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Phase Behavior of a

Gas-Condensate/Water System
Sunil Kokal, SPE, and Mohammad Al-Dokhi, Saudi Aramco, and Selim Sayegh, SPE,
Saskatchewan Research Council

Summary The main effects that are observed involve the mass transfer of
Gas-condensate reservoirs are an essential part of Saudi Arabia’s some of the more water-soluble light components of the gas con-
hydrocarbon resources. A good understanding of the effect of wa- densate (carbon dioxide, methane, and, to a lesser extent, ethane)
ter on the phase-behavior properties of these hydrocarbons is es- into the aqueous phase. The loss of these lighter components (es-

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sential for accurately forecasting the performance of the reservoirs pecially methane) from the condensate phase leads to a change in
with numerical simulators. In addition, the scaling and corrosion its gas-related properties (e.g., the GCR, dewpoint pressures, and
tendencies of the produced brine are strongly influenced by mass liquid yields). Some water is also partitioned into the gas-
transfer with the hydrocarbon phase. condensate phase.
This paper presents unique experimental phase-behavior data As a result of this mass transfer, the brine can become more
for a typical Saudi Arabian gas-condensate three-phase (aqueous/ acidic owing to the dissolution of carbon dioxide and hydrogen
condensate/gas) system. The objective of this work is to quantify sulfide. This can then dissolve some of the carbonate minerals in
the effect of the aqueous phase on gas-condensate fluid properties. the formation, which could then precipitate in the wellbore or at the
The results show that appreciable amounts of carbon dioxide surface when the pressure is released.3,4 The acidic brine is corro-
and methane are partitioned from the gas-condensate phase into sive,4 and large savings can be realized by its effective mitigation.5
the aqueous phase. Another important observation is the mass The experimental apparatus and procedures are described. The
transfer of water into the condensate phase. The mass transfer properties of the gas condensate and brine used in this study are
between the condensate and aqueous phases results in a slight then presented. Following that, the experimental results are pre-
decrease in the gas/condensate ratio (GCR). The carbon dioxide in sented. Finally, some conclusions are drawn. It must be pointed out
solution makes the brine acidic and can dissolve carbonate min- that in this paper “water” refers to pure water, and “brine” refers
erals from the formation (e.g., calcium carbonate). In addition, the to the saline, aqueous phase (reservoir brine).
acidic or sour brine will be quite corrosive. The experimental
results are compared with equation-of-state (EOS) and other cor-
relations published in the literature. Experimental Apparatus and Procedures
Apparatus. The apparatus consists of a high-pressure, high-
Introduction temperature, three-windowed pressure/volume/temperature (PVT)
cell (Ruska Model 2730*) with a volume of approximately 400
Natural-gas reservoirs are an essential part of Saudi Arabia’s hy- cm3. The cell is placed inside a temperature-controlled bath. It can
drocarbon resources. The phase behavior of such hydrocarbons has be isolated and rocked inside the air bath (Fig. 2).
been studied extensively, both in-country and worldwide. One of The volume of the sample inside the cell was measured using
the factors that has not been studied is the effect of water on the a cathetometer and the Ruska pump. The volume depended on the
phase behavior of gas-condensate systems. This is important be- dimensions of the cell, pump position, temperature, pressure, ref-
cause natural-gas reservoirs contain interstitial brine in equilibrium erence points, and calibration factors. The internal volumes of the
and frequently are underlain by an aquifer. In addition, the mass cell and connecting tubing were calibrated, including temperature-
transfer between the hydrocarbon and aqueous phases strongly and pressure-correction coefficients. Frequent calibrations of the
influences their scaling and corrosion potentials. pressure transducers, temperature readers, and gauges ensured the
Previous work1,2 on oil/water and gas-condensate/water mix- accuracy of the measurements (temperature ±1°F, pressure ±5 psi,
tures has shown considerable solubilities of carbon dioxide, hy- volume ±0.2 cm3). In addition, several data points were duplicated
drogen sulfide, methane, and ethane in water. Mass transfer occurs to check for reproducibility. The measurements were repeated if
when the oil or gas condensate is contacted with water/brine, and the duplicate results were not in agreement or if they fell out of
these components will partition into that phase (Fig. 1). As a result, trend with other data points at different pressures. Finally, the
the composition of the hydrocarbon phase is altered, and some of results were checked for thermodynamic consistency by compar-
its properties [e.g., saturation pressure, gas/oil ratio (GOR), and ing them with EOS calculations.
formation volume factor (FVF)] can be altered as well. Another
important aspect is the partitioning of water into the hydrocarbon Dry Gas-Condensate Measurements. The recombined gas-
phase at reservoir conditions. This dissolved water in the hydro- condensate sample (composition is shown in Table 1) was charged
carbon phase may drop out in the lines as the gas condensate is into the cell by mercury displacement at pressures exceeding 8,000
produced and may lead to corrosion and/or scaling problems. psia. At these conditions, the sample is in a supercritical fluid state
The literature contains limited data on the solubility of hydro- (above its critical pressure and temperature). The term “dry” refers
carbon gases in the aqueous phase, and the available data are for to a system that has not been contacted with water. The volume of
single hydrocarbon-water systems (e.g., methane-water). Even the charged sample at system temperature and pressure was re-
more limited are data on the solubility of complex natural-gas corded. The first test conducted was a simple constant mass ex-
mixtures in water and brine. This paper provides experimental data pansion (CME) test. The pressure was reduced in steps by with-
on the effect of contacting one Saudi Arabian natural-gas conden- drawing mercury from the cell. The pressures and volumes were
sate with water and brine. recorded at each step. The pressure at the first sign of “liquid”
dropout was noted as the dewpoint pressure at system temperature.
It was usually observed that a fine mist or cloudiness appeared in
Copyright © 2003 Society of Petroleum Engineers the fluid at this pressure. The liquid in the text refers to the “heavi-
This paper (SPE 87307) was revised for publication from paper SPE 62931, first presented
at the 2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, 1–4 October. Original
manuscript received for review 14 June 2001. Revised manuscript received 14 July 2003.
Paper peer approved 8 September 2003. * Trademark of Chandler Engineering, Houston.

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Fig. 1—Phase behavior in gas-condensate reservoirs.

er” or hydrocarbon liquid phase (relative to the other hydrocarbon positions of the phases. It would have been desirable to sample
gas phase). Several cycles in pressure (reducing slowly, increasing the phases after each addition, but this would have meant that a
and stabilizing, and reducing slowly again) were made near the fresh charge of condensate and water (or brine) was introduced
dewpoint to ascertain the dewpoint accurately. Dewpoint-pressure into the cell for each point; otherwise, the volumetric balance
measurement is inherently difficult and requires great attention and would be altered.
concentration. Repeatability is generally about ±15 to 25 psi. It should be mentioned that the terms GCR, gas/water ratio
Below the dewpoint, the pressure/volume (P/V) relationship (GWR), and gas/brine ratio (GBR) are defined here in a manner
was continuously measured down to approximately 1,000 psia. identical to that of the traditional GOR. In other words, they refer
The liquid dropout at each successive (lower) pressure was re- to the volume of gas liberated from the condensate or water or
corded using the cathetometer. There were some gaps in the data brine phase corrected to 60°F and 1 atm. The WCR and the brine/
resulting from the interface hiding behind the “blind” portion of condensate ratio (BCR) simply refer to the ratio of the volume of
the cell. Fig. 2 shows the details of the cell. water or brine to that of condensate at the pressure and temperature
After the last pressure, the temperature was increased to the of the equilibrium cell. The FVFs of the water and brine phases are
next set temperature, and another CME was conducted at this new also defined in analogy to the condensate FVF: the volume of
temperature. The fluid was compressed again to 7,000 psia and water or brine at saturation conditions divided by its volume at
rocked. The gas condensate (fluid) was flashed, at constant pres- 60°F and 1 atm.
sure, into a sample container maintained at room conditions. The After the last water/condensate and brine/condensate CME test
gas was collected in a gasometer, and its composition was ana- had been conducted, two sets of flashes were performed, with the
lyzed. The properties of the liquid were also measured. fluid remaining in the PVT cell. The pressure in the cell was first
raised to 7,000 psia. The first flash was with the hydrocarbon fluid.
Condensate/Water and Condensate/Brine Equilibrium Mea- Throughout the flash, the fluid in the PVT cell was maintained at
surements. Water/condensate and brine/condensate equilibrium 7,000 psi by injecting mercury into the PVT cell. The gas-
measurements were carried out after an initial dry condensate mea- condensate fluid was flashed into a sample container (graduated
surement had been conducted. The normal procedure was started tube) that was immersed in dry ice and maintained at atmospheric
by charging the apparatus with water or brine at a predetermined pressure. This was done to capture all the water that was dissolved
water/condensate volume ratio at the test temperature and 7,000 in the condensate phase. After flashing, we obtained three phases:
psia. The fluids were left to reach equilibrium, generally for a a hydrocarbon gas phase, a hydrocarbon liquid phase, and a water
period of 24 hours with rocking. A CME test was then performed, phase. However, the amount of water was very small, and it was
similar to the procedure described earlier for dry condensate. The essentially pure water. The gas was collected in a gasometer that
difference was that this test was performed in the presence of water was maintained at room temperature. The amount of liquid hydro-
or brine. Dewpoint pressure and liquid-dropout data were obtained carbons was measured volumetrically as well as gravimetrically at
at this water/condensate ratio (WCR). room temperature. The amount of water in the hydrocarbon liquid
At pressures above the dewpoint, only two phases were ob- was determined by Karl-Fisher analysis. The GCR was then cal-
served: a dense hydrocarbon phase and an aqueous phase. At culated from the amounts of gas and liquid collected (after con-
pressures below the dewpoint, three phases were observed: a verting them appropriately to standard conditions).
hydrocarbon gas phase, a hydrocarbon liquid phase, and an aque- The second flash was conducted with the aqueous phase. A
ous phase. sample of the aqueous phase was withdrawn at constant pressure,
After the experiment was completed, an additional amount of flashed through an evacuated separator, and analyzed. Water/gas
water (or brine) was added to the cell at the test temperature and ratios were calculated from the amounts of water and gas collected.
7,000 psia. This represented the second in a series of constant
WCR tests. Another CME test was performed at this WCR. This Results and Discussion
procedure was repeated at higher WCRs up to a maximum ratio of The gas-condensate candidate selected for this study is from the
∼2. This was the maximum ratio at which a reasonable number of Khuff reservoir in Ghawar. This gas condensate is sweet, with no
liquid-dropout data at different pressures could be obtained. hydrogen sulfide present. The experimental results are discussed in
These experiments show the effect of contacting the condensate the following sections; dry condensate, condensate/water, and con-
with water (or brine), and the resultant mass transfer, on the com- densate/brine equilibria are presented successively.

December 2003 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 413

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Fig. 2—Schematic of PVT apparatus.

Fluid Properties (Dry Condensate). The separator gas and liquid ∼12,400 scf/bbl (calculated at standard temperature and pressure,
samples were recombined physically at the separator conditions of 60°F and 14.7 psia). The compositional analyses of the separator
383 psig and 135°F. The separator GCR was 9,985 scf/bbl (at products (gas and liquid) and the calculated hydrocarbon compo-
separator conditions). The total GCR of the reservoir fluid was sition of the wellstream based on separator conditions are pre-
sented in Table 1. The properties of C12+ (dodecanes plus) also are
presented in the table. The main water-soluble components are
carbon dioxide (0.9 mol%) and methane (70.98 mol%).

Fluid Properties (Brine). A sample of separator brine was ana-

lyzed, and synthetic brine was prepared to match the main com-
ponents of the formation brine. The composition is presented in
Table 2. The synthetic brine was used in all the phase-behavior
tests for better control of the experiments.

Dry Condensate Equilibrium. Several tests were conducted with

the gas-condensate wellstream sample, as shown in Fig. 3. The
separator liquid was recombined with the separator gas to prepare
the reservoir fluid. This fluid then was used in the study. Every
time a fresh recombined gas-condensate sample was added to the
cell, it was designated as a new “charge.” Several dry-condensate
CME tests were carried out with the recombined wellstream at
several temperatures. As explained earlier, a dry CME test was
performed before contacting the condensate with water or brine.

414 December 2003 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

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Fig. 4—Effect of temperature on the dewpoint pressure of dry
gas condensate.
Fig. 3—Gas-condensate three-phase tests.

acteristic is real. There was approximately a 20 to 25% increase in

The effect of temperature on the dewpoint pressure of dry con- maximum liquid dropout with the contacting of the condensate
densate is shown in Fig. 4, and the relative liquid-dropout results with water. This effect, we believe, is caused by the partitioning of
for different charges are shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 4 shows that the the water into the vapor phase that reaches a maximum at the first
dewpoint pressure drops slightly with temperature for the range introduction of water into the system. Even at the lowest WCR,
measured in the tests. However, as shown in Fig. 5, temperature there is an excess amount of water available in the system. In-
has a very significant effect on liquid-condensate dropout. As tem- creasing the amount of water beyond this minimum has little effect
perature is increased, the liquid dropout is reduced. All the curves on the fugacity of water in the vapor phase. In other words, the
in Fig. 5 show the characteristic shape of a liquid-dropout curve: fugacity of water does not change with increasing amounts of
a tail near the dewpoint pressure and a maximum liquid dropout at water added to the system.
pressure ∼2,000 psia. The pressure at maximum liquid dropout The relative total hydrocarbon volumes are shown in Fig. 10.
increases slightly with increasing temperatures. The “missing” These data show trends similar to those observed for the dry con-
points in the curves result from the interface between the conden- densate samples. The curves are smooth, and the data show rela-
sate and gas getting into the “blind” portions of the PVT cell (Fig. tively little scatter.
2). The data show good repeatability of liquid-dropout curves, as Samples of the condensate and water were flashed and ana-
evidenced by the three runs carried out at 260°F shown in Fig. 5. lyzed at the end of each series of contacts to see the effect of water
The P/V relationship of dry gas condensate at different tempera- on the final properties of the phases. The results are presented in
tures is shown in Fig. 6. All relative volumes in this report are vol- Table 3. The first column shows the original dry gas-condensate
umes relative to the dewpoint volume at that particular temperature. reservoir fluid. The second and third columns show the hydrocar-
bon gas and hydrocarbon liquid compositions. The fourth column
Condensate/Water Equilibrium. After a dry run had been con- shows the wet-gas stream compositions after recombination of the
ducted with the charged gas-condensate sample, it was contacted separated gas and liquid phases. The last column shows the aque-
with water. Figs. 7 through 10 show the effect of contacting the ous phase composition.
condensate with different amounts of water. Fig. 7 shows the effect The main effect observed is a reduction in GCR from 12,400 to
of water on dewpoint pressure. It is observed from this figure that approximately 9,947 scf/STB. This reduction in GCR was mainly
the dewpoint pressure decreases negligibly with increasing WCRs. caused by the loss of carbon dioxide, methane, and (to a lesser
A small amount of water-soluble gases (mainly carbon dioxide, extent) ethane from the condensate. This is supported by the water/
methane, and ethane) partition into the aqueous phase. Similarly, condensate solubility results presented earlier. The amount of wa-
the volume at dewpoint (Fig. 8) decreases slightly with increasing ter measured in the hydrocarbon gas-condensate stream was ap-
WCRs. The effect of water on hydrocarbon liquid dropout is proximately 0.49 lb/Mscf. The amount of water measured in the
shown in Fig. 9. The liquid-dropout relative volume indicated in hydrocarbon stream was approximately 1 mol%. This is the
the figure is only the hydrocarbon liquid volume. The amount of amount of water that has been mass transferred into the gas-
liquid dropout increases slightly at the first contact of water and condensate stream at reservoir conditions.
then stabilizes. While there is some scatter in the data, this char- Table 3 also shows the GWR of the aqueous phase (∼31 scf/
bbl). This value compares very closely to the values reported in

Fig. 5—Liquid-dropout relative volumes of dry gas condensate. Fig. 6—CME data for dry gas condensate at different temperatures.

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Fig. 7—Effect of water on the dewpoint pressure of gas condensate. Fig. 8—Effect of water on the dewpoint volume of gas condensate.

Ref. 6. The low value suggests that hydrocarbons have only a

PVTsim by Calsep.7 The Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) EOS was
limited solubility in water.
used to correlate the data. The first step in the correlation proce-
dure was to tune the EOS with dry gas-condensate-fluid compo-
Condensate/Brine Equilibrium. The effect of brine on conden-
sition (Table 1) data, including the C12+ heavy-fraction param-
sate properties is shown in Figs. 11 through 14. The results are
eters. The EOS was tuned by adjusting the C12+ density and mo-
similar to those observed when contacting the condensate with
lecular weight by a maximum of 10% (of experimental values) to fit
water (Fig. 8). The dewpoint pressure is relatively unaffected by
the saturation-pressure data. The tuned EOS was then used to match
the brine present. This can be explained by the fact that dewpoints
(a) the dry gas-condensate properties and (b) the three-phase data.
are affected more by heavier components than by the lighter, more
The EOS predictions for the dry gas condensate are shown in
soluble components. The presence of salt in the brine retards the
Figs. 15 and 16. Fig. 15 shows the phase envelope for the dry gas
solubility of these gases further in brine than in water. The results
condensate with experimental saturation points (dewpoint pres-
clearly show that the brine does not affect the reservoir fluid prop-
sures). The phase envelope is well tuned with the saturation data.
erties significantly.
The tuned EOS also was used to predict the GCR. The separator
Samples of the condensate and brine were flashed and analyzed
GCR was 9,985 scf/bbl at 383 psig and 135°F. A second stage was
at the end of each series of contacts to see the effect of brine on
added to flash the remaining liquid at standard conditions. The
the final properties of the phases. The results are presented in
total GOR was determined to be 12,400 scf/STB.
Table 4. The properties of dry condensate wellstream also are
The liquid dropouts at different temperatures and relative vol-
shown for comparison.
umes were then computed with the EOS, and the results are pre-
The GCR was reduced from ∼12,400 to 10,726 scf/STB. This
sented in Fig. 16 along with the experimental data. The liquid
reduction in GCR was smaller than the reduction for the water case
dropouts match well at the higher temperatures and are slightly off
(compare with the data in Table 3). This is primarily because of the
at 80°F.
suppression of the hydrocarbon solubility in brine compared to that
The tuned EOS was then used to compare the results obtained
in water. Salts in the brine reduce the solubility of hydrocarbons in
for wet gas condensate (i.e., condensate contacted with water). The
water. The amount of water measured in the hydrocarbon gas-
results are presented in Table 5 for the water case. The first col-
condensate stream was approximately 0.38 lb/Mscf. This repre-
umn presents the wet-gas stream composition data obtained ex-
sents approximately 0.8 mol% water in the gas-condensate stream.
perimentally after contacting with water at 7,000 psia and 260°F.
This is the amount of water that has been mass transferred into the
The second column presents the wet-gas stream composition as
gas-condensate stream at reservoir conditions.
predicted by the EOS. The results are very close. The total GCR
Table 4 also shows the GWR of the aqueous phase, which was
compares favorably (9,947 scf/STB vs. 11,010 scf/STB), and the
approximately 12.6 scf/STB. This value is much lower than the 31
water content (amount of water in the gas-condensate phase) is in
scf/STB measured for the water case. The solubility of hydrocar-
excellent agreement. The gas-condensate densities are slightly off.
bons is suppressed by the presence of salts in water. The value
The third and fourth columns in the table compare the water-phase
compares very closely to the values reported in Ref. 6.
compositions. Only a small amount of gas was obtained, and the
results match very well with experimental data. The GWR pre-
EOS Correlation. The data presented above were correlated using
an EOS phase-behavior package; the program used in this study is

Fig. 9—Hydrocarbon liquid-dropout relative volumes of

gas condensate. Fig. 10—Total hydrocarbon relative volumes of gas condensate.

416 December 2003 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

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Fig. 11—Effect of brine on the dewpoint pressure of gas condensate.

Fig. 12—Effect of brine on the dewpoint volume of gas condensate.

dicted by the EOS is 38 scf/STB, compared to a value of 31

scf/STB. Overall, the matches are very good.
The predictions for the brine case are presented in Table 6. The Fig. 13—Hydrocarbon liquid-dropout relative volumes of
hydrocarbon-phase results compare very well with the experimen- gas condensate.
tal data. Our version of the package is not capable of predicting the
aqueous-phase (brine) composition.

Applications of Three-Phase Equilibrium Data. The three-

phase data presented in this paper have important implications for
the development of gas reservoirs and gas-gathering infrastructure
(pipelines, processing, etc). The following paragraphs discuss
some of these applications.
Reservoir Management. The three-phase data presented in this
report have implications in reservoir management strategies. The
retrograde liquid-dropout curves presented in Figs. 5 and 16 are
useful in estimating the amount of condensate that may drop out
either in the reservoir or in the wellbore as pressure drops during
production. The amount of liquid dropout passes through a maxi-
mum and does not return to zero, indicating that pressure-depletion
operations will leave some liquid hydrocarbons behind at aban-
donment pressure. These data are used to estimate the abandon-
ment pressure and the loss of hydrocarbons and their effect on the
development and operating policy of the reservoir. Fig. 14—Total hydrocarbon relative volumes of gas condensate.

December 2003 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 417

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near the wellbore can be much lower then in the main part of the
reservoir. This may increase the early condensation of liquids
around the wells considerably, thus decreasing the gas permeabil-
ity and affecting the phase behavior of the system near the wells.
Pressure-liquid-dropout curves are also needed to estimate the This precipitation of liquids becomes very critical in low-
effect of pressure drawdown on well productivity and recovery. permeability reservoirs and when the margin between dewpoint
Depending on reservoir permeability, there can be appreciable pressure and reservoir pressure is low.
pressure drawdown at the producing wells because the pressures

Fig. 15—Comparison of EOS results with experimental data: Fig. 16—Comparison of EOS results with experimental data:
phase envelope. liquid-dropout curves (for dry condensate).

418 December 2003 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

temperature conditions at which hydrates form) was calculated
using the PVTsim program and is plotted in Fig. 16. The results
show that in the presence of free water hydrates are likely to form
at 79°F (6,000 psia), 69°F (2,000 psia), and at lower temperatures
at reduced pressures. The hydrate-forming tendency is enhanced
with turbulence and cooling effects when gas expands from a high
pressure to a lower pressure (e.g., across a valve). If the tempera-
ture falls below 70°F, hydrate formation in the gas lines is a
distinct possibility.
The amount of free water that will condense, as pressure drops,
can be calculated from the data presented in this report and from
other correlations available in the literature.8 In addition to the
problem of hydrates, the formation of free water can add to the
horsepower requirements for pipelines because of increased pres-
sure drops caused when water (and hydrocarbon liquids) collects
in the low spots in the line and reduces the flow area of the gas.

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This condition is also conducive to corrosion in the pipes.
Corrosion Tendencies. One of the main objectives of this proj-
ect was to provide quantitative data that could be used to determine
the corrosion potential in wellbores and pipelines. It is clear that as
the pressure and temperatures are reduced in the wellbores and
surface facilities, some of the water dissolved in the hydrocarbon
phase will condense. The condensed water contains dissolved car-
bon dioxide (and hydrogen sulfide, if present in the gas) and is
acidic. If there is any entrained formation brine produced with the
gas, the aqueous phase will have dissolved solids in addition to
having a low pH. These conditions are ideal for corrosion to take
place. For example, carbonated brines can react with iron in the
pipelines and tubulars to form iron carbonate, which can deposit as
a scale or dissolve away depending on the pressure, temperature,
pH, brine composition, and flow rates. The partial pressure of
carbon dioxide plays an important role in the corrosion process. It
determines the concentration of carbon dioxide in the aqueous
phase, as well as the pH of the aqueous phase. By many esti-
mates,2,9 the pH of the brine will be approximately 3 to 5 in the
presence of carbon dioxide—definitely an acidic environment. The
salts in the brine also will affect the solubility of carbon dioxide
and its ionic equilibrium. The data presented in this paper give the
solubility of water in gas condensate as well as the solubility of
carbon dioxide and other hydrocarbons in water and in brine. The
presence of hydrogen sulfide in the gas complicates and aggravates
the corrosion problem because it can cause sulfide stress corrosion
and precipitate iron sulfide scales.
Scaling Tendencies. Scaling generally occurs by the precipita-
tion of inorganic salts from the aqueous phase. Examples of scales
include the carbonates, sulfates, and sulfides of calcium and mag-
nesium. The possibility of scales forming in gas-condensate lines
are low because of (a) the low water cuts from gas-condensate
The three-phase data presented above are also required if wa- wells and (b) the condensing of water from the hydrocarbon phase,
terdrive and water injection to maintain pressure in the gas reser- which dilutes the formation brine that may be produced with the
voir are considered. This is not a likely reservoir management gas. The second effect reduces the scaling potential. However, if a
strategy for the gas-condensate reservoirs in Saudi Aramco and large amount of formation water is produced, its scaling potential
will not be discussed here. must be determined with temperature and pressure.
Production Operations. The three-phase data have clearly
shown the mass transfer of water and hydrocarbons into the aque- Conclusions
ous and hydrocarbon phases. The gas condensate will be saturated The effect of water/brine on the PVT properties of reservoir fluid
with water at reservoir conditions. For the brine case, the natural is small. The results confirm the independence of hydrocarbon and
gas will contain 0.4 lb/Mscf or 400 lb of water per million scf of aqueous phases that are in equilibrium in the reservoir. However,
gas produced. The natural gas at low temperature and pressure the amount of water that can be dissolved in the hydrocarbon phase
contains much less water than at reservoir conditions. This implies at reservoir conditions, though small, can be significant for many
that part of this water will drop out in the pipes during gas pro- applications. The following specific conclusions are based on the
duction and collect in the low points as free water. This free water, tests conducted.
and any entrained formation brine that may be produced with the
gas, are the most important sources of corrosion problems (dis-
cussed below). The condensing water and hydrocarbon liquids Dry Condensate Equilibrium.
may cause undue loading of pipes with liquids; these must be • The amount of liquid dropout (during CME) decreases with
considered for the proper design and operation of the pipes. increasing temperature. Therefore, more liquid should be expected
The formation of free water with pressure and/or temperature in the wellbores as the temperature drops during production.
reduction also may result in the formation of hydrates. This will
occur when the temperature falls below the hydrate-forming tem- Condensate/Water Equilibrium.
perature for the gas condensate. The hydrates will form only in the • Carbon dioxide and methane are the main gases dissolving in the
presence of free water. A hydrate-forming curve (pressure and aqueous phases, and ethane is much less soluble.

December 2003 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 419

• The GCR of the condensate decreases as a result of contact with 3. Kobayashi, R., Song, K.Y., and Sloan, E.D.: “Phase Behavior of Water/
water. Hydrocarbon Systems,” Petroleum Engineering Handbook, H.B.
• The dewpoint pressure decreases negligibly with increasing Bradley et al. (eds.), SPE, Richardson, Texas (1987) Chapter 25.
WCRs. 4. Brondel, D. et al.: “Corrosion in the Oil Industry,” Oilfield Review
(April 1994) 6, No. 2, 4.
Condensate/Brine Equilibrium. 5. Kermani, M.B. and Harrop, D.: “The Impact of Corrosion on Oil and
• The dewpoint pressure decreases negligibly with increasing Gas Industry,” paper SPE 29784 presented at the 1995 SPE Middle
BCRs. East Oil Show, Bahrain, 11–14 March.
• The GCR of the oil decreases as a result of contact with brine. 6. McCain, W.D.: Properties of Petroleum Fluids, PennWell Publishing,
However, this decrease is smaller for brine than for the water Tulsa (1989).
system. 7. PVTsim User Manual, Calsep, Copenhagen, Denmark (1999).
8. Bradley, H.: Petroleum Engineering Handbook, SPE, Richardson,
Texas (1987).
EOS Correlation. 9. Wilken, G.: “Optimization of Corrosion Inhibition of Sour Gas Gath-
• The tuned EOS was able to match the dry gas-condensate data ering Pipelines,” Aramco Engineering Report Aer # 5436, TSI 20-027,
satisfactorily. Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (1992).

Downloaded from by University of Engineering and Technology Lahore user on 18 January 2023
• EOS predictions for three-phase systems containing water were
very close to the experimental values.
SI Metric Conversion Factors
Applications atm × 1.013 250* E+05 ⳱ Pa
• During production, water and liquid hydrocarbons will drop out bbl × 1.589 873 E–01 ⳱ m3
(condense) in the wellbore and surface pipelines. This liquid ft3 × 2.831 685 E–02 ⳱ m3
loading should be considered in the design and operation of
pipes and processing equipment. °F (°F – 32)/1.8 ⳱ °C
• There is a distinct possibility that gas hydrates will form at in.3 × 1.638 706 E+01 ⳱ cm3
temperatures below 70°F. If temperatures are expected to fall psi × 6.894 757 E+00 ⳱ kPa
below this, appropriate gas-hydrate-inhibition schemes must *Conversion factor is exact.
be considered.
• With free water, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide present in
Sunil Kokal is a PVT/reservoir fluid property specialist in the R&D
the Khuff gas, corrosion will be a problem. Appropriate preven- Center at Saudi Aramco in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. e-mail:
tive methods must be considered for mitigating corrosion. He is an expert in the areas of hy-
• The possibility of scaling is generally low because of the low drocarbon phase behavior, crude-oil emulsions, and asphalt-
water cuts expected from gas-condensate wells and the diluting enes. He holds a BS degree from the Indian Inst. of Technology
effect of the condensing water from the hydrocarbon phase. How- (New Delhi) and a PhD degree from the U. of Calgary, both in
ever, if a large amount of formation water is produced, its scaling chemical engineering. Kokal has written more than 70 techni-
potential must be determined with temperature and pressure. cal papers and has authored the chapters on Crude-Oil Emul-
sions and Reservoir Fluid Sampling for the forthcoming revised
edition of SPE’s Petroleum Engineering Handbook. He has
Acknowledgments served on many SPE committees, both at the local and inter-
The authors would like to express their appreciation to C.J. Alva- national levels, and is currently a Technical Editor for SPEREE.
rez for useful discussions and support. Mohammad Al-Dokhi is a research technician in the R&D Cen-
ter at Saudi Aramco. He has worked on specialized, high-
pressure, and high-temperature PVT equipment for most of his
References career, including black-oil and gas-condensate apparatus,
1. Chawla, I.S. et al.: “Influence of Temperature, Pressure and Molecular asphaltene precipitation, and a three-phase apparatus. Selim
Weight of Hydrocarbon Components on the Multi-Phase Equilibria of Sayegh has acquired experience in enhanced-oil-recovery re-
Hydrocarbon/Water Systems,” paper SPE 30788 presented at the 1995 search at the Petroleum Recovery Inst. in Calgary, at Saudi
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, 22–25 Oc- Aramco’s Laboratory R&D Center, and now with the Saskatch-
ewan Research Council. Sayegh holds a PhD degree in phase-
behavior thermodynamics from the Dept. of Chemical Engi-
2. Collins, A.G.: “Properties of Produced Waters,” Petroleum Engineer- neering at McGill U.; he has published more than 20 refereed
ing Handbook, H.B. Bradley et al. (eds.), SPE, Richardson, Texas technical papers and has presented more than 40 papers at
(1987) Chapter 24. conferences and workshops worldwide.

420 December 2003 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

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