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Translational Science: A Road Map for the Science of Reading

Article  in  Reading Research Quarterly · September 2020

DOI: 10.1002/rrq.357


35 834

8 authors, including:

Nadine Gaab Tiffany P Hogan

Harvard University MGH Institute for Health Professions


Nancy J. Nelson
Boston University


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Translational Science: A Road Map
for the Science of Reading

Emily J. Solari ABSTR ACT

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Despite scientific advances that have informed our understanding of read-
USA ing acquisition and development, a profound gap exists between empirical
findings and the implementation of evidence-based practices in the assess-
ment and instruction of reading in school settings. The debate regarding the
Nicole Patton Terry practical implications of the science of reading (SOR) and its implementation
Florida State University, Tallahassee, in authentic school settings is palpable. As researchers, practitioners, poli-
USA cymakers, parents, and other educational stakeholders engage in this latest
version of the debate on how best to teach young learners to read, a famil-
iar, almost cyclical, narrative has emerged. As an interdisciplinary group of
Nadine Gaab researchers who study diverse facets of reading development, assessment,
and instruction, it is troubling how little the current and past debates have
Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard
focused on processes that could ensure that the instructional experience
Medical School, and Harvard students receive in classrooms is informed by existing science. Specifically,
Graduate School of Education, Boston, the authors contend that the persistent gap between the SOR and its school-
Massachusetts, USA based implementation exists because the field has yet to invest in the ap-
propriate methodologies and processes to develop an effective model of
translational science. The authors argue not only that much can be learned
Tiffany P. Hogan from previous iterations of this debate but also that advances in translational
MGH Institute of Health Professions, science provide a framework for how to address the SOR debate differently
Boston, Massachusetts, USA and more productively in the current climate. Thus, the authors propose a
road map for translational science for the SOR, acknowledging the breadth
of work done in translational science in other fields and recognizing and de-
Nancy J. Nelson scribing the added complexities in the emerging field of translational science
University of Oregon, Eugene, USA in educational settings.

Jill M. Pentimonti
University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA

any articles in this special issue highlight the challenges with
Yaacov Petscher terminology, interpretation of findings, and how to best use the
Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA existing evidence base that supports the science of reading
(SOR). These important topics are useful to clarify and situate the current
status of empirical findings and their use in authentic classroom settings.
Sarah Sayko We contend that the field must also bring attention to an understudied
National Center for Improving Literacy, aspect of reading and literacy research: the translation of research find-
and RMC Research Corporation, ings from multiple fields of study to applied research studies and imple-
Arlington, Virginia, USA mentation in classroom settings. The SOR has a strong foundation in the
theoretical building blocks of early reading acquisition, known malleable
factors related to individual differences in reading and language, develop-
mental differences due to exogenous and endogenous factors, causal
mechanisms to improve reading difficulties, and how one is able to pre-
cisely measure literacy skills (Cain, Compton, & Parrila, 2017). However,
Reading Research Quarterly, 55(S1)
pp. S347–S360 | doi:10.1002/rrq.357
we also acknowledge that reading is a multifaceted ­process, with particu-
© 2020 International Literacy Association. lar aspects, such as early reading development and instruction, currently

benefiting from a strong evidence base. Recognizing these becomes increasingly complex (Durlak & DuPre, 2008;
complexities, we argue that the field has fallen short in Fixsen, Naoom, Blase, Friedman, & Wallace, 2005) and,
communicating what is known about the SOR to educa- therefore, cannot be captured adequately by engaging
tional stakeholders. Communicating aspects of the SOR teacher preparation programs alone. Whereas high-­quality
where a compelling evidence base exists, and not overstat- reading research has been and continues to be conducted in
ing what we know, is essential. We do not know everything tightly controlled settings, the field has been less successful in
about reading, as the scientific evidence base is ever evolv- developing an adequate process by which to translate these
ing. However, that should not stop the field from moving findings to classroom practice at scale.
forward with translating research findings to support In the health sciences, translation, dissemination, and
aspects of instructional practice that have a solid evidence implementation sciences are widely recognized and advo-
base so they can be implemented in classroom settings. cated for as means to resolve some of the challenges to
Recognizing the bidirectional nature of knowledge devel- translating research evidence into everyday practice (see,
opment between basic and applied scientists and teachers e.g., National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences,
and other school personnel, we contend that the field 2020). Implementation, dissemination, and translational
should leverage this ongoing back-and-forth exchange, sciences are distinct disciplines, but they work in tandem
acknowledging the unique and critical roles that each of and are supported by the National Institutes of Health as
these experts play through interdisciplinary teams. Doing mechanisms that intersect with primary research activities.
so can push the field forward toward accomplishing our These sciences are designed to facilitate better adoption
shared goal of improved reading achievement for all and use of evidence-based interventions as opposed to put-
learners. ting the onus of implementation and use on the stake-
There are several reasons that the evidence base is not holder. To successfully translate research findings, scientists
adequately implemented in school settings; there are many and researchers involved in both basic science and applied
layers between basic science findings and teacher imple- studies of reading must collaborate and include input from
mentation that must be traversed. Translational difficulties various educational stakeholders. Applied reading scien-
are readily observed in institutions of higher education tists play a distinct role in the translation of findings to the
with lack of communication and collaboration between the field. In a very real way, applied scientists serve as the
basic science disciplines and colleges and schools of educa- agents of change in the translational process, as their work
tion. One example of a bottleneck of the translation of is to take basic science findings and troubleshoot the
research findings into practices are teacher preparation implementation of them in authentic school settings.
programs. Although there has been an increase in overall The health fields provide a template for the translation
coverage of evidence-based reading instructional practices of findings into practice, but it is important to acknowl-
in recent years, this is not true for all teacher preparation edge that educational science and the health sciences are
programs. Many have been slower to adopt approaches to not the same. There are unique difficulties that may impact
teaching reading backed by the SOR in their reading meth- the translational process in education. For example, it is
ods programs (Cunningham, Perry, Stanovich, & Stanovich, difficult to translate research that has not fully considered
2004; Lyon & Weiser, 2009; Moats & Foorman, 2003). the diverse contexts in which learning happens. Schools
Challenges associated with the disconnect between the operate in very different contexts and serve different
SOR and teacher preparation have been reported around demographics both within and between districts and
the world, particularly in English-speaking nations (e.g., states. To date, limited reading research has focused on
Castles, Rastle, & Nation, 2018; Washburn, Binks, & Joshi, how, why, and under what conditions research-based
2014) and increasingly in other languages (e.g., Soriano- instructional practices can be implemented effectively in
Ferrer, Echegaray-Bengoa, & Joshi, 2016; Yin, Joshi, & Yan, routine classroom-based settings. Moreover, little is known
2019) and in low- and middle-income nations (e.g., Kim, about how to make these practices applicable to all class-
Lee, & Zuilkowski, 2020). room contexts and student populations, which creates
Other factors, beyond teacher preparation, also impede additional difficulties in successfully ensuring that evi-
evidence-based reading instruction, including insufficient dence-based instruction reaches classrooms.
dissemination efforts to stakeholders, state- and district-level Our goal in this article is to leverage advances in
policies, curricular and assessment decisions, and translational science to introduce and apply its frame-
lack  of professional development of inservice teachers. works to the field of reading research by proposing a road
Ultimately, classroom teachers and other school practitio- map for the translation of the SOR to better ensure its use
ners operate in a broad and extensive system, with instruc- in district and classroom settings. We engage in this pro-
tional decisions made by actors and policies outside of the cess within the context of a few specific assumptions.
classroom setting. As these dynamics play out within and First, the existing research base supports the science of
across multiple levels in the educational system, the pro­ early reading development, particularly how early word
cess of translating research findings to classroom practice reading develops and effective teaching practices for

S348 | Reading Research Quarterly, 55(S1)

word-level skills. These practices are a direct result of the • T1: Preclinical research studies, which test new
basic science of early reading acquisition and include methods, assessments, and interventions to better
explicit and systematic phonics instruction. Although the understand and address behaviors (reading), or
research in comprehension development and instruction development studies
has been steadily growing, we know less about this area of • T2: Clinical research studies, which extend T0 and
reading relative to decoding. Second, science in the area T1 findings to specific populations through con-
of reading, as in every other discipline, is constantly trolled studies or efficacy studies
evolving, and continuous scientific discovery in both
• T3: Clinical implementation studies, which exam-
early word reading and reading comprehension is neces-
ine the effectiveness and implementation of effi­
sary to move both research and practice forward. Finally,
cacious interventions in real-world settings, or
strategic and intentional investment in translational sci-
effectiveness studies
ence may not only increase the implementation of the
current evidence base in classroom settings but also sup- • T4: Public health studies, which examine population-
port advances in the reading and literacy fields toward level outcomes in response to widespread use of
novel and innovative solutions in the study and imple- interventions, or population studies
mentation of the SOR. This process is well aligned with the former and current
Institute of Education Sciences structure, which also pres-
ents research as a process progressing from basic to applied
to implementation studies to build evidence-based solu-
Translational Science Process tions to problems of practice at scale.
and Translational Scientists When applied to the field of reading research, cur-
The term translational research was first introduced in the rently, the majority of published research can be cate-
medical literature nearly 30 years ago, and its definition gorized as T0–T2, or exploration, development, and
continues to evolve (Rubio et al., 2010). For instance, the initial efficacy studies. In some ways, this makes sense.
National Institutes of Health (2009) defined translational Federally funded syntheses of empirical research in
research along two dimensions: the process of applying reading (e.g., National Reading Panel, 2000; Snow,
basic and laboratory findings to studies and clinical trials in Burns, & Griffin, 1998), coupled with growing calls for
humans and the process of enhancing community-level the use of evidence in educational decision making
adoption of the best practices observed through the clinical (Slavin, 2002), have prompted the field of reading
trials. Stated differently, the National Institutes of Health research to shore up its evidence base through T0–T2
definition conveys two important perspectives of transla- studies. For example, with increased funding and con-
tional science. First, applying basic and laboratory findings certed effort from the National Center for Education
to clinical trials is concerned with a translational science Research and the National Center for Special Education
process that seeks to establish levels of evidence in quantity Research, the Institute of Education Sciences has spon-
and quality of programs and interventions. Second, the sored over 300 studies examining intervention effects
process of enhancing community adoption of best practices on student outcomes (Schneider, 2018).
that are established from programs with compelling evi- Although this progress is noteworthy, without T3
dence can facilitated by translational scientists who com- and T4 studies (currently funded by the Institute of
municate scientific results to both the scientific community Education Sciences via Efficacy, Effectiveness, and Rep­
and the world at large. lication grants), the generalizability of the findings from
this body of research is limited. The first limitation is the
lack of replication, as this is an essential part of the accu-
Translational Science Process mulation of scientific knowledge (Francis, 2012; Travers,
Cook, Therrien, & Coyne, 2016). In reading research, as
The translational science process is represented as a mul-
in many other fields, the confidence of research findings
tidirectional, nonlinear, and iterative pathway referred to
improves as they are replicated. The second limitation of
as the translational science spectrum (National Center for
T0–T2 studies to inform the field broadly is that they are
Advancing Translational Sciences, 2020). Research is cat-
limited by the representativeness of the samples, many
egorized by its stage along a continuum that its working
of which lack diversity in learners (e.g., students with
together; see Figure 1 for a map of these categories to
moderate or severe disabilities, English learners, stu-
­educational/reading research:
dents growing up in poverty or who are homeless) and
• T0: Basic research studies, which define mecha- settings (e.g., underperforming and underresourced
nisms and constructs of behaviors, or the malleable schools, rural schools, schools in neighborhoods with
factors that may impact reading concentrated poverty, alternative educational settings

Translational Science: A Road Map for the Science of Reading | S349

Translational Science Process for the Science of Reading

Note. T0 = basic research studies; T1 = preclinical research studies; T2 = clinical research studies; T3 = clinical implementation studies; T4 = public
health studies. The color figure can be viewed in the online version of this article at

such as juvenile detention centers or residential facili- reflected in the achievement gaps that this research was
ties). Behavioral research, including studies in reading often intended to address.
with diverse learners, is increasing; however, relatively
little empirical research has focused on factors specific
to the learning and development of these student popu- Translational Scientists
lations (Cabrera, 2013). The field of reading research is Gilliland and colleagues (2019) described seven funda-
not exempt (Lindo, 2006). Thus, it is important to mental character traits of a translational scientist: sys-
acknowledge that within the current research portfolio tems thinker, skilled communicator, rigorous researcher,
are several rigorous reading research studies whose domain expert, process innovator, team player, and
findings may be limited in their generalizability to the boundary crosser. The ideal translational scientist, accord-
vulnerable student populations whose performance is ing to Gilliland et al., possesses all seven characteristics in

S350 | Reading Research Quarterly, 55(S1)

their work and are independent of a scientific discipline. Engineering, and Medicine [NASEM], 2017). For instance,
Petscher, Terry, Gaab, and Hart (2020) adapted and school administrators and teachers do not consistently
expanded this model, applying the traits of an individual make instructional decisions based solely on evidence,
translational scientist to a team approach to translational even if they are aware of the relevant research (Penuel et
science (see Figure 2). In their model, members of transla- al., 2017). Often, individual actors in an organization have
tional science teams can include a “big picture” thinker, a a different take on empirical research and its usefulness in
skilled communicator, a methods maven, a domain instructional settings. Teachers often want to learn about
scholar, a barriers-access-equity innovator, an expert research findings in ways that are actionable, demonstrate
implementer, a silo bridger, and a multimodal dissemina- application, and are contextualized for their own needs
tor. Complementary to Gilliland et al.’s approach, Petscher (Barton & Tindle, 2019). Meanwhile, district and school
et al. proposed that translational research is facilitated leaders are often mixed in their opinions about whether
through a team of scientists who each have expertise in research provides a framework for structuring improve-
some but not all areas of translational science. ment efforts or a common language and set of ideas for
dialogue with colleagues (Penuel et al., 2017). Leaders use
research evidence in different ways than teachers do, and
often not with an emphasis solely on instruction (Coburn,
Translational Science for the SOR Toure, & Yamashita, 2009). How teachers collectively
The nature of scientific research in education has been value change is related to a multitude of reasonable factors
debated for more than 100 years (National Research associated with the organizations in which they work,
Council, 2002). The suggestion that reading (and educa- including the task demands, resource availability, situa-
tion) research might benefit from applying models tional factors, and the school’s capacity to expand and sus-
derived in health and medicine has often been met with tain the innovation over time (Armenakis, Harris, &
heated debate (e.g., Olson, 2004; Riehl, 2006; Slavin, Mossholder, 1993; Fixsen, Blase, Metz, & Van Dyke, 2013;
2002). Although scholars’ perspectives on which aspects Weiner, 2009).
from health and medical research can be used to benefit Another challenge in translating reading research into
education research continue to vary, it is clear that the classrooms involves the indicators being used to measure
field of reading research is characterized by a variety of success. At a broad level, the most desirable outcomes from
factors that have complicated the translation of the SOR educational research are positive impacts on more distal
to school and classroom practices uniquely. outcomes, such as teacher behavior, change in student
First, the science on any human phenomenon or knowledge, improved performance on state-level tests, and
behavior is rarely settled. Behavioral science is constantly increased graduation rates. However, in general, the find-
evolving, which makes it challenging to not only translate ings gleaned from reading research are not designed to
evidence-based findings at any given point in time but improve these more distal indicators of student success
also convince consumers of this knowledge that we, as (e.g., improved third-grade reading scores on a state test)
researchers, can be confident in our findings while also, but instead focus on more specific proximal measures of
simultaneously, innovating and testing the effectiveness of reading development (e.g., increased performance on a
new solutions. Both the scientific literature and discourse decoding or comprehension measure). Therefore, the logic
in the popular press indicate that many teachers lack model created to measure broad success is very different
awareness about what constitutes an evidence-based prac- from the expected outcomes sought in research, and per-
tice (Sciuchetti, McKenna, & Flower, 2016). Specifically haps unrealistic. This issue prompts an important ques-
related to early reading instruction, Kretlow and Helf tion: Should literacy and reading researchers adjust their
(2013) found that although over half of all teachers sur- work to match these more distal outcomes, should the edu-
veyed reported instructing students in all five reading cational system adjust metrics of success to include proxi-
components daily, 63.6% reported using an eclectic in­­ mal measures of reading success, or is there a useful middle
structional approach for teaching reading, as opposed to ground?
the explicit, systematic instructional approach supported
by research evidence.
Beyond the debate over what constitutes the evidence Proposed Translational
base behind reading instruction, there are clear links miss-
ing in the chain between translation of empirical findings Science Road Map
and the instructional experiences that students receive in Despite the challenges to applying the SOR in a manner
classrooms. A myriad of contextual factors, including per- that enhances reading achievement and consequently im­­
ceptions of science, weigh into decision-making processes proves school achievement for all students, the field of
about scientific evidence (National Academies of Sciences, reading is primed to engage in the translational science

Translational Science: A Road Map for the Science of Reading | S351

Characteristics of a Team Approach to Translational Science

Note. From “Widening the Lens of Translational Science Through Team Science” (p. 5), by Y. Petscher, N.P. Terry, N. Gaab, and S.A. Hart, 2020,
retrieved from https://psyar​ Reprinted with permission. The color figure can be viewed in the online version of this article at

S352 | Reading Research Quarterly, 55(S1)

process. Although it is clear that more basic and applied educational stakeholders around a shared goal of improv-
research is needed to inform reading assessment and ing reading outcomes for all learners.
instructional practices, especially for reading comprehen-
sion and vulnerable groups of students, the field has made
progress, including an increase in the availability of effica- Balanced Attention Across
cious instructional programs and interventions, particu- the Translational Science Process
larly in early word-reading instruction. Importantly, the There are important considerations when aiming for bal-
urge to push researchers to think about how to translate anced attention across the translational science process.
their work does not exclude new scientific discovery, typi- First, we acknowledge that there are certain aspects of
cally accomplished through T0–T2 studies (or exploration reading development and instruction that we know more
and development). This work is important for continuous about; these aspects should be considered ready for larger
scientific discovery. school-based T3 and T4 studies. Those that we know less
Education policies at the federal, state, and local levels about may begin earlier in the process (T0–T2). T3 and
continue to encourage evidence-based decision making in T4 studies are critical for translating research to practice
schools (e.g., Every Student Succeeds Act, Individuals because educational practices are not likely to change
with Disabilities Education Act). These advances are based solely on dissemination of T0–T2 findings through
beginning to create conditions that allow for a more stra- traditional academic means (e.g., journal articles, research
tegic focus on the factors and processes that support the conference presentations). The field must increase its
effective translation of the SOR. It remains to be seen if capacity to capitalize on its solid evidence base in reading
and how translational science can be applied to reading acquisition that has been captured in T0–T2 studies, and
and literacy research and practice in a manner that results expand to include a more strategic focus on the processes
in improved science, improved communication, and im­­ that support translation and implementation of effective
proved practice. practices in schools and communities.
Thus, we propose a road map for integrating the field We suggest that two important steps for reading re­­
of transitional science within reading research, practice, searchers to take toward the translation of the SOR are
and policy. We argue that there are four critical intersec- applying methodologies used in effectiveness studies and
tions to consider for the translation of the SOR to everyday engaging in both dissemination and implementation sci-
practice in classrooms and schools. Figure 1 illustrates the ence. T3 and T4 studies rely on methodologies associated
four intersections, described in detail in this section, as with effectiveness studies, which are different from those
essential ingredients operating across the T0–T4 research that researchers may have typically used in T0–T2 studies.
framework. A few assumptions inherent in the road map Effectiveness studies build from efficacy studies to ask if an
are worthy of discussion. First, we have proposed this road intervention works in real-world practice, instead of under
map because there are limited examples of a reading ideal circumstances (Brown et al., 2017; Creemers &
research program that incorporates all principles of trans- Scheerens, 1994). Education researchers have long been
lational science intentionally and strategically, from initial encouraged to use study designs that maximize external
basic research studies through to efficacy, effectiveness, validity, including replication studies designed to address
dissemination, and implementation studies. Second, we the most pressing problems of instruction and policy
placed translational science teams at the core of the frame- (National Research Council, 2002; Slavin, 2002). Like T0–
work because we think that these teams are necessary for T2 studies, T3 and T4 studies adhere to rigorous scientific
simultaneous movement along the four intersections and standards and methodological designs that allow valid, reli-
engagement across T0–T4 studies; that is, they may be the able, and reproducible results to emerge. However, unlike
key to increased application of principles of translation sci- some T0–T2 studies, most T3 and T4 studies involve mixed
ence in the study of reading. We envision these transla- methods (i.e., both qualitative and quantitative methods),
tional science teams to be diverse and include education including structured stakeholder interviews, thematic anal-
stakeholders working in districts and schools. In this way, yses, fidelity measures, and advanced statistical modeling.
the collaboration and communication across members of T3 and T4 studies also typically investigate processes and
translational science teams facilitate the translational pro- factors at multiple levels, including the patient (e.g., student),
cess itself, both to generate new scientific findings and to the provider (e.g., teacher), the facility (e.g., school), the
implement research findings in authentic settings success- organization (e.g., local educational agency), and the
fully. Third, our intent is not to provide all of the answers broader community (e.g., neighborhood, state educational
to how reading researchers can become translational sci- agency). A translational science team, in which various
entists. Rather, our intent is to stimulate ideas, to provoke training backgrounds and methodological expertise are
innovative approaches, and to encourage people engaged present, is ideal for T3 and T4 studies.
in reading and literacy broadly to think about how to It is important to note that translational science is dis-
intentionally and meaningfully collaborate with diverse tinct from but analogous to dissemination science and

Translational Science: A Road Map for the Science of Reading | S353

implementation science. Dissemination research studies for reading researchers to leverage existing strengths
examine factors and processes related to the use of while also building new ones (Petscher et al., 2020).
evidence-based interventions by specific populations,
­ Competency in each attribute of translational science
whereas implementation research studies examine the evolves over the course of a scientific career, beginning
factors and processes related to the integration of those with graduate study and continuing as researchers gain
interventions into everyday practice in specific settings new knowledge, skills, experiences, and confidence to
under specific conditions (Holtrop, Rabin, & Glasgow, engage with the public and their communities around
2018). Both use frameworks that reflect processes (e.g., research findings. We argue that to move the field for-
exploration, preparation, implementation, sustainability) ward, it is essential for reading researchers to begin by
and the dynamic interactions among context, personnel, leveraging their current positions to intentionally infuse
and the intervention at each stage (Moullin, Dickson, translational science competencies into aspects of their
Stadnick, Rabin, & Aarons, 2019). When applied collec- existing and future work.
tively, translation, dissemination, and implementation Many of the individual characteristics of a transla-
sciences allow reading translational science teams to ask tional scientist are inherent to the various disciplines that
new and different questions, such as these: What works, encompass reading research. Individual scholars whose
for whom, and under what conditions? What implemen- disciplines engage in reading research all strive to be
tation strategy is most effective at increasing the use of an experts in their domain. However, inter- and multidisci-
evidence-based practice? What factors are associated with plinary teams are better equipped to tackle complex
sustainable use of a practice? How can we keep conditions problems, such as reading achievement. The develop-
in place to promote targeted outcomes when the research ment of scholars who are willing to engage and collabo-
study is over? rate with experts outside their primary disciplines is
Recent methodological advances in how these frame- critical to translating the SOR into authentic school-
works can be used concurrently to accelerate the uptake based settings. For example, researchers examining com-
of evidence to practice are important to consider. For ponents of an intervention might initiate a collaboration
example, Curran, Bauer, Mittman, Pyne, and Stetler with a qualitative researcher to gather information on
(2012) described a suite of emerging hybrid study designs, aspects of implementation that would inform generaliz-
whereby elements of effectiveness and implementation ability of the findings (e.g., identifying mechanisms and
research are combined, with the potential to support processes that facilitated or impeded successful imple-
more expeditious translation of research to practice. For mentation of the intervention).
example, gathering information on aspects of interven- Beyond collaboration, the choice of which competen-
tion delivery during an effectiveness trial can provide cies to build may also be guided by funding opportunities.
more immediate feedback on the feasibility of implemen- For example, researchers may create interdisciplinary teams
tation in specific settings. Conversely, gathering informa- to compete for funding that specifically promotes transla-
tion on aspects of effectiveness during an implementation tion. Current examples of such funding opportunities are
study can provide more immediate feedback on how an available from the Institute of Education Sciences (e.g.,
intervention might need to be changed or enhanced in Research Grants Focused on Systematic Replication,
understudied conditions or populations. Integrating the Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training Program
field of reading research and practice with translational in the Education Sciences). However, as the field advances
science will require reading researchers to increase their toward translational science, increased funding opportuni-
familiarity and comfort with these frameworks and ties will be required for original research on the effective-
methodologies to accelerate the adoption and scaling of ness and efficacy of existing evidence-based interventions
evidence-based reading practices, programs, and policies and on the processes and strategies to disseminate and
in schools. We contend that to engage in these types of implement these programs effectively in diverse settings
studies, the most efficient way is to form translational and with diverse populations. Such funding should be pri-
science teams with varied methodological, content, and oritized by education research agencies (e.g., The Spencer
practical implementation knowledge. Foundation). Moreover, because education has implicated
models of individual and public health (Shi & Stevens,
2010), where funding opportunities are already available
Cultivating Translational Scientists for translational science research, funding agencies that
One of the most important steps toward translating the support health- and public health–related research should
SOR is to develop and train researchers who have the expand their purview to include translational education
capacity to be translational scientists and work collabor- research.
atively in translational science teams. Team science Finally, researchers can also actively seek out and cre-
approaches to translation may be more readily applied to ate opportunities to develop these competencies as they
the immediate translation of the SOR, so it is advisable plan for their own new research endeavors and build

S354 | Reading Research Quarterly, 55(S1)

pathways for others. Fortunately, such opportunities are transactional forms of engagement. They would, however,
already available in a variety of formats. Researchers on necessitate both new ways to engage stakeholders and new
editorial boards for education research and practice jour- research to study the effectiveness of that engagement.
nals should also encourage the submission of individual We suggest that reading researchers should begin by
manuscripts and the publication of special issues focused using transactional public engagement strategies to dis-
on translational science issues (e.g., Cook, Kilgus, & Burns, seminate, implement, and generate new knowledge about
2018; Douglas, Campbell, & Hinckley, 2015). Finally, evidence-based reading instruction in pre-K–12 schools.
researchers who also serve as graduate faculty can include Effectively engaging diverse educational stakeholders for
aspects of translational science in coursework, training the purposes of exchange, implementation, and innova-
opportunities, and residency requirements for doctoral tion requires acknowledging that various audiences and
students and postdoctoral fellows. For instance, students needs exist and that each may interpret and apply the
may apprentice in local and state educational agencies, SOR differently (NASEM, 2017). Importantly, these audi-
take courses on conducting research in applied settings, or ences include not only teachers but also policymakers,
design and deliver professional development or workshops professional associations, publishers, professional devel-
for practitioners and parents. More senior researchers can opment providers, local and state educational agencies,
also advocate for the importance of these experiences and schools, and families.
their impact on their peers and the field while serving on a In addition, the disconnect between research findings
variety of boards and committees (e.g., promotion tenure and instructional practices observed in schools may not
committees in universities, conference planning commit- be only about the presence or absence of information
tees for professional organizations, grant review commit- about the SOR but also about the way in which this infor-
tees for funding agencies). Integrating the field of reading mation is being communicated and used. Research on
research and practice with translational science will scientific communication has indicated that two com-
require reading researchers to take intentional, significant mon assumptions about the public’s engagement with
steps throughout their careers to shift the field toward evidence are wrong: that people do not act on evidence
developing and promoting these key competencies from because they simply do not know it and, consequently,
within. that if science was simply communicated, better people
would make choices aligned with the evidence (NASEM,
2017). Rather, the research has indicated that people
Transactional Public Engagement rarely make decisions based on scientific information
The NASEM (2017) suggested that the purpose of formal alone and, instead, are also informed by their goals, needs,
public engagement is “to facilitate the exchange of infor­ values, beliefs, knowledge, and skills. In other words, hav-
mation, knowledge, perspectives, and preferences among ing knowledge is not a prerequisite for using it.
groups that differ in expertise, power, and values and help Therefore, the goals of public engagement should be
them find common ground” (p. 25). In the field of reading not only to increase knowledge but also to influence behav-
research, therefore, effectively translating the SOR may ior and decision making to improve reading achievement
require unique and innovative ways to dynamically engage for all learners. Transactional strategies might, by design,
with diverse education stakeholders in mutually beneficial be better positioned to communicate the SOR effectively.
ways to both generate and implement the SOR. The field’s Traditionally, interactive engagement activities, such as
focus on research within the T0–T2 stages has been accom- coaching, practice-based professional development, and
panied by knowledge dissemination strategies (National exchanges with end users, have not been typical practice
Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research, 1996) for researchers, despite evidence that these kinds of
focused relatively more on one-way processes, such as approaches can increase knowledge and change behavior.
spread (i.e., proactive distribution of information to poten- For example, in a study using practice-based professional
tial users) and choice (i.e., reactive distribution of informa- development to implement writing instruction, Harris et
tion as requested by potential users), and relatively less on al. (2012) found improved student outcomes and teacher
interactive processes, such as exchange (i.e., multidirec- practice. Meanwhile, an array of knowledge brokers have
tional exchange of information between the developers emerged to disseminate research-informed and evidence-
and potential users) and implementation (e.g., training, based practices to teachers, school administrators, and
coaching, or technical assistance to change knowledge, other education stakeholders (Malin & Brown, 2019). The
attitudes, or behaviors). Furthermore, T0–T2 dissemina- field lacks both empirical evidence and comprehensive
tion tends to take place within academic settings, not with standards on the effectiveness and appropriateness of these
the public and communities. Conversely, T3 and T4 read- providers to disseminate the SOR in a manner that pro-
ing research studies designed to address pre-K–12 instruc- duces improved reading achievement. Nonetheless, these
tional and programmatic decision making in local and providers are increasing in number and in capacity to
state educational agencies would be well suited to more engage educators in appealing ways, leaving researchers

Translational Science: A Road Map for the Science of Reading | S355

with a very real challenge: how to maintain a productive This kind of engagement also lends itself to T3 and T4
academic research agenda while also disseminating knowl- reading research studies, which can be designed to examine
edge gained from that research to end users effectively. the more pragmatic issues related to the use of evidence-
We are encouraged by several innovative models that based reading instruction in schools. Studies can also be
researchers are using to engage transactionally with educa- designed to examine the extent to which engagement strate-
tion stakeholders. For example, it may be advantageous for gies and processes were effective at changing knowledge,
the field to consider the use of collaborative and long-term behaviors, and decision making related to reading practices
models for engagement, including community-based par- in schools. For example, given research findings that teach-
ticipatory research models, policy enactment research, sab- ers and principals access, perceive, and use research evi-
baticals in educational settings, community partnerships, dence to make decisions differently than district leaders and
collaborative inquiry, and the formation of researcher– policymakers do (Coburn et al., 2009; Finnigan, Daly, &
practitioner partnerships (Ainscow, Dyson, Goldrick, & Che, 2013; Penuel et al., 2017), it would be advantageous to
West, 2016; Benson, Harkavy, & Puckett, 2000; Coburn, investigate which knowledge dissemination strategies are
Penuel, & Geil, 2013; National Research Council, 2003; more or less effective for changing each stakeholder’s knowl-
Wallerstein & Duran, 2010). Inherent in these collaborations edge related to implementing evidence-based reading inter-
is an appreciation for the diverse perspectives that drive social ventions in schools. Finally, T3 and T4 studies informed by
change in education; an acknowledgment that how research dissemination and implementation science research add
is often designed (e.g., in laboratory or clinical settings, with- value to research across the entire translational science
out input from end users) can contribute to unintended biases spectrum, as data gathered from education stakeholders in
in how knowledge is generated, disseminated, and used; and these studies can be used to inform the iterative process of
intentional organizational structures to diminish power designing more effective practices, programs, and policies
dynamics and promote equity (Chicago Beyond, 2019; Tseng, in diverse settings and for diverse learners (Douglas et al.,
Fleischman, & Quintero, 2018). These endeavors may allow 2015). Integrating the field of reading research and practice
for the collaborative development of feasible models and tai- with translational science will require reading researchers to
lored frames that explain the SOR in memorable and useful engage with the public in innovative and intentional ways to
ways for a variety of stakeholders. They may also lead to solu- support the uptake of evidence-based reading practices,
tions, as researchers work alongside practitioners to better programs, and policies in schools.
understand not only why evidence-based approaches matter
to positive student outcomes but also how barriers and facili-
tators to successful implementation operate in school-based Collective Communication About
settings (Race, 2010). a Single, Shared Problem
Moreover, researchers may also make use of creative Researchers from various disciplines contribute diverse
media to engage the public transactionally. It is well knowledge and perspectives on how society engages with
accepted that traditional outlets for sharing and apply- the construct that we have collectively come to refer to as
ing scientific evidence are not readily accessible to the reading. The incredible advances in the SOR that have
public for many reasons (e.g., costs of purchasing jour- emerged thus far are attributable, in part, to diversity
nal articles or attending conferences, complexity of aca- within the field. Irrespective of their disciplinary lens,
demic discourse). As researchers increase their capacity reading scholars share in their concern for the nation’s
and comfort with various attributes of translational sci- reading crisis and work to deliver solutions to ameliorate
entists, they can leverage advances in media to dissemi- the reading achievement gap. Issues of access, equity, and
nate and support the use of research evidence broadly to opportunity also play core roles in these gaps, as barriers
diverse audiences (Gilliland et al., 2019; Petscher et al., to reading achievement arise from many factors both
2020). In addition to presenting at practitioner confer- inside and outside of schools. We argue that one critical
ences or writing articles for practitioner journals and barrier to solving the nation’s reading crisis is unified
magazines, researchers should also explore other plat- messaging focused on the fundamental problem to be
forms of engagement, such as social media (e.g., Twitter, solved.
Facebook, Instagram), podcasts (e.g., SeeHearSpeak: Depending on one’s disciplinary perspective and area
https://www.seehe​arspe​akpod​, briefs (e.g., of expertise, a reading researcher may insist that the prob-
National Center on Improving Literacy: https://impro​ lem is ensuring grade-level reading performance on state-
vingl​itera​, infographics (e.g., Regional Edu­ mandated tests, whereas others may insist that it is
cational Laboratory Program: ensuring fluent sight word reading, text comprehension,
edlab​s/infog​raphi​cs/), apps (e.g., Screener Report: https:// academic language or content knowledge, or motivation
qmi-fcrr.shiny​​ningT​oolSe​lecto​r/), op-eds, for reading. Still others may postulate that the problem is
and popular press interviews. preventing reading failure, closing reading achievement

S356 | Reading Research Quarterly, 55(S1)

gaps, improving reading instruction, or encouraging lit- (Gilliland et al., 2019; Petscher et al., 2020). It is impera-
eracy to ensure an equitable literate citizenry. We argue tive that if we are to be successful in communicating both
that solving each of these problems addresses the nation’s what we know about the SOR and what we still do not
reading crisis. The diversity of disciplines engaged in the know, reading researchers must come together to com-
SOR all but ensures that many varied solutions will municate about their collective efforts to build and apply
emerge. Hence, agreement on the message is not the same the SOR, demystifying issues on which there is or is not
as agreement on the methods or the solutions. sufficient scientific evidence, explaining how scientific
Research on science communication has indicate uncertainty is decreased over time, and engaging the pub-
that communicating about science-related controversies lic in the process of discovery. This communication
(e.g., vaccinations, climate change) is particularly diffi- should happen in both academic and nonacademic con-
cult because the debate is typically less about scientific texts (e.g., special issues of journals, symposia at research
knowledge and more about beliefs, values, and interests and practitioner conferences, webinars and podcasts,
(NASEM, 2017). In these spaces, public and academic Twitter exchanges), reducing the confusion that can arise
discourse is often clouded by multiple competing voices, when science is not shared repeatedly, transparently, and
resulting in what the public perceives as uncertainty. responsibly with the public.
There is limited research evidence on how best to com- Importantly, researchers with opposing perspectives
municate consensus in controversial contexts (NASEM, can come together to conduct research. For example, in
2017). Furthermore, applying a translational science lens adversarial collaboration (Mellers, Hertwig, & Kahneman,
to the field of reading research will not squelch the ongo- 2001), researchers or research teams with conflicting
ing debates about what the SOR is or how or if it should hypotheses collaborate on a research project to resolve the
be applied in school settings. However, translational sci- dispute. These joint research efforts have the potential to
ence may provide a framework to pivot these conversa- not only produce more robust and informative research
tions toward collective communication about concerted findings but also increase team member’s capacity to
efforts to solve our single, shared problem: the nation’s communicate about their shared goals—a key compe-
reading crisis. tency for translational scientists. Integrating the field of
Thus, our final suggestion for reading researchers is reading research and practice with translational science
to begin by articulating a single, shared problem and our will require reading researchers to collaborate and com-
concerted efforts to solve it. Importantly, agreement on municate collectively about the field’s ongoing efforts to
the problem does not require agreement on how to solve solve the nation’s reading crisis by ensuring that all pre-
it. It only reaffirms our shared commitment to finding the K–12 learners are reading and succeeding in school.
solution. Considering the field’s diverse perspectives and
approaches to building and applying the SOR for reading
instruction, we propose unified messaging on our con-
certed efforts to ensure that all pre-K–12 learners are pro- Translational Science in Action:
vided with instructional techniques that teach them how Promising Applications Within
to read adequately. Particular aspects of this problem are
important to specify. First, the field’s work must address Reading Research
the reality of authentic school settings, where the applica- In proposing a road map for the translational SOR, we
tion of the SOR may be best realized with most pre-K–12 acknowledge that our recommendations are tentative and
learners. Second, the problem is focused on pre-K–12 dependent, in part, on the field’s interest in pursuing
learners, spanning the developmental time span during research in what may feel like unfamiliar and perhaps
which much of the SOR can be actualized in policy and uncomfortable ways. It also requires deep and respectful
practice to improve reading achievement. Third, the collaboration between stakeholders who have different
problem is inclusive of all pre-K–12 learners, including training, backgrounds, methodological approaches, and
and arguably more important for those who may be more roles in the pursuit of scientific inquiry. We argued that
vulnerable to reading difficulties. It is this population of integrating aspects of translational science into reading
students for whom the field requires significant addi- research will require intentional shifts in the way the field
tional information to support toward reading success in carries out basic and applied research, cultivates and col-
school. laborates with scientists, engages with the public, and
The reading and literacy fields would also benefit communicates about its science. We also provided some
from unified messaging around our collective efforts. examples of how the field is already advancing toward
Translational science requires team science: individual translational science, from increasing numbers of replica-
scientists from different disciplines with diverse perspec- tion studies to authentic research–practice partnerships.
tives, skills, and talents who decide to unite their efforts to We view these examples as models for how scholars can
discover and develop solutions to persistent problems apply aspects of the translational science to reading

Translational Science: A Road Map for the Science of Reading | S357

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Translational Science: A Road Map for the Science of Reading | S359

EMILY J. SOLARI (corresponding author) is a professor in the NANCY J. NELSON is a research associate professor at the
in the Curry School of Education and Human Development at Center on Teaching and Learning at the University of Oregon,
the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA; email ejs9ea@ Eugene, USA; email
JILL M. PENTIMONTI is the director of Research
NICOLE PATTON TERRY is the Olive & Manuel Bordas Advancement and affiliate of the Institutes for Education
Professor in the School of Teacher Education and an associate Initiatives at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA;
director of the Florida Center for Reading Research at Florida email
State University, Tallahassee, USA; email

NADINE GAAB is an associate professor at Boston Children’s YAACOV PETSCHER is an associate professor in the College
Hospital and Harvard Medical School and a member of the of Social Work and an associate director of the Florida Center
faculty at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Boston, for Reading Research at Florida State University, Tallahassee,
Massachusetts, USA; email USA; email

TIFFANY P. HOGAN is a professor in the Department of SARAH SAYKO is a deputy director of the National Center for
Communication Sciences and Disorders at the MGH Institute Improving Literacy, and a senior research associate at RMC
of Health Professions, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; email Research Corporation, Arlington, Virginia, USA; email

Standards for the Preparation of Literacy

Professionals 2017
Developed by literacy experts across the United States, Standards for the Preparation
of Literacy Professionals 2017 (Standards 2017) sets forth the criteria for developing and
evaluating preparation programs for literacy professionals.

These updated standards focus on the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for
effective educational practice in a specific role and highlight contemporary research and
© 2018
ISBN 978-0-87207-379-1 evidence-based practices in curriculum, instruction, assessment, and leadership.

Standards 2017 addresses the following roles:

■ Reading/literacy specialists ■ Literacy coaches
■ Literacy coordinators/supervisors ■ Classroom teachers (Pre-K–12) Members
■ Principals, teacher educators, and literacy partners SAVE
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