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1 What is the approximate percentage of oxygen in expired air?

A 0.04% B 4% C 16% D 21%

 Atmospheric air contains around 20 – 21% oxygen, of which we only absorb

around 4 – 5%, breathing out air containing around 16% oxygen.
 Normal carbon dioxide content of air is around 0.04% and, as carbon
dioxide diffuses into the alveoli from the blood, we breathe out air
containing around 4% carbon dioxide.
A is incorrect as it shows the percentage of oxygen and carbon dioxide in expired
air, not atmospheric air.

B is incorrect as there is never this much carbon dioxide in any air.

D is incorrect as it shows the percentage of carbon dioxide in expired air, not

atmospheric air.
2 Compared with atmospheric air, air breathed out by a human contains

A less water vapour, less carbon dioxide.

B less water vapour, more carbon dioxide.
C more water vapour, less carbon dioxide.
D more water vapour, more carbon dioxide.

 Carbon dioxide and water are products of respiration in cells and

are both excreted from the body by the lungs when we breathe
 This means that air breathed out by a human will contain more
water vapour and more carbon dioxide than atmospheric air.
3 What is the path of carbon dioxide as it leaves the lungs?

A alveolus → bronchiole → bronchus → trachea

B alveolus → bronchus → bronchiole → trachea

C trachea → bronchiole → bronchus → alveolus

D trachea → bronchus → bronchiole → alveolus

 Air moves out of the alveoli into the bronchioles, then the bronchi, then the
trachea and finally out of the nose or mouth.
4 In some amphibians, gas exchange occurs through the whole skin surface.

What are the most likely characteristics of the skin surface?

surface area type of skin

A large thick
B large thin
C small thick
D small thin

 Requirements of gas exchange surfaces are that they:

- Have a large surface area so that as much diffusion as possible can

happen in the shortest amount of time
- Are thin so that diffusion distances are short
- Are able to maintain a decent diffusion gradient so that diffusion
continues to happen
- Have a good supply of oxygen
5 What describes the actions of the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm when we breathe out?

external internal
intercostal muscles intercostal muscles

A contract relax falls

B contract relax rises
C relax contract falls
D relax contract rises

 During breathing out the volume of the thorax needs to get smaller so that
pressure inside will increase beyond atmospheric pressure and air will
move out.
 This means that the ribs move down and in, pulled by the contraction of the
internal intercostal muscles.
 As the internal and external intercostal muscles are an antagonistic pair,
when one set is contracted the other set is relaxed, so during breathing out
the external intercostal muscles will be relaxed.
 The diaphragm muscle relaxes and the mass of the organs underneath it
pushes it back up to a domed shape which further reduces the volume
inside the thorax.
6 What are the approximate percentages of oxygen and carbon dioxide in atmospheric air?

 Atmospheric air contains around 20 – 21% oxygen, of which we only absorb

around 4 – 5%, breathing out air containing around 16% oxygen.
 Normal carbon dioxide content of air is around 0.04% and, as carbon
dioxide diffuses into the alveoli from the blood, we breathe out air
containing around 4% carbon dioxide.
A is incorrect as it shows the percentage of oxygen and carbon dioxide in expired
air, not atmospheric air.

B is incorrect as there is never this much carbon dioxide in any air.

D is incorrect as it shows the percentage of carbon dioxide in expired air, not

atmospheric air.
7 When the external intercostal muscles contract, how do the pressure and the volume inside the
lungs change?

 During breathing out the volume of the thorax needs to get smaller so that
pressure inside will increase beyond atmospheric pressure and air will
move out.
 This means that the ribs move down and in, pulled by the contraction of the
internal intercostal muscles.
 As the internal and external intercostal muscles are an antagonistic pair,
when one set is contracted the other set is relaxed, so during breathing out
the external intercostal muscles will be relaxed.
 The diaphragm muscle relaxes and the mass of the organs underneath it
pushes it back up to a domed shape which further reduces the volume
inside the thorax.
8 The table shows the approximate composition of air breathed out by a mammal.

gas air breathed out / %

nitrogen 80
oxygen 16
carbon dioxide 4

Where did the nitrogen in the air breathed out come from?

A It was a product of proteins broken down in the mammal.

B It was a product of respiration.
C It was in the air that was breathed in.
D It was exchanged for oxygen which was taken into the blood.

 Nitrogen is a very stable gas and cannot be used by the body in this form.
 This means that the same amount breathed in is breathed out.

A is incorrect as protein breakdown produces amino acids which are not

then sent to the lungs to have the nitrogen removed.

B is incorrect as nitrogen is not a product of respiration, carbon dioxide

and water are.

D is incorrect as oxygen moves into the blood due to diffusion down a

concentration gradient, not in exchange for nitrogen.
9 What helps oxygen to be absorbed rapidly into the blood in the lungs?

A Air breathed in has less oxygen than air breathed out.

B Alveoli have thick walls and a large surface area.
C Alveoli have thin walls and a large surface area.
D The concentration of oxygen in the blood is higher than in the alveoli.

✓ Thin walls mean that diffusion happens quickly as diffusion distances are
✓ A large surface area means more oxygen can pass across the alveolar
surfaces in the time available.

A is incorrect as this would mean that diffusion into the blood would
not occur as there would be a higher concentration of oxygen in the
blood than in the alveoli.

B is incorrect as these things would slow down the rate of diffusion.

D is incorrect as this would mean that diffusion into the blood would
not occur.
10 The diagram illustrates changes in air pressure taking place inside the lungs during a complete
cycle of breathing. Atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa.

At which point on the diagram are the ribs beginning to be lowered?


in lungs 101
/ kPa


✓ The ribs lower during exhalation.

✓ Lowering the ribs reduces the volume inside the chest cavity.
✓ Reducing the volume increases the pressure inside the chest cavity.
✓ So, when the ribs start to lower, you would expect to see the pressure in
the lungs increase.
11 The diagram shows the composition of four samples of air (O2 = oxygen, CO2 = carbon dioxide,
N2 = nitrogen).



composition 60
/% 40


O2 CO2 N2 O2 CO2 N2 O2 CO2 N2 O2 CO2 N2

Which sample is inspired air and which sample is expired air?

✓ Atmospheric air contains around 20 – 21% oxygen, of which we only absorb

around 4 – 5%, breathing out air containing around 16% oxygen.
✓ Normal carbon dioxide content of air is around 0.04% and, as carbon
dioxide diffuses into the alveoli from the blood, we breathe out air
containing around 4% carbon dioxide.
✓ The percentage of nitrogen in inspired and expired air is around 79 – 80%
and does not change as nitrogen is not able to be utilized by the body in the
form of nitrogen gas.
12 The diagram shows some of the structures in a human lung.

Where is the carbon dioxide concentration highest?

from pulmonary artery


to pulmonary vein

✓ Blood in the pulmonary artery is coming from the right side of the heart
towards the lungs to drop of carbon dioxide and pick up oxygen.
✓ This blood has not yet passed through the alveolar capillaries so carbon
dioxide has not yet diffused out of it.
A is incorrect as the blood here has passed through half of the alveolar
capillaries so a lot of carbon dioxide will already have diffused out of it
and into the alveoli.

C is incorrect as the air entering the alveoli has a lower concentration of

carbon dioxide than in the blood coming to the alveoli (which ensures
that diffusion from blood to alveoli can happen).

D is incorrect as the blood leaving the alveoli going towards to the

pulmonary vein has a very low concentration of carbon dioxide in it
as most of it will have diffused into the alveoli.
13 The table shows the composition of four samples of air.

Which sample is inspired air and which sample is expired air?

 Atmospheric air contains around 20 – 21% oxygen, of which we only absorb

around 4 – 5%, breathing out air containing around 16% oxygen.
 Normal carbon dioxide content of air is around 0.04% and, as carbon
dioxide diffuses into the alveoli from the blood, we breathe out air
containing around 4% carbon dioxide.
14 A girl holds her breath for 30 seconds, breathes out, and then breathes in.

Compared with the air she breathes out, the air she breathes in contains less

A carbon dioxide and water vapour.

B nitrogen and water vapour.
C oxygen and carbon dioxide.
D oxygen and nitrogen.

 Normal carbon dioxide content of air is around 0.04% and, as carbon

dioxide diffuses into the alveoli from the blood, we breathe out air
containing around 4% carbon dioxide.
 Air breathed out contains more water vapour than air breathed in.

B is incorrect as the amount of nitrogen in the air we breathe in and out

does not change

C is incorrect as air breathed in contains more oxygen than air breathed


D is incorrect as air breathed in contains more oxygen than air breathed

out and the amount of nitrogen doesn’t change.
15 What makes alveoli suitable as a gas exchange surface?

large total surface well-supplied with

area blood vessels


 A good gas exchange surface has a large surface area for efficient exchange
of gases.
 It also maintains a high diffusion gradient, usually by having a good blood
supply. This means that diffusion of oxygen into the blood occurs
continuously and at a faster rate as blood saturated with oxygen is quickly
carried away from the alveoli.
16 The graph shows changes in the volume of air in the lungs of a person at rest, over a period of 30

of air in
lungs 1
/ dm3
0 30
time / s

Which graph shows changes in the volume of air in the lungs of the same person immediately
after they have done five minutes of vigorous exercise?


2 2
volume volume
of air in of air in
lungs 1 lungs 1
/ dm3 / dm3
0 0
0 30 0 30
time / s time / s


2 2
volume volume
of air in of air in
lungs 1 lungs 1
/ dm3 / dm3
0 0
0 30 0 30
time / s time / s
17 A sample of expired air is collected in a gas jar. Another gas jar contains normal atmospheric air.

A lighted candle is placed inside each gas jar as shown. The time taken for each flame to go out
is measured. As the candles burn they use up the oxygen available in the jar.




gas jar X gas jar Y

The table shows the results of this experiment.

time for candle flame

gas jar
to go out / s

X 15
Y 9

What is an explanation of the difference between the results in jars X and Y?

A Jar X contains atmospheric air which has more carbon dioxide.

B Jar X contains expired air which has more carbon dioxide.
C Jar Y contains atmospheric air which has less oxygen.
D Jar Y contains expired air which has less oxygen.

 Oxygen is required for flames to burn.

 Expired air contains less oxygen than atmospheric air, so the candle in the
jar containing the expired air will go out more quickly than the one
containing atmospheric air.
18 The diagram shows a section through an alveolus and a capillary.

Why does carbon dioxide move from X to Y?

A Air has a lower concentration of carbon dioxide than blood.

B Carbon dioxide moves more freely in air than in blood.
C Carbon dioxide must replace oxygen.
D Diffusion of carbon dioxide can only be out of the blood.

 Carbon dioxide moves by diffusion from an area of higher concentration to

an area of lower concentration down a concentration gradient.

B is incorrect as the freedom of movement would not explain why the

carbon dioxide moves from X to Y.

C is incorrect as carbon dioxide does not take the place of oxygen and
this is not what drives its movement.

D is incorrect as diffusion will happen in any direction as long as there is

a concentration gradient present.
19 The diagram shows some structures in the human neck and thorax.

The lining of tube Q has cilia.

What is an important function of the cilia?

A to help in the exchange of gases

B to increase the internal surface area of tube Q
C to moisten the air entering and leaving the lungs
D to move mucus towards the throat

A is incorrect as gases are exchanged in the alveoli, not in the trachea.

B is incorrect as the internal surface area of tube Q doesn’t need to be

increased as it is not the site of gas exchange.

C is incorrect as ciliated cells do not produce water.

20 The diagram shows some ciliated cells from the trachea.

What is the function of the parts labelled X?

A detecting stimuli
B exchanging gases
C moving mucus
D trapping bacteria

 The function of ciliated cells is the waft and push mucus that has trapped
dust and other particles in it towards the throat.

A is incorrect as this is a function of receptor cells in sense


B is incorrect as gas exchange happens in the alveoli, not in the trachea.

D is incorrect as bacteria is trapped by mucus, not cilia.

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