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Lesson Plan

Prepared by: Mona Naim

Date: Nov. 30, 2022

Submitted to: Dr. Samira Nicolas

Course: EDUC 331 – Advanced Instructional Methodology

This document has been adapted from “The design document” © 2021 by William Cronje & Eduflow Academy is licensed
under Attribution 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit
Lesson Plan: Student-centered / high-tech
Topic of lesson: Assisted Reproductive Techniques

Instructional approach

LO 1: Students will read and explore the supplementary articles related to Intra
Uterine insemination (IUI) that are uploaded on Moodle.
In class, students are divided into three groups.
-One group will use Canva to explain the process of IUI.
-A second group will prepare a PowerPoint to explain the process of IUI.
-A third group will get a youtube video to explain the process of IUI.
Each group will get a chance to present what they have prepared.
Afterward, students will access the Poll Everywhere link to respond to the posted
IUI-related questions, and a discussion of the responses will take place during
class time.
Therefore, the instructional strategy is more of articulation, collaboration, and
social negotiation.

LO 2: Before class, the students will go through the screencast-O-Matic recorded

PowerPoint with my explanation.
In class, four breakout sessions will divide the students into four groups.
Students are urged to utilize Canva to create a flowchart that sequentially
states each step of the IVF/ICSI procedure, from the hormonal stimulation phase to
the embryo transfer stage, with important information summarizing each step.
The developed process diagrams will be posted on Moodle, presented in class,
and discussed. In the end, students will go through an assessment that was
prepared on H5P to test their understanding.
Thus, the instructional strategy is more of modeling and explaining, articulation,
collaboration, and social negotiation.

LO 3: The articulate interactive eLearning course will be investigated by all

students. The knowledge check that is integrated into this interactive eLearning
course will be completed by all students. Students will then take the graded
assessment that is integrated into Moodle and that will be the summative
assessment for the ART lesson.
So, the instructional strategy is more of exploration and creation.

This document has been adapted from “The design document” © 2021 by William Cronje & Eduflow Academy is licensed
under Attribution 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit
Platforms Toolbox

- links to resources
Moodle - PowerPoint
- Canva
- YouTube
- poll everywhere
- H5P
- articulate interactive eLearning
course link
- screencast-O-Matic recorded
PowerPoint with voice
- discussions

Course-level objectives

Describe the learning objectives of your lesson.

By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to:

LO 1:
Explain the process of Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI).
LO 2:
List the steps of Assisted Reproductive Techniques (IVF/ICSI).
LO 3:
Explore the interactive IVF cycle.

Objective Assessment Learning material

1) Students will be able to Student response system: -Supplementary articles

explain the process of students will post answers for students to explore
Intra Uterine Insemination on Poll Everywhere and read
-group work to prepare a
presentation and explain
the process of IUI

-discussion of the
responses to questions
posted on Poll

2) Students will be able to H5P assessment -screencast-o-Matic

This document has been adapted from “The design document” © 2021 by William Cronje & Eduflow Academy is licensed
under Attribution 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit
list the steps of Assisted recorded PowerPoint
Reproductive Techniques presentation with
(IVF/ICSI). instructor explanation

-group work to prepare

flowcharts using Canva
that sequentially state the
steps of ART with
important information
about each step.

3) Students will be able to Knowledge check in the -articulate interactive IVF

explore the interactive IVF Articulate interactive eLearning course
cycle. eLearning course
-knowledge check within
Graded assessment on the interactive eLearning
Moodle. course

-Moodle assessment

This document has been adapted from “The design document” © 2021 by William Cronje & Eduflow Academy is licensed
under Attribution 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit
Lesson Plan: Teacher-centered / low tech
Topic of lesson: Assisted Reproductive Techniques

Instructional approach

The instructor employs the same teacher-centered low-tech approach to instruction

to explain the process of intrauterine insemination (LO1), the processes of assisted
reproductive techniques (LO2), and to explore the interactive IVF cycle (LO3). The
instructor will use an LCD projector to project a PowerPoint presentation (that she
prepared) onto the classroom wall. While the instructor flips from slide to slide and
explains the learning objective, the students will listen and take notes. The teacher
will occasionally pause while lecturing and ask the learners if they have any
questions before continuing. The instructor will show a video she downloaded from
YouTube at the end of the lesson to further clarify the procedure. Finally, the
instructor will check for understanding by asking questions concerning the subject
matter covered, and students will raise their hands to respond. Based on student
responses, discussions will take place in class to clarify understanding of a
particular issue. Each learning objective has an assignment that students are
required to complete and email to the instructor as part of the assessment process.
Therefore, the instructional strategy is direct instruction.

Platforms Toolbox

There are a few desktop PCs in the - LCD projector

university’s computer lab that students - Internet and email (university
can reserve in advance and use to email computer lab)
or browse the internet. They have a
- Books in the university library as
personal USB flash drive that they can
use to copy files. resources
- Personal USB flash drive
- PowerPoint
- YouTube video
- Discussions.

Course-level objectives

Describe the learning objectives of your lesson.

By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to:

LO 1:
Explain the process of Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI).
LO 2:
List the steps of Assisted Reproductive Techniques (IVF/ICSI).
LO 3:
Explore the interactive IVF cycle.

This document has been adapted from “The design document” © 2021 by William Cronje & Eduflow Academy is licensed
under Attribution 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit
Objective Assessment Learning material

1) Students will be able to The teacher provides -PowerPoint presentation

explain the process of students with five
Intra Uterine Insemination questions on paper to -books in the university
(IUI). check for understanding library
of this process. Answers
must be delivered through - YouTube video
email within a certain
span of hours from the -classroom discussions
university's computer lab.

2) Students will be able to The teacher provides - PowerPoint presentation

list the steps of Assisted students with five
Reproductive Techniques questions on paper to -books in the university
(IVF/ICSI). check for understanding library
of this process. Answers
must be delivered through - YouTube video
email within a certain
span of hours from the -classroom discussions
university's computer lab.

3) Students will be able to In order to assess if they - PowerPoint presentation

explore the interactive IVF have understood the
cycle. three learning objectives, -books in the university
the teacher delivers an library
exam paper in class for
students. Students must - YouTube video
complete the questions in
class on paper, and the -classroom discussions
teacher will correct them
at home and provide
comments during the
subsequent lesson.

This document has been adapted from “The design document” © 2021 by William Cronje & Eduflow Academy is licensed
under Attribution 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit
The topic of the lesson is Assisted Reproductive Techniques. I prepared two
lesson plans one student-centered high tech and the other teacher-centered low
The student-centered high-tech lesson is taught to undergraduate university
students who have their personal laptops to aid them in their classroom learning.
There is an interactive whiteboard in the classroom as well as the instructor's laptop.
Additionally, there is internet connectivity, which gives the instructor and the student
access to an endless amount of information. In this classroom, the student is in
charge of his education and takes a more active role in learning by finding the crucial
materials for the course. The students take an active part in the educational setting
and are given the freedom to choose what, when, where, and how to learn. Through
the use of technology, they participate in critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork,
and self-directed learning. The instructor, on the other hand, serves as a learning
facilitator and pays particular attention to each student's interests, skills, and
preferred methods of learning.
This teacher-centered low-tech lesson is taught to university undergraduate
students who use a more traditional low-tech approach to learning. In this classroom,
the instructor serves as the main authority figure, and students are treated as “empty
vessels” who passively receive knowledge from their teachers through lectures and
direct instruction, with an end goal of positive results from testing and assessment. In
this learning style, teaching and assessment are viewed as two independent entities,
student learning is measured through objectively scored tests and assessments. As
regards technology use, the teacher uses a laptop connected to an LCD projector to
show content to the class but the students don't have any technological devices and
take handwritten notes. Students can reserve a desktop in the university's computer
lab to use to email an assignment, type any document they like, or simply browse the
I considered the cognitive load theory while creating both lesson plans by
reducing the intrinsic burden on the students' brains. Since every piece of knowledge
being taught to students is new, I made sure to chunk the subject material and
present it in a sequential manner so that working memory could quickly digest and
store it in long-term memory. In addition, the PPT slides that I prepared were free of
any unnecessary details, organized in proper font, and presented using simple words
and a vivid tone to avoid generating an extraneous load. The brain could then link

This document has been adapted from “The design document” © 2021 by William Cronje & Eduflow Academy is licensed
under Attribution 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit
new information to information previously stored there because it was not
overburdened and the germane mode functioning properly.
I included Gagne's 9 events of instruction into my lesson plans at various
stages that I will mention hereafter. The purpose of the YouTube video is to draw
students' attention to the presented subject. In addition, the lesson plan's objectives
are clearly stated but normally told to students in casual conversation. Furthermore,
during instruction, I always try to relate the material being taught currently to
information students already have in their brains by asking questions during the
lesson that draw on pre-existing knowledge. Moreover, the content that I present is a
blend of text and media, well aligned with the objectives, and is chunked into pieces.
Also, the assessment embedded in both lesson plans whether done with the aid of
technology or without serves as a practice opportunity to provide feedback to
learners and instructors and thereby assess performance. Any misconceptions in the
learning process will be cleared easily through the discussions done in class and
learners usually learn from their mistakes. Over and above, this ART content is
actually science, and students after being taught this topic immediately start to relate
it to real-world situations by sharing stories about friends or family members who
have been through the issue of misconceiving and are going through reproductive
treatment cycles.
On a personal level, I instruct nursing and medical lab students at the
University of Balamand on this subject. I experimented with both teaching strategies
because I initially followed the teacher-centered approach before switching to the
student-centered approach. The input I receive from in-class assessments helps me
to stay on track with the student-centered approach. Additionally, I conduct an
anonymous survey for my students, and it reveals that students learn more when I
keep them at the center because they are more engaged and active. Thus, the
feedback provided showed that students were able to readily digest the content and
link it to situations that actually occur in their daily lives. As for technology use, it is
high tech given how interested my students are in technology and internet use these
days and the infrastructure available at the university.

This document has been adapted from “The design document” © 2021 by William Cronje & Eduflow Academy is licensed
under Attribution 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit

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