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Xilinx MPSoC based

implementation of Automatic
Modulation Classification
Subhasri Chavakula, Archishman Guha , Abhirup Datta

inx MPSoC for inference.Figure 1 shows the Confusion are using FPGAs.To maximize the benefits of DL models
matrix at high SNR. in RF applications, these models must be implemented
1. Introduction on an FPGA. We implemented this model on the Xilinx
Zynq MPSOC ZCU104 FPGA Board,shown in Figure 2.
The present times have seen an exponential rise in
different technologies that make communication sys-
tems more capable & efficient. Every type of com- TION RECOGNITION
munication occupies a distinct frequency band. Am-
plitude Modulation, Frequency modulation, Digital Basic models in DL can be classified into the follow-
Modulation schemes, etc all have different frequency ing types: multi-layer perceptrons, deep neural net-
bands of transmission. Generally, the demodulation of work & recur- sive neural networks. DBN, CNNs, RNNs,
a received RF signal requires prior knowledge about its and some hybrid models are their representatives. Re-
modulation type, without this knowledge it is very dif- cently, researchers have been using these models or
ficult to demodulate the signal to obtain the message their improved versions to recognize and classify dif-
signal. To intercept enemy signals in the military, we ferent signal modulation types. Both CNN’s and RNNs Figure 2: ZCU104 Evaluation kit
need modulation classification. Also, to set up a com- produce convincing results, and it seems, for or now,
munication network on a particular frequency band that there’s no substantial trade-off between whether
the knowledge of spectrum occupancy is indispens- RNNs or CNNs are better for modulation categoriza-
able, without which we might corrupt our signal. An tion, or what the repercussions of using one over the
efficient system to sense the spectrum in order to fig- other are. CNN’s appear to be more commonly utilized
ure out the modulation types present is essential. De- for modulation classifi- cation, because they are easier 4. Conclusion
signing or selecting RF mixers to down-convert a signal to train. As a result, we used CNN(convolutional neu-
Radio signal identification sensitivity and ac-
to IF relies on prior spectrum knowledge. Recent ad- ral networks) to classify modulation types of signals,
curacy continue to be improved by DL meth-
vancements in Deep Learning algorithms have estab- CNN is a feed-forward neural network with convolu-
ods, particularly for short-term observations.
lished themselves as a reliable approach towards the tional operations and a deep structure.
The effectiveness of deep networks when
classification problem. A CNN based approach to clas- The confusion matrix of the floating point model at
using deep residual architectures has been
sify modulation types present in an incoming RF signal SNR=+30db is shown in fig 1.
demonstrated. To maximize the benefits of
stands out as a reliable solution for modulation classi- DL models in RF applications, these models
fication[1]. must be implemented on an FPGA. Next, we
The present work proposes a CNN-based model for implemented this model on the ZCU104.
modulation classification in the Vitis AI environment
using the DeepSig dataset. The dataset has been used
to obtain I/Q values for different modulation types at
different SNR values. The predictions made by the pro- 5. Forthcoming Research
posed CNN model give us an approximation of the
modulation type. Initial development involved the More DL models will be created and implemented on
model learning to differentiate between many mod- the FPGA in the future for other purposes. In addition,
ulation types, gradually the model has been further Figure 1: Confusion matrix at SNR = +30db a real- time AMC demodulator will be developed using
extended to learn to classify a mixture of modulation the existing implementation strategy, with the infer-
types present in the incoming signal. A Xilinx MPSoC ence taking place as part of a larger DSP chain on the
was used to process and perform the inference from FPGA.
the model citing the performance in terms of through-
put. After the deployment of the model, an ADC with
a sufficiently high sampling rate or a Software-Defined
Radio may be used to log signal data and this logged When Dealing with Real-time data, Speed is the impor- [1] T. Roy T. J. O’Shea and T. C. Clancy. ”over-the-air deep learning based radio
signal classification,”. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol.
data will be passed into the model running on the Xil- tant factor, so to increase the speed of classification we 12, no. 1, pp. 168-179, Feb., page doi: 10.1109/JSTSP.2018.2797022., 2018.

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