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Module 1


A plantation is an agricultural estate, generally centered on a plantation house, meant for
farming that specializes in cash crops, usually mainly planted with a single crop, with perhaps
ancillary areas for vegetables for eating and so on. The crops that are grown
include cotton, cannabis, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar cane, opium, sisal, oil seeds, oil palms,
fruits, rubber trees and forest trees. Protectionist policies and natural comparative
advantage have sometimes contributed to determining where plantations are located.

Fig 1.1:Plantation and adoption of tree


Plants and trees are our natural capital. They are fundamental to life on earth, offering food,
medicine and shelter. They also sequester carbon, fight pollution and bind the soil.

The solution to catastrophic events like wildfires, floods and pandemics lies in restoring green
cover and restoring the balance in nature. Planting or adopting trees can help safeguard jobs,
human health and essential natural resources for millions of

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Fig1.2: adoption of life

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Fig 1.3

Tree Plantation is one of the best activities for making the planet greener, livelier, and
healthier. Planted trees help our biodiversity, ensure the supply of oxygen for the next
generations, and provide us with various resources. Without trees, the existence of human life,
as well as other species on earth, is impossible. So, we should plant more and more tree.
Trees are important for us to live in. Tree plantation alludes to planting trees at a spot. Tree
plantation has many advantages on the earth and our wellbeing. We as a whole inhale oxygen
to live, and trees are the main characteristic source of oxygen. Tree plantation guarantees that
the supply of oxygen never ends.

Tree plantation additionally urges vegetation to develop. Birds make their homes in the trees,
subsequently adding to the beauty of nature. Birds additionally scatter seeds and pollen on the
ground, resulting in the development of different plants. So, tree plantation expands the bio-
diversity of a specific region.

Tree Plantation is one of the best activities for making the planet greener, livelier, and
healthier. Planted trees help our biodiversity, ensure the supply of oxygen for the next
generations, and provide us with various resources. Without trees, the existence of human life,
as well as other species on earth, is impossible. So, we should plant more and more trees.


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Tree Plantation is one of the best activities for making the planet greener, livelier, and healthier.
Planted trees help our biodiversity, ensure the supply of oxygen for the next generations, and
provide us with various resources

Module 2

The term "heritage" refers to something that has been passed down from generation to
generation. Nature's heritage can refer to a variety of things, including an inherited collection
of wildlife and plants, geology, landscape and landforms, and other natural resources, among
other concepts.


Monuments remind us of our heritage. They are like a treasure for a nation and symbol of pride
of their civilization. They help us to appreciate our past and the level of development,
knowledge and thoughts.
Heritage sites and buildings represent the past history and culture of a nation. It is important
to support the tourism industry. A heritage site is a place that preserves the cultural, social and
political history of a place.
Heritage is the full range of our inherited traditions, monuments, objects, and culture. Most
important, it is the range of contemporary activities, meanings, and behaviors that we draw
from them. Heritage includes, but is much more than preserving, excavating, displaying, or
restoring a collection of old things
Good heritage conservation methods must focus on better appreciation of the value of heritage
assets (both tangible and intangible) and integration of preservation strategies into the larger
processes of planning and development of a city or urban area. Heritage sites represent the
journey of a civilization, and archival structures like these deserve utmost care and protection.
In modern times, these sites stand threatened not only due to the ineffectiveness in their
conservation and restoration but also due to unanticipated natural calamities like earthquakes,
fire, floods, hurricanes, and tsunamis. Meanwhile, humans also grapple with man-made
tribulations resulting from long-term armed conflicts. A classic case would be the explosion of
the Buddhas of the Bamiyan Valley by the Taliban in 2001. The statues, built in the 6th
Century, stood as the tallest and largest statues of the Buddha in the world. The loss of the same
went on to be mourned and regretted and received ridicule universally. Moved by the people's
sentiment, a Chinese couple invented a 3D projector that projects a 3D image of the original
Buddha at the same site. This initiative not only garnered universal praise but also sparked an

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interest in the power of technology in the preservation and conservation of heritage buildings
and sites.

Fig2.1:world heritage day


Melukote is home to the academy of Sanskrit Research, which has collected thousands of Vedic
and Sanskrit manuscripts. Early in the 12th century, the famous Srivaishnava saint Sri
Ramanujacharya, who hailed from Tamil Nadu, stayed at Melukote for about 12 years
Melukote is one of the holy and sacred pilgrimages of South India located in the Pandavapura
taluk of Mandya district. Cheluvanaraya Swamy Temple is one of the iconic temples of
Melkote. This place is rich with Natural & Environmental beauty attracting hundred &
thousand’s of pilgrim’s every day. Every minute at the divine pilgrimage succumbs you to a
sanctified, ambrosial, transcendental and a pure blissful aura around

Fig2.2: Melkote

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Melukote is the location of the Cheluvanarayana Swamy Temple, with a collection of crowns
and jewels which are brought to the temple for the annual celebration. On the top of the hill is
the temple of Yoganarasimha. Many more shrines and ponds are located in the town. Melukote
is home to the academy of Sanskrit Research, which has collected thousands of Vedic and
Sanskrit manuscripts.[2]
Early in the 12th century, the famous Srivaishnava saint Sri Ramanujacharya, who hailed
from Tamil Nadu, stayed at Melukote for about 12 years. It has thus become a prominent centre
of the Srivaishnava sect.


Fig :2 .3 Cheluvanarayana swamy temple

After Ramanujacharya was made the rajguru of Hoysala Empire, Lord Vishnu in a dream
ordered Ramanuja to move to Melkote, where he would find the holy earth. Traditional
accounts mention that the reason for travel was to search for namam clay for Srivaishnava
Urdhva Pundra which was abundant in Melkote. Upon traveling, he found the holy earth and
a vigraha of the god which was installed as the deity Tirunarayana of Melkote. In the
year, Pushyamasa Shukla Paksha Chaturdashi, the deity was installed according
to Pancharatra agama. Ramanuja worshipped it for three days, followed
by kumbhabhishekham and recited tamil vedas. Subsequently,

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Fig :2.4 yoganarasimhaswamy temple

Yoga Narasimha Temple at Melukote is one of the prime attractions of this Hindu religious
spot. Situated under the Pandavpura Taluk in the Mandya district of Karnataka, the impressive
temple stands on top of a hill at a height of 1777 metres above the sea level. The historic temple
attracts devotees due to its architectural beauty, serene surroundings and religious significance
The majestic temple is dedicated to the Hindu deity, Narasimha. The temple houses an idol of
Narasimha in a seated position with the Yogapatta. The temple is considered to be one of the
seven holy centres devoted to the worship of Narasimha. Apart from the regular pujas carried
out on a daily basis, the temple holds special pujas to celebrate the Narasimha Jayanthi festival
every year.


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f you are looking at a religious and spiritual event that will sweep you off your feet with its

grandeur, then you must experience the vibes of the Vairamudi Utsava in Melukote, Karnataka.

The Vairamudi Utsava is an annual festival that takes place in the Melukote town of the

Mandya district in Karnataka. Melukote is a historical town and is the place where the

renowned Vaishnava sai....

Fig2.5: vairamudi


In ancient India, temples were typically built near a water source. They would be built on the
banks of rivers, beside streams and lakes or have tanks adjacent to them. The Kalyani tank is
one such water tank that stands in Melukote in the Mandya district of Karnataka.

This ancient temple tank has a history spanning over 1000 years and is considered o be the
largest of 108 temple tanks in the district.

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Fig :2.6 kalyani


Melkote is a place of great spiritual significance. Many ancient events related to Lord and
His devotees have taken place in ...

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Module 3

Organic farming is growing in India. However, while a switch to 'natural' farming has its
benefits, scientists argue that it may also result in lower crop productivity, thereby endangering
food security in the country

Organic farming is our duty,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, while addressing the nation
on the 75th Independence Day on August 15.
Modi mentioned organic and natural farming twice in his speech, as he talked about turning
to chemical-free agriculture.
“Today natural farming is also a way of becoming self-reliant,” he said. “Today the factories
of nano fertilisers have brought new hope to the country. But natural farming and chemical-
free farming can give a boost to self-reliance.”

Fig3.1: organic farming



India has a surplus of foodgrains. This self-sufficiency came thanks to the Green Revolution
in the 1960s, which increased crop production—of mostly rice and wheat—substantially.
Foodgrain production rose from 82 million tonnes (MT) in the late 1960s to 264 MT in 2013-
But along with the increasing area under farming and switching to high-yielding varieties of
rice and wheat, farmers were also encouraged to use chemicals—fertilisers and pesticides—to
facilitate higher yields.
This caused “unintended but harmful consequences on agriculture and human
health”, according to scientists Daisy John and Giridhar Babu of the Public Health Foundation
of India, Bengaluru. The impacts were many and still persist, they wrote. The use of pesticides
and fertilisers led to an increase in heavy metals (such as cadmium, lead and arsenic) in the
soil. In many areas, soils turned more alkaline; beneficial microbes died, and soils became
infertile. Farmers in some major Green Revolution belts including Punjab also burn crop
residue, which is a major cause of air pollution in northern India.

Fig 3.2 : benefits of organic farming



Fig 3.3: technology used in organic farming

• Soil Management. Soil management is the primary technique of organic farming in India. ...
• Weed Management. Organic farming's main aim is to remove the weeds. ...
• Crop Diversity. ...
• Chemical Management in Farming. ...
• Biological Pest Control.


It helps to maintain environment health by reducing the level of pollution. It reduces human
and animal health hazards by reducing the level of residues in the product. It helps in keeping
agricultural production at a sustainable level. It reduces the cost of agricultural production and
also improves the soil health.



Organic farming is theanswer to most of the problems conventional farming has created. It
produces muchless pollution, it encourages crop diversity, and it encourages soil and
waterconservation. It also could help to eliminate the conventional farming monopoliesthat
have taken over the agricultural and food industry.


Waste management is intended to reduce adverse effects of waste on human health, the
environment, planetary resources and aesthetics. The aim of waste management is to reduce
the dangerous effects of such waste on the environment and human health.


some practice, but incorporating this step into your business' strategy is the most
effective way to minimize waste. Talk to your Refuse: the first element of the 5
R's hierarchy. Learning to refuse waste can take procurement team about refusing
to buy wasteful or non-recyclable products.
Reduce the use of harmful, wasteful, and non -recyclable products. Reducing
dependency on these kinds of products results in less waste materials ending up in
landfill and the associated negative environmental impacts. We recommend always
using the minimum amount required to avoid unnecessary waste
Single-use plastics have created a "throw-away" culture by normalizing consumer
behavior of using materials once and then throwing them away .
For every item that can't be refused, reduced, or reused, try repurposing it
Last but definitely not least: recycle. Once you've gone through all of the othe r
R's, recycling is the most environmentally friendly waste disposal method


When the industrial revolution arrived in the 18th century, it transformed rural areas into
industrialised and urban ones. But with this it brought a huge problem and a threat for our
environment – Industrial Waste.

The waste produced by the industrial activities is called industrial waste. Industries, mills,
mining operations, power plants etc. produce a huge amount of waste. It produces three kinds
of wastes - solid, liquid and gas such as chemicals, ashes, industrial effluent, carbon dioxide,
sulphur dioxide etc. Which should be decomposed or managed efficiently to keep ourselves
and our environment safe. In this article we will discuss what is industrial waste, types of
industrial wastes, management and effects of industrial wastes.

Fig 3.4: industrial waste managment

Organic farming is theanswer to most of the problems conventional farming has created. It
pruces muchless pollution, it encourages crop diversity, and it encourages soil and
waterconservation. It also could help to eliminate the conventional farming monopoliesthat
have taken over the agricultural and food industry.
Water conservation

Module 4

Although the earth is rich in water, only one percent is liquid fresh water, the form we require
for our highest priority needs. The demands on this liquid fresh water are growing, and many
scientists feel that a future shortage of fresh water will be eminent. Water conservation and
management emphasizes water quality protection, a growing area of employment and
environmental concern. Water conservation and management encompasses the policies,
strategies and activities made to manage water as a sustainable resource, to protect the water
environment, and to meet current and future human demand. Population, household size, and
growth and affluence all affect how much water is used. Factors such as climate change will
increase pressures on natural water resources especially in industrial and agriculture.

Fig 4.1: water conservation

Better water conservation and management has economic benefits and helps protect the
environment. The more water you use, the more you pay for water and sewer service on a
municipal water and sewer system. ExceWater conservation can extend the useful life of both
community and individual household sewer systems. Excessive withdrawals of ground water
can lead to salt water intrusion, a subtle environmental impact with long-lasting effects. These
areas are usually associated with large population centers or agriculture, where water use is
high. Agriculture is our most essential industry, but it is also our largest consumer of fresh
water. ExceWater conservation can extend the useful life of both community and individual
household sewer systems

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Water conservation


Rain Water: Rain water harvestingWith the human population facing major water scarcity
and reports suggesting that more than half the world’s population will be living in water-
stressed regions by 2050 (Water Aid), there is an urgent need for a system that helps the
human race get access to fresh water. The solution to this problem is rainwater harvesting.
It is the most sustainable way of accessing fresh water and does not require any energy for
functioning. It does not deplete any natural resources, on the contrary, helps conserve and
protect the natural habitat. This read is all about understanding the steps of rainwater
harvesting and understanding how there is a need for rainwater harvesting.

Fig 4.2: Rain Water harvesting

Water metering:
Water metering Water metering is the practice of measuring water use. Water meters
measure the volume of water used by residential and commercial building units that are
supplied with water by a public water supply system. They are also used to determine flow
through a particular portion of the system.
Water metering is the practice of measuring water use. Water meters measure the volume of
water used by residential and commercial building units that are supplied with water by a
public water supply system. They are also used to determine flow through a particular portion
of the system.
In most of the world water meters are calibrated in cubic metres (m3) or litres,[1] but in the
United States and some other countries water meters are calibrated in cubic feet (ft.3) or US
gallons on a mechanical or electronic register. Modern meters typically can display rate-of-
flow in addition to total volume.

CSE CIT 2023

Water conservation

Several types of water meters are in common use, and may be characterized by the flow
measurement method, the type of end-user, the required flow rates, and accuracy requirements.

Fig 4.3:smart water metering


pressure and temperature range up to 190°C. Stainless Steel diaphragms are available for
higher temperatures service. These regulators have built-in safety feature against high
inlet pressure. This series valves are a variation of the series, generally used for pressure
settings lower than 1500 mm WC-G (0.15 bar g). This series valves can control
downstream pressure as low as 15 mm WC-G.
pressure and temperature range up to 190°C. Stainless Steel diaphragms are available for
higher temperatures service. These regulators have built-in safety feature against high
inlet pressure. This series valves are a variation of the series, generally used for pressure
settings lower than 1500 mm WC-G (0.15 bar g). This series valves can control
downstream pressure as low as 15 mm WC-G.

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Water conservation

Fig 4.4:pressurereducing valves

A dam is a structure built across a stream or river to hold water back. Dams can be used
to store water, control flooding, and generate electricity.
Plans for dam construction across the mainstream Mekong River in southern Laos and
Cambodia are of paramount concern. The construction of a single large run-of-the-river
dam in the mainstream Mekong River in southern Laos or Cambodia could quickly
catalyze the extinction of the remaining Mekong dolphin population. The negative effects
of large-scale dams on major river systems are well documented (Dudgeon, 2000a,b,c,d;
McCully, 2001).

Two dams are currently in the planning stage. One situated just north of Sambor Kratie
Province, is currently being investigated by a Chinese company. There are reportedly two
options for this dam, one being a large-run-of-the-river dam that would block all traffic
and fish migrations, and the other a smaller dam across part of the river, that would still
allow boat traffic to pass .

Fig 4.5:water reservoir


Our local leaders are facing the pressing question of how to ensure a clean, reliable WATER
SUPPLY with strains from population growth, booming development, and global warming.
Many communities are already enforcing water restrictions. There are a few simple things

CSE CIT 2023

Water conservation

you can do at home to ease the burden on your local water supply and save money in the
Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth.
Only run the washing machine and dishwasher when you have a full load.
Use a low flow shower head and faucet aerators.
Fix leaks.
Install a dual flush or low flow toilet or put a conversion kit on your existing toilet.
Don’t overwater your lawn or water during peak periods, and install rain sensors on
irrigation systems.
Install a rain barrel for outdoor watering.
Plant a rain garden for catching stormwater runoff from your roof, driveway, and other hard
Monitor your water usage on your water bill and ask your local government about a home
water audit.
Share your knowledge about saving water through conservation and efficiency with your


All plants and animals need water to survive. There can be no life on earth without water.
Why is water so important? Because 60 percent of our body weight is made up of water.
Our bodies use water in all the cells, organs, and tissues, to help regulate body
temperature and maintain other bodily functions. Because our bodies lose water through
breathing, sweating, and digestion, it’s crucial to rehydrate and replace water by drinking
fluids and eating foods that contain water.

Let’s look at all the ways water impacts our lives…

Water helps by creating saliva

Water is the main component of saliva. It’s critical for breaking down solid food and
keeping your mouth healthy. If you find your mouth is drier than usual, increase your
water intake. If that doesn’t work, see your doctor.

Fig 4.6: importance of water conservation

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Water conservation

Water serves us best when it is clean and can supply the needs of the overgrowing
population of our community. But considering the current condition of the availability of
ater in the present day, this seems impossible. Having coming up with an advocacy about
preserving water helped me realize that it is not too late for a change.

Fig 4.7

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Module 5
Food is one of the basic necessities of life. Food contains nutrients—substances essential for
the growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues and for the regulation of vital processes.
Nutrients provide the energy our bodies need to function. The energy in food is measured in
units called calories. Food is required for our good health, maintenance, growth, and
development. Food contains several kinds of substances or constituents. Each one is important
for some function or the other. These food constituents which are needed by us for our growth
and maintenance are called nutrients.

Fig 5.1:food


Food processing is the transformation of agricultural products into food, or of one form of
food into other forms. Food processing includes many forms of processing foods, from
grinding grain to make raw flour to home cooking to complex industrial methods used to
make convenience foods. Some food processing methods play important roles in reducing
food waste and improving food preservation, thus reducing the total environmental impact of
agriculture and improving food security.
Primary food processing is necessary to make most foods edible, and secondary food
processing turns the ingredients into familiar foods, such as bread. Tertiary food processing
has been criticized for promoting overnutrition and obesity, containing too much sugar and
salt, too little fiber, and otherwise being unhealthful in respect to dietary needs of humans and
farm animals.

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Fig 5.2:food processing


Fig 5.3:dharwadpeda


Dharwad peda was originally started by the Thakur family who had migrated from Unnao in
Uttar Pradesh to Dharwad after plague broke out in Unnao in early 19th Century. Ram Ratan
Singh Thakur, a first generation confectioner, started producing and selling pedas locally.
Dharwad peda was originally started by the Thakur family who had migrated from Unnao in
Uttar Pradesh to Dharwad after plague broke out in Unnao in early 19th Century. Ram Ratan
Singh Thakur, a first generation confectioner, started producing and selling pedas locally

Dharwad peda is prepared from the milk of Dharwadi buffaloes which in earlier times were
raised by the Gavali community in and around Dharwad. Khova is warmed on moderate flames

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to eliminate moisture. It is then treated with ghee, sugar and milk till the colour turns brown. It
takes one-and-a-half hours of constant stirring.

The mix is crushed into smaller pieces using a blender. The crushed khova-milk-sugar mix is
pressed into a desirable shape and heated on a pan. A few prefer adding cardamom to enhance
the flavor. Final product is then rolled in sugar and is ready to serve.

Alternative names Dharwad peda
Type Dessert
Area Dharwad, Karnataka
Country India
Material Milk , condensed milk,suga


Dharwad peda was originally started by the Thakur family who had migrated from Unnao in
Uttar Pradesh to Dharwad after plague broke out in Unnao in early 19th Century. Ram Ratan
Singh Thakur, a first generation confectioner, started producing and selling pedas locally.
Dharwad peda was prepared from the milk of Dharwadi buffaloes which are raised by the
Gavali community in and around Dharwad. His grandson Babu Singh Thakur helped grow the
family business further in their Line Bazaar store and the peda came to also be called locally
as the "Line Bazaar Peda". The family closely guards the recipe of the Peda as a trade secret
which has been passing down the lineage.

Fig 5.4:bhabusinghtakur peda


The capacity to preserve food is directly related to the level of technological development and
the slow progress in upgrading traditional food processing and preservation techniques in West
Africa contributes to food and nutrition insecurity in the sub-region.

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Traditional technologies of food processing and preservation date back thousands of years and,
unlike the electronics and other modern high technology industries, they long preceded any
scientific understanding of their inherent nature and consequences.

Traditional foods and traditional food processing techniques form part of the culture of the
people. Traditional food processing activities constitute a vital body of indigenous knowledge
handed down from parent to child over several generation. Unfortunately, this vital body of
indigenous knowledge is often undervalued.

Fig 5.5:food preparing


Fig 5.6 hanumantu palva

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Hotel Hanumanthu Original 1930, in Mysore, gets its name from the fact that other
restaurants serving similar dishes claim to be the original Hanumanthu restaurant (we’re
convinced their food is brilliant just because they deal with insane competition!). Initiated and
founded by Sri Man Hanumanthu, it is the oldest and one of the most popular spots in Mysore
for non-vegetarian food. We make plans for weekends to go here ONLY for the chicken and
mutton palav. The palavs are served with raita and gravy making it is a fuss-free meal. But we
promise you'll keep going back for more. Their signature dishes also include liver mutton and
leg soup, if you're not opposed to those kinds of meats


Healthy and unhealthy foods - everyone wants to be healthy, but eating healthy can feel like a
challenge, and it's hard to wade through all of the conflicting information on what we should
eat for a balanced, healthy diet. Ditch the fad diet rules and read our guide on eating healthy
vs. unhealthy to build yourself a balanced healthy diet without feeling too restricted.
A healthy food choice tends to be:
Rich in nutrients like vitamins and minerals, and full of fiber
Unprocessed and as "whole" as possible
Low in added sugar and added salt
Good for your energy levels
An unhealthy food choice tends to be:
Minimal in nutritional value
Highly processed
High in added sugars and salt
High in saturated fats
Added artificial flavors and chemical compounds

Fig 5.7:healthy and unhealthy food

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Food brings everyone together no matter what culture you are in. Culture is a way of life shared
by a group of people, beliefs, customs, symbols and etc
We all know that to live we must have food, but we do not all realize that we must eat the right
kinds of food to be at our best and to work efficiently.

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