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 Definition of Adjective Clause

Adjective clause is a clause that functions as an adjective and is used to explain a noun or

pronoun in a complex sentence. Adjective clauses will act as dependent clauses (sub-clauses),

while what is described functions as an independent clause (main clause).

Example :

o She really likes the present given (adjective)

o She really likes the present given by her uncle (adjective phrase)

o She really likes the present which was given by her uncle (adjective clause)

Independent clause : She really likes the present

Dependent clause : which was given by her uncle (adj clause)

Which was given by her uncle (adj clause) explain present (noun) from independent clause.

 Pattern and Function of Adjective Clause

1. Subject

Who/which/that + verb + (object) + (adverb)

Note : who : person, which : non person, that : person, non person

Example :

The Fantasy film is very interesting.

It features world magic. (subject, non person = which/that)

The fantasy film which/that features world magic is very interesting. (adj


2. Object

Whom/which/that + subject + verb + (adverb)

Example :

My mother knows the boy whom/that I was mad yesterday. (adj clause)
3. Adverb

When/where/on, in, at which + subject + verb + (object)

Note : when : time, where : place, in, on, at which : time, place.

Example :

4. Possession

Whose/of which + noun + (subject) + verb

Note : whose : person, non person, of which : non person

Example :

The man is a singer

His daughter is our neighbour

The man whose daughter is our neighbour is a singer. (adj clause)

5. Reason

why + subject + verb

Example :

I don’t know the reason why he doesn’t collect his assignment. (adj clause)

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