NSW Lesson Plan Edts240 Tayla Bowle

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Lesson Plan

Class/Grade/Stage: Early Date: 1-4-2021 Time: Start: 10:00am

stage 1
Finish: 11:00am

Key Learning Area(s): Lesson Topic: Get to the beehive!

Science and Technologies

NESA Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

- 1.1.2 Use teaching strategies based on knowledge of students’ physical, social and
intellectual development and characteristics to improve student learning.
- 1.5.2 Develop teaching activities that incorporate differentiated strategies to meet the
specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities.
- 3.1.2 Set explicit, challenging and achievable learning goals for all students.

Recent Prior Experience: Ss recently completed a lesson that explained a sequence and how it effects the outcome of an event. Ss should
have an understanding on how a sequence works and the outcome of a sequence E.g., walking to school, switching a light

Syllabus/Syllabi Outcome(s): Indicators of Learning for this lesson: learning intentions and Assessment:
success criteria:
- Through observation
- STe-2DP-T develops solutions to - Ss will be able to understand how to follow and describe a it will be evident Ss
an identified need can verbalize how
sequence of steps. they coded their bee
- STe-7DI-T identifies digital bot to its destination
systems and explores how -Ss will be able to understand how to order a sequence of
instructions are used to control - Through group
digital devices steps and decisions needed to solve problems. discussion Ss can
showcase they
understand direction
-Ss will be able to sequence a bee bot to direct through effects the bee bot’s
objects to a destination. outcome

- Through worksheets,
a summative
assessment will be
completed by T and it
will be evident
weather they have
developed skills to
problem solve by re
assessing coding
sequence and
change code
accordingly to

Any safety issues to be Resources:

considered (APST 4.4.1): List resources you used in preparing the lesson AND those used in the lesson implementation.
ensure all students know
how to safely use Beebots -10 charged bee bots
and no wires or damage is
evident. - community themed resources e.g., toy buildings, cars and trees
- Get to the beehive worksheet
-students using bee bot in classroom example video
- Talking stick

Lesson Content / Indicators of Timing Learning Experiences: Resources and Organization:

Learning/ Teaching Strategies (mins)
(What is Taught):

-Hook: Media
- T may be required to prompt Teacher (T) instructs Students (Ss) Organization:
group conversation and to sit on the floor in a large group -prior to lesson T will have made up and printed
refresh Ss memory on the -T starts a group discussion about worksheets
prior learning of sequencing. -20 mins the last technologies lesson where
introduction, the class spoke about sequencing. -prior to lesson T will have set up a model obstacle for Ss
- T will give examples of a explanation - T picks one Ss to answer the to look at during the activity
sequence then ask ss what and example question “what happens when you
they think a sequence is video flick the light switch in your room” -T will have media set up to show class (see teaching
- T will prompt any further - T will then inform the Ss that this is aids and resources for link)
questions after media is an example of a sequence.
played to make sure Ss -T will ask Ss how they get to school
are understanding - Ss will reply with answers such as
‘walked, drove’ etc.
- T will Observe Ss in group Resources
discussion to understand -T will explain this is also a sequence - 10 charged bee bots
what level each Ss is on and from what was discussed last - Get to the beehive worksheet
and who will require lesson the class will be using - students using bee bot in classroom example
assistance beebots to create a sequence. video ‘https://www.youtube.com/watch?
- T will call apon certain Ss -From this group discussion T will v=52ZuenJlFyE’
so conversation flows and have an understanding who is - - community themed resources e.g., toy
every Ss gets a chance to struggling to understand and who buildings, cars and trees
speak grasps the concept -
- T to introduce Beebot and -T showcases the Beebot and
work in a group to ensure describe how to use it
functionality is understood -T plays video of beebot
-T will ask Ss if they have any
questions or are confused in any
I do, we do, you do Strategy
-T will showcase how to use the
beebot by making it go in a square
-T directs students into groups of 2
and asks Ss to make their beebots
go in a square while T instructs and
-T then asks Ss to code their beebot
to move in a square without
assistance by T
-T hands out worksheet and
describes how to fill it out
- T will then instruct the Ss to break
off into their groups of 2, create a set
of obstacles like the one modeled on
the table at the front of the room,
using the resources provided.

-T will come around to the groups Organization:
and make sure the Ss obstacles are
- T will observe and monitor set up so the Beebot must take - Prior to class, source community themed
both practical and theory of multiple turns in order to reach the resources e.g., toy buildings, cars and trees and
the activity to make sure beehive. place at the front of the classroom
Ss are understanding a -25 min -Ss spends time understanding the
Physical Sequence and a group directions and buttons on the Beebot
written Sequence. activity as T helps Ss who need extra help. Resources:
-Ss write down the directions that get
- T will promote teamwork to the beebot past their object without - Pencils
develop positive problem knocking it over - community themed resources e.g., toy
solving between Ss -Ss will use trial and error to come buildings, cars and trees
up with a code for their beebot to - Get to the beehive worksheet
turn and weave through the obstacle
- T will ask “what was the course to make it to the beehive.
hardest part of this activity” -T will go around to each group and
to observe what they found individually watch Ss take turns
difficult coding their beebot through their
obstacle course
- T will ask “how did you fix -T will ask each student “what was
a problem if you had any” the hardest part of this activity”
in order to observe if Ss -T will then ask “how did you fix a
can verbalise how the problem if you had any”
problem solved. -T will look at Ss work sheets to see
if their written work correlates with
their practical work
-T instructs Ss to return to the floor in
a large circle with their beebot,
resources and partner.

-T informs Ss they will in turns, go to Organization:
the middle of the mat with their - A talking stick will be introduced to the group, so
- T will inform Ss it is time beebot and resources and showcase students have opportunity to speak without
for Ss to showcase their hwo they got their beebot to the feeling as though they need to fight for speaking
coding. beehive. opportunity.
- Ss will have an opportunity -15 mins -Ss will take turns setting up and
to re set up their obstacle showcasing their coding.
and by now they will have -T will integrate a Talking stick to the Resources:
forgotten the sequence group showing their obstacle course - Talking stick
they memorized to code to ensure all Ss are listening and
the beebot, this will force understand who’s turn it is to speak
Ss to read the sequence -During this time T will be praising Ss
they wrote on the work
worksheet and showcase -T will inform the children that they
weather they learnt to take have just made a sequence and the
written information and can outcome to their sequence was that
transfer that into practical the bee made it back to the beehive,
work. like they made it to school this
- T will praise work to morning as they were like the bees
promote positivity during walking through obstacles to get to
difficult tasks and create a their destination.
positive classroom -T will ask Ss to pack away and
environment return their beebots.
Science and technology in early stage one introduces not only exciting and fun topics but topics that are the basis of all other learning. The lesson ‘Get to the
beehive’ focuses on the learning outcomes STe-7DI-T and STe-2DP-T, this early stage one lesson stems from an original lesson on the discussion of
sequencing and its real life uses. Through the integration of beebots, this lesson creates a hands on, slightly harder experience that gets the students thinking
and visualizing sequencing. Through group collaboration and discussion students are able to discuss and brainstorm strategies and develop solutions when
coding the beebot through an obstacle. Using technology such as a beebot gives early stage one students an introductory experience into coding and
sequences, the buttons and body of a beebot requires students to understand the basic concept of sequencing without becoming too difficult and getting in
the way of the lessons learning intentions. As the students navigate and code this technology, they are investigating how digital systems complete a series of
steps and instructions to solve a problem linking this to the learning intentions of the lesson. Furthermore, students are ‘They explore the automation of
repetitive tasks through developing their own software and by using existing software packages.’ (NESA 2017).

Throughout the lesson plan, student involvement is one of the important aspects. Through group discussion and teacher support, students are invited into a
lesson with a safe and comforting environment that provides students with the ability to explore a new topic such as digital systems and sequencing and allow
the students to fail, re asses and problem solve in order to reach a goal. Using a talking stick to highlight what student is to speak gives each student the
ability to feel heard and that their efforts are appreciated and important. Teachers praise further creates confidence and a happy enjoyable classroom
environment for optimal conditioning (Churchill 2019).

The development section of the lesson plan was a critical aspect of the teacher’s individual student understanding, this section of the lesson gives the teacher
insight into the students practical and theoretical knowledge. Through both formative assessment such as observation the teacher asks the open-ended
question “how did you fix a problem if you had any”. This gives the student opportunity to showcase their problem-solving skills and gives the teacher insight
into what aspects that child found difficult. The Summative assessment being the worksheet, provides insight into how the student identifies digital systems
and coding and transfer that into their own words. “One of the key components of engaging students in the assessment of their own learning is providing them
with descriptive feedback as they learn” (Garrison 2007) Through formative assessment in the developmental stage of this lesson and teacher gratification in
the closure, students are able to grasp how they are performing and work towards problem solving and developing their skills.

Through classroom discussion, the lesson and its resources were introduced to students in a safe an ethical way and through the use of media, students were
provided with a verbal and visual description of the Beebot and how it is used. This lesson plan integrates various learning strategies and through a
supportive and enjoyable environment, students were able to work together to problem solve and explore digital content. Through a hand on experience, they
furthered their understanding of sequencing and its correlation in the real world. To further progress this lesson plan, I would suggest progressing the depth of
knowledge about real life sequencing and aim to create a more difficult obstacle course.

Garrison, C., & Ehringhaus, M. (2007). Formative and summative assessments in the classroom.
Churchill, R., Godinho, S., Johnson, N. F., Keddie, A., Letts, W. J., Mackay, J., McGill, M., Moss, J., Nagel, M. C., Shaw, K., Rogers, J., & Lowe, K. (2019). Teaching: making a difference (Fourth
edition.). John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd.
Get to the beehive!


S00278823 Bowles Tayla

Bachalor Of Education (Primary)

Australian Catholic University

EDTS240 Technologies Education

7/4/21 7/4/21

Kim Rowston Shireen Winrow

Assesment 1


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