Tap 12f Parental Consent For Limited Face Face Practicum Training

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The Department Head
Training and Placement

THRU : The Program Chair

Department of ___________________

At the beginning of the pandemic, the Asian Institute of Maritime Studies (AIMS) adheres to IATF rules
and regulations, DOH safety protocols, and other preventive measures to prevent the spread of COVID-
19. The institution follows mandatory thermometer scanning, filling-up of contact tracing forms, wearing of
face masks and face shields, strict imposition of social distancing measures, monitoring of physical
distancing by safety officers, and other safety protocols. As the government relaxes quarantine
measures, we still enforce health protocols in accordance with health and safety standards.
It is in the interest of the educational institution that students are protected at all costs. The health and
safety of students is our priority and as such, we seek express permission to allow students to physically
attend Practicum/Training as compliance for their course.

I, _________________________, the designated parent/legal guardian, do hereby agree, by affixing my

(Name of Parent/Guardian)

signature, to let my son / daughter ____________________________ of _____________ to physically

(Name of Student) (Section)

attend his / her limited face – to - face (F2F) Practicum / Training with the partnered Industry thru

Memorandum of Agreement with the Institution on ______________________ until my son / daughter

(Training duration)

completed the required _______ which will be held most of the time at the ________________________
(No. of practicum hours) (Name of Company)

(Address of the Industry Partner)

By affixing my signature, I am truthfully informing AIMS that my son/daughter:
- is not positive for Covid-19;
- has not been tested for Covid-19;
- has not been exposed to a person who tested positive for Covid-19;
- is not living with a person who is /are awaiting results or under quarantine in the same household;
- fully-vaccinated
- nor do my son/daughter is manifesting any of the following symptoms before the conduct of his/her
limited F2F OJT:
a) Fever above 100 degrees Fahrenheit or 37.5 degrees Celsius and above
b) Shortness of breath
c) Loss of sense of taste or smell
d) Dry cough
e) Runny nose
f) Sore throat
g) Body pain
h) Headache
i) Fever for the past few days
In the event that my son/daughter has exhibited any of the above-listed symptoms, I will not allow
him/her to proceed to the venue to attend OJT and will immediately inform the faculty concerned and
his/her Trainor.
In case of any unforeseen event, I understand that every reasonable effort will be made by AIMS for us
to be well informed on the matter.

Name of Parent/Guardian Signature/Date

Current Address: ______________________________________________________________________

Mobile Number: ______________ Email address: ___________________________________________


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