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Soal UTS Semester Genap

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas : VIII (Delapan)
Nama : ……………………..

Answer The questions below by choosing the right answer between a, b, c, or, d

Read the text and answer questions 1 to 5


Animals are widely used in laboratories. Mice, rabbits, dogs, and monkeys are a few
examples of animals used by researchers and scientists for scientific and medical purposes.
Scientists use the animals to investigate biological processes in humans and animals, to
study the causes of diseases, to test drugs, vaccines, and surgical techniques, and to evaluate the
safety of chemical used in pesticides, cosmetics, and other products. Many chemical functions
like human so that they can be good models to understand the human body. Some animals suffer
from the same diseases as humans do. Animals also carry a number of genes that are identical to
human genes. With those similarities, scientists are able to learn much about the human body by
studying the animals.

1. What do researchers and scientists do in laboratories?

a. Make drugs
b. Do experiment
c. Take care of animals
d. Give medical treatment

2. Scientists learn about the human body by studying .

a. Certain animals
b. Human body itself
c. All kinds of animals
d. All living things

3. " that they can be good models to understand human body." What does the bold
typed word refer to?

a. Animals
b. Functions
c. Humans
d. Genes

4. Based on the text, why do the scientists use animals for their experiments?
a. Animals are the most suitable objects
b. It is easier to use animals than humans
c. Scientists do not want to use humans
d. Animals have similarities to humans

5. “They are used for scientific and medical purposes.” (Paragraph

1) The word ‘they’ in the sentence refers to ………...
a. Researchers
b. Laboratories
c. Scientists
d. Animals

Read the text and answer questions 6 to 8

Dear Friend,
Hi! My name is Dian Wahyu Dinata. I’m the winner of an English Poetry Reading
Competition in Sempu. I live in Maron. I was very happy to meet Sue and Ayu on early February
2018. I’m very comfortable speaking English with you. I have one question for Kang Guru when
I can invite KG to our school in SMP Genteng.

Dian Wahyu Dinata

Sempu, Banyuwangi

6. Who is the winner of an English Poetry Reading Competition in Sempu?

a. Sue and Ayu
b. Dian Wahyu Dinata
c. Dian’s friends
d. Dian’s teacher

7. When did Dian met Sue and Ayu?

a. Before an English Poetry Reading Competition.
b. On early February 2018
c. When Dian invited Kang Guru
d. When Sue and Ayu came

8. Which statement is TRUE based on the letter above?

a. Sue and Ayu have one question for Kang Guru
b. Sue and Ayu live in Maron
c. Dian Wahyu Dinata is not the winner of an English Poetry Reading Competition

d. The writer of the letter is Dian Wahyu Dinata

9. Rika : Can you help me to get some food?

Santi : Yes, of course.
The italicised words is an expression of .
a. request
b. agreement
c. permission
d. invitation

10. Rani : What's your opinions of the disasters, that keep happening in our
country? Anti : ..........................
a. the rooms look very comfortable
b. well I must say that I feel so sad
c. the cat is very cute
d. I think I have a headache

11. Lia is 15 years old. Ami is 16 years old. It means Lia is.........than Ami.
a. taller
b. older
c. shorter
d. younger

12. There is.........big garden in my city.

a. an
b. the
c. a
d. and your school?

a. What
b. Where
c. When
d. When

14.does the test begin?

a. What
b. Who
c. When
d. Whom

Questions 15 to 20 are based on Text 3.

Do You Know This Girl?

I was in the park with my older sister, Cathy, on Friday. My sister left her jacket on a
bench while we talked to some friends. When we went back to the bench, a girl in a red T-shirt

was sitting there. She had some money in her hand. When she saw us, she got up and walked
I said to my sister. “Did you have any money in you're
jacket?” She said, “Yes, Anna, I did.”
I said, “Look in your jacket quickly.”
Cathy looked in her jacket, but her money was not there.
“That girl stole it!” I said, and we all ran after her. We caught her quickly.
My sister was very angry and she said, ”Give me the money!” The girl gave the money to
Cathy and ran away. We all ran after her, but we lost her.
Then we went home. But before we could tell our parents, my mother said to Cathy, “You
left your money at home. It's on the table in the sitting room. You must be more careful with
So the girl in the red T-shirt was not a thief! She probably thought we were thieves! We
felt terrible.
Please telephone us if you know this girl. We are very sorry for our mistake. We would
like to say sorry to her and give her money back to her. Our number is 512667. My name is

15. Cathy's jacket was ……….

a. at home
b. on the bench
c. full of money
d. at school

16. Cathy thought the money was……….

a. from her jacket
b. at home
c. on the bench
d. at school

17. The girl gave the money to Cathy because …………

a. she was afraid
b. Cathy asked her nicely
c. it was Cathy's money
d. Cathy wants the money

18. Cathy's.............was really at home.

a. jacket
b. money
c. sister
d. brother

19. When Cathy's mother spoke, they knew that ..........

a. they had the girl's money
b. the girl wasn’t a thief
c. the money was Anna's
d. they found something

20. Anna and Cathy.........the girl.

a. want to find
b. know
c. have telephoned
d. like

21. They want the girl.

a. give their money
b. say thank you
c. return the money
d. use the money

The text below is for questions 22 - 24

I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn't go off.
Then, I (22) such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast. After
breakfast, I got dressed so (23)................that I forgot to wear socks.
Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I wanted to take
a taxi, but I didn't have enough money.
Finally, I (24)................the three miles to my school only to discover that it was Sunday! I hope
I never have a day as the one I had yesterday.

22. a. am
b. is
c. were
d. was

23. a. finally
b. slowly
c. lately
d. quickly

24. a. walked
b. run
c. running
d. walking

25. Our family – on last Sunday – Bojong sari Water Boom – with – We – Went to
1 2 3 4 5 6
The correct arrangement of the jumble text is ....
a. 5 – 6 – 3 – 4 – 1 – 2
b. 2 – 3 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 2
c. 1 – 6 – 3– 4 – 5 – 2
d. 1 – 6 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 2

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