to the instruction manual of the engine, confirm that the engine can be started. (lf the engine startup conditions are perfect, [READY TO START] indicator lamp will light on. If [READY TO START] indicator lamp does not light on, check in reference to the instruction manual of the engine. (Confirm that all the alarm indicator lamps of the switchboard go out. If any trouble remains, eliminate the cause of the trouble in reference to the troubleshooting procedure. ()Set the control position selector switch to [MSB(MANUAL)! , and the load sharing selector switch to 'MANUAL! respectively. (@Press the engine start push button ewitch. (If the engine starts, [READY TO START] indicator lamp will go out. If the engine has any trouble, immediately stop the engine and check in reference to the instruction manual of the engine. (IIE the engine starts to raise the generator voltage, (GEN RUN] indicator lamp will light on and the generator will operate. (@)To stop the engine, press the engine stop push-button switch. (LO)If the engine decreases in speed to lower the voltage of the generator, [GEN RUN] indicator lamp will go out, (ADEE the engine stops, [READY TO START] indicator lamp will light on after apse of stop confirmation time. (2)Alarm If the engine does not increase in speed, a start fail alarm will be given, 83.12 Manval individual operation of generator (adjustment of voltage and frequency) (Engine startup QBefore starting the engine, confirm that all the molded case circuit breakers (hereinafter called MCCB) of the feeder panel are (OPEN] , and that no load is connected. @Confirm that the ACB of the generator is [OPEN] In reference to the instruction manual of the engine, confirm that the engine can be started. @If the engine startup conditions are perfect, [READY TO START] indicator Tamp will light on. If [READY TO START] indicator lamp does not light on, check in reference to the instruction manual of the engine. ‘@Confirm that all the alarm indicator lamps of the switchboard go out. If any trouble remains, eliminate the cause of the trouble according to the troubleshooting procedure. @Switch operation Set the control position selector switch to 'MSB(MANUAL)| , and the load sharing elector ewitch to MANUAL) respectively. @Press the engine start push button switch. ‘Gif the engine starts, [READY TO START] indicator lamp will go out. If the engine has any trouble, immediately stop the engine and check in reference to the instruction manual of the engine (Engine operation iff the engine starts to raise the voltage of the generator, [GEN RUN] indicator lamp will light on, and the generator will operate. @if the engine operates in rated conditions, the voltage of the generator is established, and (ACB OPEN] indicator lamp will light on. (@Adjustment of voltage and frequency Confirm that voltage and frequency of the generator agree with the rated values (ted marks) of the voltmeter and frequency meter of the switchboard, If they do agree with the rated values, adjust according to the following procedure, ‘@For adjustment, open ACB, and disconnect the loads, @Set the voltmeter and frequency meter change-over switches to the generator in operation. @For voltage adjustment, open the door and adjust the manual voltage regulator (VR) installed inside the generator panel, to agree with the rated value. When the voltage of the generator is lower than the rated value, turn the VR little by little to a higher value, till it agrees with the rated value When the voltage of the generator is higher than the rated value, turn the VR little by little to a lower value, till it agrees with the rated value @For frequency adjustment, adjust the engine governor control switch on the panel, to agree with the rated value. When the frequency of the generator is lower than the xated value, turn the governor ewiteh in the ‘RAISE) direction. When the frequency of the generator is higher than the rated value, turn the governor switch in the ‘LOWER) direction, ACB close @Set ACB control switch to 'CLOSEJ side. The control switch is locked at the center. So, pull the handle toward you for turning the witch, @if ACB is closed, TACB OPEN) indicator lamp will go out, and ACB CLOSE) indicator lamp will light on. AX CAUTION It is necessary to confirm the voltages and frequencies of all the generators operated in parallel agree with the rated values. Operate the respective generators independently, for letting the voltage and frequency of each generator agree with the rated values. - Bh = 8.3.3 Manual shutdown of generator ()Set ACB control switch to [OPENJ side. If ACB is open, [ACB CLOSE] indicator lamp will go out, and [ACB OPEN] indicator lamp will light on, yo stop the engine, press the engine stop push-button switch. ()If the engine decreases in speed to lower the voltage of the generator, [GEN RUN] indicator lamp will go out. G)If the engine stops, [READY TO START] indicator lamp will light on after lapse of stop confirmation time. 83.14 Manual parallel operation of generators ‘To operate another generator (hereinafter called the additional generator) in addition to one generator in operation, for parallel operation of two generators, take the following procedure. )Operate the engine of the additional generator according to the procedure stated in 83.12, (@)Seeing the voltmeter, confirm that the voltage of the additional generator has been established, and that the voltage is equal to the voltage of the preceding, ‘generator (busbar voltage). In this case, (CSet the voltmeter change-over switch of the preceding generator to [BUS position, @Set the voltmeter change-over switch of the additional generator to. [R-S) and (BUS) , to confirm there is no voltage difference, and set it to any phase (for example, 'S-T) ). DA done for the voltmeters, also for frequency meters, confirm that the busbar frequency is equal to the frequency of the additional generator. If both the frequencies are not equal, make them equal by RAISE! or 'LOWER! operation of the governor switch. @Make the busbars synchronous with the additional generator using a eynchroscope, end close the ACB of the additional generator. ‘@Switch the synchroscope switch set to [ONJ position on each generator panel in LOD touch panel. The LED indicator lamp (hereinafter celled the indicator) of the synchroscope will begin to turn, (@)Keep the difference in frequency between the busbars and the additional generator within 3 Hz by adjusting the governor switch. When the frequency difference is 3 Hz or more, it is difficult to close ACB, (D)IF the indicator of the synchroscope rotates counterclockwise (in SLOW direction), the frequency of the additional generator is lower than that of the busbars. (Initiate synchvonization when the frequency of the additional generatar is - 87 higher than that of the busbars. Operate the governor switch of the additional generator in (RAISE! direction, to Jet the indicator rotate clockwise (in FAST direction). AX CAUTION Let the synchroscope rotate in FAST direction. If ACB is closed in SLOW direction, reverse power occurs, and the ACB may strip. (Alf the indicator rotates clockwise, adjust the governor switch toward 'LOWERJ , to let the indicator rotate slowly, Seeing the frequency meter, keep the difference in frequency between the busbars and the additional generator within about 0.3 Hz AX CAUTION Close ACB when the indicator is at the synchronous point (green). If ACB is closed when the indicator is not at the synchronous point, a serious accident will be caused, ‘OMhe rotation of the synchroscope becomes slow. When the indicator has come to the real top point (green), the point is the synchronous point, However, if ACB is closed when the indicator has come to the real top point, the synchronous point may be missed because of the delay in the action to close ACB. ‘Therefore, start turning on the ACB control switch when the indicator passes a point (about 6 degrees) before the real top point (synchronous point), and close ACB at the real top point (green) tor (LED lamp) i to this point. svcnRoscope @Afer closing ACB, return the gynchrascope change-over switch to OFF position, #8 ‘if ACB is closed, the generators are operated in parallel, but the load sharing ratio of the generators in parallel operation is unbalanced. Operate the governor switches to let the generators share the loads equally. (@llt is recommended to operate the governor switches of both the additional generator and the preceding generator simultaneously, (D)Since the additional generator shares the loads less, operate the governor ‘switch toward 'RAISE) (©Since the preceding generator shares the loads more, operate the governor switch toward [LOWER . (@Make the two generators share the loads equally by the above operation of governor switches. (lf the governor switches are operated for individual generators, not simultaneously, the frequency may change. Jn this case, adjust the frequency according to the following procedure. “If the frequency becomes lower than the rated value, operate the governor switches simultaneously toward RAISE! “If the frequency becomes higher than the rated value, operate the governor switches simultaneously toward [LOWER! 85.15 Manual parallel cancellation of generators in parallel operation ‘To stop one of the generators in parallel operation (hereinafter called the generator to be disconnected), take the following parallel cancellation procedure. (DAt first, seeing the wattmeter, confirm that the present power consumption is so small that the generator destined to remain in operation can satisfy the power demand, and that there will be no sudden increase of power demand, (@)Slowly operate the governor switch of the generator to be disconnected from the parallel operation toward (LOWER , to shift the loads from the generator to be disconnected to the generator destined to remain in operation, In this case, seeing the wattmeter, confirm that the power of the generator destined to remain in operation does not exceed 90% of the rated value, during the load shifting operation If the power of the generator destined to remain exceeds 90% of the rated value, stop the parallel cancellation operation. (@)Seeing the wattmeter of the generator to be disconnected, reduce the power of the generator to be disconnected to less than 5% of the rated power, and set the ACB control switch of the generator to be disconnected to 'OPEN] side, Generator space heater (The space heater is provided to prevent the grounding deterioration of windings, etc. of the generator kept out of operation. Keep the epsce heater switch set to [ONJ side excopt for repairing o: checking the generator. (2yThe space heater circuit is interlocked to be 'OFF) when ACB has been closed. (3)When the space heater switch is set to 'ON) side with ACB turned [OPEN , (SPACE HEATER] indicator lamp on the generator panel lights on, to indicate that: the heator circuit is energized, Emergency shutdown and preference trip (Emergency shutdown In an emergency like a fire, MCCBs are tripped for emergency shutdown of ventilator, blower, fuel system pumps, ete. (Preference trip If the loads of the generator increase, MCCBs for less important applications are tripped to avoid service interruption, * Preference trip occurs when the ACB of one generator of two generators in parallel operation has been tripped, causing the remaining generator to bear loads of more than 100%. + Preference trip occurs when the current of the generator in operation has exceeded 120% of the rated current for 10 seconds after detection over 100%. (8)The application plates of MCCBs to be tripped for emergency shutdown and preference trip on the feeder panel have a color mark. For details, see the completion drawings. (@For recovering the MCCBs tripped for emergency shutdown or preference trip, after the emergency shutdown signal or preference trip signal has been canceled, set the MCCB knobs once to 'OPEN) side, and then to 'CLOSE) side. 83.18 Grounding resistance meter (insulation resistor) ()The grounding resistance meter is a meter for measuring the grounding resistance of the power system in hot line state, and if a measured value is, lower than the set grounding resistance value, output is given from a grounding resistance deterioration alarm contact. @)The grounding resistance meter monitors the grounding resistance values of the respective cable ways for the AC 440 V system circuit and the AC 100 V system circuit. Set. grounding resistance 20 kQ (002 MQ) 440V 10 kQ 0.01 MQ) 100V deterioration alarm value: Adjustable in a range from 10 to 40 kQ (GIF a grounding resistance deterioration alarm is given, any circuit is deteriorated in grounding and must be repaired, Find the grounding deterioration point according to the following procedure. At firet, examine the external circuit of the switchboard, and if no grounding defective portion is found, examine the inside of the switchboard. @if a grounding deterioration alarm is given from the AC 440 V eystem cixcuit for example, open and close the MCOBs of the 440 V feeder panel one by one, and read the grounding resistance meter. ‘Gif the indication of the grounding resistance meter changes toward the normal side, the circuit system is defective. So, ‘OPEN| and [CLOSEJ the MCOBs ‘one by one in the terminal direction or branch direction from the power supply side, to find the grounding defective portion @o judge which of wiring side or load side contains the grounding fault portion, judge in reference to the change caused in the indication of the grounding resistance meter when the wires of load side are removed. ‘Also for examining the inside of the switchboard, remove the fuses one by one from the one closest to the power supply toward the farthest one to turn off the power, as done for the external circuit, and see the change in the indication of the grounding resistance meter. Bll 8.3.2 Automatic operation and action Also see the system flow charts of completion drawings. 832.1 Outline of automatic action WARNING For receiving shore connection, set the mode selector switch on the main switchboard to [MANUAL . If the switch is set at [AUTOJ , the generator may dangerously automatically start when the power has been switched off. ()Functions with the load sharing selector ewitch set at [AUTO Oln the case of single generator operation, the frequency is automatically controlled (governor control). (within rated frequency 0.3 Hz) @in the case of parallel operation of generators, the frequency is automatically controlled and the loads are automatically controlled to let the generators share the loads equally (proportional control) @Mhis has no relation with the mode selector switch. Keep the load sharing selector switch set at [AUTOJ to allow frequency control irrespective of whether the control poeition selector switch is set at 'MSB(MANUAL)) or /ECC(AUTO)) (2)Automatic ACB close function If the ACB CLOSE switch (im LCD touch panel on ECC) is push the engine will be automatically started and the ACB will be automatically closed, (@Automatic synchronous close function If the ACB CLOSE switch (in LCD touch panel on ECC) of the additionally operated generator is push the engine will be automatically started and the additional generator will be automatically synchronized with the preceding generator while the ACB of the additional generator will be closed. (4)Automatic parallel cancellation fumetion If the ACB OPEN switch (in LCD touch panel on ECO) of a generator in parallel operation is press the loads will be automatically shifted, and the generator will be automatically disconnected from the parallel operation. )Automatic standby generator start function due to no voltage of bus bars. When all the ACBs of generators in operation are tripped to give no voltage, the standby generator will be automatically started and the ACB will be closed, (Automatic change-over function due to bus abnormal If a generator in operation becomes bus abnormal, the standby generator will be automatically started, and after its voltage has been established, the ACB of the failing generator will be tripped while the ACB of the standby generator will be closed. (DAutomatic standby generator start function due to an ACB tripped during parallel operation of two generators When one ACB has been tripped during parallel operation of two generators and the loads of the remaining generator exceed 100%, then preferential trip will occu. (®)First standby generator substitution function When the first standby generator loses its standby function because of any trouble, the second standby generator will be automatically incorporated as the substitute first standby generator. (@How to set respective control position selector switches to [ECC(AUTO)) , and their actions @A_ /MSB(MANUAL)! - 'ECC(AUTO)! control position selector switch is provided ‘on every generator panel in LCD touch panel on Main switvhboard @The order in which the control position selector switches of the respective generator panels are tumed from (MSB(MANUAL)] to ‘ECC(AUTO)! is the order of standby generators, GE the mode selector switch of No. 1 generator is set to TECCAUTO), , LST STAND BY) indicator lamp will light on at No. 1 generator @Then, if the mode selector switch of No, 2 generator is set to TECC(AUTO), , (2ND STAND BY] indicator lamp will light on at No. 2 generator. GIf the mode selector svritch of No. 3 generator is set to TECC(AUTO)! , (2ND STAND BY] indicator lamp will light on also at No. 3 generator. @If No. 1 generator is operated, [1ST STAND BY] indicator lamp at No, 1 generator will go out, and [1ST STAND BY] indicator lamp will light on at No. 2 generator, and [2ND STAND BY] indicator lamp will light on at No. 3 generator. Cif No. 2 generator is operated, [IST STAND BY] indicator lamp at No. 2 generator will go out, and [1ST STAND BY] indicator lamp will light on at No. 8 generator. @Mf No. 2 generator is stopped, [1ST STAND BY] indicator lamp will light on at No, 2 generator, and [2ND STANDBY] indicator lamp will light on at No, 8 generator. @For changing the order of standby, once return the mode selector switches of the respective generators from 'ECC(AUTO)) to 'MSB(MANUAL)! , and set the switches of the respective generators to IECC(AUTO)] in the newly desired order. Uf 1ST ST-BY PB is pushed (in LCD touch panel on ECC) for 2ND ST-BY generator, 2ND ST-BY generator becomes IST ST-BY. 8-13 - 83.22 Automatic ACB close by ACB CLOSE ewitch (in LCD touch panel on ECO) and automatic parallel operation (Automatic operation conditions ‘DConfirm that the DC power supply (DC 24 V) is live, in reference to the lighting of [DC24V POWER] indicator lamp. @Confirm that the engine start conditions are normal, in reference to the lighting of [READY TO START] indicator lamp. ‘Confirm that the standby conditions are normal, Normal standby conditions mean the following: (@ACB is normal (relieved of being abnormally tripped and being unable to be closed). (Automation equipment is normal, If either of the conditions is abnormal, the switchboard or the engine control console gives an alarm, @Set the control position selector switch to 'ECC(AUTO), {1ST STANDBY] or (2ND STANDBY] indicator lamp will light on. (2)Operation of preceding generator Push the ACB CLOSE switch (in LCD touch panel on ECC) of the preceding generator. @he engine will start. @ IRBADY TO START] and [ST STANDBY) or (2ND STANDBY] indicator lamps will go out @IE the engine starts to raise the voltage of the generator, [GEN RUN] indicator lamp will light on. Gif the voltage of the generator is established at the rated voltage, ACB will be closed. @ACB [CLOSE] indicator lamp will light on. (B)Automatic operation conditions for additional generator DConfizm that the engine start conditions of the additional generator are normal, in reference to the lighting of [READY TO START} indicator lamp. @Confirm that the standby conditions of the additional generator are normal. Normal standby conditions mean the following: (@)ACB is normel (relieved of being abnormally tripped and being unable to be closed). (Automation equipment is normal. If either of the conditions is abnormal, the switchboard or the engine control console gives an alarm. Get the control position selector switch of the additional generator to [ECC(AUTO)! UST STANDBY] or (2ND STANDBY] indicator lamp will light on. (Parallel operation of additional generator ‘Press the ACB CLOSE switch (in LCD touch panel on ECC) of the preceding generator. Me engine will start. @ [READY TO START] and [IST STANDBY] or [2ND STANDBY] indicator lamp will go out. GAf the engine starts to raise the voltage of the generator, [GEN RUN] indicator lamp will ight on. @ [AUTO SYNCHRONIZING] indicator lamp will light on. Gf the busbars agree in voltage and phase with the additional generator, the ACB of the additional generator will be closed. @ACB [CLOSE] indicator lamp will light on. ® [AUTO SYNCHRONIZING] indicator lamp will go out, The preceding generator and the additional generator will be operated in parallel. ‘@'The preceding generator and the additional generator will automatically control the power (automatically control the frequency and load sharing) Alarms (IE the engine of the additional generator does not begin to rotate, a start failure alarm will be given (If the voltage of the additional generator cannot be raised, ‘an ACB CLOSE failure alarm will be given. (lf the ACB of the additional generator cannot be closed, an ACB CLOSE failure alarm will be given. - 8415 - 83.2.3 Automatic parallel cancellation by ACB control switch @)Operation of generator to be disconnected from parallel operation Confirm that the load sharing selector switch is set to AUTO side. ‘@Confirm that the control position selector switches of the generator destined to remain in operation and the generator to be disconnected are set to. TECC(AUTO)! side. @Push the ACB OPEN switch (in LCD touch panel on ECC) of the generator to be disconnected (shutdown). ‘@Btart load shift from the generator to be disconnected to the generator destined to remain. (AUTO LOAD SHIFT] indicator lamp will light on. GI the loads of the generator are larger than 10% minus the set heavy load. value thigh power state) during load shifting, the load shifting will be stopped, to restore the original state. [AUTO LOAD SHIFT] indicator lamp will go out. ©If the power of the generator to be disconnected does not decrease to below 5% of the rated power even after continuing the load shifting for one minute, the load shifting will be stopped to restore the original state, (AUTO LOAD SHIFT] indicator lamp will go out, Gif the ACB is not tripped by any cause even when the power of the generator to be disconnected has decreased to below 5%, the automatic load shifting will be stopped to restore the original state, [AUTO LOAD SHIFT] indicator lamp will go out Gf the power of the generator to be disconnected becomes below 5% of the rated power with the load shifting completed, the ACB of the generator to be disconnected will be automatically tripped. The ACB [CLOSE] indicator lamp of the parallel cancellation generator will go out @)Engine shutdown operation Press the engine stop push-button switch of the parallel cancellation generator. he engine will decrease in speed, to lower the voltage of the generator, and [GEN RUN] indicator lamp will go out, Gif the engine stops, [READY TO START] indicator lamp will light on after lapse of stop confirmation time. S18 - 8.3.24 Automatic substitution of first standby generator due to no bus voltage (Automatic operation conditions Ohe engine start conditions of the standby generator must be normal, and [READY TO START] indicator lamp must light on. @The standby conditions of the standby generator must be normal. Normal standby conditions mean the following: (@ACB is normal (elieved of being abnormally tripped and being unable to be closed). (b)Automation equipment is normal. If either of the conditions is abnormal, the switchboard or the engine control console gives an alarm. ‘@The control position selector switch of the standby generator must set at 'ECC(AUTO)! . {IST STANDBY] indicator lamp will light on. (The ACBs of all the operating generators have been tripped to supply no voltage, ‘OMe engine of the first standby generator and second standby generator will start, © (READY TO START] and [1ST STANDBY] indicator lamps will go out. Gif the engine starts to raise the voltage of the generator, (GEN RUN] indicator lamp will light on. ©The voltage of the first standby generator will be established at the rated voltage, and the ACB will be closed 3 seconds later. @ACB [CLOSE] indicator lamp will light on. ‘©The standby generator will be operated singly. (Alarms and substitution of first standby generator “If the engine of the first standby generator does not begin to rotate, a start failure alarm will be given, and the second standby generator will be incorporated aa the substitute first standby generator, to take the steps of D and thereafter. “If the voltage of the first standby generator is not raised, an ACB CLOSE failure alarm will be given, and the second standby generator will be incorporated as the substitute first standby generator, to take the steps of O and thereafter. “If the ACB of the first standby generator cannot be closed, an ACB CLOSE failure alarm will be given, and the second standby generator will be incorporated as the substitute first standby generator, to take the steps of D ‘and thereafter. 83.25 Automatic cubstitution of first standby generator due to bue abnormal (Automatic operation conditions OMe engine start conditions of the standby generator must be normal, and [READY TO START] indicator lamp must light on, ‘Ohe standby conditions of the standby generator must be normal. ‘Normal standby conditions mean the following: (@ACB is normal (relieved of being abnormally tripped and being unable to be closed). Automation equipment is normal, If cither of the conditions is abnormal, the switchboard or the engine control console gives an alarm, @he control position selector switch of the standby generator must be set at SECCAUTO)) . UST STANDBY] indicator lamp will light on, (@)Bus abnormal (high or low frequency, or high or low voltage) @A bus abnormal alarm will be given. Ghe engine of the first standby generator will start, @ (READY TO START] and [1ST STANDBY) indicator lamps will go out. @IE the engine starts to raise the voltage of the generator, [GEN RUN] indicator lamp will light on. © the bus abnormal is corrected to a normal condition when the voltage of the first standby generator has been established at the rated voltage, the first standby generator will operate without any load with its ACB not dlosed. @If the bus abnormal continues, the ACB of the operating generator will be tripped. @he ACB of the first standby generator will be dosed. @ACB [CLOSE] indicator lamp will light on. he firet standby generator will be operated singly. (@)Alarms and substitution of first standby generator + If the engine of the first standby generator does not begin to rotate, a start failure alarm will be given, and the second standby generator will be incorporated as the substitute first standby generator, to take the steps of G) and thereafter. + If the voltage of the first standby generator is not raised, an ACB CLOSE failure alarm will be given, and the second standby generator will be incorporated as the substitute first standby generator, to take the steps of @) and thereafter. + If the ACB of the first standby generator cannot be closed, an ACB CLOSE, failure alarm will be given, and the second standby generator will be incorporated as the substitute first standby generator, to take the steps of © and thereafter - 8-18 - 84 Protective devices of generator (Protective devices of generator @acB Under-voltage trip, long time limit trip, short time limit trip, instantaneous trip, and preference trip Reverse power relay (@)Protection against under-voltage if the voltage of the generator decreases to below 50% of the rated voltage, the under-voltage coil (hereinafter called UVC) in the ACB will trip the ACB, @o avoid the service interruption by the mal-funetion of the UVC caused by the voltage drop in a short-circuit fault, the UVC has a delay time of 0.5 second (@)Protection against overcurrent (in long time Limit) If 2 cmvent higher than the value set in the overcurrent trip funetion of ACB flows, the ACB will be tripped. (Protection against short-circuit, Wf 8 short-circuit current higher than the value set in the short time limit trip function of ACB flows, the ACB will be tripped in a short time. It is coordinated with the feeder circuit breaker in selective protection. (Protection against overcurrent (preference trip by overcurrent relay) ‘The preference trip function of ACB preferentially trips less important loads, for preventing service interruption. (Protection against reverse power If one engine fails and decreases in output in parallel operation of generators, the failing generator is operated as a motor, and reverse power flows into this circuit. ‘The reverse power relay detects the reverse power, to trip the ACB of the failing generator. (Set values of protective devices See the completion drawings ~ $19 - ObGIca Instruction manual for Programmable Terminal (Touch Panel) Specification of Programmable Terminal (Touch Panel) 1. General specification 1.4 Rated source voltage : Dezav 1.2 Power consumption : Less than 15W 1.3 IP grade : IP65 base 2. Display device specification 2.1. Display device : LCD of color STN 2.2 LCD resolution : Horizontal 320 dots x Vertical 240 dots 2.3 Available display area: Horizontal 118.2 mm_ Vertical 89.4mm (5.7 inches) 2.4 Degree of view: Upper/Lower +50° , Left 60° , Right 45° 2.5 Display color : Eight kind of color 2.6 Life time : 50,000 hours( until 50% contrast) 27 Automatic clear screen: 1-255 minute setting or continue display 2.8 Adjusting contrast : Adjust 100 steps by operating touch panel 2.9 Back light - Life time: More than 25,000 hours(until 50% brightness) - Replace: Replace from rear side by user - Brightness : Adjust 3 steps by operating touch panel 2.10 LED - POWER: Green lamp (source power ON) -RUN(G): Green lamp (normal running) = RUN(O): Orange lamp (battery low voltage during running) -RUN(R): Redlamp (battery low voltage during stopping) 3. Operational specification 3.1. Number of switches : 192 (16% 12) 3.2. Input method : Pressure 3.3. Pressure power : 1N (less than approx. 100gf) 3.4 Life time : More than 100 million times 4, External interface specification 4.1 Serial communication - Port A: EIA RS-232C DSUB 9 pins connector (female) - Port B: EIA RS-232C, RS-422A, RS-485, DSUB 25 pins connector (female) 4.2. Parallel interface : Centronics, 20 pins half pitch connector 4.3 Extension connector : Exclusive connector 5. Display specification 5.1. Number of display : Max. 3999 (registered by user) 5.2 Saving display method: Flush memary (internal memory for picture) = &-PT=1 SHAG Display example Display No.1: | MENU thal ol feat ENO ma Lat 1. Press mark : The display changes to display 2. 2. Press mark : The display changes to display 21. 3. Press GEN CONTROL : The display changes to display 7. 4. Press HEAVY FAULT : The display changes to display 4. 5. Press LIGHT FAULT : The display changes to display 5. 6 7. 8. . Press EVENT HISTOR’ he display changes to display 6. Press SYSTEM CONFIG. : The display changes to display 2. Press TREND GRAPH fe display changes to display 8 Display No.2 > SYSTEM CONFIG. UN HOUR vn a eee 1. Generator-running time is display. H~999.999.9H 2. ACB for generator operating times is display. 0~9.999 3. Press POWER MANAGE : The display changes to display 19 4, Press CLOCK SET : The display changes to display 9. 5. If RESET is pushed for three seconds, the display becomes 0.0H 6. If RESET is pushed for three seconds, the display becomes 0. - &-PT-2- co) TAINS | Display No.4: HEAVY FAULT This display is appeared automatically when HEAVY FAULT is occurred. Then, lamp of the contents is activated, After solved the problem, the lamp is deactivated when press abnormal reset on panel. FL STOP :press the FL STOP is flickering stop for text. DisplayNo.5: LIGHT FAULT This display is appeared automatically when LIGHT FAULT is occurred. Then, lamp of the contents is activated. Atter solved the problem, the lamp is deactivated when press abnormal reset on panel. ‘About AUTO SYNCHRO FAILACB NON CLOSE, PREF TRIP FL STOP :press the FL STOP is flickering stop for text. 1. PLC BATTERY LOW VOLT Please change the battery for programmable controller. Please refer to attached manual of replacement procedure for battery. 2. PLC LINK ABNORMAL Please check the wiring & connector for PLC networks. 3. PT BATTERY LOW Please change the battery for touch panel. Please refer to attached manual of replacement procedure for battery. 4, VOLT/FREQ INPUT ABN Please check the transducer for voltage & frequency. ~8-PT-3~ SHUG) Dispiay No.6 : EVENT HISTORY 1. Contents with time & date of fault are appeared on the display when HEAVY or LIGHT FAULT is ‘occurred. 2. In case of HEAVY FAULT, the display is by red text. In case of LIGHT FAULT, the display is by pink text 8. Top of the display is newest information, Display No.7: GEN CONTROL(MSB Display) EN CONTROL OSS CURE UM 0. Cle [ee fata Asse 1, Analog input value of generator is indicated on the display. 2. Switches have to be operated with CNTL key at same time. 3, POWER CONTROL shall be AUTO normally. 4, CONTROL POSITION SELECT (MSB - ECC). + ECC SELECT is AUTO OPERATION ONLY. ‘AUTO SYNCHRO AUTO LOAD SHIFT ENG START AUTO LOAD SHIFT and ENG STOP. + MSB SELECT is MANUAL OPERATION ONLY. ‘ACB MANUAL CLOSE OPRATION ACB MANUAL OPEN OPERATION ENG START ENG STOP = 8-PT-4 Sita Display No.8 : TREND GRAPH _ boas COS a a) 1.This display is for TREND GRAPH. Power: black 0-2000kW Voltage: red 0-600V Frequency: blue 0-70Hz 2. If RESET is pushed for three seconds, the display is clear. Display No.9 : CLOCK SET 1.This display is for CLOCK SET use. Example: December.24, 2001 / Monday / PM 7:05 30sec Press the CHANGE Week Year Month Press the CHANGE” & "010112" enter. Day Hou Min Sec Press the "CHANGE" & "24190530" enter. 8-PT-5- obelas Display No.19: © POWER MANAGE Reais TGHT_ LOAD 1. This display is for POWER MANAGE use. 2. Press the CHANGE when each setting value is changed. 3, LIGHT LOAD DETECT shall be OFF normally. LIGHT LOAD AUTO STOP OPERATION is NOT USE. Display No.21: | POWER MANAGE CHANGE 1.Touch the red text when the change of value, red text will flickering 2.Press the enter key after input of value. Each VALUE can be changed as follows. HEAVY LOAD : 1 - 101 % LIGHT LOAD : 1 - 101% COOL DOWN TIME : 0 - 999.9 sec ~8-PT-6 SEA Display No.21: =D O-F O CHANGE OVER re a 1.Please Press touch key of FO CHANGE when changing to FO. Display does flicker. ‘And, DISPLAY is off by completing VALVE the change. 2,Please Press touch key of DO CHANGE when changing to DO. Display does flicker. And, DISPLAY is off by completing VALVE the change. DisplayNo.7: | GEN CONTROL (ECC Display) SOO RUI SO) L_t | _VR vi SONTROL <9 Analog input value of generator is indicated on the display. ‘Switches have to be operated with CNTL key at same time. POWER CONTROL shall be AUTO normally. CONTROL POSITION SELECT (MSB - ECC). + ECC SELECT is AUTO OPERATION ONLY. AUTO SYNCHRO (Press the ACB CLOSE) AUTO LOAD SHIFT (Press the ACB OPEN) ENG START AUTO LOAD SHIFT and ENG STOP(Press the ENG STOP) 5. If 1ST ST-BY PB is pushed for 2ND ST-BY generator, 2ND ST-BY generator becomes 1ST ST-Y. Rows ~@PT-T- 9. Check and maintenance AX CAUTION Keep the other sections concerned informed of your check and maintenance, and put up a caution sign before you start the work, since otherwise the feed from any of the surrounding apparatus could cause an electric shock, ete, AX CAUTION Before performing check and maintenance, switch off the power. Confirm the voltage using a voltage detector, since a power may be supplied| from outside even after all the power supplies in the switchboard have been turned off. AX CAUTION If the user repairs or modifies, he is expected to keep the action recorded or revise the drawings concerned, and preserve the record or revised drawings for a long time. “If any check or repair not specified in this instruction manual becomes necessary, immediately contact the maker stated in Section 5 "Identification items" + For exchange parts, see the spare parts list in the attached completion drawings. For supply of spare parts and other parts than spare parts, contact the maker stated in Section 5 "Identification items" 9.1 Purpose of check and maintenance ‘The purpose of check and maintenance is to sustain the functions of the switchboard for enhancing the availability factor of equipment. External factors which inhibit the sustainment of functions include the mechanical and electrical factors of the switchboard and apparatus, environmental factors, human factors, ete, It is necessary to monitor these factors, for making appropriate service and taking appropriate corrective measures. For the sustainment of switchboard functions, pay attention to the following matters. (To sustain the functions of the switchboard for a long time, environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, corrosive gas, dust, vibration, damage due to salt, etc.) and operation conditions (voltage variation, load variation, action frequencies of apparatus, etc.) are important factors. @)With the lapse of years of switchboard operation, environmental conditions and operation conditions may be changed for such reasons as the extension and movement of related apparatus. Im such a case, the check and maintenance periods and items, etc. must be appropriately changed, and as the case may be, it may be necessary to consider the modification of the switchboard in response to the change of any condition, = 8-1-1 = {alt is desirable that the check and maintenance of related apparatus installed outside the ewitchboard such as main circuit cable, control circuit cable and limit switches is performed simultaneously with the check and maintenance of the switchboard. 9.2 Classification of check and maintenance ‘To prevent the accidents of the switchboard and eustain the functions of the switchboard, systematic check and maintenance work is necessary. Check and maintenance work is generally classified as follows: (Routine check (2)Periodical check ()Temporary check 9.2.1 Routine check This check is performed routinely to sustain the functions of the switchboard. Before, during and after operation, the switchboard is observed from outside and, as the case may be, by opening the door, mainly using the five senses to find out any discoloration, abnormal noise, abnormal odor, heat generation, ingress of rain water, etc. This is done when the equipment as a whole is generally inspected. ‘The check frequency is not less than once a day in principle. 9.2.2 Periodical check ‘This check is performed systematically to confirm and sustain the functions of the switchboard. Apparatus is stopped to confirm whether there is any failure, and as required, overhauled. The check frequency is recommended to be desirably once per months to not less than once @ year. 9.2.3 Temporary check When any special state occurs, a temporary check is performed to confirm that the switchboard has restored its normal state or has become normal. If any detailed check becomes necessary due to any failure found by routine check or periodical check or any accident (short-circuit or fire), or in any season with a weather condition unpreferable for the switchboard (typhoon, rainy season, heavy snow, high temperature, snowfall season, etc), a temporary check is performed by stopping apparatus, to confirm whether any failure occurs, and as required, apparatus are overhauled. Remarks 1. The frequency of periodical check is expected to be decided for each working site in reference to the frequency specified in this guideline considering the environmental conditions and operation conditions of apparatus, and the importance and operation years of the equipment. 2, Even if the check and maintenance work is commissioned to any contractor, the work should be performed without fail under the guidance of the main engineer in charge of the equipment in principle. 9 9.3 Safe work 9.8.1 Basic matters for safe work The basic matters for securing the safety of check and maintenance workers are letting them master the knowledge concerning the configuration and operation of apparatus, establishing an organization for safety, systematically effecting the work and being careful about the safety of workers. 9.3.2 General matters for safe work (Carefully “First aid methods, orderly arrangement of working thought-out environment, confirmation of safety of equipment and pre-arrangement —_ apparatus Examination’ ++++----Intricacy of power supply system, confirmation of various in reference to _power supplies in the switchboard, existence of circuit circuit diagram breakers and primary hot lines, confirmation of earth wire @)Liaison-~ ---Keeping the other sections concerned informed of details @Confirmation-:-+-+--Confirmation of voltages of apparatus using voltage of voltages detector, discharge of residual charges from exposed live parts for protection (Prevention: -+--+++--Locks of power supplies, caution signs of wrong operation (6)Protectors:*+++++++Pre-arrangement, periodical check for grounding 9.4 Recording of check and maintenance ‘The essential points and trouble conditions found in the routine check, periodical check and temporary check should be recorded and compiled, and it is desired that such records are preserved for a long period of time, since they can be useful data for rational check and maintenance and for subsequent service and improvements. ‘The check list is expected to be prepared by the user in reference to the check list attached as Section 11 = 91-3 - 9.5 What are to be checked and maintained 9.5.1 General notes Main general notes for check and maintenance work are listed below. Cleaning Re-tightening ‘Maintenance of grounding material Table General notes for check and_maintenance work Cleaning is a basic action of check and maintenance work since it can prevent the deterioration of grounding and the rusting of parts, and allows detailed check and maintenance of respective portions. (When air is used, suction type is recommended. In the case of Gischarge type, give care to the humidity and pressure of air. (2)Before opening doors, covers, etc. remove the dust and foreign matters deposited on the tops of the respective housings. (B)For sweeping grounding material, sweep in the direction to cross the live parts (@)For the cloth used for cleaning, take care of its chemical neutrality, fraying of fibers and humidity. ‘A contact failure at a junction can cause overheat which may result in a fire or fuse blowing, ete. In periodical check, it is desirable to re-tighten in the main circuit and others. Q)In a heavily vibrating place or in a case of operation under severe heat cycles, the check and maintenance should be effected more frequent! ‘(@)Ceramie grounding material should be visually observed to find any contamination or deposition of foreign matters (2)For synthetic resin laminate boards, timber, ete., give care to the loosening of screws caused by their seasoning. (@)The grounding resistance should be measured for every distinguishable circuit. (For measurement by a grounding resistance meter, electronic apparatus and semiconductor products, etc. should have their circuits short-circuited.) (A)For measurement of grounding resistance, temperature and humidity also should be measured and recorded. (6)Compare grounding resistance values in time series, and when there is a decreasing tendency, examine the cause ~~ Rusting and paint peeling ())For moving parts such as doors and drawing mechanisms, confir their smooth movement. @Give care especially to the portions threatening to be lowered in mechanical strength by rust, such as springs and welded zones. (Give care to portions threatening to impair good appearance duc to rusting and paint peeling, (If rusting or paint peeling has occurred outdoors or in any other severe conditions, repair or re-paint as early as possible. Exchange (When exchanging a part, positively confirm the type and of parts function, (@)When exchanging a part, do not make wrong connection or do no q forget tightening any screw. @)lf an exchanged part requires adjusted setting, positively adjust and set after completion of exchange. (Soldering is allowed to be done by a skilled worker only. Others: ()Sufficiently confirm the action of the emergency shutdown circuit at the time of periodical check. (@)On rainy and windy days, especially carefully inspect to identify the phenomena which could not occur usually. (If construction work is effected near the switchboard, give care to the loosening of screws, the deposition of dust, the damage to and mal-function of apparatus due to vibration, ete., ‘and let the construction supervisor know where cables are buried to avoid any damage to them. (4)Take appropriate measures against small animals. (After completion of maintenance work, ensure that temporary works such as earth circuit have been removed, that every screw has been tightened and that no tool or part is left 52 Chock and maintenance items nin check and maintenanoe fem are lated bsiow 1 touting ck +2 Perieicn! check ‘ble 2 Check sad maintenance ite sic Temporuce heck Place ‘Check Hem RTP ]F foneck metho] Getenom Tao or of hook ls foo fos Je ‘rection Cacnge and ers cuteide resightering (To be fee in general ficonening of attaching baie lo from loosening Rectighien (door and [ior bingoe ad handoe owsinns) Damage to Ringed portions of doo Repair Deterioration, peeling and damage] [© | [Visual eenae [To be free from damage Rxchenge for ot rachings > subatituce [Wbrtin note de ta Too tale [O Rediory [To be Fee Regen pene from abnormal noise ncivation of roiehieard ; io be fre Foren te snd deformatian of structure [rom deformation | datormation lave to tana subesloce te, Depowtion of dust Io [to be ree ete from contamination Nak of Yar Sapreme IO |O | |vinwal anus fo be fre Treat tbe af rain water rom the mark Jseterpoot lot rain water ingress ark af Farmfal dew condenention JO [O [To be free i ane of [rn the mark arf de Jot dew condensation | condenetion walls edna a — fap eter [Overheat of houking io Frouch senso [To te tee Reanine and rom overbest eorect the heat ours ating of wovine part To be free land ing paste roe rusting pate nt peeing on he wurane lo Mo be tree Jor repaint land tack of housing frm paint peling Tigre [lasning, comin of breaking OT |v weno such at and wrping Iarkings tebe legible |¥xchange remeotates [iegibity of Gerace dow t Is re pare aut deposition oF contamination Jancerned Tosbars —[fonsening of astaching bal | |Ssaadsenos [To be fee Revignen in guneral tightening [from loosen [Gracking brain and dearmation | [| [¥inunt sense” [To be fee for damage [ichanne or cromps, ve. the part esncerned Niriton oie dow w hae bats [O Radley [To tw few Resahten {sense foo abnor i [Rimarmal alee Io Tolictre fo be tree amnne and ue to overheat of busba, ete lence from abmormat edae [eliminate ibe cme of eserhea Dieration [O | [Stal ene [oe tree Fssnine and [due to overheat of busbar from divslration ——_|eiminate the conve of Joverhest ‘Tah 2 ontneed) Te coer TPE TF pene netne] Crore Tain of shot ss fe fs fe | comction Taaker [Grading aking ond tomator} TO] ead sons [To be hee To dae [ixenee Oh Nengern [ot tino tsmcern ted wales [Abnormal er do ST] omasanr [a be hee sche the overeat of nate cee (om etna oor Spee emer Dacaratioy fost et Io ote fee Fchnae The erating note ste fom dslraon pw waar Depston of fren patio I] viel aoe fe be foe enn eed eat, from emanation feschaase ie owe Testing [lamang o ai Fats IO [fiat acow Yo ee wats ferred em hecring {Sor rom Visor or OT] |aetios tte fica a tee tk, ee ene” |rom abnormal nine tae [Rinarmal oor IS} lotacon [Fo te ee en terminate |Get overeat ncn. te rem tem abrarma oe od Stncione [Dizcloaon Smo orb of] JO] — eal ern Yo be re achnae the ncn ned grovndig mater [rom Secsoaion pan erncored Tate Jlawenine IS | [Ral ens [fo be ine feather through forcing plats aaching hte retshuning_ [tom owning vortione [DarssRe to cable sheathe hy long pater [Gcming af and cresting lo | |oinua sense [to be free trons damoge| Repair et eoxing putty [ark of Farmfal rareew loo iia be free Treat be or rain water from the mare Jester oat lt rain water ingrece Pian oF any of ema watnais {OJ ] [Viel sence [To be re Pract from the mark ese heh lot small anim entey Tssening of baa IO] [Weel sence [io to tee Revahew at junsions. ete tightening [fom lseening Damoge to the coverings of ation T [covering Frchanse lvosing over moving pats | [not tobe damaged __|wire concrnod [Demoge to the cable coverings lo Covering xchange the Inv eable hengers end eae. et, visual sense (motto be damaned — fuire concerned [Diealoraton dus to the overheat | JO fe be fe icchaape te lot grounding meters ate room ieclonston coer Vibration naive due (0 Io Viawal sense [To be free Re-ighen the lewening of bee. et Auditory [om abnors! noe Mbnoreal oder dor te the oerheat [O [Oticom [To be fee icone he of caben ne sense rom abnormal edar [wine concerned Takis [Daninge te sobs dua cable bande | [O [12 te free from danane] xchange the Iangers land dens due to verbeat ete pare concerned aed sen, | Wire marke [Deformation and coming? IO | |visuat sense [Tobe few Fehnnae Oe lao to overheat and temporat from deformation [part cancernad lasterinton. ot land coming. Mepbliy of characte Is [Cheracies change the Laue to dunt depocition et ro be legible part cancer mere ‘able 2 Gomtinued Pisce Teck em RTP YE [eveck metho] Cnteron Baer oF of check rs foe fos fa rorrection Tank lasoening of bale AU ction OT Wnwat ones [To be fee Inesighien termina eetighiening_|rom Tossing arth wire [Comion and braking OT Pinal sense [Conduction to be | Rachange the find earth fot earth wire Jonrmed by tester |wire concerned Dusbar ah [lawer than the specie value S| feo [1 Mor more ican dey and resistance Jmereer ——[annin circ) Jesshangs tho [pert concerned Txtemal —i@overing of belts a junctions [O||Wisal cence [To be fee Mestighien terminal retighning from loosing tock [racking and breaking io fo be tee fom damage [Exchana the in enema! [of grounding materiel. ete par concerned iaclortlon by wverhant, we IO] ]oisat sense [Fo be fee xchange the eo dieoloraton pare enncered Devontion io io be tne [cenn lor foreign maters and dost ers contamination Tixemal | Laosering of log Tsing bole io To be tee Hetighien cable (coupling nuts, cable cnmpe. es. Jove Woeeing Cnmeciore [Cracking and bresking jo Tbe five from damage [xchange The ot grounding materia. ec part concerned gree and deposition OT visual sense [To be fe ean of foreign matters ane dort om contamination ly foreign mattere land dust [Bislareion by overheat oe jo Tobe te change the from dissteensen part enncamed Ruating of waving pare io Fre fee xchange the co raring lone cmmoomned ‘eotng fave |Nbnormal speraing wnte Io Eshount to be normal [Bxchange the concerned Deyonion of feign mation, Io Robe ee fom se fend dust nts Fane, ee eepontion of frign fmavers and diss ites | Contamination, cogging (O JO] |isuat sense [Tobe tree fom ‘Sean lind deponton of foreign rotre eponition f frig i maters and det Tnierrat [alias Flashing Io Tighting tbe normal [Pschange The wennating pat concerned light ‘Plug sockets [Cracking and breaking io [Ta be fee From damage xchange The et grounding tera et pers concerned 10. ‘Troubleshooting If any trouble occurs in the ewitchboard, it can be corrected to a normal state by adjusting, exchanging and repairing according to the following procedure. ‘An indicator lamp does not light on. the normal state cannot be restored, contact us or owr dealer. Pre-arrange a tester. LThe bulb has burned out. 2.The fuse of indicator lamp circuit has blown 3.The socket of indicator lamp is defective. 4.The switch of related circuit is defective. 6.The relay of related circuit is defective. J6:The related circuit fails in contact at the junction. 7.4 cable of related circuit breaks. L.Exchange the bulb for a new one. 2.Exchange the fuse for a new one. /3.Exchange the socket for a new one. 4Exchange the witch for a new one. '5.Exchange the relay for a new one. 6Re-tighten at the junction ‘7TExchange the cable for a new one. 2 {A meter does not work. Pre-arrange @ tester L.The fuse of related circuit has blown, 2.The meter is defective. 3.The switch of related circuit is defective. 4.The relay of related circuit is defective 6.The related circuit fails in contact at the junction. 16.The cable of related circuit breaks. 1.Exchange the fuse for a new one. }2.Exchange the meter for a new one, }3.Exchange the switch for a new one. }4.Exchange the relay ‘a new one. 5 Re-tighten lat the junction. 6.Exchange the cable for a new one. 3 |A generator does not operate. JA prime mover does [not start. No voltage is generated. ACB cannot be turne, ld Pre-arrange a tester. LThe prime mover is defective. }2.The generator is defective. 3.A land power supply circuit is connected. 4.ACB is not relieved of an abnormal state. 5.ACB is defective. 16.The fuse of related cireuit has blown. 7.The switch of related circuit is defective j8.The relay of related circuit is defective. f9.The related circuit fails in contact at the junction. 10.The cable of related circuit breaks Check in reference to the instruction manual of the prime mover. 12.Check in reference to the instruction manual of the generator, s.Turn off the land power supply circuit }4.Press the reset PB of ACB proper. ‘5.Check in reference to the instruction manual of the ACB. G.Exchange the fuse for a new one. ‘7.Exchange the switch for a new one. je.Exchange the relay for a new one. 9.Re-tighten at the junetion. 10.Exchange the cable for 2 new one. = 10-1 (Continued) [8a] “Trouble “condition [Possible “cause 7 ‘4 [A molded case circuit breaker cannot be turned on. Pre-arrange a tester. LIf the circuit breaker is equipped with an undervoltage coil, the supply voltage is insufficient, j2:The circuit breaker is defective UoRTScHoR 1.Normalize the supply voltage 2.Check in reference to the instruction manual of the circuit breaker. [Fuse blows as soon jas it is exchanged. Pre-arrange @ tester. LThe circuit is LRepair the short-circuited. short-circuited portion. © [A molded case circuit breaker trips. Pre-arrange a tester. Lif the circuit breaker is equipped with an undervoltage coil, the supply voltage is insufficient, 2:The motor on the load side is overloading. 3.The tripping has been caused by the exciting rush current of transformer. 4:The circuit is short-circuited, 5.The related circuit faile in contact at the junction. [6.The circuit breaker is defective. 1.Normalize the supply voltage. 2.Check in reference to the instruction manual of the motor. 3.Re-close the circuit breaker. 4.Repair the short-circuited portion. j5.Re-tighten at the junction. ]6.Check in reference to the instruction manual of the circuit breaker. 11. Check list Name oF apratas Dae Weather [Air Wap CHECKS a of check ele y Humidity a No|Place of check | Ttem [Good] No Action cation good TCssng | 1 [Outside Toosences Seen in general [Damage (door and [Abnormal noise ‘housing) [Deformation [Contamination [Ingress of rain water [Dew condensation [Overheat [Rusting 2 |Signs such as [Damage name plate [Contamination ZBusbars | 3 |Busbars Trooseness and in general [Damage busbar (bnormal noise hangera [Abnormal odor and [Discoloration saddles | 4 |Busbar hangers [Damage land saddles. ibnormal odor Discoloration [Contamination B.Leading [5 |Cable Looseness. portion terminals: Abnormal noise. foand | and junction [Abnormal odor from [Discoloration main @ [Cable through [Looseness circuit portion Damage ingress of rain water |Entry of small animals a - Il = (Continued. Clessite Result No [Place of check Item Good | No Action cation good TW PT eles ene jin general Damage Discoloration [Abnormal noise [Abnormal odor © [Cable hanger [Damage jand saddles 9 |Wire mark Damage (Contamination ‘SEarth [10 [arth terminal {Looseness Earth wire [Damage [Barth busbar TT [Earth Maintenance resistance “GTerminal/12 [Outside Tocseness block jin general Damage [Discoloration Contamination “7.External [13 |Connectors [Looseness. cable jin general Damage connee- [Contamination tors [Discoloration [Rusting BAccesso- [14 [Cooling fan [Action ries (Contamination 15 [Filter Contamination, 16 Internal ‘Action illuminating light T7_|Plug sockets: Damage Internal [18 [Various handle [Damage accesso- | [Duplicate keye [Quant ries Test plug Ttem ‘Control jumper Special tools Test box Others ~ 1-2 - INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR DEVICE MAIN SWITCHBOARD Read this instruction manual thoroughly and understand its ufficiently before operation, inspection e of this produet TATYO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. @ TERASAKI Te emPbwer INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR AIR CIRCUIT BREAKERS Types: AR208S AR212S AR216S AR220S AR325S AR332S @ TERASAKI ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. KRB-5217 For Operational Safety of Air Circuit Breakers CES] ‘Thank you for purchasing the TERASAKI Air Circuit Breaker (ACB). “The following safety notices contain important information on safety Please read these safety notices, instructions in this manual, and other associated documents accompanying the product thoroughly to familiarize yourself with safe and correct procedures or practices before installing, operating, or servicing the ACB. In this manual, safety notices are divided into “DANGE! and “CAUTION” according to the hazard level: [DDANGER] : A danger notice with this symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. [AXCAUTION] = A caution notice with this symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury and/or property damage. Note that failure to observe a caution notice could result in serious injury/damage in some situations. Because safety notices contain important information, be sure to read and observe them. @ Transportation Precaution DANGER (@ Never stand under the ACB that is lifted or suspended by a lifter or chain block. ‘The weight of the ACB may cause serious injury. i Installation (Connection) Precautions A\ CAUTION © Electrical work must be performed by competent persons. (© Prior to commencing any work on the ACB, open an upstream circuit breaker or the like to isolate all sources of power/voltage. Otherwise, electric shock may result. (© When terminating conductors to the ACB, tighten terminal screws to the torque specified in this manual. Otherwise, a fire could result @ Fix the ACB (draw-out cradle) firmly on a flat and level surface using mounting screws. Otherwise, draw-out operation may cause the ACB to fall. © Do not place the ACB in such an area that is subject to high temperatures, high humidities, dusty sir, corrosive ‘gases, strong vibrations and shock, or other unusual conditions. Mounting in such areas could cause a fire or malfunction. © Be careful to prevent foreign objects (such as debris, concrete powder, and iron powder) and rainwater from entering the ACB ‘These materials inside the ACB could cause a fire or malfunction, © For 4-pole ACBs, be sure to connect a 3-phase 4-wire neutral conductor to the N-phase pole (on the right end) Otherwise, an overcurrent may hinder the ACB from tripping, resulting ina fire. KRB-5217 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1. RECEIVING AND HANDLING 1. Storage Precautions 2, Transportation Precautions... 3. Installation Precautions i, PARTS AND FUNCTIONS MI, OPERATION iacsnnnnnnn 1, Manual Charging Type... 2. Motor Charging Type 2 ..rnnnn TV. DRAW-OUT MECHANISM 1, Moving the Breaker Body in the Draw-out Cradle... 2. Putting the Breaker Body back into the Draw-out Cradle swinsnnsnsnen \. PERIODIC INSPECTION AND PARTS REPLACEMENT | i o se 16 1 2. 3. Operating Mechanism a se 4, Internal Accessories 0... dette seat seen DB 4.1. Tripping coil (TC), shunt trip device (SHT) and undervoltage trip device (UVT).. sn 25 4.2. Latch release coil (LRC) 43 Auxiliary switehes.. VI. OVERCURRENT RELEASE (OCR)... 233 1. Front View of OCR ee seosetrnnnsne 33 Specifications of OCRs 34 ‘Measuring CT and Power CT of OCR. 35 Characteristic Curves... 36 How to Set the OCR. Protective Functions and Setting Ranges Operation Indication and Reset ‘OCR Field Test ‘VIL INSULATION RESISTANCE TEST AND DIELECTRIC WITHSTAND TEST... 1. Main circuit. 2. Conteol circuit enone VIII. CONTROL CIRCUIT TERMINAL ARRANGEMENT td 3 56 IX, TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE... KRB-5217 |. RECEIVING AND HANDLING ‘The TemPower AR series Air Circuit Breakers (ACBs) are completely assembled, Inspected and tested both electri- cally and mechanically at the factory, and then shipped in fully gua tion, teed conditions in construction and opera Upon receipt of your ACB, check the following. If you have any question or problem, contact your local dealer or your nearest Terasaki office. (© Check that the ACB received is as ordered and that the accessories is as specified, © Check that the ACB is not damaged during shipment. 1. Storage Precautions © Itis recommended that the ACB be used as soon as you have received it, If itis necessary to store the ACB, note the following: ‘© Store the ACB in a dry indoor location to prevent condensation due to sudden changes in ambient temperature, Condensation has a harmful effect on the ACB insulation. © Store the ACB in a clean place free of corrosive gases and dust. In particular, exposure toa mixture of moisture and cement dust may cause corrosion damage to metal parts of the ACB. © Place the ACB on a flat, level surface in its normal position. (Do not lay the ACB). © Do not place the ACB directly on the floor. © Do not stack the ACBs during storage 2. Transportation Precautions ‘When transporting te ACB, note the following: ‘© When lifting the ACB, hold it using lifting attachments or wire ropes through the lifting holes (Fig. 3 @). Take ‘care that the position switches (Fig. 3 63), control circuit terminals (Fig. 3 @), auxiliary switches Fig. 3), and arc gas bartier Fig. 3B) are not damaged by the lifting rope. Lifi the ACB carefully and gently. For transportation, place the ACB on a pallet and carry slowly and carefully. © Lower the ACB onto a fat, level surface ‘© Avoid shock and vibration to the ACB during transportation. © Do not lay the ACB during transportation {© Use an optional lifter, a chain block, or a forklift to transport the ACB © Descend the loader of a lifter as low as possible when moving the lifter on which the ACB is losded. (© Take care not to exert forces on the following parts during transportation. Otherwise, deformation or damage may result Control eireit disconnect contacts Shutter blade Front cover KRB-5217 (© The draw-out cradle should be carried by the portions marked with A, ‘When carrying the ACB, take care not to exert forces on the auxiliary switches and their tinking fevers, the control circuit disconnect contacts, the draw-out arm, and the arc gas barrier, ‘Ace gas barrier Control circuit lisconnect contacts Fig.2 Draw-out cradle ‘© When transporting the ACB over great distances, cate it for protection against shock and vibration and secure the erate package with wood or ropes. @ When transporting the ACB while it is installed in a switchboard, you should fix the breaker body in the draw- cout cradle with the breaker fixing bolts (optional). 3. Installation Precautions © Install the ACB on a fat, level surface. (© Make sure that the mounting base has a sufficient capacity of bearing the weight of the ACB. Weight of ACBs pole ACB _| pole ACB ‘AR2CS [Approx. 80ke [Approx. 95 ke ARIOIOS [Ap; rox. Oke [Approx 130 kg ‘The weights shown ia the table above are guidelines and ‘may vary depending on installed accessories or options. ‘The mounting base must be protected against vibration. ‘Take appropriate measures to provide a perfect protection to the mounting base against resonance. Otherwise, open-close operation of the ACB may cause a malfunction of other devices in the switchboard or vibrations of the switchboard may cause a malfunction of the ACB. © Do not install the ACB in such an area that is exposed to direct sunlight. © Do not install the ACB in such an area that is directly exposed to dust powder, chippings, rainwater or cil. If any work is done near the ACB that have been installed, protect the openings of the are chambers and the terminals with appropriate covers to preveni spaters, metal chips, wire eutings or other foreign objects from ‘entering the ACB, KRB-5217 Il. PARTS AND FUNCTIONS @Comeot cireuit disconnect contacts: Vrouw ext handle @Conirol cirevit terminals @aAurilary switches @Arc gas bar @Posiion switches QON-OFF eyele counter iting hole ON-OFF indlestor 7 Draw-our eradie ON-OFF bution cover Z @Beeaker body Dovercurrent release (ocr) OFF bation : : @Spring charging handle @orip Breaker fixing bolt pani ‘ 7 a @Front cover Key lock : Ral stopper Spring charge indicator @ON button @Lock-in OFF padlock hole ‘@osiion paslock lever ®daw.out sil Position indicator @Draw-ovt handle insertion hole Fig.3 General view and parts designation of ACB. © Draw-out eradte Comes with the main circuit terminals, the control cireuit terminals, the auxiliary switches, and the position switches (optional). @® Breaker body Contains the ON-OFF mechanism, the overcurrent release (OCR), and various control devices, ® Namepiate Shows the ACB type, applicable standards, the rated breaking capacity ete @® Spring charging handle Pump to charge the closing springs. © Draw-out handle (removable) Use to move the breaker body tothe CONN., TEST, or ISOLATED position in the draw-out cradle -3- KRB-5217 © Lifting hotes , : Use to hold the ACB during transportation or installation. Position indicator Indicates the present breaker body position: CONN., TEST, or ISOLATED. ON-OFF indicator Shows “OFF” when the ACB is open and “ON” when its closed. Spring charge indicator Shows "CHARGED" when the closing springs are chatged ‘and “DISCHARGED” when itis released. ON button ae Push to close the ACB. 4 OFF button. Push to open the ACB. : ON-OFF button cover es dae Provides protection against inadvertent bution Speration and can be padiocked. ‘© Padlocks are not supplied. Use padlocks with shackle. Control cireuit terminals me : Tab terminals (#187) at which connections are made to the control circuits e°9e @6e6eo e (M4 screw terminals are available on request. @ Position padtock lever (optional) Accommodates up to three padlocks to lock the breaker body in the CONN., TEST or ISOLATED po © Padlocks are not supplied. Use padlocks with a 6 mm-diameter shackle Fig. 4 Position padiock lever ® Draw-out handle insertion hole Insect te draw-out handle here. The éraw-out handle cannot be inserted inthis hole unless the ACB is open When the handle is in the hole, the ACB canaot be closed @ Draw-out rail Use to draw out the breaker body from the draw-out cradle. KRB-5217 © Ausiiary switches Provides an electrical indication ofthe ACB state: ON or OFF, de (standard), Te, and 10s contset arrangements ade through tab terminals (#187). MA sero terme are available. Connections tothe auxiliary switehes are nals ate also available on request ® Controt circuit disconnect contacts Isolates the ACB internal control circuits from control circuit terminals @ when position indicator @ shows “ISOLATED”, When the position indicator shows "CONN." or “TEST”, electra! connection is established © Lock-in OFF padlock hole Use to padlock the ACB in the OFF state. To padlock the ACB. press OFF button (and put on a padiock through the lock-in OFF padlock hole @. Doing so prevents the ACB from being closed both manually and electrically. © Padlocks are not supplied. Use padlocks with a 6 mm-diameter shackle. ‘@Lock-in OFF padiock hole DOF buon Fig. 5 Lock-in OFF padlock @ Front cover Covers internal components of the ACB. D Type AGR.2 overcurrent release (optional) ‘A 3epole protective device that is supplied power via the power CT installed in the ACB main circuit, and instructs the tripping coit (TC) to trip open the ACB when detecting an overcurrent (or a ground fault) through measuring CT. @® ON-OFF cycle counter (optional) Reads the number of ON-OFF cycles. It counts a series of operations from ON to OFF as one cycle @ Key lock (optional) ‘A cylinder lock that allows the ACB to be locked in the state specified by the user: ON or OFF state. ‘The key lock comes with the key interlock system, @ Breaker fixing bolts (optional) Use to protect the ACB against strong vibrations. Using these bolts allows brecker body @ to be secured to draw-out radle (D in the CONN. position onl. ® Position switches (optional) Provides an electrical indication of the draw-out position: CONN., TEST, ISOLATED or REMOVE. These ‘switches use e-contacts; 2c and 4e contact arrangements are available. Connections to the position switches ‘aré made through tab terminals (#187). M4 screw terminals are also available on request. tga KRB-5217 ISOLATED TEST CONNECTED “CONN: position switch ————__— contacts ose “TEST” position switen —______[cenacs osec ISOLATED" position switch —«dLegeaetseesed "REMOVE" position switch —I ee Position switch operation timing ® Grip Hold to draw out the breaker body. ® Rail stopper Locks the draw-out rails in the draw-out position. To retract the draw- out rails inthe draw-out cradle, unlock the rails by pushing the rail stoppers tothe outside ofthe draw-out cradle. @® Are gas barrier ; Prevents the high-temperature arc gas from blowing upwafd from the ACB when it trips open. KRB-5217 Ill, OPERATION ‘The TemPower AR series ACBs are available either in manual charging type or motor charging type. 1. Manual Charging Type In the manual charging type, charging of the closing springs and close-open control of the ACB are all done manually. The ACB cannot be closed unless the closing springs have been charged. 1.1 Spring charging operation Do not force down the spring charging handle after completion of charging. A\caution Doing so may cause a malfunction. Follow the procedure shown below to charge the closing springs. 1) Pump the spring charging handle (Fig. 6 @). The maximum pumping stroke ofthe handle is approx. 90° @ Spring charging handle Fig.6 Pumping operation of spring charging handle 2) When the closing springs are fully charged, a click sound is heard and the spring charging handle cannot be further pumped, When the handle is pumped with a maximum stroke of approx. 90°, 10 to 13 pumping cycles will complete the charging. Check that the spring charge indicator (Fig. 7) shows “CHARGED”. @ON.OFF indicator @ON.OFF button Spring charge indicator @Spring charging handle DON button QOFF baton \ @Draw-our handle /Lock-in OFF padlock hole C @Draw-out handle insertion hole ‘@Position indicator Fig. 7 Manual controls KRB-5217 1.2 Closing operation Before closing the ACB, check the following. 1) The closing springs are charged 2) The draw-out handle (Fig. 7 @) is not inserted in the draw-out handle insertion hole (Fig. 7). 3) No padlock is installed in the lock-in OFF padlock hole (Fig. 7 @), 4) The specified voltage is applied to the undervoltage trip device (optional) or the Function of the undervoltage trip device is locked. (For how to lock the function of the undervoltage trip device, see the description of the device in page 28), ‘fier making sure the above conditions are all met, open the ON-OFF button cover ( button (Fig. 7@). The ACB will be closed. The ON-OFF indicator (Fig. 7 ®) shows “ON” and the spring charge indicator (Fig. 7) shows “DISCHARGED”, ig. 7 @) and press the ON Note: Unless conditions 2) 1044) shown above are all met, the closing springs are not released and accordingly the ACB does not close even if the ON button is pressed. Be sure to check that conditions 2) to 4) are all met before pressing the ON button to close the ACB. 1.3 Opening operation ‘Open the ON-OFF button cover (Fig. 7 () and press the OFF button (Fig. 7). ‘The ACB will wip open. The ON-OFF indicator (Fig. 7.®) shows, “OFF” 2. Motor Charging Type In the motor charging type, a motor-operated mechanism charges the closing springs. Electrical close-open opera tion of the ACB is also allowed from a remote site. Fig. 8 shows the control cireuit diagram of motor charging type ACBs. ‘This type of ACBs can be manually operated if required. For the procedure of manual operation, see Section 1. Manual Charging Type on page 7. 2.1 Spring charging operation ‘The permissible operating voltage of the spring charging motor is 85 to 110% of the rated ac voltage or 75 to 110% of the rated de voltage. Apply a voltage within the above ranges to the motor. Higher operating voltages may cause burnout. ZAXCAUTION 1) Supply the specified operating voltage to the spring charging motor. Ifthe closing springs are discharged, the motor will start running to charge the closing springs. 2) When the closing springs are fully charged, a limit switch is activated to stop the motor, and the spring charge indicator (Fig. 7 ©) shows “CHARGED”. It will take not more than approx. 10 seconds to charge the closing springs depending on the rated operating voltage or the ACB type. KRB-5217 Control circuits EH eentalereuis +7] oth AAR cae at % ttt [ ‘ype ARR ‘al “control interface Tivs=-----G}- ~<-—__| Cefap #18 M: Spring charging motor LRC: Latch release coil ‘TC: Tripping coil S,,S2, Sy: Measuring CT CT: Power CT —: Factory-wired ‘To be wired by the user Control circuit disconnect contacts Fig. 8 Control circuit diagram Control voltage, operating voltage and power terminals Ordered Applicable Power terminals fated voltage rated voltage Gonttol power terminals | _Operaing power terminals 100 to 200 Vac or 100 to 120 Vac a. a 200 to 240 Vae 200 to 240 Vae (ov, Bi) al 24 .Vde or 24.Vde_ 111] (Positive), [21] (Negative) 48Vde 48 Vde [01] Positive), [21] (Negative) [2] Positive), 23] (Negativ 100 10 125 Vde or |_100t0 125 Vde LU Positive), ft) Negative) | 2 Positives 22l (Negative) 200 10 250 Ve 200%0 250 Vee | [01] Positive), 2] (Negative) -o- KRB-5217 2.2 Closing oper ZACAUTION Repeated open/close operation without pause should not exceed 15 times. If repeated continuous open/close operation is inevitable, a pause of at least 20 minutes should be provided after the repetitions of 15 times. Otherwise, a spring charging motor may be burnt out. Before closing the ACB, check the following. 1) The closing springs are charged. 2) The draw-out handle (Fig. 7 ©) is not inserted in the draw-out handle insertion hole (Fig. 7). 3) No padlock is stalled in the lock-in OFF padlock hole (Fig. 7 @). 4) The specified voltage is applied to the undervoltage trip device (optional) or the function of the undervoltage trip device is locked. (For how to lock the function of the undervoltage trip device, see the description of the device on page 28). After making sure the above conditions are all met, press the ON switch (Fig. 8). ‘This will excite the latch release coil (LRC) (Fig. 8), release the charged closing springs and close the ACB instan- taneously. As soon as the spring charge indicator (1 ig. 7 ©) shows “DISCHARGED, the spring charging motor will start running to charge the closing springs © Unless conditions 2) to 4) shown above are all met, the charged closing springs are not releases and accordingly the ACB does not close even if the ON switch is pressed. Be sure to check that conditions 2) to 4) are all met before pressing the ON switch to close the ACB. 2.3 Opening operation Press the OFF switch (Fig.8). ‘This will excite the tipping coil (TC) (Fig. 8) to trip open the ACB. KRB-5217 ~10- IV, DRAW-OUT MECHANISM ‘The draw-out mechanism permits you to draw out and remove the breaker body fom the draw-out eradle and to put the breaker body back into the cradle, thereby facilitating the inspection and parts ptacement, ‘The drav-out mechanism allows you to move the breaker body to any of the three positions in the draw-out eradle: the CONN., TEST, and ISOLATED positions. The switchboard panel door can be shut with the breaker body drawn out to the TEST or ISOLATED position. ‘The auxiliary switch assembly Fig. 3) mounted on the draw-out cradle works in the CONN, and TEST posi- tions (only in the CONN. position when the ACB conforms to ship classification society rules) A OPERATIONAL PRECAUTIONS © Open the ACB before working with the draw-out mechanism. © Be sure to loosen the breaker fixing bolts (optional) (Fig. 3 @) before drawing out the breaker body. Otherwise, a malfunction may result. ‘© When moving the breaker body from the TEST position to the CONN. position, you will fet the force required for rotating the

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