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Treaty of Hudaibiya
Subject: Islamiyat

Class duration: 35 Mins

Learning objectives
Students will be able to understand & elaborate:

• The causes and the event of Treaty of Hudaibiya

• The consequences for Muslims and Quraish
• The lesson Muslims learnt from Treaty of Hudaibiya
Treaty of Hudaibiya
• About a year after the Battle of the Ditch, Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
saw a dream of his visit to the Ka’aba.
• He told the Muslims that they were to go with him to
Makkah to perform Umra.
• This news filled them with joy, as the Mujahideen
had not seen their city for the past 6 years.
• Muslims wore the traditional pilgrim garb, with only
a sheathed sword for self-defense, which was the
usual attire of pilgrims in those days.
• They took 70 camels with them to sacrifice to Allah.
• About 1400 Muslims left for the pilgrimage.
• They set out for Makkah in February, 628 AD
Treaty of Hudaibiya
• In 628 A.D, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬dreamt that he was entering the
holy Ka’abah.
• So, he planned to go to Makkah for the lesser pilgrimage.
• In the month of Dhul-Qadah, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬along with 1400
unarmed companions left for Makkah.
• Although they had no intention of waging war and were
unarmed yet their huge number surprised the Quraish and so
they weren’t allowed to enter Makkah.
• Instead, to resist their entry they sent a force under Khalid
Bin Waleed and Ikrama Bin Abu Jahl.
• The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬did not want to fight so he diverted his route.
• The Muslims camped at a place called Hudaybia about 3 miles
from Makkah.
• From here, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬sent a messenger to the Quraish to
tell them that they had not come to fight.
Treaty of Hudaibiya
• But that messenger never returned.
• The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬sent another messenger, who, too
did not return and so eventually the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬sent
Hazrat Usman due to his high reputation among the
• When the Quraish had detained Hazrat Usman for a
while rumors spread that he had been killed.
• Therefore the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬called his companions to
take a pledge to fight and avenge the blood of
Hazrat Usman.
• This was known as Bait-e-Rizwan.
Terms of Treaty of Hudaibiya
• After this, Hazrat Usman returned, and negotiations started with
the Quraish, eventually a treaty known as the treaty of hudaybia
was devised.
• Its terms were as follows:
• The Muslims would not enter Makkah this year, but would return
the following year.
• Makkans taking refuge in Medina would be handed back but
Madinites taking refuge in Makkah would not be returned
• There will be no war for 10 years
• Both Makkans and Muslims would stay neutral if there was a war
with another group
• Agreements could be made with other tribes.
• This treaty lasted only 2 years, and was broken by the Quraish.
• Apparently the terms did not favor the Muslims and many of the
leading companions like Hazrat Umar had objections, but Allah
Himself says:
“verily have we granted thee a manifest victory”.
• Peace was established between Makkah and
• Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬sent letter out of Arabia so Islam was
• Quran called this as ‘Clear victory’
• Muslims got chance to visit Makkah
• Khyber expedition
• It led to conquest of Makkah
Facts of Treaty of Hudaibiya
• Opposition by the Makkans:
• The Makkans refused to allow Muslims entry into Makkah
and backed their claims with arms.
• This was unusual because:
• I) Makkans didn’t even keep their worst enemies from the
• (II) Bloodshed was not allowed in the holy months.
• Proceeding towards Makkah, a detachment of the Makkan
cavalry intercepted the Muslims.
• To avoid bloodshed, Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬led his followers off the main
• At a place called Hudaybia, the Holy Prophet ‫’ ﷺ‬s camel
stopped of own account.
• Taking this as a sign from Allah, the Muslims made camp at
this place.
• Hudaybia is 3 miles from Makkah, just inside the sacred
perimeter around the holy city.
Facts of Treaty of Hudaibiya
• To negotiate with the Quraish, a messenger was sent to
Makkah to declare the Prophet ‫’ ﷺ‬s intention to perform Umra.
• When this messenger didn’t return, Hazrat Usman bin Affan
was sent.
• When Hazrat Usman didn’t return as well, a rumor broke out
that he had been killed.
• At this critical moment, Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬realized that the Quraish
were bent on spilling Muslim blood.
• As the Muslims were unarmed, except for their swords,
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬took from them the pledge to fight to the death for
Islam in case a battle broke out.
• This pledge was taken under a tree or rizwan, and that is why
it is called the Bay’t-eRizwan.
• Fortunately, Hazrat Usman returned soon after the pledge was
Facts of Treaty of Hudaibiya
Treaty of Hudaybia:
• After several Quraishite leaders arrived, negotiations
• The following points were agreed upon:
Muslims and Quraish wouldn’t fight for 10 years.
II) Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and his followers would not perform
pilgrimage this year.They would perform it next year,
staying for 3 days in Makkah.
III) Both parties were free to ally themselves with
whomever they wished.
IV) Anyone fleeing from Makkah to Madina will be
returned, but anyone fleeing from Madina to Makkah
would not be returned.
• This treaty lasted only 2 years, and was broken by the
Facts of Treaty of Hudaibiya
Disappointment of Muslims:
Muslims, especially Hazrat Umar, were disappointed
with the treaty because:
I) On the actual document, the Quraish had refused to
recognize Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬as the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬of Allah and
had refused to write the Muslim Tasmiyah. Instead,
they wrote: “In Thy name, O God”.
II) They would have to return to Madinah this year,
even though their beloved city was in plain sight.
III) The clause regarding repatriation of people fleeing
from Makkah, in their eyes, was unfair and unjust.
Facts of Treaty of Hudaibiya
Incident of Hazrat Abu Jandal:
• Moments before the treaty was actually signed, a
Muslim escapee named Hazrat Abu Jandal from
Makkah reached Hudaybia.
• His father demanded his immediate return in the
light of the new treaty.
• Even though Abu Jandal showed the Muslims his
torture marks, they were helpless and he was returned
to his torturers.
• Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬consoled him and told him to put his trust
in Allah.
• Before going back to Madina, Muslims performed the
rites of Umra at Hudaybia
Facts of Treaty of Hudaibiya
Consequences of the Treaty:
1. “A clear victory”: On the way back to Madina, Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬told the disheartened Muslims
that he had received this revelation from Allah, which filled Hazrat Umar and the Muslims
with joy: “Verily We have given unto thee a clear victory.”

2. Settlement of the Iyes: After the Treaty of Hudaybia, Hazrat Abu Basir, a young
Muslim, escaped from Makkah and reached Madina. His captors came to Madina and
received him from the helpless Muslims. On the way back, Hazrat Abu Basir killed one of
them and escaped to the Red Sea cost, called Iyes. Soon, many other Muslim escapees
joined him and their band looted passing Makkan caravans. They were beyond the
jurisdiction of Madina and Makkah. This forced the Makkans to cancel the repatriation

3. Rise in prestige of Madina: As the Quraish had formally recognized the sovereign status
of Madina, the two states of Makkah and Madina were now equal in the eyes of the
Bedouin tribes who keenly started observing which way the balance of power would tilt.

The proof of this “clear victory” is that though Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬went to Makkah with 1400
men in 628 AD, three years later he went with 10,000.
Check your understanding
Q5a. Write an account on Treaty of Hudaibiya. [10]
Q5b. What is the importance of Treaty of Hudaibiya?
Note: Get more information from Facts of Treaty of Hudaibiya.

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