Ako Balikbayan Constitution

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WE, the Filipino workers and professionals who have left the
sanctuary of our hometowns for other places in search of better economic
opportunities for ourselves and our beloved ones, from the sectors of labor,
agricultural, food, maritime, aviation, logistics, transport, health, medical,
entertainment, legal services, security services, technology and other
professions, believing in the aims and goals of the workingman and
professionals and aware of the inadequacy of protection under prevailing
legislation and existing social, political and economic structures; the
vulnerability of our sources of livelihood; the need for solidarity to promote
our well-being and to arouse, unite and mobilize for the realization of the
workingman’s cause; and the importance of attaining socio-economic and
political freedom, HEREBY ratify this Constitution as the basis of our


Section 1. Name. Our organization will be known as AKO

BALIKBAYAN and may be called by its abbreviated name

Section 2. Symbol. The emblem of the _____ is the

________________________. The ______________ represent the unity of
displaced Filipino workers and professionals from the sectors of labor,
agricultural, food, maritime, aviation, logistics, transport, health, medical,
entertainment, legal services, security services, technology and other

Section 3. Song. The official song of AKO BALIKBAYAN is the

“XXX Hymn”.

Section 4. Office. The headquarters AKO BALIKBAYAN shall be located
in Metro Manila, presently at __________________________.


Section 1. The Filipino workers and professionals comprise the ever-

increasing majority of society and represent its most productive sectors. As
such, they are the key to eradicate poverty, deprivation and human suffering.

Section 2. In advancing their interests, the Filipino workers and

professionals consequently push forward the betterment of humanity as a
whole under the conditions of genuine social justice.

Section 3. So much prosperity is created by modern society but

most Filipino workers and professionals are compelled to depart for other
places in their quest for prosperity due to lack of sufficient and viable
economic opportunities not only in their respective localities but even in the
country, as well. At times, their employment security is undermined by
causes beyond their control such as war, armed conflict, political turmoil,
environmental disaster, health crisis, among others, resulting in their
untimely displacement from their workplace and disruption not only of their
lives but also of those who depend on them for financial support.

Section 4. Whenever Filipino workers and professionals are abruptly

displaced from their workplace, it becomes imperative that effort be exerted
toward assisting them to cope with the negative effects of displacement by
providing them with alternative means of sustaining themselves
economically, preferably in their own localities. This is possible if they
organize themselves and promote their collective interests.

Section 5. Through their solidarity and self-empowerment, displaced

Filipino workers and professionals, who have returned or intending to return
home, can be provided with alternative employment or livelihood in their
own localities as far as practicable.

Section 6. The basic function of AKO BALIKBAYAN is to organize

displaced Filipino workers and professionals, from the sectors of labor,
agricultural, food, maritime, aviation, logistics, transport, health, medical,

entertainment, legal services, security services, technology and other
professions, as a collective force for their economic, social, political and
cultural benefit and the strengthening of their local organizations as part of
an over-all movement for their solidarity and self-empowerment in the


Section 1. Membership. Any individual Filipino worker or

professional, eighteen (18) years of age and above, from the sectors of labor,
peasant, urban poor, maritime, aviation, logistics, transport, health, medical,
entertainment, legal services, security services, technology and other
professions, and any group or organization from these sectors, who are
willing to accept and abide by the principles, organizational guidelines and
the duties of membership as provided by this Constitution, and are willing to
carry out the plans of AKO BALIKBAYAN, may become a AKO

Section 2. Membership of an organization. The application for

membership of a national or local organization of sector from labor,
agricultural, food, maritime, aviation, logistics, transport, health, medical,
entertainment, legal services, security services, technology and other
professions must be approved by the National Executive Council (NEC) or
its authorized equivalent at the regional level after fulfilling the requirements
set by the councils that will approve the application in consultation with the
next higher organ.

Section 3. Members have the following rights:

a. To be elected as a delegate to the National Congress;

b. To elect and be elected to the governing body of AKO
c. To participate in discussions and decision-making processes in
the unit (chapter, committee, local formation) to which he or she belongs;
d. To avail of due process in disciplinary actions.

Section 4. All members have the following obligations:

a. Be loyal to AKO BALIKBAYAN, safeguard the integrity of
the organization and the interests of the toiling masses;
b. Follow the Constitution of AKO BALIKBAYAN; develop an
understanding of its principles, and abide by the decisions and policies as
may be agreed upon by the Central Council;
c. Participate in livelihood trainings and seminars;
d. Attend and participate in meetings, activities, mobilizations and
other forms of collective organizational actions;
e. Subscribe to the official organ and other AKO BALIKBAYAN
f. Contribute to strengthening the influence of AKO
BALIKBAYAN among Filipino workers and professionals from the sectors
of labor, agricultural, food, maritime, aviation, logistics, transport, health,
medical, entertainment, legal services, security services, technology and
other professions; and
g. Pay the monthly dues.


Section 1. The Democratic Principle. The democratic principle will be

upheld by AKO BALIKBAYAN as an organizational practice expressed in
the concept of centralism under full democracy.

Section 2. Centralism. AKO BALIKBAYAN is a centralized

organization. This means:

a) The decision of the majority must be respected and followed by

the minority;
b) Compliance of the lower organ with the rules of the superior
organ; and
c) Organizational decisions shall prevail over individual

Section 3. Democracy. This centralism is achieved through

democracy. This means:

a) The practice of election and recall;
b) Conducting independent discussions so that any decision can be
voted upon by a simple majority of the assembly;
c) Collective leadership, all major decisions must be achieved in a
collective manner;
d) Recognition of the autonomy and dynamism of the member
organizations provided these are not contrary to the principles and programs
e) Freedom of the minority to submit criticisms, feedback and
suggestions to the next higher organ without compromising the unity of


Section 1. Violations. Any member may be given disciplinary action

on the following grounds:

a) Serious and willful violation of the Constitution and General

b) Putting members and the entire organization at risk; and,
c) Embezzlement of the finances and property of the organization.

Section 2. Corresponding disciplinary action. The following

disciplinary actions may be imposed after the due process.

a) Stern warning;
b) Removal from elected position;
c) Suspension of the right to vote, attend AKO BALIKBAYAN
meetings, and from privileges of membership;
d) Expulsion from the organization.

Section 3. Due Process. Any member subject to disciplinary action

has the right to due process of notice and hearing pursuant to the rules that
may be adopted by the National Executive Committee.

Section 4. Disciplinary Action against Central Council members.
Disciplinary action against members of the Central Council can only be
imposed by the Central Council or the National Congress. A member of the
Central Council may be expelled from the organization by a 2/3 vote of the
Central Council or by a majority of the delegates of the National Congress.


Section 1. The National Congress is the highest assembly. It will be

held every three (3) years, starting ___ March 2021, and every three (3)
years thereafter. It consists of delegates from member organizations /
individuals pursuant to the rules, procedures and guidelines formulated by
the National Executive Council as approved by the Central Council.

Section 2. Duties. The National Congress shall adopt and/or amend

the Constitution of AKO BALIKBAYAN, elect its national leadership and
formulate its general programs and policies.

Section 3. Special Congress. A special National Congress may be held

if necessary. The holding of the Special Congress may be convened by two-
thirds (2/3) of the Central Council or by one-third (1/3) of all bona fide
members of good standing of AKO BALIKBAYAN.


Section 1. Authority and Composition. The Central Council is the

policy-making body of AKO BALIKBAYAN, consisting of fifteen (15)
members elected by the delegates during the relevant National Congress.

Section 2. Meeting. The Central Council shall meet regularly once

every six (6) months. Special meetings of the Central Council may be
convened upon the instance of a majority of its members or of majority of
the National Executive Council.

Section 3. Powers and Functions of the Central Council. The Central
Council shall –

a. Ensure the implementation of the General Plan, the Constitution

and all decisions and policies adopted during the National Congress;
b. Make changes to the structure and operations of AKO
BALIKBAYAN in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution;
c. Summon the National Congress and lead its preparation;
d. By majority vote, fill vacancies in the Central Council and
National Executive Council;
e. Elect from among its members the officers that shall constitute
the organization’s National Executive Council; and
f. Manage finances and assets of AKO BALIKBAYAN.


Section 1. Duties. The National Executive Council is the executive

body of AKO BALIKBAYAN. The National Executive Council has the
duty of implementing all decisions, plans, policies and programs of the
Central Council and the right to decide all matters in relation thereto. It shall
be empowered to create any office or agency or appoint any person to assist
in the performance of its functions.

Section 2. The National Executive Council comprises the National

Leadership of AKO BALIKBAYAN as follows:

a. The President is the highest executive of the organization and

its official representative and spokesperson. He convenes and chairs the
meetings of the Central Council and the National Executive Council and
may be assigned other tasks to be determined and agreed upon by the
Central Council.

b. The Vice-President shall assist the President in all his/her duties

and responsibilities and may be assigned other tasks to be determined by the

c. The Secretary-General is the primary overseer of the day-to-day

operations of the organization.

g. The Treasurer is in charge of keeping the funds, properties and
assets of the organization. He/She shall render an accounting to the Central
Council during its regular or special meetings.

e. The Auditor shall ensure regular audit of the entire funds and
assets of the organization.


Section 1. Chapters and branches may be established in regions,

provinces, districts, municipalities and other territorial formations in
accordance with the guidelines set by the Central Council.

Section 2. The chapters and branches of AKO BALIKBAYAN shall

elect their leadership.

Section 3. The head of the territorial chapter or branch shall report to

its higher territorial organ.


Section 1. The National Executive Council shall be assisted in its

powers and functions by the following departments or committees:

a. The General Secretariat shall comprise the organizational staff

headed by the Secretary-General.

b. The Programs department shall implement and oversee the

organization’s livelihood and economic self-sufficiency program for its

c. The Education and Propaganda department shall develop a

livelihood and economic self-sufficiency training for members in
collaboration with local organizations and shall ensure that all plans related
to educational and propaganda work are implemented.

d. The Organizing department has the key role in expanding the
membership of the organization throughout the country.

e. The Finance department shall generate the finances and

resources of the organization.

f. The Ethics committee is a special body to be formed by the

National Executive Council to investigate cases filed for disciplinary action.


Section 1. The Central Council will regularly publish an official

newspaper. It will serve as the medium of information related to the
organization’s activities, advocacies and programs and all issues affecting
Filipino workers and professionals.

Section 2. The editor of the official organ shall be appointed by a

majority vote of the Central Council.


Section 1. Finance for AKO BALIKBAYAN activities and programs

may be sourced from the monthly dues of the members, donations, and
business activities and financial projects.

Section 2. Donations and contributions will be accepted if they do not

compromise the integrity of the organization, its governing bodies and
membership and do not influence its advocacies, programs, policies and

Section 3. Monthly dues per individual shall be fixed at P2.00.


Any amendment can only be made by a majority of the delegates at

any regular or special National Congress to be held.


Section 1. This Constitution shall take effect upon ratification by the

National Congress.

Section 2. This Constitution was adopted by a majority of the

delegates of the National Founding Congress this ____ day of March, 2021,
in ________________________.


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