Citrus Disease

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Common pests and diseases of Orange

Common pests and diseases of Orange

Angular leaf spot Citrus scab

(FUNGUS -Pseudocercospora angolensis) (FUNGUS - Elsinoe fawcetti)

 Leaf spots - light brown or greyish, circular (up to  Leaf spots – cream to tan wart-like outgrowths,
10 mm), mostly solitary, usually surrounded a circular or irregular with sunken centres, mostly
prominent yellow halo along the main veins on the lower leaf surface.
 Fruit spots - circular to irregular. In young fruits the  Leaves can become misshapen stunted or
spots become hard and raised surrounded by a puckered
yellow halo. Centre of spots often cracked  Fruit spots - circular to irregular raised corky areas
or crater-like outgrowths

Black spot Citrus canker

(FUNGUS- Guignardia citrocarpa) (BACTERIA -Xanthomonas citri subsp. citriI)
© Jeffrey W. Lotz, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer

 Fruit spots - small, round, sunken with gray centres  Leaf spots – young spots are small blisters
and brick-red to chocolate brown margins. Green surrounded by a yellow ring. Older spots turn tan
halos are often seen around the lesions. to brown, and have a water-soaked margin
 Fungal bodies appear as slightly raised black dots surrounded by a yellow ring. The centre of the
in the centre of lesions. They usually appear as fruit lesion becomes raised and corky.
begins to colour  Fruit spots - Young lesions are raised, blister-like,
tan, surrounded by yellow halos, depending on fruit
maturity Older spots are circular dark brown to
black with brown to black sunken, corky centres

Plant Doctor Training

Common pests and diseases of Orange
Common pests and diseases of Orange

Zinc deficiency Citrus greening

(NUTRIENT DEFICIENCY – Zinc) (BACTERIA – Candidatus Liberibacter africanus)

 Occurs first on new growth and remains on leaf as it  Leaf symptoms - Blotchy mottle (random pattern
matures. Early stages appear as small blotches of of yellowing on leaves that is not the same on the
yellow between green veins on the leaf. right and left sides of the leaf, yellow veins, vein
 Under severe deficiency, leaves become corking or green islands
increasingly yellow except for the green venial areas  Fruit symptoms - Lopsided, misshapen or small
 Leaves will be small with narrow pointed tips on green fruit. Bitter taste with small aborted seeds
terminal growth.  Tree symptoms - Yellow shoots, stunting, twig

Citrus thrips Orange dog fly

(INSECT - Scirtothrips aurantii) (INSECT - Papilio demodocus)
© Eric Boa

 Citrus thrips are tiny (0.7 to 1 mm in length), orange  Young caterpillars are brownish with white patches
yellow insects and are spiny.
 Thrips feeding causes brown circular rings of russet  Fully grown caterpillars are about 4.5 cm long
marks around the stem of the fruit green with light markings and eye-like spots
towards the head of the body.

Plant Doctor Training

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