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Title: Up in the air

Read the direction and answer the questions carefully.

1.In the movie, “UP IN THE AIR,” did technology make the processes of a HR practitioner more
efficient?. What are the disadvantages? Please site examples from the movie and explain in detail.

2.From the movie “UP IN THE AIR” what is the problem in the Organization.
To answer the question in number #2, use the Case Study Template for this scenario.


 Ryan Bingham works for a human resources consulting company that specializes in helping
people who are facing job termination. He frequently travels the nation performing firm
layoffs on behalf of employers as part of his job. Ryan also offers motivational presentations,
praising living without encumbering relationships and material belongings by utilizing the
analogy of "What's in Your Backpack?" Ryan wants to accrue ten million frequent flyer miles
with American Airlines and is a regular traveler.
 Natalie receives advice from Ryan on how to travel more effectively by packing less and
going through airport security more swiftly. Ryan defends his way of life when Natalie
questions it while they are on the road together, especially when it comes to relationships
and love.
 Despite their obvious connection, Natalie berates Ryan for his unwillingness to commit to
Alex; Ryan dismisses Natalie's critiques and chastises her for lacking empathy and never
appreciating her surroundings. Ryan travels to Wisconsin to attend his sister Julie's wedding
before returning home, bringing Alex with him. He had a tense reunion with his distant
relatives, who don't want him being gone. Ryan's older sister, Kara, asks Ryan to step in
when the groom, Jim, changes his mind minutes before the ceremony.

Problem Statement:
The film touches on both challenges, so the plot has multiple layers. letting people go and getting let
go; it has to do with personal ties and a lack of it is about going on work trips while having a family at
home, and it is a movie about the decisions we make, to sum up.

Point of View:
To their staff, Ryan was a little bit unjust. Every person has, as we all know, each person has a
personal conflict that they must contend with on a daily basis. What I would do if I were Natalie
compel the organization to implement a different method of terminating employees since everyone
deserves a second possibility.

 To examine the effects of a society that is becoming more mobile on relationships with loved
ones and friends.
 To strike a balance between HR activities' efficacy and efficiency.
 Really understanding employee’s first before firing them.
SWOT Analysis

 The option to join online meetings  A lack of desire to change.
from anywhere.  You'll have to rely on severance or
 Additional health insurance, as well as unemployment benefits to get by.
help finding a new employment.  It's challenging to gauge an employee's
true emotions.
 In organizations and businesses, there  A corporation that produces wheat is
is room for flexibility. at risk from a drought.
 It enhances the performance of the
business reputation.

Alternative Course of Action (ACA)

1. Provide and introduction to the subject at first so that they are informed.

 Your employees can also be prepared.
 Able to comprehend each employee’s personal struggles.

 There’ll be a time that employees might plan on leaving.

2. Only urgent meetings are eligible for the use of video conferencing.

 Organizing emergency meetings effectively without changing the way that businesses fire

 The business’s atmosphere and rules may get muddled as a result of its adoption.

3. Demands that the company carry out firings personally as if they were a crucial announcement.

 Reduce the chance of negative consequences if the worker feels their dismissal was unfair.
 The employee’s intense sensations and emotion are palpable to the HR professionals.

 Employees who have been terminated unfairly may initiate claims or legal actions against
 The commute to the employee’s workplace can be time-consuming.
 It may make it more difficult to keep personnel.
Matrix of Evaluation

ACA Advantage Disadvantage Ranks Remarks

2. 1. Provide and introduction to the subject 2 1 2 Neutral
at first so that they are informed.
2. Only urgent meetings are eligible for the 1 1 3 Poor
use of video conferencing.
3. Demands that the company carry out 2 3 1 Good
firings personally as if they were a crucial

Legally speaking, it is best to make sure that you have a good, nondiscriminatory business
rationale for firing someone and that you have sufficient proof of that cause. Prior to firing the
employee, your paperwork needs to be made in the regular course of business.

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