тема 7 б

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Unit 7. The Subjunctive Mood. Conditional sentences.

Grammar tasks
Task 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. If I see him, I will give him a lift.

2. If he is late, we’ll go without him.

3. I’ll be very angry if he makes any more mistakes.

4. If you come late, they will not let you in.

5. If I tell you a secret, you will promise not to tell it to anyone else?

6. If I knew his address, I’d give it to you.

7. If he worked more slowly, he would not make so many mistakes.

8. I wouldn’t drink that wine if I was you.

9. I could get a job easily if I would have a degree.

10. I would have bought shares in that company if I had some money.

11. If he had asked you, you would have accepted ?

12. If you spoke more slowly, he might have understood you.

13. If you had told me that he never paid his debts, I would not have lent him the money.

14. If I had known that you were in hospital, I would have visited you.

15. I would have taken a taxi if I had realized that it was such a long way.

 Task 2. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. Якщо він приєднається до нас, ми закінчимо цю роботу вчасно.

2. Ви покращите свою вимову, якщо будете щодня читати тексти вголос.

3. Ми прийдемо туди о десятій годині вечора, якщо поїзд не спізниться.

4. Якби не було системи цін, неможливо було б визначити вартість будь-якого товару
чи послуги.

5. Я б не здивувався, якби вони не погодилися з нами.

6. Я б зробив усе сам, якби мав більше часу.

7. Якби дощ перестав, ми могли б вийти.

8. Якби я зрозумів, який ти поганий водій, я б не поїхав з тобою.

9. Якби ви поклали в бутерброди трохи гірчиці, вони були б смачнішими.

10. Якби він знав всю історію, то не був би так злий.

11. Якби вона послухала мої вказівки, вона б не звернула не на ту вулицю.

12. Якби дорога була кращою, ми б не спізнилися.

 Task 3. Complete each sentence with the verb in brackets in an appropriate form.

1. If  you have not helped us, we would have spent much more time.

2. If it have not rained, I would have gone out for a walk.

3. If you had told me it was a surprise party, I would not said anything to her.

4. If you have not lent us the money, we would have gone to the bank.

5. If only Mick had come to the party, then we would have had a great time!

6. If I do not pay the phone bill today, the phone will be cut off.

7. If I have had your tools, I would have been able to fix the car.

8. Those wires look a bit dangerous; I will not touch them if I were you.

9. If you haven't received a letter yet, you would have not got the job.

10. If  the goalkeeper have not been heroic, we would have lost the match.

Task 4. Translate into English.

1. If he's here, I'll tell him.

2. He will have to go to the hospital tomorrow if he does not feel better.
3. What will you do if you do not find them at home?
4. If I tell you all the details, will you understand me?
5. If someone calls me, tell them I'll be home after six.
6. If you knew grammar better, you wouldn't make so many mistakes in your exercises.
7. If it wasn't so late now, I would have gone to him.
8. We would read English books in the original if we knew English better.
9. What would you do if someone talked to you all the time?
10. If the weather was good yesterday, we would go for a walk.
11. If you dressed warmer, you would not catch a cold.
12. If you had sent the letter yesterday, they would have received it tomorrow morning.
13. If I hadn't gone to them yesterday, we wouldn't know anything about it even now.
14. If we had left home half an hour earlier, we would not have been late for the train.
15. If they had reminded me of this yesterday, everything would have been done.

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