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Lampiran 1.

Parameter Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Karyawan

Pekerja Pekerja
No Item Pemeriksaan Keterangan
Kantor Lapangan
Examination Remarks
Office Worker Field Worker
Wawancara mengenai riwayat penyakit
medis, gaya hidup, riwayat penyakit
1 keluarga serta riwayat pajanan pekerjaan
Interview about history of medical illness, v v
lifestyle, family history and history of
occuoational exoosure
Evaluasi medis
2 Medical evaluation : Blood pressure,
oulse, oxvqen stats, temperature
v v
Pemeriksaan fisik lengkap oleh dokter
3 Physical examination entire bodies by
v v
Pemeriksaan mata Uarak dekat, jarak
4 jauh, visual dan buta warna)
Eye examination (naer, far, visual field, v v
color blindness)
5 Spirometry v v
6 Pemeriksaan foto X-Ray dada
Chest X-Rav v v
7 Pemeriksaan pendengaran
Audiometry test v v
8 Golongan darah + Rhesus
Blood Grouo + Rhesus v v
Fungsi Liver
9 Liver function : SGOT, SGPT, Alkaline
Phospate, Total Bilirubin, Total Protein, v v
Fungsi Ginjal
10 Renal Function : Ureum, Creatinine, Uric
v v
11 Lipid Profile : Total Cholesterol, HDL,
LDL, Tryqlicerid v v
12 Gula darah puasa & 2 jam PP
Glucose fastina & 2 hrs PP v v
13 Complete Blood Count v v
14 Pemeriksaan urine lengkap
ComplfJt& urin& test v v
Tes Fungsi Jantung + Treadmill bila usia
15 �40 tahun (metode Bruce Protocol)
ECG + Treadmill for �40 years old v v
{Bruce Protocol methode)
16 HbsAg v v Pre-employement
Pemeriksaan alkohol & obat terlarang
17 Alcohol & Drug Test (marijuana, cocaine,
ooiates, methamohetamin)
v v Pre-employement

18 Romberg Test - v For working at height

19 Rapid Test for Covid-19 v v During pandemic

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