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Brgy. Gawaran, Molino VII, City of Bacoor, Cavite

School ID: 107879
Tel. No.: 046.571.250

Name of Proponents: WILMA D. ROYO


Research Theme: Teaching and Learning



Type of Study: Action Research

Affiliation: Gawaran Elementary School



The results of this study hoped to serve as a baseline in implementing Project

GLARE to reinforce and enhance reading particularly to learners who are in the frustration



The descriptive method was used in this study to gather necessary data. Record

of academic performance of learners during the first and second quarter were gathered

to be used in comparing the results. The attendance was collected to find out if there is

significance contribution with the performance of learners who were involved in the


To further describe, to interpret and analyze the data, the researcher used the F-

Test or One Way Anova, Percentage and Measure of Central Tendency as statistical


Research Limitation/Implication:

This study is focused on the assessment of the implementation of Project GLARE

– Grouping Learners by Ability for Reading Enhancement to cater the learners found with

difficulty in reading. The study was conducted during the second grading to fourth grading

period for the school year 2020- 2021 at Gawaran Elementary School. It is limited only to

pupils from grades three to six who had been reported under the frustration level as

reflected and documented in the Phil-IRI administration. Forty learners, among the total

respondents, were randomly selected for comparing the academic performance of the

respondents from grades three to six, ten from each grade level.


Based on the results, the mean of the result of the academic pre-performance (first
semester) is 76.75 while the mean of the result of the academic post-performance
(second semester) is 78.43. A difference of 1.68 is regarded as an observable result that
indicates increased in the academic performance after the conduct of the Project GLARE.
Using the F-Test value table, F-test computed value of 5.37 is greater than the
tabulated value of 1.39. Based on the interpretation of F-test tabulated table, if the
computed F-test value is greater than the tabulated F-test value the null hypothesis is
Hence, there is a significance difference between the academic performance of
the learners during the first semester and the second semester. The conduct of Project
GLARE in addressing learners with reading difficulty is very significant.

The creation of Project GLARE was made during the school year 2016-2017 and
is indeed an original project of the school and was conducted yearly in the succeeding
school years.

Key Words: reading difficulty, academic performance, reinforce, enhance

I. Context and Rationale

The three R’s – Reading, Writing and Arithmetic are considered as the precursor

of a deeper learning acquisition upon obtaining the mastery of them. Reading is the

primary focus among the three R’s because a learner will not be able to write even a

simple composition and solve an easy mathematical problem if he cannot read properly

and comprehend what he is reading in the content of it.

Reading is an important skill that needs to be developed among children at an

early part of their formal schooling. A learner will gain more skills through reading as he

moves to every phase of knowledge acquisition since it is a process of determining

meaning in a text wherein he constructs the author’s intended message into his mind. He

visualizes the characters and the scenery of the story and actively creates his own

personal version of the material he is reading. As an individual reads, he actively

processes the meaning of the word from the text and sets to know how the words go

together to convey a message. It involves constructing meanings for everything that

surrounds the reader.

Children in the elementary level having engaged in reading activity in school have

a significant positive influence in the learners’ reading achievement, attitude towards

reading, and attentiveness inside the four walls of the classroom. Teachers listen to their

learners read through encouraging them to participate in the story telling by miming

certain parts of the story or even by simply making appropriate roles. Hence, much

attention has been given to reading. Children’s knowledge in reading affects directly not

only how successful they are in school but how well they do throughout their lives. When

children learn to read, they have the key that opens the door to all knowledge of the world.

It opens new worlds that improve children’s lives.

The challenge in reading faced by our educators at present is the development

and improvement of it through proper intervention and methodology. This is to make an

interactive classroom environment where learners are empowered to share ideas and

explore the wonderful world of reading.

Nowadays, many children struggle to learn to read, and improvement is very

minimal. There is an immediate need to address reading difficulties of pupils. It is evident

in the results of the Phil-IRI administered during the current school year. To cater such

reading difficulties, the Project GLARE is being planned and carefully made. GLARE is

an acronym that stands for Grouping Learners by Ability for Reading Enhancement. The

project is being implemented and being launched for three consecutive years to support

the development and improvement of reading skills to help in attaining that every child

can read appropriately on the grade level the learner is currently enrolled in. Project

GLARE has five areas or categories namely: sound recognition, word identification or

consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC), decoding, phrases and comprehension such

categories will address the reading needs of each learner starting from the category the

learner will start, based on the result of the reading assessment, until the final level which

is the comprehension. If a learner will begin at the sounds after identifying the reading

disability, then once finished in the sounds he will proceed to the CVC, then to decoding,

to phrases and the last one is comprehension thus, exposes the learner with reading

difficulty to various strategies and acquiring the final stage which is the comprehension

level. The categories are found in every grade level with the contents of difficulty

increases as the grade level is getting higher. The Project GLARE is ideal to the needs

of each learner because those that undergo the reading development are not isolated or

even taken from attending other subjects they ought to attend.

Based on the schema theory, the features attempt to reactivate prior knowledge

on the topic of the selection to ensure better comprehension of a concept and ideas to be

learned. The students are guided to understand and appreciate different activities utilizing

varied strategies and approaches.

This is an endeavor of a teacher to uplift the reading development of learners

necessary in the teaching-learning process to finish the set task on time and move forward

in the attainment of learning standard. The project focus on series of exercises for mastery

as well as assessment tool to determine the degree of mastery of the skills focused in

enriching literacy experience of the learners.

The activities given to the learners are not only enjoyable but likewise lead to the

development of their oral and thinking skills thus proportionally develop reading

improvement and development. They will realize how enjoyable and how exiting learning

is. It will provide more opportunities to read and to understand what he has to read.

Project GLARE is different from other forms of addressing the learning disabilities

of one child particularly in reading disabilities. Some educators isolate learners with

reading disabilities from nondisabled peers. Such scenario is causing another problem.

The pattern of within school segregation based on observed disability has persisted for

decades without public outcry, although millions of students, teachers and administrators

comply it daily and it is well documented (Tyson, 2013). Linguistic overprotection occurs

when adults reduce the linguistic and cognitive complexity of their communications with

a child, thus limiting that child’s opportunity to learn more advanced language (Calderon

& Greenberg, 2003). According to Deborah Wolter in her article “From Labels to

Opportunities”, April 2017, when we view struggling readers primarily through the lens of

their disabilities, we set them on a path to segregation and ineffective instruction. As she

added, we should view all young readers and writers primarily as readers and writers, not

as students with particular disabilities.

The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a process by which curricular goals,

methods, materials, and assessments are far from the beginning designed – intentionally

and systematically – to address individual differences in learners (National Center on

Universal Design for Learning, 2014). The approach recognizes that children’s

developmental timetables don’t conform to the calendar. There’s no need to impose lock-

step distinctions between grades, categories, or even be benchmark levels. Educators

should try to offer continuous progress for all students. Even the Common Core State

Standards determine that “no set of grade-specific standards can fully reflect the great

variety in abilities, needs, learning rates, and achievement levels of students in any given

classroom” (2012).

Teachers can use UDL principles in many ways as they plan literacy lessons and

activities. They can make available a variety of engaging children’s books and other print

materials at a wide range of levels; use dynamic and flexible groupings in their small

group instruction; and always provide clear, concise directions and identify learning goals.

At each center for assignment, teachers should offer developmentally appropriate,

authentic, enticing materials students can practice with. Such material should be “open-

ended” or able to be used by all students, such as blank notebooks, or any writing tools,

word lists, and computers, retrieved from (National Center on Universal Design for

Learning, 2014).

The creation of Project GLARE is very significant to address appropriately and

properly the learning disabilities of students particularly in reading. The whole-hearted

support of teachers in the implementation of the project is very much applauded for they

work on it by setting aside other school work like checking and recording of learners’

output. The Project GLARE is being implemented from grade three to grade six pupils.

Every grade adviser from grade three to grade six, in all sections, had identified pupils

who have learning disabilities in reading during the month of July and after the results of

first periodical examinations.

A meeting of all parents and guardians of the pupils identified who will undergo

the project were made so as to inform them with the objectives and purpose of it and the

process of conducting the project.

The process of implementation in every grade level is to group learners according

to their reading ability.

II. Action Research Questions

This study aims to determine the assessment of Project GLARE – Grouping
Learners by Ability for Reading Enhancement to facilitate and improve learning in
the aspect of reading. There are five categories in every grade level, from grades
three to six, namely: Sounds, CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant), Decoding,
Phrases and Reading Comprehension. Specifically, it sought to answer the
following questions:
1. What is the profile of the Grade III to VI pupil- respondents in terms of?

1.1 age

1.2 gender; and
1.3 Socio-economic status?
2. Is there a significant difference of pupils’ academic performance using the result

of the test after the conduct of the Project GLARE?

3. What is the percentage of attendance of the respondents during the

implementation of the project?

4. What is the percentage of pupil respondents who finished the project at the end of

the implementation?

5. Is there a relationship of pupils’ attendance in the program to their achievement

in the reading enhancement?

6. Based on the results of the study, what development program maybe proposed to

enhance and reinforce reading particularly in the primary and intermediate level

that no pupil should be left behind once they enter in the next phase of their


Significance of the Study

The results of this study hoped to serve as a baseline in implementing Project

GLARE to reinforce and enhance reading particularly pupils who are found to be in the

frustration level.

For the English teachers, to create and design useful and effective learning

materials for reading to help the pupils that need more reinforcement in reading. For the

Grade Three and Grade Four teachers, primary teachers, to prepare thoroughly the

learners in higher learning tasks in the intermediate level. Reading is very crucial for the

entering learners in the intermediate level wherein the learning tasks need mastery in

reading with comprehension. A learner who lacks such skill is likely to be left behind.

For the pupils, to develop the love for reading and improve understanding of the

lesson through self-learning particularly when they are absent due to sickness for those

who can read but lack comprehension and for those who cannot even read well to make

it a habit to practice reading at home with the guidance of their elder brother or sister and

their parents as well.

For the parents, to guide and motivate their children to improve their performance

in school and use available reading material, such as the book issued to the pupil, to help

them at home.

For the DepEd officials, to provide more very comprehensive reading materials that will

cater to the needs of the pupils thus improve and develop this study habit through self-


III. Scope and Limitation

The study is conducted at Gawaran Elementary School, Barangay Molino 7,

Bacoor City, Cavite for the school year 2020-2021. It is limited to Grades Three to Grade

Six learners who belonged to the frustration level after conducting the Phil-IRI by their

grade advisers in every section and grade level last October 2020.

A descriptive method was used in this study to gather the necessary data.

IV. Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

TITLE OF THE Project Project TEINSET -

PROGRAM GLARE -(Grouping Learners (Teachers Empowerment
by Ability for Reading through In-Service
Enhancement) Training)

TARGET AREA Pupils Improvement and Teachers Development of
Development Towards Knowledge, Skills, and
Reading Values for Teaching
Reading through Project
- Help pupils identify their GLARE
reading disabilities
- Motivate pupils to start - Gain knowledge
to where his reading and skills in
needs been determined teaching effective
- Encourage pupils to reading program
finish the program and - Produce reading
report regularly during materials intended
the conduct of the for each grade level
program to attain per category
success - Develop sense of
- Obtain better academic responsibility
performance without getting
monetary incentives
but the fulfilment of
helping improve

OBJECTIVES 1. Develop pupils 1. Acquire knowledge

skills in reading and skills in teaching
2. Attain the needed reading
reading category 2. Create useful and
being enhanced attractive reading
3. Improve pupils materials to facilitate
academic learning
performance 3. Share his expertise
to cater the reading
disabilities of pupils

STRATEGIES 1. Obtain Phil-IRI result 1. Attend the In-

from all class advisers Service Training for
from grades three to six teachers in teaching
2. Group Learners/pupils reading
according to category 2. Apply creativity in
where they belong making instructional
based on the reading materials for reading
assessment 3. Gain various
3. Call for a meeting to insights and
inform the pupils of their strategies toward
reading disabilities and teaching reading
launch the Project

4. Allow the parents to
sign the Memorandum
of Agreement
5. Start the project after all
necessary things have
been materialized

HUMAN School Head School Head

RESOURCES Teachers Teachers

OTHER School Fund School Fund

RESOURCES Self-Fund Stakeholders

PROGRAM Second to Fourth Quarter Second to Fourth Quarter


EXPECTED *Improved reading skills of *Well-trained teachers

PUTPUT pupils *Different reading
*Better Academic performance instructional materials

V. Action Research Methods

A. Participants and/Other Sources of Data and Information

This study is focused on the assessment of the implementation of Project GLARE

– Grouping Learners by Ability for Reading Enhancement to cater the learners that have

difficulty in reading as listed in the Phil-IRI results conducted in October 2020 who

belonged to the frustration level. The study was conducted during the third grading to

fourth grading period for the school year 2020- 2021 at Gawaran Elementary School. It is

limited only to pupils from grades three to six, elementary level, who had been reported

under the frustration level as reflected and documented in the Phil-IRI administration. The

respondents were delimited for forty students, randomly selected out of four hundred fifty-

nine pupils in grade three to grade six who had been reported under frustration level and

were selected or involved in the study. For the data, in getting the result for academic

performance of the grade three to six learners, a total of forty learners were randomly

selected as representatives from grades three to six level. Ten learners in grades three

to six were involved to compare the academic performances from first and second

periodical ratings.

This study was made to help the pupils particularly those who belonged to the

frustration level of the Phil-IRI results and incurred poor academic performance during

the first periodical examinations. The factors were contributed through the difficulty in

reading thus pupils tend to result in guessing their answer during quizzes and examination


The record of attendance at the onset of the project implementation is deemed

necessary to find out the effect of it on the performance of the respondent during the

conduct of the project.

The grouping was applied from grade two to grade six. A learner will start from the

category he belongs then at the end of the month a celebration success is conducted

after the evaluation has been made for those who passed in their current group and

proceed to the next category. The child should be able to reach and passed the

comprehension level to be able to finish the Project GLARE. Each assigned teacher in

every category per grade level diligently and with compassion performed their role and

tasks in the implementation of the project until it was finished in June 2021 of the current

school year.

Necessary reading materials were distributed per category in every grade level to be used

during the conduct of the project and to facilitate in the reading skills being taught to the

learners. The Project GLARE was conducted daily during school days through home visit

and online setting via messenger or zoom platform for those who have gadget, like

smartphones, tablet, or laptop and with internet access using data or Wi-Fi. The project

started its implementation in October 2020 and ended up second week of June 2021.

B. Data Gathering Methods/Collection

The descriptive method was used to gather necessary data. Descriptive studies

involve an interaction with groups of people or a study that might follow individuals’

overtime descriptive studies in which the researcher interacts with the respondents.


Record of academic performance of pupils during the first and second quarter to

be used in comparing the results in the third and fourth quarter performance after the

conduct of the program. Likewise, the attendance during the conduct of the program were

collected to find out if there is significance with the performance of pupils who were

involved in the program.

C. Data Analysis Plan

Statistical Treatment of Data

To further describe, interpret and analyse the data, the researcher used the

following statistical tools.

1. Percentage. This is used to determine and describe the demographic profile of

the Grade III to VI pupil- respondents.

The formula is:

P= f x 100 %

where: P = percentage

f = frequency

n = number of respondents

2. F-Test or One Way Anova. This is used to determine the contribution of a given

factor and to compare the means of the two test results. Computation is made

using the software in Simplified Statistics.

3. Measure of Central Tendency. This is used to determine the mean of every


D. Ethical Issues -The researcher asked permission from the principal of

Gawaran Elementary School to conduct this action research on the assessment of Project

GLARE. Only the randomly selected ten learners in every grade level from grades three

to six, with a total of forty learners, were used as respondents for academic performances



This chapter presents tables, analyses, and interprets the gathered data in the study
that aims to determine if the use of module is effective among the Grade Six pupils of
Gawaran Elementary School during the school year 2016-2017.
Tables are presented in a manner to give clarity on data presentation and
analyze the results as basis for crafting module in the lesson for reinforcement of it.
1. What is the profile of the Grade VI pupil-respondents in terms of?
1.1. Age,
1.2. Gender, and
1.3. Socio-Economic Status?

Table 1
Respondents profile According to Age
Age in Years Frequency Percentage
8 7 17.5%
9 8 20%
10 12 30%
11-and above 13 32.5%
Total 40 100%

The table shows the age of pupil-respondents of Gawaran Elementary School during the
school year 2020-2021. The data tell that majority of the respondents are aged 11 years
old and above which comprises 32.5% of the sample. Aged 10 and 9 and above
comprises 30% and 20%, respectively. It can be implied that majority of the respondents
are fitted to their appropriate grade level.
Table 2
Respondents Profile According to Gender
Gender Frequency Percentage
Male 26 65%
Female 14 35%
Total 40 100%

The table displays that there are many male respondents than the female.
The difference is 30%, a matter of 12 males exceeded the number of females.

Table 3
Respondents Profile According to Socio-Economic Status
Monthly Income Frequency Percentage
4,000-10,000 13 32.5%
11,000-20,000 21 52.5%
21,000-30,000 6 15%

Total 40 100%

Table 3 exposes the socio-economic status of respondents as exhibited by their

families’ monthly income. There are about 64.94% who belong to the middle-income
family. According to the Social Weather Station (SWS) reported last December 2009 the
median poverty threshold in the National Capital Region is approximately 12,000.
There are 32.5% families have income ranges from 4,000-10,000 this group of
families have pupils who are frequently absent from school due to no food on the table,
no money for fare and even resulted to working at an early age just to address the basic
needs of their families such as food and medicines for the sick member of the family. In
contrast, there are 15% families who have family income ranges from 21,000-30,000.
This group of families can support their basic needs daily. Pupils belonging to this group
have no problems being encountered such as absences and the like because they have
sufficient funds to meet the needs of the members of the family.

2. Is there a significant difference of pupils’ academic performance using the result of

the test after the conduct of the Project GLARE?
Table 4. Records of the First and Second Grading Average Rating
Name of Respondents First Name of Respondents Second
Grading Grading
Average Average
Learner A 75 Learner U 75
Learner B 75 Learner V 76
Learner C 77 Learner W 77
Learner D 76 Learner X 77
Learner E 77 Learner Y 78
Learner F 79 Learner Z 80
Learner G 75 Learner AB 76
Learner H 78 Learner AC 79
Learner I 80 Learner AD 81
Learner J 79 Learner AE 80
Learner K 78 Learner AF 78
Learner L 76 Learner AG 77
Learner M 77 Learner AH 78
Learner N 76 Learner AI 76
Learner O 76 Learner AJ 77
Learner P 76 Learner AK 77
Learner Q 78 Learner AL 78
Learner R 78 Learner AM 79
Learner S 75 Learner AN 76

Learner T 76 Learner AO 77
Learner BA 77 Learner AP 78
Learner BB 77 Learner AQ 77
Learner BC 78 Learner AR 79
Learner BD 75 Learner AS 76
Learner BE 77 Learner AT 77
Learner BF 78 Learner AU 78
Learner BG 77 Learner AV 78
Learner BH 78 Learner AW 79
Learner BI 75 Learner AX 76
Learner BJ 75 Learner AY 76
Learner BK 76 Learner AZ 76
Learner BL 76 Learner CA 77
Learner BM 76 Learner CB 77
Learner BN 77 Learner CC 78
Learner BO 79 Learner CD 80
Learner BP 78 Learner CE 79
Learner BQ 75 Learner CF 76
Learner BR 76 Learner CG 77
Learner BS 77 Learner CH 78
Learner BT 76 Learner CI 77

The First and Second Grading average rating per grading were collected to be used

in determining results.

First and Second Grading Average Rating Descriptive Analysis

Mean 76.75
Standard Error 0.211071746
Median 77
Mode 76
Standard Deviation 1.334934936
Sample Variance 1.782051282
Kurtosis -0.546857711
Skewness 0.416954663
Range 5
Minimum 75
Maximum 80
Sum 3070
Count 40

Table 5. Records of the Third Grading and Fourth Grading Average Rating
Name of Respondents Third Name of Respondents Fourth
Grading Grading
Average Average
Learner A 78 Learner U 79
Learner B 78 Learner V 79
Learner C 79 Learner W 80
Learner D 78 Learner X 79
Learner E 78 Learner Y 79
Learner F 80 Learner Z 81
Learner G 77 Learner AB 78
Learner H 79 Learner AC 80
Learner I 80 Learner AD 81
Learner J 83 Learner AE 84
Learner K 79 Learner AF 80
Learner L 78 Learner AG 79
Learner M 79 Learner AH 80
Learner N 77 Learner AI 78
Learner O 78 Learner AJ 79
Learner P 79 Learner AK 80
Learner Q 78 Learner AL 79
Learner R 80 Learner AM 81
Learner S 77 Learner AN 78
Learner T 76 Learner AO 77
Learner BA 78 Learner AP 79
Learner BB 77 Learner AQ 77
Learner BC 79 Learner AR 79
Learner BD 78 Learner AS 79
Learner BE 77 Learner AT 78
Learner BF 79 Learner AU 80
Learner BG 78 Learner AV 79
Learner BH 79 Learner AW 80
Learner BI 77 Learner AX 78
Learner BJ 78 Learner AY 79
Learner BK 77 Learner AZ 78
Learner BL 78 Learner CA 79
Learner BM 78 Learner CB 79
Learner BN 79 Learner CC 80
Learner BO 81 Learner CD 82
Learner BP 80 Learner CE 81
Learner BQ 78 Learner CF 78
Learner BR 77 Learner CG 78
Learner BS 79 Learner CH 80
Learner BT 79 Learner CI 79

The First and Second Grading average rating per grading were collected to be used

in determining results.

Third and Fourth Grading Average Rating Descriptive Analysis

Mean 78.425
Standard Error 0.205337433
Median 78
Mode 78
Standard Deviation 1.298667957
Sample Variance 1.686538462
Kurtosis 2.810088366
Skewness 1.134534919
Range 7
Minimum 76
Maximum 83
Sum 3137
Count 40

Based on the given results, the computed mean using the formula in the Microsoft Excel

in Statistical Analysis the mean of the two tests were determined. The mean of the result

of the test for pretest (combined First and Second grading average rating) is 76.75 while

the mean of the result of the post-test (combined Third and Fourth average rating) is

78.43. A difference of 1.68 is regarded as an observable result that shows increased in

the performance with the implementation of the project.

Using the F-Test value table, after entering all the data using the software of

Simplified Statistics the computed absolute F-test value of 5.37 is greater than the

tabulated value of 1.39. Based on the interpretation of F-test tabulated table, if the

computed F-test value is greater than the tabulated F-test value the project

implementation of helping the learners with reading difficulty is said to be useful in

addressing their reading needs.

Hence, there is a significance difference between the academic performance of

the learners during the implementation of the Project GLARE to help the learners with

reading difficulties become readers with comprehension.

3. What is the percentage of attendance of the respondents during the implementation

of the project?

Table 6. Average Absences of Project GLARE Attendees

Respondents Average Absences for the First Average Absences for the Third
and Second Grading and Fourth Grading
with 10 learners per grade With 10 learners per grade
Grade 3 10 7

Grade 4 12 6

Grade 5 11 7

Grade 6 7 6

Total Average Absences 40 26

The table shows that during the mid-year part of the school year learners incurred lots

of absences during the GLARE session while on the end part of the school year less

absences were recorded by their class advisers who monitored their attendance.

Thus, it implies based on the mid-year and end year implementation or conduct of the

Project GLARE there was a big difference on the academic performance of the


4. What is the percentage of pupil respondents who finished the project at the end of the


Respondents Sounds CVC Decoding Phrases Comprehension Remarks
10 Learners
per Grade Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Finishers or
Level graduates

Grade 3 3 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 1 2 8 Finishers
Grade 4 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 1 4 1 8 Finishers
Grade 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 4 0 1 1 9 Finishers
Grade 6 0 0 0 0 6 0 3 0 1 1 9 Finishers
Legend: Light Orange – Mid-year Reading Assessment of Learners
Yellow - Year End Reading Assessment of Learners

The table shows during mid-year reading assessment of the projects, Grade 3 has

three learners under Sounds, three in CVC category, two in decoding one in phrases

and in comprehension, while in year-end reading assessment, two remains in

comprehension and eight were finishers or graduates of the project. In Grade 4, during

mid-year reading assessment, three belongs to decoding, three in phrases and 4 in

comprehension level, while in year-end reading assessment, one in phrases category,

one in comprehension level, and eight were finishers. In Grade 5, five in decoding,

four in phrases and one in comprehension, while in the year-end reading assessment,

one remained in comprehension category and nine were finishers. For the Grade 6

level mid-year reading assessment, six in decoding, three in phrases and one in

comprehension category, while for the year-end, one remained in comprehension and

nine were finishers.

5. Is there a relationship of pupils’ attendance in the program to their achievement in

the reading enhancement?

Yes, based on the results gathered there a connection of pupils’ attendance to their

improvement in reading enhancement.

6. Based on the results of the study, what development program maybe proposed to

enhance and reinforce reading particularly in the primary and intermediate level that

no pupil should be left behind once they enter in the next phase of their schooling?

The program or project that the researchers being proposed is the sustainability of the

project that it can help learners with reading disabilities.

Summary of Findings:

The proponent conducted the study among the Grade Three to Six pupils of
Gawaran Elementary School, Molino 7, Bacoor City, Cavite during the school year

The random sampling technique was applied in determining the sample size
using the Slovin’s Formula and the margin of error was set at 2%. The fort pupil-
respondents were involved in the study. The respondents’ profile such as age,
gender and socio-economic status were gathered. Questionnaires were made when
the respondents answered all the queries orally for fast recording of data.

Statistical data analysis was applied using the Microsoft Excel Statistical
Analysis and the software of Simplified Statistical Tools. The percentage formula,
mean one way-Anova or F-test was used in the study to answer specific questions:

1. What is the profile of the Grade VI pupil- respondents in terms of

1.1 age
1.2 gender; and
1.3 socio-economic status?

2. Is there a significant difference of pupils’ academic performance using the result

of the test after the conduct of the Project GLARE?

3. What is the percentage of attendance of the respondents during the

implementation of the project?

4. What is the percentage of pupil respondents who finished the project at the end of

the implementation?

5. Is there a relationship of pupils’ attendance in the program to their achievement

in the reading enhancement?

6. Based on the results of the study, what development program maybe proposed to

enhance and reinforce reading particularly in the primary and intermediate level

that no pupil should be left behind once they enter in the next phase of their



Based on the given results, the computed mean using the formula in the Microsoft Excel

in Statistical Analysis the mean of the two tests were determined. The mean of the result

of the test for pretest (combined First and Second grading average rating) is 76.75 while

the mean of the result of the post-test (combined Third and Fourth average rating) is

78.43. A difference of 1.68 is regarded as an observable result that shows increased in

the performance with the implementation of the project.

Using the F-Test value table, after entering all the data using the software of

Simplified Statistics the computed absolute F-test value of 5.37 is greater than the

tabulated value of 1.39. Based on the interpretation of F-test tabulated table, if the

computed F-test value is greater than the tabulated F-test value the project

implementation of helping the learners with reading difficulty is said to be useful in

addressing their reading needs.

Absences must be given consideration through home visitation to understand

deeply the learners’ needs to better understand them and guide them to utmost care and

attention as an educator.

Hence, there is a significance difference between the academic performance of

the learners during the implementation of the Project GLARE to help the learners with

reading difficulties become readers with comprehension.


Based on the findings of the study, recommendations are formulated:

1. Teachers must be exposed to Inset-Trainings of crafting and creating
instructional materials to facilitate learning.
2. Pupils must be given chance to learn after being absent from class due to
ailment and poor motivation from parents to send their children to school every
3. Provide opportunity to slow learners by guiding them in ways that are
beneficial to them such as remediation and other interventions.
4. The result of the study shows that the use of module can also be applied to
other learning areas.

VII. Action Research Work Plan and Timelines


Asks permission School Principal September 2020 Permission to
from the school Researcher conduct the study
Principal of San

Jose Central

Gather the result of Class advisers September 2020 List of Phil-IRI

Phil-IRI Researcher results with pupils
under frustration

Invite English and Principal September 2020 List of Teachers

Filipino teachers to Researcher who will teach in
teach reading in the English and Filipino the reading
Project GLARE Teachers program

Actual conduct of *Researcher Fourth week of List of participants

the study *English and September 2020 from grades three
Filipino Teachers to six pupils

Gathering record of Teachers September 2020 to Attendance sheets

daily attendance Pupils January 2021

Management of the Researcher February 2021 Findings,

gathered data Respondents Conclusion, and

Preparation for the School Principal March to April 2021 Awareness about
dissemination of Teachers the result of data
Proposal for school Principal Next School Year Follow-up actual
implementation implementation of
the proposed

VI. Cost Estimates


Bond paper 220.00 1 ream 220.00
Ink 450.00 3 cartridge 1,350.00
Folder 5.00 3 15.00

VII. Plans for Dissemination and Advocacy

After proposal, data gathering, and presentation of the action research, the

researcher willingly disseminates results of the conducted research for further study and

implementation of the said project as a tool for reading intervention. The project

implementation will benefit the learners with reading difficulties and their parents as well

to refrain from hiring private tutors.

VII. References:

Wolter, Deborah (April 2017). Article: From Labels to Opportunities”. Journal of Inquiry and Action in Education, 9(1), 2017. Reading

with Understanding: A Global Expectation

Tyson, (2013).

Calderon & Greenberg, 2003.


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