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Task 1: Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D
1. They live in an ________ part of Scotland two hours from the nearest town.
A. alone B. different C. isolated D. apart
2. Did you build up a lot of _______while you were studying?
A. debts B. money C. save D. earnings
3. The idea of getting someone else __________your car was unthinkable.
A. to wash B. wash C. washing D. washed
4. _________, here is my feedback on the one-day public speaking course at the school.
A. Requesting B. As requested C. As requestment D. Requested
5. Rosalind Franklin (1920–1958) was _______ English chemist and X-ray crystallographer.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article
6. Pamela learned ___________ heart for her Spanish test.
A. in B. to C. on D. by
7. Stephanie managed _____________ the water coming into the kitchen.
A. to stop B. stopping C. stop D. to be stopped.
8. When I was nineteen, I ____________ an exam to get into a drama school in London, but I was
A. pass B. make C. take D. fail
9. Please don’t let your phone chargers _________ in without your phone on the other end.
A. plugged B. inserted C. run D. played
10. Currently, social media are considered the most popular _________ of communication.
A. models B. parts C. means D. sources
11. According to _________ surveys, the majority of Britons are in favor of the monarchy.
A. the most B. most C. most of D. the most of
12. Had she arrived at the sale earlier, she (find) _________ a better selection.
A. would found B. had found C. found D. would have found
13. My brother wishes I _________ him to the restaurant next month.
A. would take B. take C. will take D. had taken

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14. When she got married, my sister wore a long white dress with a white _____ over her face.
A. tune B. veil C. stomach D. niche
15. This is very tasty. I think it’s got nuts in it – I can taste ____________________, I think.
A. almond B. spoil C. stag D. matter
16. Ed has some good ideas, but he isn’t _______________ enough to become a politician.
A. expectant B. preferable C. ambitious D. interesting
17. Unless something ________________ horribly wrong, we’ll finish on time
A. go B. went C. going D. goes
18. If only we ____________________ a way to make fossil fuels last forever.
A. can find B. find C. had found D. could find
19. She is ruthless when she competes in a tennis match ____________________.
A. because she is always so determined to win B. so she rarely gets sick
C. as she splits some soup on my shirt D. to get rid of it
20. At that point, I had to decide whether to try to _____________ a career in acting or just
abandon the get a completely different kind of job.
A. take B. make C. win D. follow
Task 2: Read and choose the best answer A,B,C or D to the questions
Maria Mutola
Former 800 metres Olympic champion
In 1988, Maria Mutola was playing football as the only girl in an all-boys team in a local
competition in Mozambique. 'We won,' she said. 'At first no one thought it was a problem that I
was a girl. But then the team we beat complained.'
The story appeared in a local newspaper and José Craveirinha, who had encouraged other African
athletes, learnt about Maria. He went to meet her and found her kicking a ball around outside the
football club. He realised immediately that she was fast. 'He talked to me about athletics. I had no
idea what he meant. The only sport I knew about was football. Then he bought me running shoes
and took me training. It was such hard work and my legs really ached.' But José visited her
parents and persuaded them she could be successful and this would help end their poverty. They
agreed to let him take her away to train.
In 1991, she finally accepted an invitation to train in the United States. She had refused previously
because she knew she would miss her family. Her background was unlike those of the girls she
met in the US. She explains, 'They were good athletes but, while I worried about my parents
having enough to eat, they worried about dresses and make-up. They knew very little about me
and even less about my problems. But I knew I was lucky to be there. The trainers were brilliant
and I learnt a lot.'
Today, Maria still runs for most of the year she lives happily in South Africa with her mother.
21. What is the writer trying to do in the text?
A. persuade more Africans to take up athletics B. describe how Maria became a top
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C. give information about Mozambique D. explain how Maria manages to stay fit
22. José Craveirinha found out about Maria when
A. he went to watch a local football competition
B. she was blamed for her team losing a football competition
C. he saw an article about her role in a football match
D. people complained about another member of her football team
23. When José first introduced Maria to athletics, she
A. didn’t know what was involved B. was worried about being injured
C. was keen to learn everything he knew D. didn’t think her family would approve
24. What does Maria say about the girls she met in the United States?
A. They did not make full use of their abilities.
B. Their training programmes were less demanding than hers.
C. They did not show enough respect for the trainers.
D. Their experiences of life were very different from hers.
25. What would Maria say about her life?
A. José has made all my dreams possible. From the first day we met, I was certain I wanted to
become a top athlete.
B. My life hasn’t always been easy but I’ve had many opportunities. Running is important to
me and so is my family.
C. I regret becoming involved in athletics. It was horrible leaving Mozambique and my
parents. I’d like to go back to football.
D. The US has some wonderful training facilities, so I’m glad that I agreed to go when I was
first offered the chance.
Task 3: Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question,
choose the correct letter A, B, C, or D.
The History of Shoes
In the past, importance was not given to shoes being comfortable of fashionable. These early foot
coverings were probably animal skins, (26) _________ people tied round their ankles during cold
(27) _________. We still use leather today, but (28) __________ materials such as silk, plastic, or
cotton are also popular, (29) _______ on what is in fashion.
It was only one hundred and fifty years (30) _________ that people began to wear a different shoe
on each foot. Formerly, the two shoes had been straight instead of shaped and (31) _______ be
worn on the left or the right foot. All shoes used to be made by hand, but now, (32) _______ there
are shoemakers still using their (33) _______ skills, most shoes are now machine-made in large
factories. The introduction of sewing machines (34) _________ the shoe industry to produce large
(35) _________ of cheaper shoes for a wider range of buyers.
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26. A. who B. why C. which D. where
27. A. weather B. climate C. temperature D. condition
28. A. either B. both C. another D. other
29. A. turning B. depending C. resting D. taking
30. A. before B. beyond C. ago D. after
31. A. must B. could C. ought D. might
32. A. although B. if C. unless D. since
33. A. typical B. usual C. model D. traditional
34. A. let B. allowed C. gave D. got
35. A. quantities B. totals C. sums D. sizes
Task 4: Choose the best answer A,B,C, or D which has the same meaning to the given one.
1. She is the woman. I met her last week.
A. She is the woman whom I met last week.
B. She is the woman whose I met last week.
C. She is the woman where I met her last week.
D. She is the woman which I met last week.
2. The teacher said to them, "Don't make noise in class!"
A. The teacher told them to not make noise in class.
B. The teacher told them don't make noise in class.
C. The teacher told them not making noise in class.
D. The teacher told them not to make noise in class.
3. They are not allowed to go out in the evening by their parents.
A. Their parents do not want them to go out in the evening.
B. Their parents never let them to go out in the evening.
C. Going out in the evening is permitted by their parents.
D. Although their parents do not allow, they still go out in the evening.
4. Although my parents are busy at work, they try to find time for their children.
A. My parents are so busy at work that they cannot find time for their children. 
B. Busy at work as my parents are, they try to find time for their children.
C. My parents are too busy at work to find time for their children.
D. My friends rarely have time for their children because they are busy at work.
5. She gets up early to prepare breakfast so that her children can come to school on time.
A. Despite her getting up early to prepare breakfast, her children cannot come to school on time. 
B. Because she wants her children to come to school on time, she gets up early to prepare breakfast.
C. If she does not get up early to prepare breakfast, her children will not come to school on time.
D. Unless she gets up early to prepare breakfast, her children will not come to school on time.

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