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Solve Problems in EM Devices and Related


Week 11
Solve Problems in EM Devices and Related Circuits

• Pre-Requisite
• Granting competency in this unit shall be made only after
competency in the following unit(s) has/have been confirmed.
• UEENEEE101A Apply Occupational Health and Safety regulations,
codes and practices in the workplace
• UEENEEE104A Solve problems in d.c circuits
Class Structure
• 2 hours every week for 10 weeks from Week 11 – Week 20
• 2 hours – 1.5 hour Lecture and 30 mins of problem solving.
• Assignment problems
• Final Assessment – Written – Closed book test in week 19
Units and Prefixes
• We use the SI (System International) units. The system uses meters (m),
kilograms (kg), seconds (s), ampere (A), degree kelvin (OK) and candela (cd)
as the fundamental units
• The following are the prefixes
What is Magnetism
Magnetism is an invisible force or field caused by the unique properties of certain materials. In most
objects, electrons spin in different, random directions. This causes them to cancel each other out over
time. However, magnets are different. In magnets the molecules are uniquely arranged so that their
electrons spin in the same direction.

• The earliest magnets were found naturally in the mineral magnetite. These magnets were used by the
ancient peoples as compasses to guide sailing vessels. Magnets produce magnetic forces and have
magnetic field lines
Magnetic Quantities
• Magnetic fields are described by drawing flux lines that represent the
magnetic field.
• Where lines are close together, the flux density is higher.
• Where lines are further apart, the flux density is lower.
Horse Shoe Magnet and Disk Magnet
• Magnets have two ends or poles, called north and south poles
• At the poles of a magnet, the magnetic field lines are closer
together. Unlike poles of magnets attract each other and like poles of
magnets repel
Earth as Magnet!
• The earth is like a giant magnet! The nickel iron core of the earth
gives the earth a magnetic field much like a bar magnet
Magnetic Domains
• What are magnetic domains?
• Magnetic substances like iron,
cobalt, and nickel are composed of
small areas where the groups of
atoms are aligned like the poles of
a magnet
• These regions are called domains
• All of the domains of a magnetic
substance tend to align themselves
in the same direction when placed
in a magnetic field. These domains i) A normal iron nail is ii) The domain will
made up of billions align themselves along
are typically composed of billions of of domains that are the magnetic field
atoms arranged randomly lines nearby magnet
Electricity and Magnetism
• When an electric current
passes through a wire, a
magnetic field is formed
Right Hand Rule for Coils
• Rule for coils
• Curl fingers of right hand around coil in direction of the current
• Thumb will point in direction of the field
• What is an electromagnet?
• When an electric current is passed through a coil of wire wrapped
around a metal core, a very strong magneticfield is produced. This is
called an electromagnet.
• A galvanometer is an electromagnet
that interacts with a permanent
• The stronger the electric current
passing through the electromagnet,
the more is interacts with the
permanent magnet.
• Galvanometers are used as gauges in
cars and many other applications.
• The greater the current passing
through the wires, the stronger the
galvanometer interacts with the Galvanometer includes a permanent
permanent magnet. magnet, an electromagnet that rotates
against a spring, and a scale that gives a
measurement of the current
Classification of Magnetic Materials
• Diamagnetic Substances
• Paramagnetic substances
• Ferromagnetic substances
Diamagnetic Paramagnetic
substances Substances
• The diamagnetic substances are • Paramagnetic substances are
those in which the individual those in which each
atoms or ions do not possess individual atom or molecule
any net magnetic moment on
or ion has a net non zero
magnetic moment of its own.
their own.
• When such substances are
• When such substances are placed in an external
placed in an external magnetic field, they get
magnetizing field, they get feebly magnetized in the
feebly magnetized in a direction direction of the magnetizing
opposite to a magnetizing field. field.
Magnetic Materials
• Ferromagnetic materials such as iron, nickel and cobalt have randomly
oriented magnetic domains, which become aligned when placed in a
magnetic field, thus they effectively become magnets.

Ferromagnetic material are those in which each individual atom or molecule has a non zero magnetic moment
Magnetic Shielding
• Electromagnetic shielding is the practice of reducing the
electromagnetic field in a space by blocking the field with barriers
made of conductive or magnetic materials
• Shielding is typically applied to enclosures to isolate electrical devices
from the 'outside world', and to cables to isolate wires from the
environment through which the cable runs
• A conductive enclosure used to block electrostatic fields is also known
as a Faraday cage
• The amount of reduction depends very much upon the material used,
its thickness, the size of the shielded volume and the frequency of the
fields of interest and the size, shape and orientation of apertures in a
shield to an incident electromagnetic field
Example of Shielding- Cable
• One example is a shielded cable, which has
electromagnetic shielding in the form of a wire mesh
surrounding an inner core conductor.
• The shielding impedes the escape of any signal from the
core conductor, and also prevents signals from being
added to the core conductor.
• Some cables have two separate coaxial screens, one
connected at both ends, the other at one end only, to
maximize shielding of both electromagnetic and
electrostatic fields
practical applications of magnets
• They are used to construct the electrical motors and the generators which
convert the electrical energy into mechanical energy and vice verse.
• They are also used in the speakers which can convert the electrical energy into
sound energy.
• They are used in the electrical bells.
• They are used in the Maglev trains. In the Maglev trains, the super conducting
magnets are used on the tracks on which the train floats. These types of the
trains are working on the repulsion force of the magnets.
• They are also used to sort out the magnetic and non magnetic substances from
the scrap.
• They are used in TV screens, computer screens, telephones and in tape recorders.
• They are used by the candy or cold drink vendors to separate the metallic cap
from the lots.
• They are used in cranes.
• They are used in the refrigerators to keep the door close.
• The most important use of the magnet is the magnetic compass which is used to
find the geographical directions.
Reed Switch
• A Reed Switch consists of two ferromagnetic
blades (generally composed of iron and nickel)
hermetically sealed in a glass capsule.
• The blades overlap internally in the glass
capsule with a gap between them, and make
contact with each other when in the presence
of a suitable magnetic field.
• The contact area on both blades is plated or
sputtered with a very hard metal, usually
Rhodium or Ruthenium.
• The gas in the capsule usually consists of
Nitrogen or some equivalent inert gas.
The switching mechanism is comprised of two ferromagnetic blades, separated by only a few
microns. When a magnet approaches these blades, the two blades pull toward one another. Once
touching, the blades close the normally open (NO) contacts, allowing electricity to flow. Some reed
switches also contain a non-ferromagnetic contact, which forms a normally closed (NC) output. An
approaching magnet will disconnect the contact and pull away from the switching contact.

Contacts are constructed from a variety of metals, including tungsten and rhodium. Some varieties
even use mercury, which must be kept in the proper orientation to switch correctly. A glass envelope
filled with inert gas—commonly nitrogen— seals the contacts at an internal pressure under one
atmosphere. Sealing isolates the contacts, which prevents corrosion and any sparks that might result
from contact movement.

You’ll find sensors in everyday items like cars and washing machines, but one of the most prominent places
these switch/sensors operate is in burglar alarms. In fact, alarms are a nearly perfect application for this
technology. A movable window or door houses a magnet, and the sensor resides on the base, passing a signal
until the magnet’s removal. With the window open—or if someone cuts the wire—an alarm will sound.
Summary – Reed Switch
• Usually SPST
• The contacts of a reed switch are closed by
bringing a small magnet near the switch.
• They are used in security circuits, for
example to check that doors are closed.
• Standard reed switches are SPST (simple on-
off) but SPDT (changeover) versions are also
• reed switches have a glass body which is
easily broken!
Flux Density Equation
• The unit of flux is the weber. The unit of flux density is the
weber/square meter, which defines the unit tesla, (T), which is a very
large unit.
• Flux density is given by the equation

Flux lines (j

B = flux density (T)
Area (m)
2 j = flux (Wb)
A = area (m2)
• What is the flux density in a rectangular core that is 8 mm by 10 mm
if the flux is 4 mWb?
• What is the flux density in a rectangular core that is 8 mm by 10 mm
if the flux is 4 mWb?

4  103 Wb
B  50 Wb/m2 = 50 T
 
8  10-3 m 10  10-3 m 
Faraday’s Experiment
• Almost 200 years ago, around 1831, Faraday looked for evidence that
a magnetic field would induce an electric current with this apparatus:
Faraday’s Experiment (CONTD)
• He found no evidence when the magnet was stationary, but did see a
deflection in the galvanometer when the magnet was moved away or
towards the coil
Faraday’s Experiment (CONTD)
• He then changed the:
no. of turns of the coil,
the relative speed of the magnet and coil
the direction of relative motion of the coil and magnet
and observed the change in the deflections shown by the
• With the help of his experiment, Faraday drew four important
Conclusions, which provided the basis of his law:
1.The galvanometer showed deflection whenever there was relative
motion between the magnet and the coil.
2.The deflection was more when the relative motion was faster and less
when the relative motion was slower.
3.The direction of the deflection changed if the polarity of the magnet
was changed
4.The deflection in galvanometer changes with the change in the
number of turns of coil-more the number of turns, greater the
Faraday’s Law of Induction

Faraday Law Definition – The amount of voltage induced across a coil is determined by two factors:

2. The number of turns of
wire in the coil.

Note :-Vinduced = N (dφ/dt)

• It is useful to review the key magnetic units from this chapter:
Assignment 1

• Chapter 12 – In-Progress Learning Check (Pg – 466)

• Assignment 1 will be checked next week
• Next week – We will be looking at more magnetic quantities and
its and What is Ohm’s law for magnetic circuits…..

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