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Article Critique Rubric

Category Poor (0 - 20) Minimally Satisfactory (25-27) Very Good (28 - 31) Excellent (32 - 35)
acceptable (21-24)

Critique of article Article’s relevance is Relevant article; Relevant article; Relevant article; Relevant article;
argument not clear; analysis of analysis of author(s)’ analysis of author(s)’ analysis of author(s)’ analysis of author(s)’
author(s)’ argument is argument is not very argument is somewhat argument is clear; argument is clear;
31 missing; no support for clear; very little clear; some support for solid, specific support solid, specific
your evaluation; support for your your for your support for your
missing analysis of evaluation; little evaluation; there is evaluation; analysis evaluation; analysis
methodology and analysis of some analysis of of methodology and of methodology and
conclusions drawn methodology and methodology and conclusions drawn conclusions drawn is
conclusions drawn conclusions drawn is clear clear and well supported

Poor (6) Minimally Satisfactory (8) Very Good (9) Excellent (10)
acceptable (7)

Fit with existing Missing any Not clear but Somewhat clear Clear where this fits Very clear and well
research information about mentioned where this where this fits with with other relevant explained as to where
how this fits with fits with other research (i.e., this fits with other
other relevant research other relevant relevant research supports, contradicts, relevant research (i.e.,
(i.e., supports, research (i.e., (i.e., supports, provides a different supports, contradicts,
contradicts, provides a supports, contradicts, perspective or provides a different
different contradicts, provides a provides a different methodology) perspective or
perspective or different perspective perspective or methodology)
methodology) or methodology) methodology)

Peer Review Article critique was Article critique was a Article critique was a Article critique was a Article critique was a
missing or just an not a first draft; fairly complete draft; complete draft ; complete draft with
outline of thoughts; comments to peers offered some offered helpful formatting etc.; offered
missed the peer review were not very helpful comments to peers comments to peers thoughtful and
considered comments to

Writing/Organization Not well organized; Somewhat well Somewhat well Mostly well Very well organized
weak transitions; organized or good organized with good organized with good with solid transitions;
argument confusing to transitions (not transitions; transitions; argument easily followed
follow both); argument argument mostly argument easily
somewhat confused clear followed

Editing/Formatting Missing one or more of Cover page; mostly Cover page; mostly Cover page; correct use Cover page; correct use
the following: Cover correct use of APA; correct use of APA; 3-5 of APA; 3-5 pp., 12 of APA; 3-5 pp., double
page, correct use of APA; double-spaced, 1 inch pp., double-spaced, 1 point font, some spaced, 1 inch margins,
under 3 or over 5 pp., not margins, 12 point font, inch margins, 12 point grammatical errors or 12 point font, few
double-spaced, 1 inch with some font, many typos grammatical errors
margins, 12 point font, grammatical errors or grammatical errors or or typos
with many typos typos
grammatical errors or

Total: 66

Evaluated by: Eunice Ruizo

October 26, 2022

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