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In the realm of artificial intelligence, a cutting-edge innovation has

emerged: an ingenious tool that empowers you to modify pre-existing
images according to your exact preferences. This remarkable tool even
possesses the ability to rotate three-dimensional images. The true
potential of this groundbreaking development lies in its capacity to
overcome the limitations of text-to-image generative AI, which often fails
to produce desired outputs. By leveraging the power of editing on
existing images, users can effortlessly obtain more desirable results
without the need to generate an entirely new image.

A collaborative effort among various academic institutions and research

organisations has yielded an innovative project. This groundbreaking
initiative empowers users to interactively manipulate images by
effortlessly dragging specific points within the image, enabling them to
achieve precise positioning according to their desired target points. The
primary objective of this project is to offer users unparalleled flexibility
and meticulous control over the pose, shape, expression, and
arrangement of the generated objects. This project is known as "Drag
Your GAN".
This project introduces an interactive, point-based manipulation
technique applied to the generative image manifold. Its primary focus is
on addressing the concept of controllability within deep generative
models, specifically targeting generative adversarial networks (GANs).
Through Drag Your Gan, users gain unprecedented control over the
creative process, allowing them to shape and refine images with
unparalleled precision. As researchers delve deeper into the realms of
controllability and image manipulation, Drag Your Gan stands as a
testament to the vast possibilities that lie ahead in the field of artificial
intelligence. By seamlessly blending user interaction with the power of
deep generative models, this project paves the way for new avenues of
creativity and customization.

What is Drag Your Gan?

Drag Your Gan is an innovative image synthesiser that grants users the
power to modify diverse aspects of an image by skillfully synthesising it
based on specific requirements. With this remarkable tool, individuals
can effortlessly manipulate spatial attributes such as positions, poses,
shapes, and expressions.

Drag Your Gan is an interactive point-based manipulation on the

generative image manifold. It addresses controllability in deep
generative models, specifically towards GANs. It creates an ideal
controllable image synthesiser with three key components - flexibility,
precision, and generality.


Refers to the capability of controlling different spatial attributes including

positions, poses, shapes, and expressions. Users can manipulate
various aspects of what is happening in an image by synthesising it
according to specific requirements.

Essential for fine-grained control over spatial attributes. Users should be

able to precisely adjust desired characteristics without sacrificing quality
or coordinates of generative images.

Generative Aspect of Controllable Images

The generative aspect of controllable images allows users to focus on

different object categories, including animals, objects, human
expressions, and more. This feature prioritises different aspects and
enables users to create various modifications in an image using AI


Drag Your Gan allows users to manipulate various aspects of an image

by synthesising it according to specific requirements.

Users can control different spatial attributes including positions, poses,

shapes, and expressions.

Drag Your Gan is an ideal controllable image synthesiser that does not
sacrifice quality or coordinates of generative images.

Users can adjust desired characteristics without sacrificing quality or

coordinates of generative images.

Proposed Methods

Previous works have made progress in achieving one or two properties

for controllable images. However, researchers aim to fulfill all three
properties by introducing an intuitive user interface and allowing direct
manipulation of specific points in an image using a pointer tool. The
proposed approach incorporates all three properties mentioned earlier
and enables interactive point-based manipulation on generative image
manifold folds.
Overview of the pipeline used for controllable images

Below figure shows an overview of the pipeline used for controllable

images. Users can manipulate generative images by setting handle
points that adjust specific areas based on target points. Users can
extend clothes or transform cars into something else using this
approach. The AI technology allows users to play around with different
landscapes and objects.

source -

Handle Points

Handle points are represented by red dots in the image, while target
points adjust the image based on blue dots. Users can also use a
mask indicator, which is an editing region that focuses on a specific

Main Steps

The approach involves two main steps: motion-like supervision and

point tracking. In the motion supervision step, handle points move
towards target areas to achieve desired modifications without
affecting image quality. In the point tracking step, handle points
update as users subtract objects within the image.
Manipulation Types

The tool allows for extending people's clothing, changing poses,

backgrounds, cars, lighting, movements and expressions. It can
manipulate real images by focusing on attributes such as pose, hair
shape or expression. The power of GANs and latent space
manipulation enables manipulation of different outputs such as
clothing or tiger expressions.

Real Image Manipulation Using Proposed Method

The process begins with a real image input into the system and
undergoes Gan inversion to map it out into the latest latent space of
Style. Once in the latent space, images can be edited and modified
towards different attributes such as pose, hair shape or expression.
Combining the power of GANs with an interactive point-based
manipulation interface offers users flexibility and precision to control
and modify synthesised visual contents.

Future Implications

With ongoing advancements and enhancements, DragGAN holds the

potential to emerge as a practical substitute for conventional image
editing tools such as Photoshop. Nevertheless, it is crucial to
acknowledge that DragGAN is a relatively nascent technology, and it
may not completely supplant Photoshop in the foreseeable future.

More Details

If you require more details about Drag Your GAN, you can find project
details, research papers, and GitHub repository in the "source"
section at the end of this article. The links include a research paper, a
point tracking approach, a GitHub repository, an AI art tool, and a
PDF document. These resources provide information about how Drag
Your GAN works, its features, and how it can be used for interactive
image manipulation.

Overall, Drag Your Gan is a powerful tool that allows users to

manipulate generative images by setting handle points that adjust
specific areas based on target points. Though the DragGAN tool is a
demo for now, it is an interesting example of how quickly AI continues
to develop.

GitHub -
Research pdf -
Research paper -
Hugging face -

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