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FILE 6- Lesson 1: Gangsters’ paradise

1- The “Noble Experiment”

Video 1: Bet You Didn't Know: Prohibition | History

1- Some groups campaigned in favor of prohibition. What were they called?

Name a few groups who wanted to ban alcohol.

2- Why did these people want to ban alcohol? (give 3 reasons)


3- How long did the Prohibition era last? When was the 18th amendment

4- The “Noble Experiment” didn’t turn out as expected. List the problems it
Use the words “to ban”; “to enforce”, “tax revenue”

5- What kind of health problems did the consumption of illegal alcohol


6- Did Prohibition meet expectations mentionned in question 2?

Video 2: History Brief: Bootleggers

1- Give the definitions of the following words:
- Speakeasies:
- A brewery:
- Bootleggers:
- To smuggle:
- A smuggler:

2- True or false? Give details to justify your answer.

- American people stopped drinking alcohol during the Prohibition

Era. ⬜ T ⬜F


- People could produce their own wine buying grapes. ⬜ T



- Beer was still legal. ⬜ T ⬜F


- Medicinal alcohol was still legal. ⬜ T



3- Give examples of where people concealed (=hid) alcohol.

A- “Professional” bootleggers :

B- Individuals:

4- New terms were invented to speak about alcohol. Name a few.

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