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Your Marketing Plan => One-Page Marketing Plan Nome Aaderess J Cy / State J Zip Telephone Number mal Address ‘senior Ewironmental, Heath & Safety Manager Regulatory afiatrs intemal B48 Consulingeadising Compliance Audeing EHS Manogement Posmioning Statement [xperienced in advising management, drecing programs and personnel, manoging national and infemational remediation projects and conducting corporate-wide compliance audits in bofh Fartune £00 companies and smal consuinng frms. Ihave managed projects and deparimants, conducted acquistion and divastrurerewowrs, set draciton for HS poly and dalvered resulls facing the botiom line, Campetencies Include: Target Market with Sample Target Companies (Geographic area: AU, NY and CTwathin a rods of 35 mils from zip code GTO. Types of industries: chemical tnd pharmaceutical manuiacturing; consuling irs. Sze of ergantzntions: manutacturng — more than 000 employees; consulting — any se. Here Is how to answer and get your message aut 1. left United Amakbomated. and 1am very ‘exmted about my search for a new general manager position with P& L responsiblity — cond possibya tumaoundopporunty. 2. This Is natural sie my bockgoundindudes and. 3. Someof the places! am patcuaty inkvestedingre__,_s _ The. Industryinterests me andthe Industry isalso passitie 4. re mode up ost of oganzanons twont possible next employers. Would you be wing fo take a look at the stand seef you know anything about vanyof them? YOUr onswer con stop after 3 or4. But if you slop sooner, you are nat geting your message ‘out effectively. Think cbout all of your contacts, whether fhey are active you Pee heed eee eas ‘to them regularly, dormant [you used to {all:to them or passive network connections that have not been advated!. Ust e minimum of fve contacts Ineach category. Then identily what type of contact that person Is wath an “A* for active, “D" for dormant ar" for passive Friends, relatives, neighbors Religious. alumna and professional organizations Co-workers, suppliers, customers: Personal business connections. (Bast and present Ibonker, broker, CPA, lawyer, doctor, dents “Your spouse'v/partner’s network Be SMART in Conducting Network Meetings bhe conversatans you havevwth your cansaets wil comiine geting your message outwith gathenng ‘marketplace information. They alsa claw you to make use of your marketing plon and target ist [Lee Hecht Homson suggests a partiagar approach when meeting wath your contacts: SMART. Ths approach Is «designed for use wath your ganaral network contacts such asthe ones you Identiied earkerin this chapter. when | you are able fo flk fo people Inside your forget companies, yu wil want io:seich fo the SELL approach, wich 's discussed in Wuestone 7. “The SMART meeting Inchides: i, mc. a ‘Summarize el land es Your Li ed Use your Dewcbe yor Ack about Abways ok for Always ry fo profaisenol marketing pla erganizctns—nheductons gle yout objective, ‘and provide a = enyaurtarget. © toothers who commesartonal postionng «copy ofyour == sstand ther = mighthavemereparmer uschi statement ond, targets. ‘saves. strengths, information on information. A necessary, problems ‘fe organizations Make the your ext ondpeople = youdsaussed. = conversation eaement, And ak for atwe-woy ‘The SMART approach provides on ogenda for meeting with your general networking contacts. Allow ‘approximately 20 to 30 minutes for a meeting. We have Incded suggested time allowances. |. Summortze your messoge [2 minutes] Star wth your professional objectve and pasttoning ststement; Use your ext statement needed. these wil ge your Contact the basic information. Descnbe your professional objectve, giving 90 oF three exomipes of postions tyical ofthat oblectve Siotewhy YOU balleve you are quatited, mentioning your compatencies. Use your accomplishment staternants’o back up ‘your darns. they contan oil the information the person needs to understand you and how they can help. Be brief and summarze. You scheduled the meetng 1o ablefn inforation, nat sel your quaificatons. 50 ge only the information that is needed in order 10 prepare the person forthe resto the conversaTOn. 2. Morketng plan (3—.minutes) ritaduce the key elernents of your marketing pln. You already hove mentioned your professional objective, so move to a desciption of your forgeled industries and your geographical and organtzatlonal size preferences, and explain why you have made these decisions, Introduce the ist of targeted companies that meet your ctria. 3. Ask questions (1015 minutes) Move from iderttying forget companies to asking questans about them and chscussing each category. Listen carefuly and tate notes whan appropricte. Prior fo the mesting, make. Iist of quastions you wont askin order to direct the conversation and cole information about ‘arget organizations, inducing the nomes of any relevant inside contacts. Use open-ended questions to encourage your contact to share a strilar manner. discussions oftssuesin your fed or Industry iso may lead to the names of relavont people. (4. Refemals (3-6 minutes) Once you have asked questions and gathered information. you may spectically request relerris. This is easler i your contact hs cready mentioned names. You con now repeat some of ‘those names and ask for on inroduction. fing names have been mentioned. ask if your contact knows people who mighthove mare inormaton or the names of people inside any of your lrget argondations. Ba sure to get spectic names and ties and confirm how ond when you will proach the reterris. dea, ‘ry fo get your contac! to make the preliminary contact for you f your contact cannct think of any people for ‘you to see, ask if you con coll back in @ few days to see tf any have come to mind, 'S. Trade information (2-3 minutes) You come to this mesting wth useful information, whether you rece tt ‘of not, 82 on the alert for opportunites 1 trade the inormaton wih your cantact. You may now about. + fheindustry ‘= names of potenitel condidates fhe company solitons other organizations have foundto ‘may'veand to recrut [other than yourselt problems mentioned by your contact ‘= contacts wth professional groups, + oer organizatons ‘suppliers and other resources ‘The chance fo rads Informaton might come. Keep in mind: Whatdo Iinow hat might be wsefulto fis \confoc? You also may of to introduce your contoct 6 others. ‘6. Closing the Meeting Once you have started your network meeting, keepin mind any tme egreement. f ‘you stay beyond the agreed upon tme, your contact may alaw't out af courtesy, but may fee! less mcined +10 ge you referals. arrange ary necessary fol up. Explain that you wall nform your contact afwhat happensin the referal meetings. Conclude the meeting wih your thanks. ED swuerscriot Opening Intoduce yourself nd mention wi refered you. ‘eyle Johnson of sanchez Heath systems suggested canioc you. Kyleand! wert fo Sie \Unversty together andihe sugpested you might be someone | cud speck fo about phamnacsvtcal ‘andehemian rms In he New.ensey area. ‘Summarize Your Message 145 result ofthe acqutstonof sherman Carparainn myposttonas cn enwranmentalheath and ‘soley manager was eimnated. Ihave portcuer stenghs in management audtng, remedatn ‘andfmining. 1am naw fool fr anew postion in fat ld oF he related arecs of complance ‘eucttng orragustoyy offs. Nine | ama srorg canddat for bo management and consvthg postions n fhe fits becauce. ‘Marketing Plan “Asyoucansee fcrimy marketing plan Lam conducting my search primarivin New York New JeneyandComectautIconsiderchemtan and phamacevteal companies with mare than 000 ‘employees fo be my most aly orges. 1am aso pursuing consutng fms of any sze. You'tinctes {hotthove alstof egonzatons fing my si and beatbncrikea in each ofthe free indsy + Ase you kre wi he inustye Which companies ore you fami wah == Whatdoyouknow about ..? nthe categoyy? What do you know © How woud | ind eutmor cbou thar? bout her? © Doyouknaw who sin chage a at? = Doyouknow cfanythathare stong = Doyouknow someone who might ‘enviormenial fealf orsalay concerns? know mare? * How yoveverwsedanenionmenta, «= Whatar fe bogestiswes ey ar facing ‘eal and sake eorsuitng fr? nghanaw? © Doyouknaw anyone who might fove? — Whafis our oprionof... con oufinkofonyother ageneotons © Canyau tal mehaw hatcomparyis| that shoud be ony st? studured? ‘You mentioned fat you Knew acouple of pecple at amalgamated Phamaceuicals and someone ot Hazmat Consulting. Theseoreexacty fe kind of peop | wart total fo. I want fo fred ouf mare about who B:daing what in envkonmental heath and saiay Would you be willng io inrodce me fo them? ‘Trade Information send you he crc we dsaissed on career management duang Mga stations, ce i get you Sorch’ phone rumber.1 fink youl realy enjoy Peering what she has fosay about yaur woripatons ‘andthe sales plons. ‘Closing {realy opprecie yourofeangromtmeduce me fo Gal Wihtacione-Smih, Thomas Lee and Gary s9cobs. Would ou be wing to emallthems they be epecingmy cal? ill youknewhaw fhe meetngs go. P eee teeter etn teed A study of Lee Hecht Harrison cilents resulted in the following findings: Length of Search Average Number of Conversations. with Hiring Managers iper waeld Top Quarter {those with the shortest searches) 27 Second Quarter 22 Third Quarter 22 Bottom Quarter 1s {those with the longest searches) Sf CG ~ Cea Ce thd Whether you have an Introduction or not, you should ask yoursotf why a particular hiring manager might be \wiling to take the time fo talk to you. The answers to this question usualy fall nfo one of four catagories: INFORMATION You have information that might be helpful to the hiring manager. ‘+The marketplace information you have been gathering as part of your workin Milestone S can pay big ividends here. ‘© Youre much betier informed than most people you will be meeting with on industries, organizations within them and their activities. ‘+ Inthis oge of abundant information, people need and depend on accurate and up-to-date information to help them be effective in their professional and personal ives. “© Unfortunately, most of us are often too busy to conduct and organize the research we need. ‘+ Assomeone who has been immersed in the latest information, you represent a valuable resource to hiring managers. COMMON INTERESTS: ‘You and the hiring manager share a common interest, work-related or not. ‘+ This is actually a way of focusing your information gathering. ‘+ Your contacts might appreciate information on golf, shopping, cars or child care as much as they ‘appreciate work-related information. IDEAS ‘You have well-thought-out Ideas that might help the hiring manager in some wary. ‘+ Again, this goes back to information gathering and common interests. ‘+ Your ideas must be related to real world facts ond of interest to your stoner. ‘+ When they are, o phone call rom you can be o pleasure rather than a nuisance. UNANNOUNCED STAFFING NEEDS. ‘The hiring manager is quietly looking for a new employoo. ‘+ Sometimes a chance to evaluate a possible naw emplayoe without acrmitng they are doing so is tractive fo hiring managers. ‘+ People who are looking to hire would often prefer to avoid the problems and expense of hiring recruiters and placing ads and Intemet postings. Lee ey Lee Hecht Harrison recommends a particular approach when meeting with hiring managers: SELL. ‘This approach is designed for use with contacts inside torget organizations, espacially| hiring managers and ‘those above that level. it is more focused than the SMART approach discussed in Milestone 6, and does nat indude the use of a marketing plan or target fist. Td Ang Information about the needs of the targeted “organization and of ‘this particular hiring manager is central to ‘this discussion. This Information will ‘enable you to be ‘even more effective In your continuing porsutt of the organization, both In this meeting and aftr it, eg Eee) possible, mention the obtained in this ‘competencies you meeting fo arrange have that might fit ‘anext contact. the needs of the, ‘organization. | eod your aril in last wens Technology Tada ond Elen Wilms suggested we might get ‘2cquained Been and | were calleogues a ABC Corporation saveralyears aga lundesiond fom Elsen fa you head up fe Tchnalogy Division lat cara? ‘Summarize Your Message {im anlefomaton Tecnology Manager wih abackround hfe appa of echnolgy the ‘reas of marketing. sales menufatring andaccounting. Ihave workad win aferine SO company ‘er sino yours andhaverun my own business as acansufonto large fin the S/T eas. ‘have extensive enpeencein accountng appcatins. Explore their Needs 4+ Based on whatyou sain your arte, sounds asif you are ancourtsng some real

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