Abstracting: Dynamic Mobile Content Adaptation in Device Independent Web Engineering

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Dynamic Mobile Content Adaptation

Abstracting in Device Independent Web
Aimin Liang, Cholsu Li, Suwei Guo

and toolkits to facilitate an efficient adaptation framework for

Abstract-When delivering content across proliferations of web content.
presentation devices, current web engineering tries to allow the
web accessible for varieties accessing mechanisms and universal II. CONTENT ADAPTATION MODEL
user modes. An intelligent content amalgamation mechanism is
researched to meet current web information systems. It provides The W3C defines content adaptation as "a process of
flexible networking infrastructure with effective content selection, generation, or modification that produces one or
adaptations practices. Including an abstracted network context more perceivable units in response to a requested uniform
logical model, a device independent metadata definition for web resource identifier in a given delivery context." [1] So the model
resources, and autonomous-agents based adaptation algorithms for web content adaptation must deal with categories in 3
reorganization, this framework serves an optimized dynamic processes, they are context identification, content authoring
intelligent mobile web-engineering environment, and adaptation procession. Adaptation process can occur
Inde;device independent; web engineering
anytime at any location ofthe path from content servers to users.
Three basic approaches exist for adapting content for
subscribed users: server-side, intermediate, and client-side.
These approaches take function individually or cooperatively.
Situation becomes further complicated while an adaptation
R ecent years have seen a proliferation of devices types and engine can't identify other adaptation schemes to decide his
access mechanisms in the fields ofweb services, extending role in the context of delivering the most suitable content to
far beyond the conventional personal computer. People end-users. To meet such challenges, this research proposed
surfs the Internet over mobile phones, car carriers, kiosks, resolutions from special perspectives, in context identification,
Pocket PCs, TV Boxes, aural devices, information furniture, or content authoring, adaptation procession algorithms, and
such handheld devices, in verities of environments. It is adaptation amalgamation. Considering the co-existing of
unrealistic to expect an author to create different user varieties of mobile devices with limited capabilities, a
experiences for every delivery context. Whenever possible, server-side adaptation framework is proposed as following.
authored source content should be reused across multiple Web elemens
delivery contexts. It suggests the use of adaptation of contents
as the integrator of multiple adaptation applications processing
requirements. Such intelligent adaptation applications are to Ub M§trkt b
allow the Web to be accessible by anyone, anywhere, anytime, modacclss
anyhow. The general content related adaptation framework
provides users with an improved user experiences over any
access mechanism. Web authors then can design& maintain all 11 1 1 0 f Xq O 8 g gS LTp b adaptation flow
Topicl:based ladlapAtationforfdw,
the web resources+1 andS interaction
1o + + S 1 in universal1 styles
model < 1 Cutoer~~Customer
111l rB NIIi

before deploying. Rendering devices

To cover such a complex situation, Sybase Corp and Real accessing context A a

Tsinghua University starts a research project analyzing the

characteristics of current services for mobile devices including Pic 1: general server adaptation model
capability limited devices, and puts forwards general strategies In a general sense, this content adaptation framework
illustrates the relationship of involved packages. To provide a
universal web site by using this framework, we need a web
Manuscript received Feb 16, 2006. This work was supported by Sybase. mdln rcs mlmne yteasrc
Aimin lhang, Cholsu Li, and Suwei Guo are with Computer Sci&tech
Department, Tsinghua University, Information Science&Technology Building, components organization to build up organization of semantic
1-308, TsinghuaYuan, Haidian District, 100081 Beijing, PRC, web elements, a ubiquitous context model to cover complex
(hiangam@tsinghua.edu.cn, hitsO3@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn, subscriber characters, and an adaptation process implemented
g*@snhaeuc. by the topic based adaptation negotiation and adaptation agents

I1-4244-0574-2/06/$20.OO (0)2006 IEEE


repository. The adapted web components that suffice accessing <?xml version=" 1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
context and elements semantic &author preferences are <rdf:RDF xmlns= ... >
translated into concrete presentations before delivery by ...

components rendering part. <prf:Keyboard>Qwerty</prf:Keyboard>

Many approaches are made by different organizations in </rdf:Bag></prf:InputCharSet>
context identification, or at least some aspects of it. Delivery ...
context includes different perspectives of users, authors and
implementers' concerns, which focus on different aspects of
delivery context, such as vocabularies, protocols, data <?xml version=" 1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
structures, and implementations [2]
HTTP is the basis for most current Web-based <: subscriber xmlns=...
information delivery. HTTP headers are most widely used to ...

carry delivery context information. A number of. standard <device:textlnputCapability>

. . ~~<device: language lang="Simplified Chinese">
accept headers can be used to match the capabilities of a e
requesting device (or, in particular, its user agent) to the .
information that is delivered from an origin server. The current </device:textlnputCapability>
Composite Capabilities/Preferences Profile (CC/PP)[7], defined ...

by W3C with a data structure and a sample vocabulary for I_I

profiles, can also convey delivery context information. Open characters of context into ubiquitous logical model via in an
Mobile Alliance (OMA) has defined a User Agent Profile as an example 4-step calculation as following, processing the related
implementation of CC/PP for WAP-enabled mobile terminals, device profiles into a logical device.
providing convergence of mobile web technologies with those Web author may indicate the class or range of special
ofthe Web [3] . HP set out DELI[4] to cope devices implemented abstract parameters or primary physical attributes. Adaptation
CC/PP or UAprof. Media Queries introduce another engine uses the abstract context model, authors' hints, and web
vocabulary for accessing device characteristics['] SMIL 2.0 elements semantic to arrange the adaptation process.
defines a BasicContentControl Module that defines certain
system characteristics that may be used to control a SMIL Pic2: context abstraction process procedure
presentation[91. Transparent Content Negotiation (TCN), IETF
Content Negotiation working group (Conneg), Media Feature ,,....

voaulre acodn to their spca concerns. pAVnadfph
contextN modeltarl dscee balswpinthuc divrsqityof
decie ofvcevirtuaapabvideifyf)rediferentrbrosereagent..Conten
in ontology usequraent wihfceso autorng.s.o.povde.or
< LMN referencsteh
moait,devc, capreferences) and networks.tce hecnen utoig o aln
As ilLustrate mrodalty auralusreen
follworing: IDATAlIpntID # require> NWaiiis
iei uprigacest hi .. ie rmavreyo
<! ELEMENT sbcriabilter (id, moapblity,) preference,otntathrigist povdmr
newr)LMN aaiiy(d dsrpin>poie'ghnswe dpaigcntn oues uhmr
<!ATTLIST idpet
naD(sds o capabluties*)>
#RQURDAT RQURD Web authorse have noticedothencontenttauthoringxfortalong
<! ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ELEENdevice(dvne* #requred IVb CONTENTeAUTHORINGtm
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~apoce
<..ELMN subscriber... embedalt,dedadvices apreference, in suporing access
hito their sraitesfomnal
langualso d
s1mllar algor1thm. In eng1neer1ng, abstrachon maps the evicepthesyapplica

instead of primary physical parameters. For example, instead of pages,'by adding author hints into traditional web content.
different tpofabulars
kboardorinputo styles suechuc 'o.. ~~Author
example,hints are metadata related to parts of web contents, for
relative importance. IBM set out external annotation
context model map these device characters into an universal btac aat i
tex inutapbilty ve fuzy alclaion asilustate i documents with content adaptation hints' ' . UIML by OASIS is
another paper. Following iS a translation form UAProf to
unscriver cnonteta e. XML based language describing user interfaces that are
similrealegorthmDiferet cntetdenifiatin
Integitn ahieedthehepopular
cn e eaps
dericng,ararctin physil e dtoday
a -- i. for traditional Itdesktop,
cibeus web, mobile,

interface for custom devices or devices that are invented in the accommodate web entities' attributes over a fixed combination
future '4]. XForms provides "appearance" attribute that can be of processing algorithms. 2. Adaptation Topic. Adaptation
specified on all Form Controls. An author has the ability to Topic is an optimized cluster of titles/topics combined with the
provide a hint to the component responsible for rendering. application interest vectors. Cluster of titles is noted as
Increasingly, authors prepare content that includes more CB=- {,)7} , whereas = {CI C2, . .,I C } is a collection of

semantic information. Early years Technical University of preferred adaptation titles, and the titles relation
Vienna set out MyXMLE'0] to achieve some semantic web description
t 7={<C,Ci b> coc,cit eT E {0,>,7}} fitS
sevices for device independent via a xml/xlt grace. Here we put
forward forwad
2 concepts: General Web
2 oncets: Gnera Language oject(GWL
WebLanguge objects(GWL into binary relationship between titles. The adaptation topic
.[11] must suffice 3,~C C X cE ,u 1J,1i,.,ijC
< i, j < n, i # j Ci C
objects) and abstract web elements orgnization in semantic. m C =

GWL objects are web objects similar to Swing UI components, Application interest vectors are Lt= tel, te2., ten}, where tei is
including pages, containers, forms, lables, buttons, and so on. one of the logical device traits. Via title based agent negotiation
Each object has it's events definition, variables and rendering between title agents, topic deals with a web service in suitable
conditions. Abstract web elements orgnization give out context, as this diagram.
ontology based relationship of objects of a web site, for app-ia--- Di e
example, loops, headers, references. All these concepts can be C
described in our special Device independent page markup
language (DIML)Y1" , or built up directly from
estrng e avalue

already-published HTML files. A web resource authoring Trit B N a lue

toolkit is developed to process the translation. Documents with T C Value C
dynamic contents such as JSP can be managed within this
toolkit, but scripts with tag included are rejected. Adaptation ------- ue

process part modifies these entities' parameters and relation. 0 _ ! ! ! |

Selected entities for the special context are rendered to the user
in correspondent rendering machine. Following diagram Title Title Title A bin Topic
illustrates the process. Z

Pic3: flexible adaptation topic amalgamation
Adaptation process includes content selection, navigation The topics search in their application interest vector based on
generation, media translation, items sorting, layout reschedule, The tinedrcntext.ePr atchin ibere complex tn
and unit decomposition. The limited abilities and varieties of the desned context. Part matching will be more complex than
handhold accessing devices have different style, layout, content, Thislote rstshin cren aetotall ne topicThedatin
structure, navigation, and interaction when accessing the same
web service. It's necessary to amalgamate flexibly among agents will cooperate with each other and decide new
different adaptation algorithms in destined context. E-business processing strategy. New strategy becomes a new adaptation
needs schemes to construct device related applications from topic. Adding more adaptation title can reduce the probability
device independent applications. Most current adaptation of negotiation failure. We have developed more than 12 soft
technologies deal with some special classes of context agents of content adaptation title.
characters when processing the adaptation. For example, the
types of devices supported by MMIT 12] is decided by the
amount of adaptors, and algorithm of corresponding adaptor VI. RENDER MACHINE
decides the quality of adaptation; Adaptations in XML/XSLT When a network resource have been adapted in the
based adaptation framework includes mainly fragmentation adaptation engine according the context parameters, the refined
and transformation; UIML defines abstract UI with a device web entities can be rendered into serial of concrete
dependent style; and such on. representations, which a user can accept and identified with
With the ubiquitous context model and organized abstract better ex erience. The renderin machine oes over followin
web entities, a general content adaptation framework can deal g g g
wihagrtm an tehiqe m re frey To prvdems steps. After web enhtites in adaptive server are owed to refined
efficinthandobetter texperiquen
user experience, we
efficient and better user put.
we put
To temli-ent
out the multi-agent object events and signal systems, select group of elements for a
sigedlvr nt btatPg A)i is vlae
based adaptation framework and build up an application to s
prototype the flexible web engineering. Two basic concepts are according to the interaction modality of context model. Then
put forward to refine adaptation granularity and quality: 1. the AP will be adapted in runtime by our General Web
Adaptation Title: A title defines special group of adaptation Language package into the different concrete pages (CP), such
algorithms available in a given fixed autonomous context as HTML, WML, cHTML, and so on. Especially, the CP can be
vectors combination, wrapped as a software agent. It is context an UI interface of desktop PC, describing by tsinghua XGUItar,
traits vector-sensible unit, dealing with defined context to an extensible GUI xml standards supporting JFC Swing and

AWT [15]. The interactive actions of user submitted to server are VIII. CONCLUSIONS
translated into the events of correspondent objects to trigger Device independent web engineering introduces content
another resource request, just like the traditional Ul interaction. adaptation of existing network resources to varieties of web
users with better experiences. Based on the current content
adaptation technologies, a dynamic flexible practice of
VII. IMPLEMENTATIONS intelligent recognition models the round general adaptation
Universal context model is first built up covering HTTP, framework. Web content elements are reorganized according
W-HTTP, HTTP-Ex, and server-side Media Queries. We then universal context parameters and transformed in quite effective
set out a web content authoring toolkit to prototype the web representation. A prototype illustrates the modeling,
entity abstraction. The title repository includes 12 adaptations abstraction, adaptation, and render realities.
title currently. And 35 topics are defined for frequently context.
The adaptation engine introduces MAS-based algorithms REFERENCES
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