Urban Tree Carbon Density and CO2 Equivalent of Na1

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Urban tree carbon density and CO2 equivalent of National Zoological Park,

Article  in  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment · December 2021

DOI: 10.1007/s10661-021-09619-5


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Aishwarya Rajlaxmi
National Physical Laboratory - India


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Environ Monit Assess (2021) 193:841

Urban tree carbon density and ­CO2 equivalent of National

Zoological Park, Delhi
Snehlata · Aishwarya Rajlaxmi · Manoj Kumar   

Received: 22 June 2021 / Accepted: 12 November 2021

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

Abstract  In a highly urbanized city like Delhi, Azadirachta indica. The data indicates that the trees
the urban forest plays a vital role in climate change having the capacity to store carbon are essential for
mitigation by capturing and storing carbon diox- the maintenance of a sustainable environment. Thus,
ide ­(CO2) from the atmosphere. Urban vegetation the study suggests that there is a substantial scope to
helps in increasing carbon sink and ­CO2 equivalent increase the carbon density and C ­ O2eq in urban city
­(CO2eq) and also provides other aesthetic and psy- through adopting various management strategies viz.
chological environmental benefits. To understand afforestation and reforestation program on degraded
how urban trees are vital for carbon sink, the pre- and abandoned land to maintain a clean and sustain-
sent study aimed to quantify the carbon density and able environment.
­CO2eq in trees at National Zoological Park (NZP),
New Delhi, a tropical semi-arid region of India. For Keywords  Carbon sequestration · Dry matter
this, we estimated tree biomass or dry matter content content · Green space · Tree biomass · Urban
of 25 species with the help of allometric equations vegetation
which are available in published literature and appli-
cable for the tropical region. It was observed that the
highest diameter at breast height (DBH) was contrib- Introduction
uted by Ficus sp. while the maximum density among
adult tree species found in Albizia procera. The total Terrestrial carbon (C) sequestration by plants is a
mean dry matter content, C density, and ­CO2eq of crucial process responsible for depleting carbon diox-
NZP were 92.10  Mg  ­ha−1, 43.61  Mg-C ­ha−1, and ide ­(CO2) from the atmosphere. Furthermore, the C
168.83  Mg  ­ha−1, respectively. The highest biomass, sequestration study helps to know about the C bal-
C density, and ­ CO2eq obtained in the species of ance of the particular area, and it also indicates the
Ficus benghalensis followed by Ficus racemosa and differences in the air quality of forested and non-
forested regions. Moreover, forests and other vegeta-
tion can absorb C­ O2 emissions and mitigate climate
change; therefore, its relevant studies have attracted
Department of Environmental Studies, Central University
of Haryana, Mahendergarh, Haryana 123031, India worldwide attention. The estimations of C density
and sequestration rate are vital at the regional and
A. Rajlaxmi · M. Kumar (*)  global level to understand the actual sink of the ter-
Environmental Science and Biomedical Metrology
restrial ecosystem. The forested area or green belt can
Division, CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi,
India capture more C from the atmosphere in comparison

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841   Page 2 of 13 Environ Monit Assess (2021) 193:841

to the less vegetated area; therefore, the green belt leading to the felling of trees and augmentation of
maintains ecosystem balance vis-a-vis C ­O2 level air pollution load. Therefore, the estimation of vari-
of the atmosphere. Furthermore, the captured ­CO2 ous sources and sinks of urban pollutions is urgently
accumulated in the form of plant biomass through needed. In metropolitan cities, the condition of ambi-
the photosynthetic process, which represents vegeta- ent air quality has declined drastically as an effect of
tion C stocks in the area. In this regard, the rate of vehicular pollution and other anthropogenic activities,
long-term C accumulation in the unit area and time is including contributions from various small- and large-
known as C sequestration rate. Moreover, vegetations scale industries. India has contributed 7.1% of global
of the particular ecosystem contribute to soils in the greenhouse gas emission and 6.8% of ­CO2 emission
form of litter, which is deposited as soil organic car- (Olivier et  al., 2017). Moreover, the level of green-
bon after the decomposition process. The amount of house gases (GHGs) like C ­ O2, methane, nitrous oxide,
total C stocks indicates the health of the ecosystem, and ozone increases with increasing anthropogenic
i.e., high value represents more vegetation in the spe- activities. ­CO2 equivalent is used for describing the
cific area. Nowadays, C management is a serious con- amount of any GHG in the same amount of C ­ O2 based
cern for the environment due to the increasing human on their global warming potential. It is usually writ-
population and climate change; both are resulting in ten as ­CO2e, ­CO2eq, or CDE. It is usually believed
land degradation, desertification, and drought in the that ­CO2eq is easy to use for policymakers. It also
ecosystems (Huang et al., 2012, 2016). From the pre- includes the radiative effects and warming effects of
industrial era, the ­CO2 level of the atmosphere has all the Kyoto gas or greenhouse gas emissions to the
been increased from 280 to 408 ppm owing to various atmosphere (Calvin et al., 2009). It can be calculated
anthropogenic activities such as the burning of fos- by using simple expressions by IPCC (2001).
sil fuels, land use–land cover change, and clearing of The study of ­CO2eq helps to understand the com-
forests at a large scale (Bargali et  al., 2018; Himani mon array and weight of the pollutants in a specific
et al., 2017; Kittur et al., 2014). Moreover, degrada- country; the future climatic impact of emission con-
tion and deforestation of natural forests reduced the tributes to all GHGs in increasing C ­ O2eq. In addi-
tree density and diversity, which leads to depletion tion to that, it shows the progress of GHGs over the
of carbon stock and sink potential of the ecosystem past century clearly. Globally, forests store 289 Gt
(Keeling et al., 1996). C, which is 1060 Gt ­CO2eq (FAO, 2010). However,
Urban vegetation viz. national parks, botani- Olupot et al. (2017) have measured the carbon stock
cal gardens, street trees, institutional avenues trees ­CO2eq in Kibale National Park of Uganda, which
and hedges, etc. play a vital role or maybe the only increases 56.8% in the last decade and the effect of
available tool in abatement of air pollution through land use and land cover change on C ­ O2eq flux. In
sequestration of carbon in the form of biomass and contrast, the green space and open areas of urban eco-
soil organic carbon. Furthermore, the different veg- systems are shrinking due to the increasing demands
etation types viz. trees, shrubs, and herbs also ame- of additional residential and commercial buildings in
liorate the air quality, slow down the storm, provide all categories of cities. Nowadays, the study related
shade, reduce noise pollution, and maintain the micro- to urban forestry and greenery has attracted the atten-
climate of the area (Amoatey & Sulaiman, 2019). tion of researchers of the world due to urgent need
Additionally, green space also provides an aesthetic regarding the rapid increase of urbanizations and its
view along with the physical and mental well-being associated issues. Hence, Gratani et  al. (2016) esti-
of urban dwellers (Gratani et  al., 2016). Only 3% of mated C sequestration rate of urban parks of Rome
the global terrestrial area is occupied by urban and and concluded that four parks sequestered C equiva-
more than 50% of the world’s population currently lent to 3.6% of the total greenhouse gas emission of
resides in these areas, which will increase to 68% by the country, which has an annual economic value of
2050 (Brown, 2002; UN, 2018). This increasing urban $ 23,537 ­ha−1.
population will shape the metropolitan area into a Carbon pools of different forest ecosystems are
fragmented landscape with disturbed biodiversity. potently influenced by topography, temperature, rain-
Presently, urban ecosystems are stressed with mainly fall (Vayreda et  al., 2012), tree species composition
double challenges due to increasing urbanization, (Hu et al., 2015), forest type and structure (Wei et al.,

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Environ Monit Assess (2021) 193:841 Page 3 of 13  841

2013), species diversity (Arasa-Gisbert et  al., 2018), two distinctive feature of the Delhi region. The soil
land use–land cover pattern, human disturbances type of study area is considered to be varied from
(Canadell et  al., 2007), and management practices sandy to clay loam, and the estimated pH of soils is
of forest area (Lal, 1999). Delhi (including national 7.5–8.2 (Chibbar, 1985; Singh & Kumar, 2006). The
capital territory NCT) is one of the most polluted park is located between two historical monuments,
metropolitan cities of the world due to its geographi- Humayun’s Tomb and Purana Quila, near the India
cal location and other anthropogenic activities, e.g., Gate on Mathura road. NZP covers an area of 188.62
heavy vehicular and construction activities. acres. The forest type of Delhi’s region is a thorny
Some studies related to the estimation of biomass tropical forest of a semi-arid climate (Champion &
and carbon stock for the forested and green area of Seth, 1968).
Delhi are available (see Mohan, 2000; Goel & Singh, Tropical, semi-arid, and hot is the dominating
2006; Tripathi & Joshi, 2015; Tomar & Baishya, climate of the Delhi area. Southwest winds trave-
2020; Meena et al., 2019). The forest cover of Delhi ling from the Arabian Sea is the major cause of
is only 195.4 sq. km (13.2% of the total geographical rainfall in Delhi (Bhattacharya et  al., 1985). The
area) out of which 136.4 sq. km (57.9%) is an urban average precipitation is about 798 mm annually, and
forest, playing a vital role in mitigating pollutant lev- in the monsoon season, the relative humidity var-
els of Delhi/National Capital Region (NCR) (ISFR, ies from 39 to 66% (IMD, 2021). The hottest month
2019). Furthermore, NCT has more than 18,000 of this region is considered the month of June, and
parks and gardens which spread over about 8000  ha the month of December to February is the coldest.
(Tripathi & Joshi, 2015). Furthermore, it has a stretch Delhi region has an average annual maximum and
of 32 km of notified ridge forest, which is the exten- minimum temperature of 31.4 °C and 19 °C, respec-
sion of the Aravalli hills. These green belts act as a tively (IMD, 2021).
lung of the city, continuously sequestering C ­ O2 and
other pollutants and supplying pure oxygen to breathe
to the urban dwellers. Therefore, the actual quantifi- Field survey
cation of C storage of different parks and gardens of
the city would help policymakers understand the sink The field survey was conducted between Janu-
and source ratio carbon in urban ecosystems. The ary and March 2020. The square plot size was set
present study aims to quantify the component-wise as 400 m ­ 2 (20  m × 20  m). Three sites (viz. site 1,
dry matter content, C density, and ­CO2eq of different site 2, and site 3) were randomly selected to cover
tree species at the National Zoological Park of Delhi maximum tree species and reduce bias caused by
to know the actual C sink of the park. This study within-site differences. Hence, a total of nine plots
hypothesizes that urban parks would increase the C were studied. At each site, the total number of an
density and withhold an even larger amount of C ­ O2eq individual tree (saplings and adults) was counted for
from the earth’s atmosphere. each plot. In the present study, the contribution of
carbon storage from shrub and herb was not taken
due to some restriction of destructive sampling in
the national park. However, shrubs and herbs con-
Materials and methods tributed small amounts in total C storage (Davies
et  al., 2011). The circumference at breast height
Study area (CBH) of each tree was measured through the help
of measuring tape at 1.37 m above the ground level.
National Zoological Park (NZP) of Delhi, India, is The height (H) was measured with a height rang-
located at latitude 28° 12́N to 28° 53′ N and longi- ing clinometers of Bosch GLM 80. The plants hav-
tude of 76° 50′ E to 77° 23′ E. The geologic develop- ing a diameter ≥ 10 cm were considered adult trees,
ment of Delhi is considered because of the uplifting and the sapling trees were considered in the range
of the tectonic plate during the Pleistocene period. of diameter ≥ 1 and ≤ 10 cm. The diameter at breast
The Aravalli range hills and Yamuna River is the height (DBH) of plants was obtained by dividing

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841   Page 4 of 13 Environ Monit Assess (2021) 193:841

the CBH to the value 3.14. To get the aboveground Table 2  Wood density (g/cm3) of plants (source: adopted from
biomass (AGB) of plants (DBH ≥ 5 cm), commonly Reyes (1992)
used biomass estimation equation was used speci- S. no Species name Wood density
fied by Chave et al. (2005) in Eq. 1.
1 Ficus sp. 0.39
At the first site, dominant tree species was Ficus
2 Mimusops sp. 0.72
sp., Azadirachta indica, and Pongamia pinnata
3 Bauhina s. 0.67
across sites. The second site was dominated by Albi-
4 Emblica officinalis 0.8
zia procera and Albizia lebbeck tree species across
5 Cassia fistula 0.71
sites. The third site was dominated by A. procera,
6 Albizia procera 0.52
Holoptelea integrifolia, A. indica, and Ficus elas-
7 Albizia lebbeck 0.55
tica. Furthermore, this site consists of more sapling
8 Azadirachta indica 0.69
species among the sites, predominantly A. procera
9 Tectona grandis 0.5
species. Some individual species-specific equation
10 Cordia sp. 0.53
for some trees was used, as shown in Table  1. Val-
11 Terminalia bellirica 0.72
ues used as wood density for different species are
mentioned in Table 2, whereas for some species, the
common value (0.65  g/cm3) was used (Chave et  al.,
2009). Belowground biomass (BGB) was calculated by

using root shoot ratio, 0.24 specified for tropical for-
AGB = exp(−2.187 + 0.916∗ 1n(𝜌D∧ 2H) (1) ests given by Cairns et al. (1997).

where AGB (kg); D = diameter (cm); ῥ = wood den- BGB(kg) = AGB × 0.24 (4)
sity (g/cm3); H = height (m).
The aggregate of AGB and BGB calculated total
For juvenile plants to estimate the AGB for
biomass density (TBD). The aboveground carbon
(DBH ≥ 3  cm to ≤ 10  cm), the equation specified by
(AGC) and belowground carbon (BGC) content were
Brown et al. (1989) is used.
estimated by multiplying with a factor C content per-
AGB = exp −2.4090 + 0.9522 ∗ In D2 H S (2) centage 47.35 of AGB and BGB, respectively (Martin
[ ( )]
& Thomas, 2011). The aggregation of AGC and BGC
where S = wood density (g/cm3); AGB (kg); D = diam- obtained total carbon density (TCD).
eter (cm); H = height (m).
AGB estimation for (DBH ≤ 3 cm) was calculated
Carbon = Biomass × Carbon (%) (5)
by the equation given by Chaturvedi et al. (2012) CO2 eq was estimated by using factor 1/2 for
obtaining amounts of C content from biomass
AGB (kg) = 3.344 + 0.443∗ 1n DBH∧ 2 (3)
( )
(Nowak & Crane, 2002) and 44/12 for obtaining
where DBH = diameter (cm). ­CO2eq from carbon (Stoffberg et al., 2010).

Table 1  Species-specific AGB equation used for tree species

Sr. no Species name Allometric equations References

1 Pongamia pinnata Biomass = 2.031 + 0.105*(DBH)*(H) Toky et al. (2011)

2 Azadirachta indica Biomass = (1.409) + (1.382*((DBH)^(2)))-(1.219*(DBH)*(H)) Kumar and Tewari (1999)
3 Dalbergia sissoo Stem + leaves biomass = (1.9716) + 0.2583*(DBH) Lodhiyal and Lodhiyal (2003)
Branches biomass = (4.7404) + 0.6164*(DBH)
4 Bauhinia variegata Biomass = − 1.182 + 2.956*dbh + 0.18*DBH^2 Sharma (2019)
5 Albizia lebbeck Stem Singh et al. (2004)
ln Biomass = 0.594 + 0.867*ln((DBH)^(2)*(H))
Foliage ln biomass = 0.038 + 0.768*ln(DBH)^(2)*(H))

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Environ Monit Assess (2021) 193:841 Page 5 of 13  841

Table 3  Mean density (no. of individual ­ha−1), diameter at

CO2 eq. = 1∕2 × Bm × 44∕12 × 1∕1000 (6) breast height (DBH, cm) of adult tree species at National Zoo-
logical Park, Delhi
Bm = biomass; 1/1000 = factor for converting ­CO2
equivalent from kg to ton. Sl. no Name of species Density Mean Mean
DBH height

1 Pongamia pinnata 100 38.94 6.8

Results 2 Azadirachta indica 100 44.24 8.56
3 Syzigum cumini 25 37.42 6.58
Forest structure 4 Dalbergia sissoo 25 57.32 7.82
5 Ficus benghalensis 150 63.58 5.7
A total of 188 individual trees belonging to 25 species 6 Ficus religiosa 50 72.13 9.71
were recorded and sampled at three different sam- 7 Bauhinia variegata 75 26.22 5.44
pling sites of NZP. A. procera was the dominant spe- 8 Albizia procera 625 16.75 7.11
cies among the sampling sites, followed by A. lebbeck 9 Albizia lebbeck 200 24.53 6.7
and A. indica. The density of adult and sapling tree 10 Prosopis juliflora 50 22.39 8.31
species ranged from 25 to 625 and 25 to 2000 indi- 11 Celtis tetrandra 25 10.96 3.8
vidual ­ha−1, respectively. The mean DBH and H for 12 Millettia peguensis 25 12.80 4.3
adult tree species were varied from 11.0 to 72.1  cm 13 Morus australis 25 13.69 4.79
and 3.8 to 9.7 m, respectively (Table 3). 14 Cordia dichotoma 50 13.9 6.12
The mean DBH and H of sapling tree species 15 Ficus racemosa 50 77.07 9.46
were recorded in the range of 1.8 to 9.2 cm and 0.76 16 callistemon viminalis 25 18.15 6.57
to 6.4 m, respectively (Table 4). However, details of 17 Ficus elastica 25 11.02 6.58
individual adult and sapling tree species, i.e., density
(individual ­ha−1), DBH, and H, are given in Tables 3
and 4, respectively. Furthermore, the highest DBH for adult tree species were obtained greatest at site
was contributed by Ficus sp.in the range of 11.0 to 1 (94.4  Mg  ­ha−1, 44.7  Mg-C ­ha−1, 173.1  Mg  ­ha−1,
154.1  cm. The maximum density of adult tree spe- respectively) and lowest at site 2 (81.5  Mg  ­ha−1,
cies was A. procera (625 individual ­ha−1) followed by 38.6  Mg-C ­ha−1, 149.4  Mg  ­ha−1). The TBD of
A. lebbeck (200 individual ­ha−1) across the sites. For sapling species was estimated across the sites was
sapling trees, maximum density was observed for A. 3.1 Mg  ­ha−1, the TCD was 1.5 Mg-C ­ha−1, and the
procera (2000 individual h­ a−1). total ­CO2eq was estimated at 5.6  Mg  ­ ha−1. The
AGB of sapling tree species across the sites was
Dry matter content, carbon density, and ­CO2eq ranged from 0.5 to 4.2  Mg  ­ha−1 with an average
estimation of trees value of 2.5 Mg ­ha−1, and BGB was estimated in the
range of 0.1 to 1.0  Mg  ­ha−1 with an average value
The AGB of adult tree species across the plots were of 0.59 Mg  ­ha−1. The AGC was ranged in between
ranged from 65.7 to 76.1  Mg  ­ha−1 with an average 0.2 and 1.9  Mg-C ­ha−1 with an average value of
value of 71.8 Mg ­ha−1. The BGB of adult tree spe- 1.2 Mg-C ­ha−1, and BGC was estimated in the range
cies was present in the range of 15.8 to 18.3 Mg ­ha−1 of 0.05 to 0.5  Mg-C ­ha−1 with an average value of
with an average value of 17.2  Mg  ­ ha−1. The 0.3 Mg-C ­ha−1. The total C­ O2eq across the sites was
mean AGC and BGC of adult tree species were measured in the range of 1.1 to 9.6 Mg ­ha−1with the
33.9  Mg-C ­ha−1 and 8.2  Mg-C ­ha−1, respectively. mean value of 5.6 Mg ­ha−1.
The TBD (Mg h­ a−1), TCD (Mg-C h­ a−1), and total The component-wise dry matter content (i.e.,
­CO2eq (Mg h­ a−1) values for AGB and BGB of both AGB and BGB), C density (i.e., AGC and BGC),
adult and sapling species are shown in Fig.  1. The and total C ­ O2eq of adult tree species were esti-
mean TBD of adult tree species was 89.0 Mg ­ha−1. mated (Table 5). The highest TBD, TCD, and C ­ O2eq
The mean TCD and ­CO2eq  across the sites were among adult trees were obtained for F. benghalensis
estimated 42.2  Mg-C ­ ha−1and 163.2  Mg  ­ha−1, (97.9  Mg  ­ha−1, 46.3  Mg-C h­a−1, 179.6  Mg  ­ha−1,
respectively. The mean TBD, TCD, and total ­CO2eq respectively) followed by F. racemosa (96.5 Mg ­ha−1,

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841   Page 6 of 13 Environ Monit Assess (2021) 193:841

Table 4  Mean density S. no Name of species Density Mean DBH Mean height

(no. of individual ­ha−1),
diameter at breast height 1 Ficus racemosa 25 6.05 3.17
(DBH, cm), and height
2 Mimusops elengi 25 3.18 2.23
(m) of sapling species at
National Zoological Park, 3 Holoptelea integrifolia 150 3.32 2.73
Delhi 4 Ficus religiosa 50 4.65 3.04
5 Bauhina purpurea 50 2.87 3.06
6 Ficus benghalensis 25 1.82 0.76
7 Emblica officinalis 25 2.04 1.85
8 Cassia fistula 75 5.48 3.21
9 Albizia procera 2000 6.51 5.17
10 Albizia lebbeck 25 9.14 6.37
11 Azadirachta indica 225 3.43 3.29
12 Celtis tetrandra 50 8. 06 4.16
13 Bauhinia variegata 25 7.64 5.49
14 Tectona grandis 25 7.55 5.03
15 Haplophragma adenophyllum 50 3.60 2.62
16 Pongamia pinnata 25 9.24 2.62
17 Dalbergia sissoo 25 7.01 3.99
18 Ficus elastica 150 3.80 3.87
19 Morus australis 75 4.54 3.93
20 Cordia dichotoma 25 2.39 3.47
21 Terminalia bellirica 25 8.89 4.79

45.7  Mg-C ­ha−1, 177.1  Mg  ­ha−1, respectively) respectively). Among the adult tree species, TBD,
and then A. indica (70.2  Mg  ­ha−1, 33.2  Mg-C TCD, and total C­ O2eq were obtained lower for Celtis
­ha−1, 128.6 M­ gha−1, respectively) and F. religiosa tetrandra 0.6  Mg  ­ha−1, 0.3  Mg-C h­a−1, and 1.1
(47.5  Mg  ­ha−1, 22.5  Mg-C h­a−1, 87.1  Mg  ­ha−1, ­Mgha−1, respectively. The remaining individual adult

Fig. 1  Mean value of total 160

biomass density (TBD),
total carbon (TCD), and 140 Aboveground
­CO2 equivalent (­ CO2eq) Belowground
value for aboveground and 120
belowground at National
Zoological Park (NZP),
Delhi. Negative values indi- 80
cate the belowground part
and narrow bars represent
Mg ha-1

standard error




Biomass Carbon CO2eq.

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Environ Monit Assess (2021) 193:841 Page 7 of 13  841

Table 5  Species-wise dry S. No Name of Species AGB BGB TBD AGC​ BGC TCD Total CO2eq
matter content (Mg ­ha−1),
carbon density (Mg-C 1 Pongamia pinnata 1.60 0.38 1.98 0.76 0.18 0.94 3.63
­ha−1), and ­CO2eq (Mg
2 Azadirachta indica 56.61 13.59 70.20 26.81 6.43 33.24 128.69
­ha−1) of adult tree species
at National Zoological Park 3 Syzigum cumini 7.52 1.81 9.33 3.56 0.86 4.42 17.10
(NZP). [AGB dry matter 4 Dalbergia sissoo 0.54 0.130 0.67 0.26 0.06 0.32 1.22
content of aboveground 5 Ficus benghalensis 79.00 18.96 97.96 37.41 8.98 46.39 179.60
biomass; BGB dry matter
6 Ficus religiosa 38.28 9.19 47.46 18.12 4.35 22.47 87.02
content of belowground
biomass; TBD total biomass 7 Bauhinia variegata 5.96 1.43 7.39 2.82 0.68 3.50 13.55
density; AGC​aboveground 8 Albizia procera 15.03 3.61 18.64 7.12 1.71 8.83 34.18
biomass carbon; BGC 9 Albizia lebbeck 0.85 0.20 1.06 0.40 0.10 0.50 1.93
belowground biomass
10 Prosopis juliflora 7.42 1.78 9.20 3.51 0.84 4.36 16.86
carbon; TCD total carbon
density] 11 Celtis tetrandra 0.48 0.12 0.60 0.23 0.06 0.28 1.09
12 Millettia peguensis 0.71 0.17 0.89 0.34 0.08 0.42 1.62
13 Morus australis 0.89 0.21 1.11 0.42 0.10 0.52 2.03
14 Cordia dichotoma 2.27 0.55 2.82 1.08 0.26 1.34 5.17
15 Ficus racemosa 77.89 18.69 96.58 36.88 8.85 45.73 177.06
16 callistemon viminalis 2–00 0.45 2.48 0.95 0.23 1.17 4.54
17 Ficus elastica 0.81 0.19 0.99 0.38 0.09 0.47 1.82

tree species contained biomass in the range between the sites, the mean ­CO2eq was 168.8 Mg ­ha−1CO2eq
0.7 and 18.6 Mg ­ha−1, C density in the range of 0.3 with the greatest value 176.6  Mg  ­ha−1 at site 3 and
to 8.8 Mg-C ­ha−1, and ­CO2eq of remained adult tree the lowest value of 155.7 Mg ­ha−1 at site 2 (Fig. 2).
species lies between 1.1 and 34.2  Mg  ­ha−1. Among
the obtained data of sapling tree species, TBD, TCD,
and ­CO2eq of A. procera (3  Mg  ­ha−1, 1.4  Mg-C Discussion
­ha−1, 5.4  Mg  ­ha−1, respectively) were the highest,
and the lowest values were observed for Mimusops The present investigation helps in further study to
elengi (0.1  Mg  ­ha−1, 0.05  Mg-C ­ha1, 0.2  Mg  ­ha−1 know about the amount of oxygen releases in the
respectively). environment on the basis of atomic number, differ-
Similarly, the component-wise dry matter content, ent cities comprises different oxygen levels based on
C density, and total C ­ O2eq of sapling species were their population consumption, abundance of healthy
estimated and the mean value of each parameter are trees, diameter ranges, and growth rate (Nowak et al.,
provided in Table  6. The TBD and TCD of individ- 2007). In the present study, tree density was found
ual sapling tree species were ranged between 0.1 and lower than the reported value of Pesola et al. (2017)
2.9 Mg ­ha−1, and 0.05 and 1.4 Mg-C ­ha−1, respectively. for the area at Parco Nord Milano, Milan, Italy; the
The total C
­ O2eq of remained sapling tree species was value ranged from 240 to 740 individual ­ha−1. Fur-
varied between 0.2 and 1.1 Mg ­ha−1 across the sites. thermore, tree density values of this study correspond
to the value of semi-arid tropical forests of Delhi
Total tree biomass, carbon density, and ­CO2 (633 individual h­ a−1) (Meena et al., 2019). The diam-
equivalent at NZP eter range of the present study may be compared to
the reported value of Tripathi (2016), which ranged
The TBD at different sites ranges varied from 85 from 12.4 to 97.7  cm, higher than the current value
to 96.4  Mg  ­ha−1. The mean TBD estimated at NZP of adult tree species at Delhi/NCR. For tree spe-
was 92.1 Mg ­ha−1. Furthermore, the TCD value was cies, the distribution of diameter class is helpful to
observed highest (45.6 Mg-C h­ a−1) for S3 while low- know about the tree population structure of differ-
est at S2 (40.2 Mg-C ­ha−1) across the sites. The mean ent ranges. The variation in the tree diameter range
TCD estimated at NZP was 43.6 Mg-C ­ha−1. Across of different forest region majorly depends on growth

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841   Page 8 of 13 Environ Monit Assess (2021) 193:841

Table 6  Species-wise dry S. no Species name AGB BGB TBD AGC​ BGC TCD Total CO2eq
matter content (Mg ­ha−1),
carbon density (Mg-C 1 Ficus racemosa 0.155 0.037 0.192 0.073 0.018 0.091 0.353
­ha−1), and ­CO2eq (Mg h­ a−1)
2 Mimusops elengi 0.077 0.018 0.095 0.036 0.009 0.045 0.175
of sapling tree species at
National Zoological Park 3 Holoptelea integrifolia 0.295 0.071 0.366 0.140 0.034 0.173 0.672
(NZP). [AGB dry matter 4 Ficus religiosa 0.113 0.027 0.140 0.054 0.013 0.066 0.257
content of aboveground 5 Bauhina purpures 0.107 0.026 0.133 0.051 0.012 0.063 0.243
biomass; BGB dry matter
6 Ficus benghalensis 0.097 0.023 0.120 0.046 0.011 0.057 0.22
content of belowground
biomass; TBD total biomass 7 Emblica officinalis 0.099 0.024 0.123 0.047 0.011 0.058 0.226
density; AGC​aboveground 8 Cassia fistula 0.257 0.062 0.319 0.122 0.029 0.151 0.584
biomass carbon; BGC 9 Albizia procera 2.395 0.575 2.970 1.134 0.272 1.406 5.445
belowground biomass
10 Albizia lebbeck 0.502 0.120 0.622 0.238 0.057 0.295 1.14
carbon; TCD total carbon
density] 11 Azadirachta indica 0.332 0.080 0.412 0.157 0.038 0.195 0.755
12 Celtis tetrandra 0.653 0.157 0.810 0.309 0.074 0.384 1.485
13 Bauhinia variegata 0.374 0.090 0.464 0.177 0.042 0.219 0.85
14 Tectona grandis 0.254 0.061 0.315 0.120 0.029 0.149 0.577
15 Haplophragma adenophyllum 0.081 0.020 0.101 0.039 0.009 0.048 0.185
16 Pongamia pinnata 0.239 0.057 0.296 0.113 0.027 0.140 0.542
17 Dalbergia sissoo 0.210 0.051 0.261 0.100 0.024 0.124 0.478
18 Ficus elastica 0.159 0.038 0.197 0.075 0.018 0.093 0.36
19 Morus australis 0.258 0.062 0.321 0.122 0.029 0.152 0.588
20 Cordia dichotoma 0.103 0.025 0.128 0.049 0.012 0.060 0.234
21 Terminalia bellirica 0.468 0.112 0.580 0.221 0.053 0.275 1.063

patterns, species composition, and age of trees (Joshi species succession’s chronosequence, which leads to
& Dhyani,  2019). Furthermore, they also mentioned variations in tree diameter range. Across the sampling
that the physical environmental factors influence area, the height of trees was found corresponding to





Mg ha






Biomass Carbon CO2 eq.

Fig. 2  Mean value of total biomass density (TBD), total carbon (TCD), and C
­ O2 equivalent (­CO2eq) of National Zoological Park
(NZP), Delhi. Narrow bars represent standard error

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Environ Monit Assess (2021) 193:841 Page 9 of 13  841

the range of 7.1–10.3 m reported for Bogotá, Colom- by Strohbach and Haase (2012) at Leipzig, Ger-
bia region (Escobedo et  al., 2015). The total bio- many; it may be due to difference in species com-
mass (adult + sapling trees) of NZP was estimated position, structure, and tree canopy which leads to
lower than the value, 218.8  Mg  ­ha−1, reported by the variation in the values. The BGC of the present
Rahmawaty and Rauf (2017) for the Taman Beringin study was found lower than the reported values of
Urban Forest, Indonesia. The average TBD of the North Ridge Forest (15.5  Mg-C ­ha−1) and Central
present study was corresponding to the average value Ridge Forest (11.5  Mg-C h­a−1) of Delhi (Meena
(90.5  Mg  ­ha−1), for the tropical semi-arid forest, et  al., 2019). All these differences in the reported
Delhi (Meena et  al., 2019). According to our study, and present values might be due to the dominance
the TCD value of NZP is two times higher than the of different tree species, population density, and tree
value of London Borough, Camden and tropical semi- ages.
arid forest, Delhi (Meena et  al., 2019; Wilkes et  al., The total degraded area in Delhi was estimated
2018), respectively. Our value is also lower than the as 28  ha due to water erosion reported by Maji
value reported by Nowak and Crane (2002) in USA et al. (2010). This degraded area could convert into
of 700 million tonnes. For the densely populated cit- green spaces to increase Delhi/NCR green space.
ies, urban green spaces act as a biodiversity hotspot The metropolitan municipality, Tshwane of South
(Sumangala, 2013) as they act as a survivor for the Africa follows strategies to replace or relocate dead
city. Every person should have the responsibilities to trees with new ones and ensure a high percentage
glorify their surroundings for maintaining balance in of tree density and frequency to maintain green
nature. cover (Stoffberg et  al., 2010). Moreover, ­ CO2eq
Our total (adult + sapling trees) estimates of ­CO2eq is the parameter of the environmental-economic
value were lower than the value 11,100  Mg  ­ ha−1 analysis of a country. In 2019, the global GHG
reported in Muscat, Oman, by Amoatey and Sulaiman emission rate after excluding land use change was
(2019). Urban trees help in reducing the pollution 52.4 Gt ­CO2eq, and with the land use change, it is
level by directly capturing the pollutants and wash 57.4 Gt C ­ O2eq (Olivier et  al.,  2017). The global
them out directly into the ground during rain (Brack, increase in C­ O2 level was 0.9% in that year, and the
2002). Selections of trees species are the most cru- total greenhouse gas increase was 1.1%. In addi-
cial part of planning urban greening and increase tion, India is the fourth-largest emitter of GHGs
the C density and sequestration rate (Churkina et al., globally, with a contribution of 7%, whereas in
2015). The planning, designing, understanding, and our study site, ­CO2eq value is less than 2.94% of
maintenance of green spaces is vital for urban devel- the global value (Olivier et  al.,  2017). This shows
opment vis-a-vis C sequestration; it was also empha- that the pollution level of Delhi needs our neces-
sized by Mhatre (2008). Planning of developing sary concern. In India, the average increase in ­CO2
urban green spaces should consider planting high bio- emission per year is 5%. Excluding the land use
mass trees for enhancing absorption of ­CO2 directly change, global key drivers of C ­ O2 emission are coal
in urban trees (Yao et  al., 2015). The total (above- combustion, oil combustion, natural gas combus-
ground + belowground) ­CO2eq of the present study tion, and cement clinker production (Olivier et al.,
was observed much lower than the reported value 2017). Furthermore, it also stated that mining, pro-
(1893.1 Mg ­ha−1 and 214.4 Mg ­ha−1, respectively) of cessing, and transport of raw materials increase the
Muscat, Oman, because of the higher density of trees, ­CO2 emission as well as C ­ O2eq (Turner & Collins,
species composition, and difference in management 2013). Moreover, Olupot et al. (2017) have worked
policies (Amoatey & Sulaiman, 2019). on the effects of land use change in protected areas
The AGB (adult + sapling trees) of NZP was on ­CO2eq. According to the report, an increased
found higher than the value 26.9 Mg ­ha−1, reported plantation in Kibale National Park leads to seques-
by Giannico et al. (2016); the major difference may tration of 18.1  Mg-CO2eq ­ha−1 only by the pine
be due to the approaching of LiDAR technique for plantation in the past 10  years, which is only
the sampling of trees and tree species composition. 10.72% of the ­CO2eq value of NZP, Delhi. The dif-
The AGC value in the present study was found three ference in the values might be the result of types of
times higher than the value (11 Mg-C ­ha−1) reported plantations; however, it also contrasts the theory of

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841   Page 10 of 13 Environ Monit Assess (2021) 193:841

Harmon et  al. (2013) and Wu et  al. (2017), which would help decision-making related to environmen-
indicates the effects of disturbance in Land cover tal and ecological issues by the policymakers. It will
in Kibale National Park. Likewise, in Mt Elgon also lead to a path of study of ­CO2eq across differ-
National Park, land use change in various areas ent parts of India. The study will also help further
causes 93.6 to 91.5% of ­CO2eq loss. In addition research related to ­ CO2eq by using computational
to that, a shift in chlorofluoro carbon level leads models like PROMETHEE-OW, which will provide
to 76.8% of ­CO2eq loss in Bwindi National Park. data in a more scientific way instead of a policy tool.
So, it was confirmed that land use changes have a At the regional level, the actual estimated value of
significant impact on ­CO2eq (Olupot et  al., 2017). carbon density would be vital to validate the model
However, according to Caravaggio et  al. (2019), simulated values. The present study could be helpful
­CO2eq is used more as a policy tool than a scien- to forest managers for the development of conducive
tific tool. It only targets the policy as expressed in strategies in sustainable management of the zoologi-
the term of carbon dioxide. In addition to that, the cal national parks for increasing carbon density and
study has been done on register vehicles from 1995 ­CO2eq. It would thus be a win–win situation for every
to 2015 in European states to study the ­CO2eq and living being. Moreover, urban greenery also provides
it shows that emission of ­CO2eq was much higher biophysical and socio-economic benefits, including
in diesel car than in the petrol car (Helmers et al., aesthetic value and biodiversity improvement.
2019). Ragnauth et  al. (2015) also studied differ-
ent non-agricultural sectors like energy, waste, and Acknowledgements  The authors sincerely acknowledge the
administrative persons of the National Zoological Park those
industrial sectors providing global analysis of non- who were permitted and cooperate to perform this study. The
CO2 gas in terms of ­CO2eq as well as the marginal author A. Rajlaxmi gratefully also acknowledges the INSPIRE
abetment cost curve till 2030 which provides a new (DST), India, for the JRF fellowship.
direction for the policymakers regarding economic
modelling to combat climate change. However, the Data availability  All data generated or analyzed during this
study are included in this published article in form of tables
main flaws of the ­CO2eq concept are as follows: it and figures. Moreover, the raw datasets generated during and/
works for only a certain class of pollutants and the or analyzed during the current study are available from the cor-
weight used for expression is not uniform for all responding author on reasonable request.
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