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-----�El'l_�L NEURAXIAL BLOCKADE __ i - Height of patient--in tall patient, more drug is required

� Spinal cord extents from medulla oblongata to lower - Obesity, ascites, pregnancy t es intra abdominal pres.sure
border ofL1 in adults and lower border of Lin infants & so produces more height.
neonates) - Age --elderly patient has reduced spinal space, so more
c csr volume is[l30-140 ml)cV: in cranium, � in spinal height ofblock.
canal)); pressure is \0.12cm H20 or8-12 mm Hg. produced - Position of pt--- head down tilt, higher the level of
@500mUd. block.

Subarachanoid Block (SAB)/ e Complications ofSAB

Spinal anaesthesia - Hypotension - Mic c/c of SAB. � measures
� Spinal block /SAB /Intratheca\ block is given in L3-L_. are preloading with fluids, vasopressors. lfhypotension
interspace in adults (L4-Ls in children) develops, head low position tot venous return, 02, and
e Produces differential blockade. i.e. autonomic level is 2 vassopressors are useful.@phedrine is DOC)
segment higher than sensory, which is 2 segment higher It Bradycardia - Mic arrhythmia
than motor blockade. - Apnea
e Sequence of blockade: Autonomic--+ sensory -e motor. - Cardiacarrest
Order of sensitivity of nerve fibres to LA. : • N&V
Autonomic preganglionic sympathetic ( 13) > Pain (C & - 6lh cranial nerve is mlc nerve involved di to longest
AO} > sensory >motor . 13 fibres are most sensitive to LA intracrainal course.

&spinal anesthesia Post Dural Puncture Headache (PDPIQ
� Presents I 2-24 hrs after spinal block.
� Drugs used are: o, Usually occipital but c/b frontal
e t es on sitting & relieved on lying down
5% Xylocaine heavy e Lasts for 2-3 days usually but may persist for 3 weeks
Levo-bupivacaine � Predisposing factors of PDPH: Tes risk wilh
{0.5'% Bupivacaine (sensocaine) heavy j L Siz.e: large bore > small boreneedle(m/c factor)
2.Type of needle: Dura cutting> dura separating
� Structure pierced by spinal needle - 3. No. of punctures: Multiple> single
Skin-e sic tissue -esuprasplnous ligamenr-e interspinous 4. Age : Young> old
Jig. � Ligamentum flavum � dura-e arachanoid. 5. Gender: Female> male
Drug is deposited b/w arachnoid and pia.
Loss of resistance is cl/to piercing of ligamentum flavum.
e Precautions : Use small size , dura seperating needle,
minimize the no. of attempts
It.. MOA -Drug acts on spinal nerves and dorsal ganglia. " Tit: adequate hydration, prone or supine position, simple
e Effect: analgesics, Epidural blood patch, Oral or i/v caffei9',
Tidal volume & ABG remain unchanged. �ntro1,>in ( � CSF production) is newer drug for
Only 2 things Ie :Maximum breatlung capacity and active tit of PDPH
exhalation becoz of paralysis of ilc muscles. e Absolute C/i or SAS RelativeC!i
CVS: Vasodilatation, venous pooling in legs,J. BP & Patient refusal -Shock
tachycardia. - Raised JCT - Septicemia/ bacteremia
e Factors affecting height or level of block. - Coagulopathy or bleeding disorders
. 644 - More volume, more height of block. - Infectionatsite
3. Oral anticoagulants : Warfarin should be stopped before
+ Quinckts netdle is duro cutting spinal nudlL CNB . A normal PT and INR should be documented.
• Pirkjn/Grrnne nttdfe iJ spiMf �ncil tip nttdk which splila 4. Standard heparin in therapeutic dose P1T. Epidural
11,e duro-+ less incickiice of PDPJI
catheter should be removed after stopping heparin.
5. In case of LMWH catheter should be removed at least 10
hr after the dose.
EPIDURAL BLOCK/ EPIDURAL ANESTHESIA *-11spirinl NSAIDs. �idose sic heparin ';!!}!!!!_a
e Mainly used for postoperative analgesia, painless labour cantrai11dicatio11 to epidural block or CNB.} ·
(labour analgesia}, surgeries (abdominal, thoracic, neck)
o Commonly used epidural needle is Tuohy's needle e Total spinal: Drug reaches upto medulla. so blocks CVS
(directional needle) and respiration. Characterised by �s,
o Drugs used are : Lidocaine, bupivacaine, ropivacaine, no respiratory effort,('G'ra"dycardi}. Patient becomes
mepivacaine, opioids. unconscious.
LA act a� o High spinal: Cause-(hypotensioo with bradvcardia/There is
Opioids act at substansia gelatinosa of dorsaJ horn cells. respiratory insufficiency but patient remains conscious.
o Given b/wdura and ligamentum ftavum. Methods to locate o Differential blockade: Seen with buplvacaine. Low
epidural space (negative pressure test) concentration produces sensory blockade while high
- Hanging drop method (Guirctz sign) concentration produces both sensory and motor blockade.
- Loss of resistance c When adrenaline is given alongwith bupivaeaine, it only
W Macintosh extradural space indicator t es sensory blockade.
*West Pal sign (Absence of knee jerk after epidural
,lff When adrenaline is given alongwith lignocainc it Tes
sensory+ motor blockade.
- Duran sign (Rapid injection in epidural space, causes sc
in rate & depth of breathing). Seen in comatose pl 1r- Sedation and anaesthesia . '
� (visual evoked
o Ad/£ of epidural opioid- nausea, vomiting, urinary
retention, pruritus (itching), respiratory depression.
e Cle : patchy block, apnea, hypotension, total spinal, dural
puncture, subdura[ block, intra vascular injection.
response), SSEP (somato-sensory evoked potential) are
intennediately sensitive to anaesthetic agents and so MEP
(motor evoked potential). But brainstem auditory evoked
potential are least affected by anasthetic drugs.
e Advantages of epidural anaesthesia- less hypotension, no
postspina\ headache, level of block can be extended, any
post-<>p pain relief."

Labour analgesia · Oxygen Delivery Systems

o Epidural block is·one'oft!1�:comn{�nly used technique for o Non fued performa,,c� device
labour analgesia.
o Ambulatory epidural labour analgesia or walking epidural Nasal ca1111/u
is low dose CSE (combined spinal epidural} technique used Oz cone' upto 44'/o
for reliveing pain during labour. OJ by Mask
Oz cone" upto 60'/o by Meny Kattie mask.

Cit of central neuroxial blockade (CNB}. o Fixed performance device

CNB sho11fd be avoided ifpatient is 011 --·: O,b1• VC:11111rimask
I. Antiplatelet drugs (ticlopidine, clcpidogrel, abciximab o, �one" upto 28· 60"/o { Based on Bernoulli's theorum.J
should be stopped l4d/7d/2d respectively before Used in patients with COPD.
procedure) .
2. Antifibrinolytic/ thrombolytic therapy e Room air provides21%02.
645 _

Open System If we pass whole expired gas through sodalime, it absorbs

.JE. Schimmel Busch Mask was used for ether & chlorofo C02---t rest of gas can be re-used --@lequiremcnt of fresh
e Method: Open drop method. Disadvantages of this method �w, more economical. All anesthetic agents react with
were: open air pollution, can't regulate concentration, initial soda lime to produce CO (Carbon mono oxide toxicity).
deep breathe or more drug can lead to unconsciousness. ..+ Indicator added to sodalime changes the color of sodaiime.
fudicators are -ethyl violet,mimosa-Z & phenopthalcin.
e Mixture of 94% Ca (OH)2+ 5% NaOH +!% KOH
Semi-open/Semi closed Systems c Silicates arc added to prevent powdering.
(Mapelson Circuits) e, Moisture 14-19% is also needed for efficient C02

e, 6systemsarethere: absorption.
(!, It absorbs C02 and produces �O + heat, thus humidifies
and warms inspired gases. 100 gm of soda lime can absorb
26 litre ofC02 and temperature within the canister may t
e A �agill's Spontaneous Freshgasllowrequiredto
up to60°C.
circuit ventilation Prc�entrebreathingisequalio
. alveolarminu1evOl�e(MVs�-r c Agents that should NOT be given with sodalime/dosed
, ,;;70ml/kg{min)·ofpatient ;,f:::: circuit:
Ob used for bo.� spent + .� · - Trichlorocthylcnc (trilene) because it generate phosgene
controlled ventilation._
which is neurotoxic.
- Sevoflurane
- Desfluranc
0, Barylime is altemative to sodalime
c, C waers Obselete �odiliiu.e_ � ��
to&Fro c Mesh size of 4-8

Q. AbsoEption 14-23 LCO/IOOg 9-18.LCO/IQgg

c E Ayre's T Neonates Inlet is Dear the face maskJETI,
piece used for weaning

+ Fresh gas m/et is nearer ta patient end m D,E. and F
+ Valveless c,rcuits are E and F
+ Efficiency grading a/ Mope/son system
in spontaneous ventilation A>D>F:>E>C>B
in cantrolledventi/atian D>F>E>B>C>A (A it least effective
ornotata/1) I
Closed Circuits/ Soda lime circuit
r- Principle: Nonna! patient- ·
Breaths N2 0, 02 and inhalarionat agents.
Expires N2 0, 02, inhalational agents and C02 Pho10graph : Soda lime comainer
Flowmeter • Minimal 02 !NzO ratio controller device (hypoxic
• gaurd)
· 02concentratioo monitor & alann
"!tO, analyzer should have a low level al;1rm.
ct Mandatory minimal 02 flow is 50-250 mUmin.

B�,vte's anesthetic machin.e" . .

anesthesia, also used for artificial ventilation.
o It is normally equipped with 2 02 cylinder, 2 Np cylinder,
1-1 C02 & cyclopropanc cylinder each.
o Cylinders arc made up or�olybdenum s/eel)o withstand
high prcssur£_


co1�u�: P�essu�� &·Pin index ofanesthetlc

gases ..

N,O Liquid
© 3-5 Blue
Photograph : Flowmeter co, Liquid . 838 1-6(>7.5%), G,ey

Entonox c as 1900 7 �y/whi1c

o Flow tubes(� arc prcsenvnsidc the
anaesthesia machine madcup offJrex g13:ii}

o Each glass tube is calibrated ale to gas it carries.
" Contain indicator for gas flow: Bobbin made up or
Htfio;r, G" 4,6(>80.5%), Bro=
Htfium 2.4(<80.S%)
02 is downstream. 02 flush can deliver 35-50 Umin of

o ROTAMETER- o Halothanc causes corrosion or metals & breathing
* variable orifice constant pressure flowmcter. circuits.
• It has bobbin inside the calibrated thorpe tube, which t />in indcs .wifl'lf �TS/£'"' (PISS) is developed to discourage
indicates flow rate incorcct cylinder attachment. Used for small cylinders (<40
O�: cubic feet).
Static electricity, dirt, non vertical position of tube, o Dwme1,·r11ulc.1·safi.•1r �ytrcm{IJ!SS) is used t� "
backprcssurezbackflow of gascs.(cmckcd tlm;.juij. connections b.'w 1:ylindcrs :ind Oowmcicri'. (Pressure
o Position of 02 is most downstream to all other gases. regulators). Each gas has specific attachments to prevent

(To prevent hypoxia if tube breaks). In any event of leak hook up or wrong gas. DISS number for-
02 is last gas to be added for safety N20 1040
e m,:!!)1lused to_prcvcnt hypoxia: o, 1240
- low level 02 pressure alorm "

o Cyclopropane: Most inflammable & explosive agent. 2. Sterno-mental distance should be>l2.S cm.
Liquid gas-Orange cylinder. Can cause cyclopropanc 3. Adequate mouth opening: 3 finger breadth.
shock. 4. Mal/am Patri grading
� Used for asscsmCnt or size or tongue for laryngoscopy.
Supraglottic airways (Inspection o(oral cavity for intubation}.
o LMA, \..e"""'is for asscsment or difficult airway during orotrachcal/
e Prosca\-LMA (prevents risk of aspiration) nasotracheal intubation.
o SLIPA, Cobra o SGrades:
o I-gel O Visualise the tip or epiglottis
1 Post. pharyngeal wall,faucia[ pillars, uvula, tip soft
Laryngeal mask airway (LMA) palate.
o Discovercdb�l980. 2 faUCial pillars, uvula without tip, soft palate.
o Definitive sup2ouic airway device. 3 Only soft palate
4 No soft palate.
..f lntu�ation is difficult in Mallampatti grade 3 and 4.

Endo Tracheal Tubes (ETI)

e �e:l��smallholeisprescntdistaltocuff.
Ir tube is blocked ventilation cJb continued with Murphy's
� Tracheal tube without Murphy eye is k/as Magill lYPS_
!!!!?£. . .. . . . . . .
Cuffi5€igh volume low firessurccuri)t lies in mid trachea
o It is intermediate b/w face mask and ETI.
Propofol causes max" depression of upper ainvay reflexes,
(2-2.S cm below the vocal cords)
DOC for LMA insertion. e Cuff pressure should
�er exceed> 30 cm o�O. Prefer
a Uses: 20cmH20.
- Difficultairway t" Cuffed EIT cJb used in long duration surgeries.
!f:: For minor or day care surgery
o C/1: Full stomach, pregnancy, oropharyngcal mass,
e Adv.:Clb�&[tairwaybecoz insertion
is easy without laryngoscope, �mis relaxation nccdc.d and

* c/b used by paramedics also.

For controlled ventilation Proseal LMA is used, while for
spontaneous ventilation classical LMA is used.
o Disadvantage: Docs not prevent aspiration of gastric Capnography "
contents{Selectcd ace/to weight or the patiem} e It is monitoring or�C02 (end tidal C02) and its wavefonn.
Nonnally it is 35-45 mm Hg
� Sealed LMA ( Pros ea! LMA) prevents aspiration risk. ;t Best tool for confirmation or the endotracheal tube
$- Oro1rac/1ea/ or nasotrockeal tubes are bo1h supraglauic + " placement. Dete;ts early gaseous exchange.
o0otc�in gr
mfragla11icdevice. � shows further requirement of mis
o Based on Mass spectroscopy. IR spectrometry (infrared
rays arc absorbed by C02), Raman spectrometry.

ASSESMENT OF AIRWAY e Progressive zeroing in EtC01 is seen in-··

l. Thyro-mental ( blw mentum & thyroid) distance Esophageal intubation
should be >6.5 cm.

o Sudden drop {upto 0) in EtC01 is seen in -- 2. CVP:

Pulmonary venous air embolism oMeasu�
c Used for infusion of drugs, fluids, TPN, asp_iration of air
o Flat capnograph (straight line) is seen in - inVAE
lntraoperativedi�EJT disconnection ofEIT,
.;,- Nonna! CVP is 4-7 cm H�O (3-12 mm Hg is the range)
ventilation failure, �ardiac arr"ey,§phageal intubatwj). o Seldinger teehnlque is used for catheterization of vein
(guidcwire technique for central venous access)
o Sudden rise in EtC01 is seen i11- .ti: Vcinscommonlyuscd(uv\;�vmg,basiliclcephalic,
Malignant hyperthennia (upto 100 mmHg). femorals. ¥'
'tExhaus1ed sodalim or efective valves of closed circu "L -=
..:f.. � pnograp shows increased r�e 3. PAP (Pulmonary Artery Pressure)
to airf\Qw. Plateau prolonged. o It requirc{,Swan-Ganz pulmonary catheter ( S lumen) J

Temperature Monitoring o Measurcrs

o Siteof Measurement-axilla, rectal, oesophagus, UB, �
atrial temp monitoring is theocitical]y the most accurate;),
nasopharynx, tympanic membrane
o Ways of heat loss : radiation, conduction, convec;tign,
Axillary temperature is l-2"C lower than core temp.
Pulse Oximetry e Intraoperative awareness can be monitored/ prevented
e Works on principle of Beer-Lambert Law using Bispectral Index (815) •• BIS c/b used to monitor
e Sites of application of probe are: nail bed (fingers), toe, �h of anaesthesia) BIS ranges from 100 to O. BIS 100
earlobe, nose, thenar and hypolhenar eminence, sole of foot, means fully conscious. V�
�Qst in neonat� f�.
� It mc:asures@ saturation). It also monitors pulse rate and
perfusion gradient o Transesoph.1geal the monitoring
o Inaccuracy is d/to - tool which gives the best recognition ofQotraopcra!!3
ll- Nail polish (myocardial ischem@.
*(fiethhemoglobinemJ (fixed Sp02 of85% is seen) o Neuromuscular (mis relaxant) 111011itori11g:
,t Poor peripheral circulation� hypo1ension) MJc nerve used is ulnar nerve (common peroneal c/b used
� Carboxyhemoglobio also)
,t (Optical interference)§bient lighYf€in pigmentation) 1\.1/t used is adductor pollicis s/by ulnar
\.AYl/s to show earliest reversal orbicularis oculi (s/by facial
Invasive Monitoring ..!!l
o Imp. methods arc �*.�:
I. lnlraarteria[ BP. (IBP) TOF (uain offour),PTC (post tetenic counl),tetanus,
2. Central Venous Pressure (CVP) double burst stimulation .
3. Pulmonary Artery Pressure (PAP) ..:\£_ Ionoucpe of choice for intraopcralive management of right
o Usedin heart failure due 10 pulmonary hypertension: ��
- Extensive surgeries involving major fluid shift and milrinon .
*Cardiac patients o Sillin sition is avoided to prevent risk of air embolism
Long duralion of su�ery during head and neck surgery.
o Induction & intubation
I. IBP: Direct measurement of arterial Bf' by �ulation of �icularis oculi is monitored byTOF (train of four) ratio
radial artcryusually�' � & single twitch stimulation.

o During maintenance profound block is monitored by PTC MAC awake

& TOF ratio using orbicularis ocuti.
o During reversal phase: a MAC, at wchich 50% of patients will become awake.
- TOF ratio is used to monitor adductor pollicis
(TOF ratio of 0.3 for reversal administration and 0.9 for

extubation). B/G
e Blood Gas Partition Coefficienl (BIG) determines speed of
induction and recovery.Recovery will be faster with low
� GENERAL ANAESTHETICS B/G coefficient (e.g. N20, sevofturane. desfluarane).
lnhalational agents
Electrical (EEG)Activity of lnhalational Agents:
e No inhalational agent is good analgesic
9.Allinhalational agents have some mis relaxant
*' Halothane - Typical biphasic pattern
e hQflurane • �lectric EEG
effectexceptN20. · � Des, sevoflurane - Burst suppression in high dose.
o Main target of inhalational agents is brain. t N20 - iBoth amplitude & frequency.
o Classification of inhalational anaesthetics
* A.mo11g IY agents BZD.etomidate produce typical biphosic
+ KeUJmine cOU1a UIIUSllol octfration (ryllimic high omplitude
� Opioids cause Monophgsfc dqv deperzd,w rfreressio':..J!,n

fl=� e Factors affecting amplitude of EEG:


*' Potency ofin.halational agent is determined by Minimum

Alvelor Concentration (� which is the concentration
of agent , at which. 50% �aticnts will not respond to
the stimulus. So agent wilh'� will be most

Potency Halothane
o Potent volatile anesthetic (non inflammable, non-toxic)
Methoxyflurnnc is most potent while N20 is minimum in e Sweet smelling agent Causes smooth inhalalional
potency. induction in children.
+ Factors which fse MAC:[Childre}.Eyperthcrmi1',8 e Only alkane among fluorinated inhalational agents.
,fhronic alcohol ingcstio}. e Corrodes metals in vaporizers in the presence of
c MAC -l-es with old age, hypothermia, anaemia, pregnancy, moisture.
hypoxia, coaduunisuaucn with intravenous agent, N20 and c Stored in amber colored bottles to prevent degradation
LA, acute alcohol ingestion. o Vaporiser colour is amber/red.
o Factors that do not effect MAC are -- Sex (male or o 0.01% rhymol is added as preservative
female), thyroid disease ( c.g. hypo/hyper-thyroidism), o Undergoes maximum metabolism.
hyponatrcmia. o Effects:
I. Bradycardia by delaying SA-AV nodal conduction.

3. Sensitize the myocardium to dysarrythmic effect of e \st agent used for labour analgesia. Toxic agent
catecholamines (adr). Adrenaline containing solutions t Cardiotoxic agent Can cause death due to ventricular
should be avoided with halothanc. fibrillation.
4. Abolishes hypoxic drive even at 0.1 MAC. --k-� Causes post op nausea/vomiting.
S. -lses IOP and BP, but ICT is Ted. e Hcpatotox.ic. Causes profound h)'.perglycemia.Avoided in
of diabetics.
o Admmages: �
I. It is(e?"werful bronehodil� preferred in� ENTONOX
2. Uterine relaxant : DOC for manual removal of e 50:50 mixture of N20 & 02
placenta. C/b used for internal version, tetanic uterine o Cylinder is blue coloured with white shoulder.
contraction. :fc Use of Entonox include analgesia for wound drc�ing, chest
(Wooc fo, HOCM-=:Jtt physiolhcrapy, removal of chest drains, labour analgesia, &
dental surge
o Disadvantages:
I. Malignant hypcrthcnnia
'* It is good analgesic (d/10 N20).

2. Significant relaxation of uterus cant PPH.

3. Does not provide any pain relief. Hyperventilate the pl HELIUM �
prior to halolhanc administration becoz it blunts cerebral e Isolated by�
auroregulation. o Colorless,odorless,inert gas. V
4. Causes shivering· Halothane shakes
f 02 .requirement by 500%. Best antidote for
* a
He/iox is mixture of9% helium+ 21% �
o Density is lighter than air, so useful in upper (NOT lower)
' ;:m:; •;;:od �.l c_,,..,,-?t\,--""-
shivering is;:_�": airway obstruction. Also used to prevent N2 narcosis.
5. Halothanc hepatitis massive centrilobular necrosi is a
fatal condition in which mortality is 50%.
e Can cause S 'H' -hypcrthcnnia, hepatitis, hypotcnsion,
hypcrcapnia, J.HR (myocardial depression)
,t Shoul�bc used within 3 month in the same pt.
o Ideal but weak anacsthetic.LN�ooe,..,,,=�
o More potent than NzO. rvtAC is 70'/, so can be given with
TRILENE (Trichloroethylene) 300/oOi-
,. ,. ,, ,. e Good analgesic. ./
� It is a potent nen-e poison. Vth & Vllth CN arc m/c e

involved, but dam.age to 3, 4, 6, 10, 12 CN can occur.
Mos! po1e111 anutgesic ,,gent because MAC is low 17% . *� Not metabolizod in body.
Used for trigeminal neuralgia & for labour analgesia -,. Good hcmodynamic stability. Most cardicstablc (Little
o Not used now a days. 2-xcnon 3-N20. change in BP & HR)
,al e Reaction with sodalime :- dichloroacctylene- neurotoxic- f;" Can be used in a patient of MS with some liver compromise,
V, VII. Phosgene - pulmonary toxiciry(ARDS) used for radioactive study ofCBF.
o It is MI used in closed circuit becoz it reacts with sodalimc e Least side effects non teratogenic.

of to form di-chlor acetylene (neurotoxic) and phosgene e Disadvantages : Expensive and not available easily.
(pulmono-roxic) Needs special equipment for delivery, bronchospasm
C2 IICIJ t-Na0H-+C1 Cl2 +NaCl+ H20
o At J25oCor in presence of02 as in cautery, it decomposes
into phosgene (COCl2) & HCI. NITROUS OXIDE (�10) "
o Cardiosteblc. Docs D.Q! depress myocardiwn/respiration. c N20 was named byH�
e Disadventege : Sensitizes heart to action of adrenaline o Synthesized by�.- -
(occasional dysrhythmias), tacbypnea, addiction liability. e Also called \a�as.
651 _

� Lowest potency I efficacy (MAC !05%) poor anesthesia e Most ncptiro-toxic agent is M-F (high output renal failure,
o Good Analgesia highest fluridc toxicity). �� which
q Fast induction d/to concentration effect are (ex�rcted by kidnc} for u�s. Fl" is toxic to
o Fast offset (recovery) kidney & causes vasoprcssin resistant high 0111p11r renal
c Non-inflammable, Non-irritating [Safes! anesthetic]. /Qil11re.
o Co\orless,odorless gas, supports combustion. ,t Advantage: No reaction with soda lime. Only inhalationa1
c Causes bone marrow depression --t mcgaloblastic anaemia, agent that has boiling point more than water.
peripheral ncuropathy, pernicious anaemia. it, Disadvantage : (9xalate· stones)� .!!!!.!!.
./" Has tendency to expand any air containing !close cavity, ncphrolorjc.
so Contraindicated in
- Pneumothorax Fluoride Nephrotoxicty
- Acute intestinal obstruction (vo\vulus) e F' is nephrotoxic. F' is a byproduct of metabolism in liver
- Post.fossaSurgcrics and kidney.
- Tympanoplasty '*" F opposes ADH leading to� Maximum is seen
- Lung cyst/bullae with mcthoxyfturanc:
- Venous air embolism Mcthoxy > Sevo >>>iso> Des. Mcthoxyflurane results
� lntraocular air bubble in potentially permanent renal injury. Less of a problem
e Highly soluble. Diffusion hypoxia is seen in recovery with modem anesthetics.
�e =Jr Among newer agents Fluoride content :
*�u�.Sccondgaseffcct Sevo > des> en > iso > batothanc.
is seen

ETHER ,---L.__,
c lstpublicdcmonstra"on 16thoct 1986by�. NEWER FLURANES
So�is celebrated as World anaesthesia day. :t:" Sevofluranc & halothanc arc sweet smelling agent,
� Pungent smelling (unpleasant) so 1hcy arc used for inhalational induction in children
e High potency (MAC 1.9) c Fluoride content /level is NOT or minimally affected
-if: Agent with max'° skeletal muscle relaxation & good by isofluranc, & desfluranc.
analgcsiafso it is a complete anaesthetic agcnt. f
c Safest anaeshtctic in untrained hands. e Inhaiationol agem of choice for:
l.AI""' Only inhalational agent that stimulates respiration. I. Ncuro anaesthesia ·-- lsoflurane
o Both induction and recovery arc 8 2. Cardiac anaesthesia --· lsofluranc
c. Inflammable /highly explosive. Not to be used with 3. Pediatric anaesthesia -- Scvofluranc
cautcry . 4. Ilay care anaesthesia--- D.esfluranc
.:IJ;: Docs not sensitize the heart to the action of adrenaline 5. Anaesthesia in Asthma - Halothane
(BP & respiration well maintained).
o Highest incidence of nausea & vomitting among inha!ational £.njlurw,e
. agent. e .Epilcptogenic inhalationa\ agent.
o Only inhalational agent that preserves /maintains cilliary e Caus�markcdrespiratorydcpression/myoclonus,scirurcs.
funhon (All other agents decrease cilliary activity) Contraindicated in renal dis & wilcpsy.

METHOXYFLURANE c Pleasant smell, non irritant and bronchodilatation makes ii
c Most potent inhalationa[ agent, �Not in use agent or choice for paediaric anaesthesia.Induction agent
now a days. Most potent inhalational agent is M-F(MAC or choice in children b/c or 1wect smell.
is0.16%). c Less potent than isofluranc.
o Slowest induction and recovery ��cnl is M-F(B:G 15). fl Scvoflurane reacts with soda lime used in anesthetic circuit

c Non-inflammable, non-explosive. Good analgesic (like to form "compound A" compound A is renal toxin.
- 652 N20).
Desflurane, Volatile anasthetics and effect on HBF (hepatic
o Fastest acting induction agent. blood flow)
c Agent that boils t room tern ratu Melting I ,tAll volatile anaeslhetic ,l. HBF
boiling point is very low 22.2°c (Special vaporizers needed
i.e. tec6 ). BIG cofficicnt is lowest 0.45. Docs not attenuate
sympathetic stimulation. Pungent smell .
.t Dcsfl.uranc's vaporizing chambe.s are heated to 39°C.
:!. o Hepatic & renal blood flow are minimally deprecscd.So,
Agent of choice for hepatic failure, renal failure. Agent of
choice for geriatric (old) patients. INTRAVENOUS GA AGENTS i
·- - __ i
e. Agent of choice for day care (fastest induction).
THIOPENTONE --"./c.. ---,--...._
e Pale yellow colouredddJto sulphur) powdc�
Isojlurane c First used in 1934.
o Mic used anaesthetic agent. C'> Has very high pH (10.5-11), alkaline.
e TOP is best maintained but can cause coronary steal o Dose 3-5 mg/kg.
phenomena. o Used in concentration of 2.5%. Cone" <2.5% causes
e Renal & hepatic function minimally affected awareness in patients.
e lnhalationalagent of choice for: � Awareness assesment by monitor c/b done by BIS.
- Cardiac anaesthesia I cardiac surgery (If LV function e Cone" >2.5% causes pain, necrosis.
good), :ff_ Should be given in veins in outer aspect of the forearm.
- For controlled hypotcnsion e Never give in amccubital fossa. Chances of inadverent
- Neuro-anaesthcsia /ncurosurgcryJ.n{aintains " intraartcrial injection-+ Massive release of vasoconstrictors
autoregulation & it causes min" tsc in ,en. ., -+ pain, pallor/blanching,loss of distal pulse or even
Liver transplantation (only inha\ational agent that gangrene.
maintains hepatic venous 02 saturation). It is treated by-leave the 'ifv cannula in situ-+ Flush NS
e Fluroidc metabolites arc less. then -+ Injection of vasodilator lignocaine/phentolamine,
t" Concentration effect with Np. -+ Stcl\atc ganglion block, brachia] plexus block.
t�tickcr color is purple. I � Thiopcntonc .!cs ICP and .!cerebral metabolic02 demand
by limiting CBF so ct'rebroprolccfil'(!in nature. DOC for
head injury pt.

lsojlurane causes �coronary steal phenom1ma".
Thiapentone :sodium co1,ses " reverse COl"Onory steal
c Ob used as an anticonvulsanr (in status cpilcpticus)
.Cfi in acute intermittent porphyria & varigatc oomhyria.
CJb safely given in PCT.
phenomena" or {Robhin-hood phe1io111e1Ja".I
+ Halo/hone blunt.! a/l/oregulation. *" " '
Ultra�hon acting barbiturate becoz of rcdistributign away
� lflVfonctimuarepoor- opioidsoreprrfe.-edinducnon agent from brain is fast Rapid onset GA with sedative, hypnotic
ofchoice &�
+ Metlt0KJff11r011e is 1ighly nephro101cic fl coiua high 011/pul
+ l.tojlumm• l, anesthetic agent of choice i11 patient with renal I
hepaticd!so11dforwrdioco.-11e11ros11rgery. KETAMINE
-iF/r,roide level is NOT or mi11imolly affected hy isofl11nme. & e Produces dissociouve onestnesio {thalamocortlcal limbic
<ktjl11rane. dlssociatian}, Pt apparently remains conscious but
+ Agr:11u tlwl sho11ltl 1101 bl' gll"en ll"ilh sodahme -s-trtelene. unresponsive.
(tncMor elhyfene) ..,evalr,rone and desjlurrme
e SIL'ep occur within 5-10 minutes ofi.m.injcction or within
10-15 sccordsof'i.v injection.Effect isd/to NMDA receptor
blockade & lasts for 15 min [other NMDA receptor blockers
o Profound analgesia. Only i.v. induction agent with analgesic
effect. 653 _

� Rapidly acting parenteral anesthetic causing fedatio� PROPOFOL

�,�y, some tin tone, mild CVS e Rapid onset (within 40 seconds of administration).
stimulation but only slight J, of pharyngolaryngeal reflexes. ct DOC for day care .wrgery.

It t es salivation (atropine or glycopyrrolate should be used t Propofol is an IV sedative I hypnotic used in induction I
with it). maintenance of anesthesia in day care surgery.
e Max" depression of upper airway reflexes, DOC for LMA
o Advantages: insertion.
I. Maintains the upper airway reflexes so DOC for full f
� Poor analgesia supplementation with narcotic is required
stomach patient. for analgesia).
�ti dysrhythmia effec). (more in patient receiving f:" Causesdosedependcnt ,hypotension
TCA) with bradycardia J,
3. Minimal depression of respiration. Used with great caution in cardiac patient.
4. Potent bronchodilator. Refractory bronchospasm, can [ Remembert}.anc'uronium causes hypertension+ tach;]
respond to ketamine. Preferred in asthmatic. c Reduces nausea and vomiting.
5. Sympathetic stimulation -e t HR t BP (both SBP e Propofol is made up of soyabean oil, glycerol & egg lecithin.
&DBP). DOC for hypovolemic/shock petients. Dose Open vial of pro po fol is a good culture media for bacterial
ilv l-2mg/kg; ilm 5-10 mg/kg. growth. Risk of sepsis if propofol is used after 6 brs.
e @ilky whit9 in colour. Injection is very painful bee/of oiV
Cl< Dis-advantages: lipid emulsion, so xylocaine is either mixed or administered
I. tBP : Avoided in IHD &hypertensive patients. before propofol injection.
2. tICT : Contraindicated in head injury and ICSOL
patients. ETOMIDATE
3. tIOP : Contraindicated in glaucoma. • <t It isja sedative hypnoti4 but not an analgesic

4. Potent bronchodilator. Refractory bronchospasm, can e Most cardiostable agent (Do not t or J.HR) so agent of
respond to ketamine. Preferred in asthmatic. choice for aneurysm surgery & pt. with cardiac ds.
(}) �& t JCP can cause dreaming, ha�tions, lJ: Causes maximum post op nausea, vomiting .
de!irium,non-purposeful limb movements � \.P""My �clonus and supression of adrenal cortex, so -l-es
Sedatives like midaz/ diazepam should be co-administered. cortisol level. Used for emergency purpose onlv
Unsuitable for neuroanaesthesia. Hallucinations caused � Contraindicated in p�tient of porphyria and adrenal
by ketamine c/b J.e by midazolam.
e Particularly useful in burn wound dressing, skin
debridement I graft
f In debilitated patients in which catecholamines have FENTANYL
depleted ketamine can cause myocardial depression.
c Ketamine 'les all pressures i.e. ICP {or ICT), IOP {or
More potent analgesic than morphine.
c Rapid onset & rapid recovery so used for day care
IOT), BP {both SBP& DBP). surgery.
e Rapid injection of high doses produces significant m/s
rigidity/ chest tightness (Wooden chest syndrome)
e Can be given in hepatic & renal ds pt.
+ Keramine causes - t ICP
+ All i11halatio11al agents --- f JCP (i:erebral vosodilatation)
+ Thiopentane, midazolam,propofol i:ause - .J. 1cp REMIFENTANIL
·�-�J,111�.!BP&huermrrulewm1e.Jia \
v4 e Ultra short acting oprord
LA{�--;JRe1rogradeam11e.fla I ...v1.Jsed in Tl VA along with propofal
o Used as infusion d/to context sensitive half life of 3.5

to relieve sticking sensation in throat.
LOCAL ANAESTHETICS .!f;: LA which anesthetize intact skin· Amethocaine, Pri\ocaine,
Eutectic Lignocaine 5% and prilocaine 5% EMLA cream
UDOCAINE (Lignocaine, xylocaine) (Topically applied for venipuncture, needle procedure and
* Xylocainc 211/, is used in dose of3-5 mg I kg LP).
(' Xylocainc 2% with adrenaline is used in a dose of � Methemoglobinemia is c/by �£_and �c
5-7mg/kg. mainly.
e Xylocaine with adrenaline should not be used for ring =
block. penile block . *Cocoi,w wru the fin' U wstd dinicollv '11-Ylilt moroinc war
e Xylotard (Xylocaine without preservative ) is the only tM fint synthetic comfJfWII'!:
preparation of xylocainc used i.v. + All U an l'OSodi/alOTUctpl cocaine {lVJSOeonstrictor)
o Uses· spinal block, epidural blocklregional nerve bloc� + Shortctocting U is c},lorproeoi11t '11-1,ilt longer acting U U

ventricular fibrillation, as local infiltration, to blunt

+ SIE in higlrdoK cor1H1hio11, hypoltruion. audiocorral, resp.
hemodynamic response to inlubation depreuio,1,
S/E in high dose convulsion, hypotension}1cardiac arrcs'L �ltr linitd /ocol a11tslht1ic cmut IIIOn! alltrgic reactions
(resp. depression) (dlloPA.BA)
e Xylocainc is neither vasoconstrictor nor vasodilator(very vf" -;;;;;;;;;;locol ar,esllltlic4"'mttoboiiudJt.....�i1JttJttrnrt1
liule vasodilatation activity may be seen)
e M/A-By blocking Na' channel.

e ®ore cardiotoxib than lignocainc.
e Long acting drug. Effect lasts for 6 hrs 't" Prilocaine: Does not causes vasodilatation, hence used
e Hyperbaric solution of B- is injected as; single shot into in Bier's block
CSF to produce intense (usuallr, within 5min)�e c Lignocaine: No effect on blood vis, Eutectic mixture
(spinal/ intra-tlrecal a11estlzesk!). (EMLA cream) is used for vcnipuncture.
o Should not be used in Bier's block (because of its
cardiotoxic potential).
o Used for skin infiltration, epidural, spinal regional nerve
block MUSCL�R_E�T
o Less placental transfer. Fetomatcma\ ratio is 0.32 so used
in labour/ obstetric analgesia. Classification

Topical Anaesthesia
Used on skin, urethral mucosa, nasal mucosa, cornea etc. e Non-depolarising Long acting d-TC

Agents used are :-

e .-!111c1hncoi11c (Tctrarni11cJ
(Compe1ilivc) '""""""""'
Well absorbed by mucosa Jntcnnodiate Vecuronium
o Cocaine Atracurium
Only LA which is vasoconstrictor. Cocaine+ adrenaline Rocunxiium
co-admiuistanicn is contra- indicated. Only indication of
cocaine is topical anaesthesia of eye. Short acting Mivacurium,

� l:'MLA cream (Prilox) i�mixture of lignocaine +


prilocaine(2.5%/2.5%). Used in children before vcnepuncture o Dcpol:trisng Shortest acting S<h

{to decrease needle phobia@ :i.gents
" Lignocaine jelly (LOX jclly)/101.cnges are used sometimes
I) d-TC' vW(Qftboiceinobstetnci,
{Tubocurane) �Ganglionicblock:ade,
Good for arteriaVvasculat Sx

f: SJ;h(Scoline) ShonestactingMR,

� Pan�ium �en� in hypovolemic ·



:i-��������¥.::��lti:�:���-;,:"' -. _
Liver .
_"' ·

. r: iJ!.i"�'""''""'.,!����:f!'!:'!"!\',r,,ii""'.;!!"'�
�- 'givenbycontinuousinfusion_ ·--;-

e Atracurium Safe in renal/liver dis LJ.f6"°ffinan's elimination (70%) Seizures


·C- Cts-avacunum _4,timesffi0ripote�1than

much lower

4,.- Rocuronium NDMR with fastesl onset By liver

a Metabolised by plasma cholinesterase by rapid hydrolysis.

(Do not require antagonists for reversal of blockade).
e In pt with pscudocholinesterase deficiency duration of
I.Tetanicstimulation action is prolonged, which c/b managed by IPPV, FFP's,
iz.-Trainoffourstimulation neostigmine.
e Dose 1-1.5 mg/kg
4.Posttetanicfaeillitation None " Normally causes phase I block( causes muscle fasciculations
and then relaxation) but repeated & large dose (>5mglkg)
c Fading is seen with NDMR in a 'train of four' ratio. can cause phase n block and features ofNDMR like fading
c Post tetanic potentiation is seen in NDMR. & reversal with neostigmine.
t Neostigmine antagonises competitive blockade.

o S/E
- Postoperative muscle soreness I myalgia
- Bradycardia common in children esp after 2nd dose,
Sch (Suxamethoniuml scoline) - Cardiac arrest (Sch acts on SA node)
t: Depolarising MR.(Ac1s by persistent depolarisation) - Hyperkalcmia (seen in bums< 3 month, tetanus. S.C.
c, Shortest acting MR inury, LMND, CP, Duchenne muscle dystrophy)
c Most rapid onset of action & shortest duration of action. Prolonged apnca
Used for Rapid Sequence induction - It f es IOP, ICP and intragastric pressure
Onset of action 10-30 sec. duration 3-5 minutes

�Does not cross placental barrier. so good for operative

obsteterics & LSCS
Least potent MR bu1E3 Not used now a
f:, Can be given in myasthenia gravis but i!s avoided in days.
Duchenne muscle dystrophy o 8001. excreted by kidney.
e Causes hyperblemia and leads to cardiac dysarrythmia e Conlraindicated in pregnancy, renal disease.
and cardiac arrest in patient with bum, massive trauma, c Patient su,/feringfrom MG are most sensuive to gallamine
neurological dis, tetanus, myopathies, severe intra- (compctitve blocker of Ach � more weakness).
abdominal sepsis.
+ Shortut &fastul acting MR (°'1rrafl) -Sch {ScoliM)
MIVACURIUM + ShorteJI ac1i,1g NDAfR (CNMB) -Mivocuri11rn
+ Fastest acting NDMR -Roc:uronium
Shortest acting NDMR. Does not need reversal as rapidly
metabolised by plasma pseudocholinesterases.
+ Lo,1gut c,cting NDMR -- Pa!IOlronium
+ MR ofchoiet log in arterial surgery-4!£
J1,m ofchoia 10 moinlain BP in artuia! ,,/
ATRACURIUM surg<ery -{!'ancuronium{

(CNMB • Compeli1i11e N"blacur)

a Short acting NDMR
o Safein-o:uicntwjth renalorh�
Hoffman degradation (inactivation of drug in body t Mic ustd SMR in rauliM surgery
fluids by spontaneous molecular rearrangements and its VMo.stpatmtSAfR -Dama,riw,,
spontaneous elimination at normal body temperature and + SMR -Sci,
pH) is seen.Also metabolized by ester hydrolysis.
+ Lnu1 potent NDSMR
e Its metabolites are :Laudanosine (epileptogenic property)
(SMR • Skeletal Muscle Rdcualll)
and acrylate.
e Causes histamine release, anaphy\a:ids, seizures (d/to

.«- lntcnncdiate duration ,fast acting NDMR with onset of e Not used now a days.
�lion within 90-120 seconds in a dose of 0.5 to 0.6 mg/ o J.esBP.
kg and 60 - 90 seconds in a dose of 0.9 to 1.2 mglkg. '-""'Induces histamine release & promote gane:lionic
e Action lasts longer. Providcslrapid intubation conditions.I �-
e Used for RSI (rapid sequence intubation) where Sch is O It requires reversat with n�stigmine

contraindicated.�V o It does not cross placental barrier, so MIR of choice in

Rocuronium has repfaced vccuroniwn in countries where obstetric patient
it is available.


,t- New steroidal NDMR with rapid onset of action.

Least CVS ad/E, short duration of action.
<' c Life-threatening genetic abnormality of skeletal muscles
� Causes histamine release and €verc bronchospa,so char/by S)"lllpathetic .tlim11lntion tachycardia, tacbypnca,
therefore withdrawn from market. iBMR, hyperkn/emia, muscle rigidity.hypertension, DIC.
and fever.Seen in children of m/s dystrophv.
<1 Massater mis rigidity is the earliest definitive sign and

hypen:apnia is the earliest biochemical change

657 _

e Triggering anesthetics Safe anesthetics in M- patient upto 5 years.

I. Plucrinated aoesrhetics, l. N20 e Pediatric age group patients with congenital myopathies
vapors are susceptible for
(lialothane, isofluranc, I. Marked hyperkalemia Avoid scoline
Methoxyflurane) 2. Propofol, Ketamine, 2. Ma\ignam hyperthermia ··· Avoid triggering agents
opioids, Barbiturates, (Sch, neuroleptics,
sodium pentonal, BZD volatile agents e.g. ether
2. Depolarizing_ blocker 3. NDMR(d-TC) & fluranes)
(&,.ch, Decamethonium) (Doccu\ocardiac reflex D/totractiononcxtraocular
3. Ether, some ncurolcptics {!)LA mis during surgery
[mnemonic: Etl.S..].vcntually it is trigeminal reflex,
triggerMH] leads to bradycardia and
o Sch causes MH in immediate post op period {within sinus arrest)
hours). Treated by inj atropine,
e Tit: deepening the plane
�wf,erven1ilationwith6;,, of anaesthesia, stop
Specific antidote: Dantrole�e· s.odium (Br�mocriftine is scoline.
also useful). Dantrolcncsodmm interferes with the� :f( lnmalechildren<2yrsavoid scolined/toriskofdangerous
of ca++ ions from srf (sarcoplasmic reticulurrn-e Inhibit hyperkalemia in an undiagnosed case of DMD.

+ A child with e.tostrophy of bl&khr + renalfailure war pasted

for repair. MR of choice is ·-Atracurium
vf A child with D11chene MD we.,- posted/or .JUf8t'I)'. anastlretic
agenl ofchoice is- Propofo/

.... -- �--·-·-----
o Best inhalational (volatile) induction agent - scvoflurane
-1f:: Narrowest part oflarvm jf cricoid- to avoid pressure
necrosis of it, uncuffcd tube is used in neonates and small
* Larynx is anterior and high up so straight blade (Miller's Regional Anesthesia is preferred over GA in pregnant
typc)laryngoscope is used patient hie of risk of aspiration and difficult airway di ICI
e Induction agent of choice : edema.
Method of choice for induction is intravenous if i. v. access e Prolonged labour can lead to carpopedal spasm d/to

is already present).otherwise inhalational. hypcrventilation -e alkelouc/hypocalcemic tetany.

- Best inhalational agent -·· Sevoflurane in N20 & 02 e Epidural anesthesia is preferred for labour analgesia. Drug
· 1/v rapid acting ··· Thiopentone, pro po fol (> 2 yr) useful in painless Jabour(epidural analgesia) is bupivacaine.
flbNDMR Bupivacaine is the m/c LA used hie of low fetomatemal
. Best Vm agent ••• Kctamine ratio, and it produces differtnlia\ blockade i.e. sensory
blockade at low dose while motor blockade at higher
e lnhalational induction agent of choice is scvoflunranc. doses.
Circuits used for pediatric pt. upto 20 kg Jackson Ree's e lndicoticn of GA
modification of Avrc'sT piece (JRM Circuit) or Mapelson - Manual removal of placenta
.£: · Fetal distress during second stage
e Rody surface area is larger so prone for hypothermia (to • Tetanic uterine contraction
prevent hypothennia, non shivering thermogensis occur) ;;: Thiopentonc (and propofol also) is the induction agent of
� Caudal block is m/c used for postoperative pain relief in choice
children in lower abdominal. pcrineal, or LL surgeries. e �clsonJ"spu:Jrome:
e lsolyte Pis mamtainance i.v. fluid of choice in pediatric age Aspiration of gastric content during anesthesia. Risk factors
include pH< 2.5, gastic volume >25 ml. It c/b prevented Ana sthesia in Asthamatic patient
by Drugs safe in Asthma
.,t Aspiration prophylaxis wilh sodium citrate, H2 e Best inducing agent - Ketamine, propofol
� ��-· Ketamine peseres
'*- Rapid sequence Induction i.e. preoxygenation, Se\lick's asthmatieus broncl1ospasmJ
manoeuver, i. v. Induction I Sch intubation �Be:;t skeletal MR ·· Pencuroaium, vecuronium
c Supine HyJM/e11sio11.�p1dro111c: o Other GA safe in asthma- Halothane (it inhibits cough,
Ocnrrs d/to compression of!VC by gravid uterus and is seen pharyngeal & laryngeal reflexes,
{fu_ Inst trimeste}. M/m includes lying in left lateral position produces bronchodi latation)
or displacement of gravid uterus by keeping wedge under �· Thiopentone sodium is contra-indicated in asthma as

* right lumbar region to prevent this complication.

Drugs used for obstetric labour analgesia -· �'
j1 precipitates bronchosoasm]

� +
Muscle rtlwanl safe ill renal failure pl--- Atrac11rium,
,.t- �eful in painless labour .-. Bupivacaine V.�ronium
*'""Pudenda\ block is useful in(episiot� +
Safe in hepatic/aifure pt�-Atrac11ri11m

Anaesthesia for cardiovascular surgery

AN�STHESlt, IN_�ECIAL SITUAT�O-�S Induction agent of choice for R-----+ L shunt (Cyanotic
Anaesthesia in Geriatic pt/ Elderly HD) - Ketamine
c Elderly persons require less dose of anaesthetic agent d/10 (Because kctamine t es systemic vascular resistance but
age related phvsiological changes docs not 'lse pulmonary vascular resistance, and thus
of Induction agent of choice: Etomidate, thiopentone. does not t R� L shunt)
o Inhelational agent of choice for maintaiuence of anaesthesia: t Induction in a pediatric patient with L----4 R shunt
lsofiurane/desflurane. (Acyanotic HD) is done by ·- Scvoflurane

*c Methoxyfl.urane is nephrotoxic, so should not be used.

�ore prone for post--0pcrative delirium 1-
Or any other i. v. induction agent except kctamillC
Anaesthesia is maintained in cardiac patient with ···02
+ N20 + opioids.
Anaesthesia in a patient of epilepsy
e Enflurane: Causes GTCS. So contra-indicated in siczure
disorder. Anasthetic consideration in spedal situations
Q Sevoflurane: Can rarely cause convulsions. o /f patient wi1'4CD (sickle cell traii) postedfor surgery in
o Atracurium : Its metabolite laudonosine can cause leflann-·
convulsions. avoided in epilepsy. Tomiquct should be avoided as it can produce vesccosrrictioe
c Ketamine; Increases ICP -> Convulsions. and stasis of blood leading to hypoxia. tVRA (Beir's bl�
��tJ:� should be avoided

e A patient with{ij_itral ste11osij)s posted/or surgery.

He is
Anaesthesia in Renal Failure patient having some liver compromisc-,
c @eshouldavoid volatile a<>en'rs like cnfluranc, sevoflurane. Preferred inhalational agent for him is Xenon ands�.
mcthoxytlurane(Prefer·-- lsofiurane, desfturane,
haloth;me) o Anesthesia in bum patient
t, MIR to be avoidccl are ··- Gallamine, & pancuronium Ancctinesafe in Isl 24 hrs. Ketamine fordrcssingchang"'..s
(prefer-· Atracurium, vccuronium)
e Pethidine should be avoided in renal failure.

659 _
Drugs before surgery I Drugs in PAC
e. Daycare Propofol

c Epilepsy ., Thi�n1cfue · � Antipsychotics

Jsoflurane -4;ufarin Discontinue 4-5

days before
-Heparin Delay sic heparin

c, Antipsychotics Tobe continued

.- Lithium To be continued Porentiates DJ,.IR


Tobeconunued --fsensi!ivity to
CA's -

e SSRI Tobe continued Check


-Tranycypromine, Stop2wlaprior

-Sclcgillin.? (<IOmg/d)

c HRT S1op6wkspriorto

< POP CJbcontinued

o CCBs,pblockcr, To be continued

Drugs for day care surgery (OPD Anesthesia)
o Inducing agent of choice -- Propofol

� Diuretics To be continued
o Volatile anesthetic of choice -- lsoflurane (now-a-days
scvofl.urane, Desflurane) e Antihypcrtensive To be continued
o Analgesic -· Alfentany\,Rcmifentanyl, c, Forinductionincldc:rly Etomidatc/
Fentanyl thiopentone

e Musdc relaxant - Mivacurium, atracurium �

Remember that alfcntanyl. remlfenranyl, mivacurium @Grading for risk of anaesthesia
although ate theoritically best agents but arc not available e Grade I· Patient with no systemic ells.
in India c Grade II - Mild systemic dis (well controlled)
o Grade Ill - Moderate systemic dJs with functional
Selection criteria for Day care surgery limitation .
.- Patient should be managed with oral analgesics. c Grade IV - Severe systemic dis with constant threat lo
e Vitals stable. life.
e Responsible adult accompnying. e Grade V - Moribund patient which is going to die within
e ASH grade 1-111. 24 hr with or without surgery.
e Nohematoma. e Grade VI - Brain dead patient for organ donation.
Walk easily.

Stages of anaesthesia � Supraclavicular block :

e Described on ether by@ Mic used method of brachia! plexus block.
e I • Stage of analgesia e Axillary block, Interscalenae block:
II - excitement (pupils dilated) lnfraclavicularapproachfor upper arm surgeries
Ill - Surgical anesthesia . Has 4 planes intersca\enae approach is preferred.
JU, plane Ill : Laryngeal paralysis c Coeliac plexus block
111, plane IV : fully dilated pupi Used for lumbar sympathetic €3. Decreases pain
IV-Coma in pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer. Can cause
c Intubation c/b done in stage Ill, plane Ill • h!E_olension'.' =

Retrobulbar Anaesthesia
o LA is injected �hind the eye into the cone fonned by�
IVRA /Bier's block (1. V. Regional Anesthesia)
(extraocular muscles).
... Effeclivcly blocks all EOM within seconds except suprior
""6'" Large amount of LA is injected in veins after using· �
torniquet. \,,ff"'"""Affects the ciliary ganglio (Results in pupillary
e Lignocaine without adrenaline is the DOC. Prilocaine dilatation)
"' Used in both UL & LL i.e. forearms and hands (e.g.
reduction of co lies#)
o Bupivacaine is contraindicated for IVRA bee/of its high
cardiotoxicity which may occur after release of'torniquet. n If a patient undergoing thoracotomy comnlains of severe
e Contraindications for IVRA: Raynauld's, SCD, pain, he should be best managed b){IV fentany}) V
sclerodenna. = "ff �ororalbrufena�int/tofseverepain
in immediate postop period in a thoracotomy patient.
+ Tomiquct timefor/Ulis45-60minmuf"dJo1Uis60-90J
� ""'- �ystem1c op1oids)alone are effective in controlling
background pain.
TIVA (Total Intravenous Anaesthesia) e Pain scale-c-
o Used for day care surgery, neurosurgery. ,t VAS (Visual analog scale) in adults.
n Combination of{propofol)nc(Ramifontang}is used. • FACES scale, and CHEPOES scale (Children's Hospital
e Only inhalational which c/b used: 02, NO. N20 of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale) in children.
e Advantages over inha\ational induction &maintenance: -t- Mc gill questionaires used for pain in adults.
+smooth induction with minimal coughing and
• Easy to control depth of anesthesia.
I:" J..CBF & J..cerebral metabolic rate are favorable for c. Methemoglobinemia is seen with :
�- - Prilocaine
• Lignocainc
- Benzocaine
Cadual block( Epidural sacral block)
c h is commonly used regional anaesthetic technique in
children for periperative and postoperative pain relief.
- Np.Nitrites
�dc-s, phenacetin

(\ Mainly used in children for perinea I surgeries, genitourinary cJ,1"uscle pain I soreness -- by Sch.
surgeries. J.,!1iscle spasm (intra-operative) - Fenranyl
JM'uscle Tone -- Ketaminc
Brachia! Plexus Block -*" Opioids (fentanyl sufen1anvl. alfcntanyl) induce � Mis
There are many approaches of brachia! plexus blocks rigidity or Chest wall rigidifY..

� t BP - Ketamine, pancuronium,pentazocine. o �:oiits wbt!: Used in children.

e (i) t JCT - Ketamine, Halorhane, Sch. � Used for microlaryngeal surgery.
(ii) ! ICT - lsoflurane, Propofol,�,lidocainc, f: Zeolite is aluminium hydroxide to absorb nitrogen. Can
cyclopropane, BZD (midaz) (provide 95% oxygeil Electronically powered.
o (ii) t IOT - Kctamine (transient), Sch, Np,etomidate, � Muscle relaxant
thiopcntone. - Safe in renal failure - Atracurium, Vccuroniwn
(ii)(I1� Safeinliverfailure-Atracurium
'-'f{Procainc & Bupivacaine arc .1191 used as a surface
e (i) Bronchospasmodic - Ether, NzO, thiopentone -. anesthetic.
(i) Brouchodilator - Ketamine, halothane, promethazine,
o..Jrura-artcrial injection of thiopentone causes -t intense
* o Phase-II blockade is seen with Sch.
Maximum respiratory depression is seen with morphine,
fentanyl (+++) & minimum with pentazocine.
pain,inflammation & necrosis o Shortest acting non-depolarising muscle relaxant -
Jirtra-venous injection of thiopentone-> No pain Mivacurium

* J,Rtta-venous injection of propofol -> Pain

Propofol supports-{Growth ofbacteril
o Ketamine produces -t Dissociative anaesthesia.
Shones! acting muscle re/a.rant : &h.
e Mendelson syndrome - Regurgitation of gastric contents
causes aspiration pneumonitis
o In MG - Sensitivity of Gallamine and d· TC is increased o Head tilt - chin lift maneuver:
while that of Sch. is decreased. - Used during assisted ventilation 10 secure airway.
CVS Ad/E - Halothane > Enflurane > lsoflurane - Clind in cervical spine injury
1t"" Ether. !so-, Sevo & Enflurane does not sensitize the heart Jaw thrust technique: Can be used in cervical spine injury
to the action of catecholamines /Adr. where head tilt should not be done.
e Drugswhich{§sitize·theheart�othe;� <t- Se.nick's manoeuvre:To prevent regurgitation pressure
of catecholamines /Adr are--- is applied on cricoid cartila_§. which compresses oesopha
Halothanc, methoxyflurane, trichlorethylcne, Cyclopropane, gus against vertebral column. This ts done during rapid
�t so these drugs are not used now a days. sequence intubation.
o TRUP manoeuvre: Pressure over thyroid cartilage (by
pressing it n.,gosl& upward). Used to aid in intubation.
e Helmich's manovure: Used for FB removal. Sudden
pressure applied from back of the pt. by both hands below
� POINTS QE-SPECIAL MENTION .. __I the costal cartilage.
\. Plasma cholinesterases degrades : it- Brcur Lockguard reflex: Light anaesthesia & cervical
- Sch. dilatation (cg during anal stretching) can initiate
- Mivacurium, Cis-atrucuriurn parasympathetic overactivity causing larngospasm,
- Propanidid brochospasm, bradycardia & even cardiac arrest,
- Esmolo\

Ketamine produces Nor ketnmine, while midazolam ,,,.

produces hydroxymidazolam. i" Low CO, vc::nous air embolism, circuit disconnection
,t. Esophageal carcinoma require one lung ventilation & l- Pulmonary embolism
deflation of another lung. Robertshaw and Karland tube is - Venous air embolism
used - Circuit leak
* Mic cause of hypoxia with one lung ventilation -
malpositioning of tube.
o Left lobe is the best region for ascultation in ETT � Po:.1-opem11ve s/111 enng is :,,:t'II ll'ilh :
intubation. Halo1hane (m/c), cyclopropane, lhiopentone
.../ Flexometallic tube: Used for spine, head and neck surgery· sodium,ether.
and for surgery in prone. o D111g used for treatment of Jll).W-11p,m11i1 c shivering -·
pethidine • tramadol, clonidinc, dcxamethasone CLINICAL VIGNETTES
..«:- Jndicatio11s for endotrachea/ int11ba1io11 - maintenance of
a patent airway, to provide lPPV, pulmonary toilet. n A 5 year old boy is suffering from Duchennc muscular
e Induced hyporenslen dystrophy. He has to undergotcndon lengthening procedure.
- Drug • sodium nitroprusside NTG, Trimcthophan, The most appropriate anaesthetic agents would be :
Arphonod [AIPGMEE2003, DNB HRH Delhi' 08)
Spinal/epidural block A.Induction with i.v, tl.Jiopcntonc and Ni_O: and halothanc
....-1}-blockers (Esmolol or propanolol) for mainlenencc
v-f'fthalational agent - Isofluranc m/c, halothane, 8. Induction with i. v. suxamcthonium and N10: and 02 for
enflurane mainrcnence
�sitioningofpattcnt V C.lnduction with i.v. suxamcthonium and N20: and
,t- World anaesthesia day is€n 16th octobe$ On 16th oct 1846 ha\othane for maiutcnence
ether was used first. lime . D.Induction with propofol and N20 and02 for maintcnence
e Smoking should ideally be stopped by 6-8 wks before (Ans.: D.Induction with propofol and Ni_O and 02 for
� (Time required 10 increase ciliary motion) . If maintenence)
smoking is stopped within 24 hr, decrease carboxy Hb can DMD patients are susceptible for malign.ant bypcrthemria
cause shift to right. so scoline and all volatile agents should be avoided, while
Np and propofol arc safe. Suxamethonium is ruled out.)
r A 5 year old is scheduled for strabismus (squint) correction.
Induction of anaesthesia was uneventful. Afterco1tjunctival
incision as the surgeon grasps the medial rectus, the
___ �Ol!!_E_ IMP. NEGATIVE POINTS anaesthetist looked at the cardiac monitor. Why did he did
e NOT caused by atropine in pre-anesthetic medication -- that? [AllMS 2002]
Bronchoconstriction A.He wanted to check the depth of anaesthesia
e NOT caused by lpratropium bromide--- B. He wanted to be sure that the BP did not fall
Bronchoconstriction C.Hc wanted to sec if there was an ocu1ocardiac reflex
e NOT a vasodi!ator LA --- Cocaine D.He wanted to make sure there were no ventricular
NOT used in clearing airway Head lift arrhythmias accompanying incision
e Bag and mask ventilation is NOT indicated in --- (Ans.:C. He wanted to see if there was an oculocardiac
Diaphragmatic hernia, MAS. reflex)
o Drug NOT useful for induction in infants -- Morphine Oculocardiac reflex is a trigeminovagal reflex, afferents
e NOT true about pneumatic Anti-shock garments - l CO of which are carried out by trigemina\ n. and efferents are
e NOT used as surface anesthetic-Procaine & Bupivacame mediated by is seen during ocular surgery either
e NOT used as in Beir's block- Bupivacaine d/to traction en eye m's or d/to compression or stretching
e NOT used for controlled ventilation-- Mapelson A system I pull on eye muscles. Tit includes srop stimulation, inj
or Magill circuit atropine, iucreese depth of anaesthesia, infiltration of LA
� ,E!m.capnogram is NOT seen in - Bmnchospasm in mis, and rctrobulbar block.
e A pt with sickle cell trait is posted for surgery in left arm.
NOT to do is -- lVRA (lmravenous regional anesthesia)
e NOT true of xenon anaesthesia-,- Slow induction and slow ro A 6 year old child was posted for elective urological
recovery. surgery under genera[ unacsthcsia. He refuses to allow
C) NOT an adverse effect of neural opioid --· Itching, low BP, the anaesthetist for an i. v. access. The best inhalational
..nausea, vomiting. inducing agent in this child would be;
e Factors that do not effect MAC are--- Sex-male or female [AIIMS May 2004)
Thyroid disease. A. Sevoflurane B. Methoxyflurane
C.De.-.fluarane D. lsoflurane
(Ans.:A. Sevofluranc)
663 _

r, A 38 year old man is posted for extraction of last molar tooth r- A severly ill patient was maintained on an infusional
under GA as a day care surgery. He wishes to resume anaesthetic agent. On day 2 of admission he started
his work after 6 hours. Which of the following induction deteriorating. The most probable culprits is/are
agent is preferred- [PGJ 1999, JIPMER 2004]
[ AJPGMEE2003, DNB HRH Delhi' 08] A. Etomidate B. Opioid
A.Thiopentonc sodium B.Ketamine C. Propofol D.Barbiturates
C. Propofol D.Diazcpam (Ans. ,C. Propofol)
(Ans. :C. Propofol) Propofol infusion syndrome: Seen after 48 hours of
Drugs preferred in day care surgery arc : Propofol, continuous infusion of propofol in ICU. Found in cases of
desflurane, atracurium cardiomyopathy, rhabdomyolysis, and bradycardia

r"J A 70 year old man is posted for a surgery which is likely A 21 year old female with a history of hypersensitivity to
to last 4-6 hours. The best inhalational agent of choice for neostigminc is posted for an elective LSCS under GA.
maintenance of anaesthesia in such a case is: Muscle relaxant of choice in this patient is-
[AIIMS May 2004] [AIIMS May 2004]
A.Methoxyflurane B.Ether A.Pancuronium B.Atracurium
C. Trilene D.Oesflurane C. Rocuronium D. Vecuronium
{AIL'i. D: Dcsflurane) (Ans. B.Atracurium)
Rapid onset and rapid offset of anaesthetic effect is seen Atracurium is metabolized by Hoffman's elimination,
withDesflurane so it does not required reversal of N-M blockade with

e- A 30 year old female with coarctation of aorta is admitted

to labour room for elective LSCS. Which of the following is r. A patient was administered epidural anaesthesia with 15ml
anaesthetic technique of choice : (AIIMS Nov'2005} of 1.5% Lignocaine with adrenaline for hernia surgery. He
A.Spinal anaesthesia B. Epidural anaesthesia developed hypotension and respiratory depression within
C.Generalanaesthesia D.LA with nerve block 3 minutes after administration of block. The most common
(Ans.C.Genernlanaesthesia) cause would be :
Some cardiac lesions, such as aortic 011ifiow obstruction, [AIIMS may'07]
right to left shunts,! venous return, and ! systemic A.Allergy 10 drug administered.
resistance are so grave that they make regional epidural and B.Systemic toxicity to drug administered.
spinal anesthesia hazardous. GA has rapid induction, less C.Paticnt got vasovagal shock.
hypotension, better airway and ventilation, better recovery. D.Drug has entered the subarachnoid space.
So GA is preferred in patient with CoA. (Ans.D.Drug has entered the subarachnoid space }

t.i.>id11ml t11wsthe.�iu!pt'rid11rt1l anesthesia.

c A 20 year old female presented with early pregnancy for During epidural anesthesia there occurs certain
MTP in day care facility. Which of the following induction complications. One of which is total spinal. It occurs if
agentisprcferred- by mistake, dura is punctured during injection and such
[AIIMS May 2006, DNB HRH Delhi' 08] large volume of drug is injected into subarachnoid space.
A.Thiopentone B.Ketamine Manifests by marked hypotension, bradycardra, apnca,
C. Propofol D.l)izepam dilated pupil and unconsciousness.
(Ans. :C. Propofol) Also know
Propofol is preferred for day care surgery Other drug used for epidural block
Only agents which are rapidly eliminated are used for
this purpose; e.g. propofol for induction of anaesthesia, e Lignocaine, bupivacaine
alfentanil, renifentanil, N20, isoflurane, sevoflurane or e Morphine, fentanyl, tramadol
_ 664 desflurane.

Site of action of opioid after intruthecal and epidural "Ke1amine is conunonJy used induction agent because it
administration maintains or tSVR and therefore does not aggravate the
e Opioid after diffusion through meninges reaches the right to left shunt".
spinal cord where they bind opioid receptors present
in substantia gelatinosa of dorsal horn cells.
o Site of action of LA is anterior and posterior nerve e A 30 year old man who was recently started on haloperidol
roots. 30 mg/day developed hyperpyrexia, muscle rigidity,
akinesia, mutism, sweating, tachycardia and increased
blood pressure. The investigations showed increased \VBC
c A 6 month old child is suffering from patent ductus count, increased Creatinine Phosphokinase. There is not
arteriosus (PDA) with congestive cardiac failure. Ligation history of any other drug intake or any signs of infection.
of ductus arteriosus was decided for surgical management. The most likely diagnosis is:
The most appropriate iohalational anesthetic agent of choice [Al�\IS May'06]
with minimal hemodynamics alteration for induction of A.Drug overdose
anesthesia is: B.Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome.
[Al!MS may'07] C.Drug induced Parkinsonism
A. Sevofturane B.lsoflurane D.Tardive Dyskinesia
C.Enflurane D.Halothane (Ans.: B. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome)
(Ans.:A. Sevof!.uranc)
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Induction agents in children and patient profile ci Iloccurswithhigbdoseofpotentantipsycborics. Symptoms
develop within first 2 week of an antipsychotic drug tit/.
Se\'Ojf11ra11e is jnhalatjonal agent of choice in children for NMS is a catatonia like state manifested by exuapyramidal
jnduction. It is costly, so use is restricted. Cardiac output signs. Blood Prcsrutt changes altered consciousness, and
is minimally depressed. hyperpyn:xia
ci It should be considered in did of malignant hypenhennia

Halothane also used for induction in children but it II Patient develops marked rigjdity immobility, tremor,

decreases cardiac output, causes bradycardia due to fever, semiconsciousness, Fluctuating BP and heart rare
direct myocardial depressant effect. It is cheaper so used (Tachycardia and increased BP).
frequently for induction in children, but its effect on heart e Myoglobin may be presents in bloodflncreased creatinine
limits its use in patient with PDA. phosphokinase).E)eyated creatine kinase and leukocvtosis
with a shift to left are present early in about half of cases.
/sojl11ro11eis inhalational agent of choice for cardiac surgery e Tit
but is irritan1, so patient compliance is very poor. It is not • Stop anupsychouc & give iJv dantro\ene
used for induction of anaesthesia but for maintenance of • Bromocriptine (Anticholinergics do not help)

n A 16 yr male withexostrophyofbladderwithchronic renal

1J A 5 year old child is suffering from cyanotic heart disease. failure was admined for blader reconstruction. Anesthetic
He is planned for corrective surgery. The induction agent of choice would be.
of the choice would be: [Al!MS No,'09;AIPGMEE' I OJ
A. Thiopentone B. Ketamine A. Pancuronium B. Vecuronium
C. Halothanc D. Midazolam. C.Rocuronium D.Atracurium
(Ans; Ketamine) ( Ans. D.Atracuriwn)
TOF is cyanotic heart disease. Atracurium is safe in both liver and renal dis patients as it
The goals of anaesthetic mlm in patients with TOF is is metabolized by Hoffman's degradation (non- enzymatic
to maintain intravascular volume and systemic vascular degradation).
665 _

n A female was posted to OT for laparotomy for surgery r A 70 kg old athe\ete was posted for surgery. Patient
of ilea! perforation for which rapid intubation was done. was administered Succinylcholine d/to unavailibility of
lmmediately after intubation her EtCO, was raised and on vecuronium. It was administered in intermittent dosing.
auscultation breath sounds were J. on-her left side. What (total 640mg). During recovery patient was not able
is the most probable cause? [AIPGMEE'IOJ to respire spontaneously and move limbs.What is the
A.Esophageal intubation
B. Bronchospasm A. Pseudocholinesterase deficiency increasing action of
C. Endobronchial intubation on right side Sch block.
D. E1T blocked B. Phase 2 blockade produced by Sch
{ Ans. C. Endobronchial intubation on right side) C. Undiagnosed muscular dystrophy and myopathy
EtC02 is a good indicator of ETT status. D. Muscular weakness d/to fasciculations produced by
e ETC02 becomes zero in --- esophageal intubation, succinylcholine.
pulmonary venous air embolism (sudden fall in ( Ans. B. Phase 2 blockade produced by Sch)
EtC02). In Sch, depolarising block can be changed to phase 2 block
c, Flat capnogram is seen in -- lntraoperativedisplacemcnt by administration ofa dose 7-!0mglkg.Tetanic fade and
ofETT, disconnection ofETT, ventilation failure train of four fade appears.

e ETC01 becomes high in --- Exhausted soda\ime or r Which of the following monitoring tool gives you the best
defective valves of closed circuit, malignant hyperthemtia recognition of intraoperativc myocardial ischemia:
(upto 100 mmHg) A. Electrocardiograph
ln bronchospasm and ETT blockade there is slow rise of 8. Intra arterial pressure
EtC02. C.CVP
Accidental intubation on right side is common . ETI goes D. Transcsophagea\ echocardiography
in right main bronchus and it will produce obstructive (Ans. 0. Transesophageal echocardi6graphy)
curve and rise of EtC02 •
rr lonotrope of choice for inrraoperative management of right
heart failure due to pulmonary hypertension:
n. 42.A 65 yr old male known hypertensive, is scheduled for [AlPGMEE'l 1]
laparoscopic cholecystectomy under general anesthesia. A. Dopamine
Which of the following induction agent is contraindicated B. lsoprenalinc
in this patient? {AIPGMEE'l I] C. Milrinonc
A. Propofol B.Ketamine (Ans.: C.Milrinone)
C. Etomidate D. Midazolam
(Ans.: 8. Ketamine) r. NOT a definite airway : [AIPGMEE'IIJ
Ketamine t es BP and HR A. Orotrachcal intubation
B. Nasotrachcal intubation
C. Laryngeal mask airway
n An Anesthesia senior resident is performing epidural D. Cricothyroidectomy
block. While injecting patient becomes aphonic and losses (Ans.: C. Laryngeal mask airway)
consciousness. The immediate diagnosis is: LMA is supraglottic airway device.
A. Anaphy!actic reaction 8. Total spinal
C. Vasovagal attack D. lntravascular injection.
(Ans. B. Total spinal)
Total spinal is a rare complication manifested by profound
hypotension, apnoea, unconsciousness and dilated pupils

667 _
__ APJ>.RQASH TO A COMATOSE PATIENT. J e Widespread cortical destruction (reftected by deep coma
M/m Steps in Comatose Patients unresponsive to any stimulus)
First priority is ABC Airway, .B_reathing, C.ircula1ion a Global brainstem damage (Absent corneal reflex, Pupillary
20 IO guidelines recommend use of C-A-B sequence in field. light reflex, oculovestibular reflexes)
o Complete apnea
Airway & breathing Patient should not be hypothermic, hypoxemic, and
c Open airway by triple manueveur bead tilt, chin lift and hypotensive.
jaw thrust (use only jaw thrust if cervical spine injury is An isoelectric EEG may be used as a confinnatory test for
suspected) total cerebral damage.
o Oral airway may be used only if atraumatic insertion is
o Early intubation using rapid sequence (RSI) with full Hypoxic injury to brain
stomach precautions. o Brain is extremely sensitive to hypoxia, and occlusion of
Indications for intubation in comatose patient include - its blood supply as short as IO sec may produces
L Glasgow coma scale < 8. unconsciousness .
2. Inability to maintain airway patency/protection. o Vegetative structures are more resistant to hypoxia.
3. Impaired oxygenation or ventilation. Vegetative functions are relatively retained compared to
intellectual functions
Circulation o Penumbra, is the area surrounding the most severe brain
Assess circulatory status. If in shock, treat along standard damage, or the area potentially salvagable if ischemia is
guidelines with bolus of isotonic fluid and vasopressors as . reversed
indicated. o If circulation is restored within 3-5 min, full recovery may
occur without sequelae
Blind nasal intubation is indicated in o Hippocampus {CA-I neurons) is most vulnerable to
TM joint ankylosis ischemicinjury.
Trismus (tetanus, quinsy) e Golden period to initiate thrombolyti� therapy in thrombotic
Neckcontracture stroke is within first 2 hr after the onset of weakness/
In case of Head injuries

r,£:i!'<il!J-!!l ul._. �c�!!,ll!IIIJIIID

Initial assessment must follow ATLS guidelines with an Pupillary reaction based on the site of lesion
initial primary survey, alongwith rescucitation, followed bya
secondary survey then definitive management. Cervical spine
Metabolicencephalopalhies Sma!lreactive
must be immobilized during the initial assessment or more
simply: airway (first)-> breathing -e circulation -l- disability .
and exposure. Rush to the emergency with OT sci up.
Midbrain Midposition,fixed

Brain Death
Brain death is a state of cessation of cerebral function while Jrdnerve(� Dilatcd,fixcd
somatic fimction is maintained by artificial means and the heart
iPons �- Pinpoint ,
continues to pump.Prerequisite are

Management of Shock in children


15min Fluid refractory shock**

Fluid respcnsrve"

Fluid refractory--dopamineldobutamine resistant shock

Cateeholamaine-resistant shock

Normal Blood Pressure Low Blood Pressure Low Blood Pressure

Cold Shock Cold Shock Warm Shock
ScPz Sat < 709/• Sc.O?Sat <7091. S("O! Sat< 7091.

Add vasodilator or
Titrate volume and
Titrate volume and
type Ill phosphodiesterase epinephrine norcpinephrine
inhibitor with volume

� I
Persistent Catecholamine-resistant shock
>- Refractory Shock

Consider ECMo
Approach to pediatric shock. "Normalization of blood pressure and tissue perfusion;
••hypotcnsion, abnormal capillary refill or extremity coolness. PALS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support; PICU. pediatric intensive
care unit; CI, cardiac index; ECMO, extracorporea\ membrane oxygcnatmn.

Oculovestibular response or caloric test

+ Triad in pontme hemorrhage - pin point pupils + loss of EAC is irrigated with cold water to induce convection currents
COIUCiOUSrtfiS+ lryperpyruia
in labyrinths. Nystagmus is fast component
There may be 3 type of response
I. Normal awake patient with intact brainstem - tonic
Transtentorial herniation deviation of both eyes to the side of cold water irrigation
and nystagmus in the opposite direction. Side with the
Enlargement Compression Compression of Compression of slow component towards irrigated ear and fast component
ofthci/L or er cereeot bloodvcsscls towards midline.(acronym COWS)
pupil pofu�k pa11icularlypost& 2. Unconscious pt. with intact brainstem
! antr cerebral artcry Fast component abolished, eye move towards stimulus and
+veBabineski remain toxically deviated for> I min.
3. Unconscious pt with brainstem dysfunction/brain dead pt.
Kernohan-Wottman Braininfaraion There is no response to stimuli i.e. eyes remain in midline.

BloodlOSI <15% 15-30% 30..40'/." >40'A

(750ml) (.8-1 litrc) (1.5-2ii�) -(>2ftr.)

3.CTScan Biconvex,

contrast CI) is
Pulse rate Slight t 100-120

> 120, weak > 120,

� Resuscitation ofthe trauma patient (pediatric/adult) begins

with isotonic crystalloid, in a child 20ml/kg
Q. �is the most important parameter of adequate

inCSFdctectcd tissue perfusion in a patient with shock

by LP (Bloody
PCWP or CVP is used to assess volume replacement in
hypovolemic shock
o, In children, hydrocortisone is indicated in septic shock
in children with catecholamine resistance and suspected or
proven adrenal insufficiency (children with severe septic
Induced eye movements shock and purpura , children who have previously received
Oculocephafk/Dolls eye response steroid therapies for chronic illness, and children with
Should only be tested in unconscious patient pituitary or adrenal abnonnalities).
Nonna\ or positive response is conjugate deviation of eyes
in opposite direction to which the head is turned.
Negative response indicates brainstem lesion.
Critical Care

TRIAGE COLOUR CODING SYSTEM e 0/g: by inspection asymmetrical chest \1131\ movement and
paradoxical movements are seen in spontaneously breathing
e French word meaning to "sort" by priority or life-threatening patient.
nature of injury. Prionize the patient for tit and transport e Tit Mainly ventilatory support. Mechanical ventilation
purpose. should be started if Pa02 is <70 mm Hg.
e Retriage occurs when the status of a patient changes either e Surgical stabilization (prcfenably internal) is advocated
to a worse condition or if they improve to a less life- now a days.
threatening level.

Scoring Systems for Critical Patients

Roi ScriOUSbutsalvageablclife ,. Immediate
Glasgow coma scale (GCS)
Mos1 widely used
threateajng injury/illness �
Originally used to predict the outcome after head injury in
Normal score is 15
Based on Eye opening, verbal response and motor response

Black: ,,. Revised trauma score -

Includes GCS + RR + SBP
Other scoring systems
e. APACHE (Acute Physiology And Chronic Health
c MPM (Mortality Probability Model)
TRAUMA c SAPS (Simplified Acute Physiology Score)
Trauma : Basic POINTS c PRISM Ill {Pediatric), PIM 2 score
<' Following trauma level of stress hormone is fed i.e.
Glucocorticoids, Glucagon. ADH, GH etc.
o M/c abdominal organ injured in blunt trauma abdomen is + APACHE II scori11g system is 1/re sum of acute plrysiofogy
spleen and in penetrating trauma- small intestines scores (vital signs. o�enation. lob mllla), GCS. age and
chronic Ir.ea/th points. Worst values during the first U hours
o Seat belt causes injury to duodenum
in the ICU sliould be used.
e Prox. Jejunum and ileocecal junction are commonly injured + TRISSscore(Traumaa11dinjuryle\·erityscore) include:s- /SS
among intestine in blunt abd. Injuries. + RTS + Age.
o Marshall's triad in blast injury: + Modified Child- Pugh score is used for cirrl!OSis of liver in
Small contusion + Punctate abrasion + Puncture
+ CAT.S' is o C0110(/ian �ten,
e CECT is best for blunt trauma abdomen.
e CVP monitoring is ideal to determine fluid administration.
Not in case of abdominal trauma as raised intraabdominal
pressure contributes to CVP.
o TRI SS determines the probability of survival (Ps)of a patient HEAD INJURY
from ISS and RTS using the formula Ps = l/(l+e41) e Severe head injury is a/w a stress response c/by
o Score for assessing outcome of SAH (subarachnoid hyperglycemia, which worsens the outcome.
hemorrhage) •• _ HESS and Hunt score e Prognosis in head injury patient is best given by GCS
(Glasgow coma score).
FLAIL CHEST e Hypothermia is ccrebroprotective.
e Results from # of at least 2 sites of 3 adjacent ribs. c- IPPV to produce moderately low normal arterial C02
a Often accompanied by physiological dearrangements. (PaC02 35 mm Hg) is a/w l Cerebral swelling and! ICP.
671 _

c. Factors advcrsly affecting the prognosis in head injury RESPIRATORY FAILURE

I. Factors which! CBF -Cerebral ischemia
2. Hyperglycemia has always a bad prognosis in patients
of head injury
3. Factors which l ICP ---Cerebral vasodilatation by
e- Factors a/w good prognosis in head injwy patient
I. Factors which t CBF -Hemodilution, T MAP and TCPP
<60; Pa001
<50 mm Hg)
Acute Pa01.W.
-Pulmonuy embolus,

2. Factors which I ICP (intra cranial pressure)
3. Hypothermia
0; In a patient of head trauma with unexplained hypotension
evaluation of upper cervical spine is must.
e Normal ICP is 2-12 mmHg PaC01>50
=Ilg) Respiratory ms paralysis,
II)- Early signs oft ICP include--- drowsiness and .J, level of
consciousness. Sleepapnca
Change in level of consciousness is the earliest and m/c Brain stem lesion
manifestation of raised JCT in a patient of head injury.
c Gol.dstandardmethodformonitoriogICP-lntraventricular
e Tit
- All potentially exacerbating factors must be eliminated
(i.e. hypenhermia, bypcrcarbia, high mean airway
pressure in ventilators, hypoxia)
- Emergent Tit of raised ICP is most quickly achieved by
temporary hypervenulaten, whichcausesvasocoostriction
and reduces cerebral blood volwne.
- Mannito\, 3% saline,
- Drainage of CSF. Head up or reverse Trendelenberg's Type Ill respiratory failure
position. G Is the result of lung atelectasis. Also called perioperative
- High dose barbiturates and hypothermia for refractory respiratory failure.
o Seen after GA, J. in FRC leads to collapse of dependent
lung units.

Type IV respiratory failure

+ Segmentofspine11,hichmust ben"a!uatedmcaseofrmaploined
e Occurs bee/of hypoperfusion of respiratory muscles in
hypotension in a head injury patient --- upper cervical
patients of shock.
+ In head rrauma Of!1 s!_'!*,e,c>,10�Dfic:.��ma is seen.
e Patient of shock often suffer resp. distress d/to pulmonary
+ Stuoidr have been slro.,...,, to be highly effective in reducing
nuogenic edema (around broin tumorslotkr CNS lesions). edema, lactic acidosis & anemia.
ln1roumoticbraininjurysteroidshm-e,iotbeencffective in
reducing /CPI improving neurofogic outcome rother adds
domage by causing hyperglycemia.
ARDS (Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
or " Shock lungs ")
e. Predisposing factors arc - Septicemia, fat embolism,
multiple transfusions.
Critical Care

� Causes are- Trauma, acute pancreatitis, severe falciparum neonates.

malaria, amniotic fluid aspiration, Gram negative sepsis, a Indications of CPAP are -
smoke inhalation/ Cl2 gas • Inability to maintain Pa02 > 50 mm Hg in spiteofFi02
� Pa/ho - pulmonary edema, stiff lungs ('baby lung '), 60%.
fibrosis, alveolar damage. - PH<7.2
o Diagnostic criteria or ARDS are -- - PaC02 > 50 mm Hg
1. Pa02/Fi02 ratio <200 mmHg, - Prolonged apnea of prematurity
2. Onset acute, presence of predisposing factor, - Severe tachypnea and exhaustation.
3. 8/1 intersitial infiltrate, o Mndes alluwi11gfnr sponmneous ventilation
4. Absence of left atrial hypertension. • IMV
e Labtr - SIMV
- Hypoxemia, hypercapnia, pulmonary HTN, PAWP • PSV/CPAV
normal - HFV (High frequenc"y ventilation)
- Normal PCWP in ARDS distinguishes it from - APRV (airway pressure release ventilation).
cardiogenic pulmonary edema Q fPPV is also k/as controlled mechanical ventilation

- Uremic lungs arc char/by diffuse alveolar injury & o, HFV and APRV are used in ARDS patients.

pulmonary edema c CPAP is 1\1/c used fonn or mechanical ventilation in

o Tit children.
- Lung protective ventil\ation (low tidal volume and high
PEEP) Weaning from ventilators
- Oxygen, treat the cause o Modes used for weaning from ventilators are
- Use of newer modes of ventilation like partial liquid SIMV, IMV, CPAP, PSV, SBT, T piece
vcntillation, inverse I: E ratio, prone position vcntillation, <' Criteria to met before initiating weaning in children
APRV,ECMO - Alertmentalstatus
- Good cough and gag reflexes
+ "Wet lung" termi.rusedfQT/unpinCHF - Core temperature -os.ssc
+ Acute life threatening pulmonary edema i.r treated by - - pH 7.43:).47
Morphine./msemide. CPAP. 0.1}'gt'11. Glycerol trinilrote etc.
- Pa02 >60 mmHg
- Fi020.5 or less
• PEEP:9
- No clinical need to t support in last 24 hours
VENTILATO� - No planned operative procedures requiring heavy
sedation in next 12 hours.
Change in settings for Correction of ABG e I: E ratio
- Normal 1:E ratio is 1:2
- During artificial ventilation, it should be set at I : 2 to
ensure complete expiration.
- In HMD & ARDS, the time constant is J.ed and the
tlnspiratorytime desired I : E ratio is set at 1.5 : I or uptc 2 : I (Klas
t PEEP Inverse IE ratio)
- In MAS/obstructive airway dis/ asthma expiration is
+ When Pa02 is lrigh defi"d 1"et1f1101or settings to lower PaO! - prolonged, time constant is t ed and the desired I : E
are--lPEEP. l PIP. l FiOZ ratio is I: 2.7orupto I: 4
e Negative pressure ventilation is currently not in use. - Is generally kept between 4-6 cm of water it should
e Combination of mandatory and spontaneous breath is be kept on the lower side in f ICT,pneumothorax,
intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV) or SIMV hypovolemia, pericardia! tamponade.
e Most popular mode of ventilation is IPPV & CPAP in - Is used to overcome physiological resistance of circuit.,

& in case of pulmonary edema. CARDIAC ARREST AND CPR

- Should be kept below 30 cm of water e M/c type of ECG rythm at the time of cardiac arrest
o HFV - in children - Pulse\ess electrical activity
I. High frequency PPV, HF oscillations and HF jet - and in adults -VT without pulse
ventilation modes are available. e Mic cause of cardiac arrest in children is-- hypoxia (rescue
2. Indications are : Bronchoscopy, bronchop\eural fistula, breaths are more effective)
and cricothyroid membrane puncture, for which jet HFV ID i\.1/c cause of cardiac arrest in adult is -- cardiac causes

is used in emergency. (chest compression are more effective)

c In hospital setting, tracheal intubation is the preferred
method of maintaining a patent airway in an unconscious
patients with cardiac arrest. Prior to intubation an
------ J oropharyngeal airway can be used 10 prevent fall of tongue.
e ls a simple and non-invasive method of monitoring the % Outside hospital settings BMV is still preferred.
of Hb which is saturated with oxygen (measures ox:ygcn e The standard ventilation bags used during CPR have a
� not 02 content) volume of 1600 ml
e BasedontheprincipleofBeer-Lambertlaw,whiehstatcs e To minimize the circulatory adverse effects of
that the concentration of an unkown solute in a solvent can hyperventilation, avoid lung ventilation> IO breaths/min.
be detennincd by light absorption. e Any dextrose containing fluid should be avoided.
L(out)==L(in)-DCA «' InCPR

e Wave length of 660 mm (red) and 940 mm (infrared) are DOC for asystole in CPR: Adrenaline
used by photodetcctor for absorption characteristics of two DOC for bradycardia in CPR : Atropine
Hb, reduced Hb and ox:y Hb respectively. a The first step in CPR is circulation now a days ( C-tA-tB
Circulation-t airway-e breathing sequence)
1. A clear airway is obtained by supine positioning and
+ Pulse oxymeter falsely detects 01 soturation of 85% in opening the airway by head tilt, chin lift, or jaw thrust
+ Carboxy lremoglobin will be interpreted as oxy-Hb by 1he
However; in case of trauma (or head injury) only jaw
pho1odetector ofpulse oximeter (because carboxy Hb and oxy
Hb have verysimilarabsorboncies al 660 nm) thus� thrust is used to open the ainvay, Head tilt and chin lift
pulff: orimeler will over estimate the mt11ra1ion in qmence should 1101 be used.
a AHA guidelines for CPR
+ Arterial 0, ihould be maintained bin 92-96 %/or acu/e
condition&. 88-9�.lo/or chronic conditions lo �nt ROP

Potential inaccuracy of pulse oxymetry may bed/to:- Compression 90/min -100/ -100/min �JOO/
min min
ID Dyshcmoglobinemia (Carboxy-Hb, met-Hb)
III Dyes and pigments (methylene blue), nail polish, 'Coinpressionto 3:1 10:2 15:2� 30:2
bilirubin ventilationratio 1(2�er) (sing!� l(lf™>ltSCUCr (or15:J)

e Low perfusion
ID Interference from external light sources and optic shunt

e Movement interference
e In Methcmoglobincmia 02 saturation is falsely seen around. Newer recommendations in CPR
85% in pulse oxirneter. e Chest compression to ventillation ratio is 30:2
ID Central cyanosis is seen when level of o I-shock strategy instead of 3- shock strategy
Reduced Hb > 5gm% or e Sequence is now CAB Compression -e airway-e
Methemoglobin > 1.5 gm% or breathing.
Sulf-hcmoglobin > .5 gm% or e Look,listen,and feel has been removed.
02saturation<85% e Glucose and calcium conuining solutions arc to be avoided

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