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My educational goals do not stop at the undergraduate level.

I plan to pursue post-graduate

studies in artificial intelligence and machine learning after earning my bachelor's degree in
Computer Science to improve people's lives.

The reason for my interest in AI and machine learning is that I saw the potential for the use of AI
and machine learning in prosthetics while interning at a prosthetics lab. This has the possibility
to be a significant factor in the creation and advancement of prosthetic limbs. AI could be
perfect for choosing the optimal designs, materials, and manufacturing procedures for
prosthetics, along with its capacity to swiftly test and validate solutions and analyze vast
volumes of data. Due to the quicker and more effective development of prosthetics made
possible by this, more individuals will have access to and benefit from prosthetics.

In my post-graduate studies, I would be able to assess if utilizing AI to make prosthetics, among

other possible use cases, would be practical when I pursue research in my post-graduate studies.
If I discover that AI and or machine learning can be helpful in this area, I intend to look into the
possibility of integrating AI and or machine learning into the manufacturing process in a
professional setting. This would be a huge addition to the discipline and could improve making
prosthetics significantly forever.

Of course, I'll have research to do, but I also want to work with experts in this field. Being able
to share my knowledge and bounce concepts off experts while also having the chance to absorb
other people's experiences and thoughts would be the ideal environment for my research. By
talking to experts in the field I also may be able to talk with potential benefactors and industry
experts about the advantages of AI in prostheses creation.

At the end of the day my long-term objective is to use the research I do on AI and machine
learning in my post-graduate studies to explore the potential of artificial intelligence and
machine learning to improve the production of materials, items and devices that aid society. The
chances and challenges that lie ahead excite me, and I am convinced that my degree and love of
AI will help me succeed.

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