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kindergarten and primary school

Project Location:- Mer’Awi Ethiopia


Tele phone፦ 0918007971
November፡- 2015 EC

Table of content……………………………………………………………….2
Excutive sumery…………………………………………………………….…3
1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………..…..4
2. Statement of the problem………………………………………………………………....5
3. Objective of the project……………………………………………………….…………..5
4. Goal of the project…………………………………………………………………………5
5. Socio economic reference…………………………………………………………………6
5.1.Place of foundation………………………………………………………………………...6
6. Project benefits……………………………………………………………………..……….7
7. Building requirement…………………………………………………………………….....7
8. Project justification…………..……………….………........................................................7
9. Project management……………………………………………………………………….8
9.1 Project monitoring………………………………………………………………………..8
10.project cost………………………………………………………………………………...9
11.Source of found…………………………………………………………………………....9
13.Sustainability of the project……………………………………………’…………..…….11
14.Risk analysis………………………………………………………………………….…..13
15.Conclusion and recommendation…………………………………………………...........14

.Executive Summery

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world‘and
education is at the heart of all the work we do at. International. Education, both formal
and informal, can give you the knowledge, skills and confidence to build a better future.
In Ethiopia many people are competing for a limited number of good jobs, and with out
a decent education it is very hard to get one or have the confidence to initiate your own
business instead.
one of the highest rates in the world. Getting access to education in the first place can
be a huge challenge. Unfortunately the demand for free education out strips the
availability of places at the free government schools. It is not uncommon for classes to
have well over one hundred students, with very little in the way of facilities, and
demotivated, over-worked teachers heading them. This means that for most of the
population, especially those who want a higher quality education, the only other option
is private school. It is so clear that most private schools are blinded by profit taking,
admitting pupils more than a class can handle and the teachers generally faced with
such large class sizes and poor resources that it is incredibly difficult for them to give
one-to-one attention to those students who need it most. The education system today
caters for cram-work instead of understanding. That is why we produce half -baked
children-the curriculum is exam oriented, not children's understanding. Passing has
been commercialised; there is a lot of undue competition with the so-called good schools
and this means students are "pumped" with so much information, more than they can
read and understand. Coupled with the above is the computer era, where students
imagine the computer can do everything for them. We propose to establish a school in
Entebbe that will divert away from the current education system and revert to the
traditional education systems while infusing one-on-one education practices to produce
bright and practical minds for the development of our nation. This is a draft business
plan is to help the proprietors understand the dynamics of the education market that the
entire country face and recognize the unique opportunity to start Kindergarten and
primary school. We believe that the education market in its continuous growth stage
and that we are uniquely positioned to successfully start and manage a Kindergarten
and Primary School in Enthiopia. Proposal for a Private school, kindergarten and Primary
School for Under privileged Children at Mecha woreda , in the City of Merawi.
Name of project ……………........... kindergarten & Primary School
address of organization…………………………….………...merawi
Contact person at organization
Name:-……………………………………..…...hibirekal trading plc
Phone: …………………………………….………….…0918007971
project capital…………..………………………………….6,000,000
land requirement area………………………………………...3,000m2
Source of finance:-…………..The total investment capital of the project is to be financed from
the promoter’s equity and bank loan.
Man power requirement:-………………………………89 employee workers.

Education is widely accepted to be a fundamental resource, both for individuals and Societies.
Indeed, in most countries, basic education is now a days perceived not only as a right, but also as
a duty. Governments are typically expected to ensure access to basic education, while citizens
are often required by law to attain education up to a certain basic level. The world went through
a great expansion in education over the past two centuries. This can be seen across all quantity
measures. Global literacy rates have been climbing over the course of the last two centuries,
mainly though increasing rates of enrolment in kindergarten and primary education. Secondary
and tertiary educations have also seen drastic growth, with global average years of school being
much higher now a days than a hundred years ago. Despite all these worldwide improvements,
some countries have been lagging behind, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa, where there are still
countries that have literacy rates below 50% among the youth. Data on the production of
education shows that schooling tends to be largely financed with public resources across the
globe. Since differences in national expenditure on Education do not well explaining cross-
country differences in learning outcomes, the Data suggests that generic policies that increase
expenditure on standard inputs, such as the number of teachers, are unlikely to be effective to
improve education outcomes. A growing body of empirical research suggests that better
yields higher individual income and contributes to wards the construction of social capital and
long term economic growth. Cross-country estimates of the return to education have found that
the highest returns come from kindergarten primary schooling. None the less, disaggregating the
results reveals that for less developed countries this is broadly true, but that in the developed
world, the returns to higher education tend to be greater than for kindergarten primary education
investment. The returns from education and training to the individual, the firm and the economy.
labor market conditions around the world, in particular, the supply of skilled and unskilled labor.

Therefore, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in Ethiopia is embarking on a

huge program me of educational development to ensure that each child will get the best quality
education. is increasing.

2.Statement of the problem

Kindergarten and primary schools for under privileged school going children who are currently
need support. Many children in this region are at a high risk of drop out since they receive poor
education, others are not even attend schools due to economic and social challenges, and they
cannot support themselves, let alone for quality education. The provision of primary schools with
free/little payment quality education will sustain effort, reduce the risk of drop out, enable the
children achieve improvements in their lives and open more opportunities for other unfortunate
children in the future. The 6,000,000 requested will provide 18 classrooms, hall, Computer lab
and other necessary activities.

4. Objectives
4.1. General Objectives

i. Providing better educational facilities and conducive learning environment and free education
to under privileged children in Ethiopia, particularly in Merawi.
ii. To improve the quality of education in by providing quality education that will prepare them
for secondary education
iii. To increase the achievement level of the students/pupils and teachers helping under privileged
children to achieve better improvements in their lives to enable them contribute to the total
development of their families and the nation as a whole.

4.2. Specific objectives

i. Create learning opportunity for all school age children,

ii. Increase children’s school in Merawi
iii. Decrease the school drop-out rate in Ethiopia
iv. Empower the community through education, by working on affirmative action
with the community.
vi. Build the spirit of community service and good citizenship among future
vii. Promote Personal Integrity, Multi-cultural awareness and tolerance through

3.1. Goals

The goal of constructing the kindergarten and primary school is to enable them complete their
primary education to have sustainable living after graduating.

5.Socio-Economic information
5.1.Urban Economy and Role of the Town:- The town serves as administration and
industrial center. The major investment opportunities in the town are: agro-industry processing
and construction. Merawi has economic linkages with the surrounding areas, towns, rejoins,
Addis Ababa and out of Ethiopian country. The town gets grain products, livestock supply,
agricultural inputs, natural resources (fuel wood, charcoal) and surplus labor from surrounding

5.2.Education:- There are four private primary schools ; three high schools including
preparatory; one TVET, two private college in Merawi town.

5.3.Infrastructure:- Regarding infrastructure, the town has asphalt and cobble stone roads
connecting it to different woredas, zones, regions and Addis Ababa. The distribution of roads as
per the type of construction materials shows that.

5.4.Transport: There is daily inter-urban transport service to and other towns.

6 foundation

My local place of 3000m2 land found in o3 kebele from Merawi Mecha woreda town in the
direction of:-


East……. Cooperative house North…….. Cooperative house

West………….bark southe…….. Cooperative house

the government if you get I will build attractive and shine kindergarten and primary school. but
only build I get quality and quantity learning and teaching activity.

6.Project benefits Beneficiaries

The Project will directly benefit many children from vulnerable families in Amhara region.
It will benefit the school teachers and other workers to work efficiently and motivate them to
work harder for greater achievements as instructed and guided by the Social Benefits of The
construction of this School in Amhara region will increase the learning performance level of
This will ultimately, along with other factors such as the effective educational system, a
presence of competent teachers, and the availability of appropriate learning materials, will
increase the literacy rate of pupils who can contribute to socio-economic development of society,
while observing Social guidelines and principles of The project will help in curving down school
drop-outs. New school will also provide better working environment for teachers and other
workers who will be employed, making them more effective in educating theirpupils.
Presence of this school will help to reduce street children and beggars, reducing crimes such as
prostitution and robbery, and preparing good future generation.


 18 Classrooms
 1 computer lab
 Dining Hall
 Administration Block
 3 sports grounds (Football, Volleyball and Basket Ball)
 6 toilets
 Area for children’s outdoor activities
 One executive house with two apartments
 Water well and tank for collecting rain water
 School garden, Parking, security or entrance and School fence


The Constitution mandates free and compulsory kindergarten and primary education in Merawi,
but a lack of resources and education infrastructure has made implementation difficult, especially
to the societies in Ethiopia. Although, we acknowledge that the Ethiopian government has made
good investments in education, providing public school education for all children through
secondary school, training more qualified teachers and an established curriculum. However,
despite all the progress made, the Ethiopian government still has a long way to meet the global
standards in education, economic development and sustainability. Its growth is outpacing the

infrastructure. Communities suffer from overcrowding, poor sanitation, low wages and high
unemployment, which give reasons to many young Ethiopian to drop out of school and travel
abroad through the Back-way to seek for education and job opportunities in our country.
Unfortunately, some of them do not survive the journey. Currently, there are too many
overcrowded classrooms, especially in rural areas, a shortage of school furniture, and learning
materials which are hindering the effective delivery of basic education in those areas. As literacy,
international languages such as English, Information Communication Technology (ICT) and
education levels increase in the population the demand for better-quality learning environments
becomes necessary. These are the reasons why wish to seek financial assistance from Individual
(s), non-profit organizations (NGOs), Philanthropist, ordinary and friends from in and
outside eth to implement the proposed construction as the site plan shows.

Annual requirement of electricity, water and fuel is estimated a respectively. The total costs of
utilities are, therefore, about Birr 233.7 per annum.
Table .1. utilities
Description Unit of Qty. Cost in birr
Sr. Measure
1 Electricity kWh 3,0 1.4 4.20
2 Water m3 1,0 5.5 5.5
3 Oil and lubricants L 4 56 224
Total 233.7

They will be manage and coordinate the entire project. This will be done by hiring an
experienced local construction manager to supervise the construction crew along with other
stakeholders at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, who will be responsible for
the implementation of the project. The project coordinators will be reporting to office in our
headquarters in Merawi City, where a centrally compiled report would be sent to donors and
stakeholders by the program manager.

Table .2. Manpower Requirement

Monthly Annual
S/n Description of Job Qualification No.
salary Salary(Br)
1 director MSc 1 9,000.00 108,000.00
2 Vise director BA 1 7.000.00 72,000.00
3 Secretary Level 2 in secretarial 2 2,000.00 24,000.00
4 Kindergarten teacher diploma 30 4,000.00 480,000.00
5 Primary teacher BSc 40 6,000.00 2.880,000.00
6 Finance Head BSc in Accounting 1 5,000.00 60,000.00
7 Accountant BSc in Accounting 1 6,000.00 72,000.00
casher Diploma in 2
8 3,5000 84,000.00
driver Grade 12th complete 3
9 2,500.00 90,000.00
3rd deriving license
10 security Grade 8th complete 4 1,500 72,000.00
11 cliner Grade 10th complete 4 1,500 72,000.00
total 4,022,000


A variety of formal and informal Monitoring and Evaluation mechanisms will be central to
ensuring the appropriate delivery of effective and sustainable services. These will include: Multi
Indicator Cluster Surveys, class performance surveys, class attendance data, girl-boy retention
data and exit surveys.


11.1. Project costs

Table .3.

no item quntity Unit cost Total cost

1 classrooms 18 130,000 2,340,000

2 Computer lap with equipment 1 250,000 250,000

3 Hall 1 70,000 70,000

4 Administration block 1 100,000 100,000

5 Sports grounds (football, volley ball and 3 90,000 270,000

Net ball)

6 school vehicles 2 700,000 1,400,000

7 Tank for collecting rain water 1 50,000 50,000

8 Equipment store 1 90,000 90,000

9 Library and resource rooms 1 120,000 120,000

10 Parking area 1 60,000 60,000

total 4,750,000

11.2. Sources of funds

this project finance is found from members and from banks in this school project. The donor (s)
is (are) asked to fund the all total amount requested or to contribute any amount /build any
building as indicated in our site plan attached with this project proposal. Any contribution to
finish a certain building will be given priority. visit the site and give them mandate to cooperate
with the school construction team to see how to go about this project.

12. Curriculum
The opening and closing of the school will be depending on the government
calendar for both private and public schools. Also the school will be following the
Ethiopian’s national Curriculum prepared by The Ministry of Education, Science
and Technology, where by Preschool subjects, plus primary
subjects such as Mathematics, English language, Social Studies, Civic and
Moral Education, Health care and Environment, and Science and technology, shall
be taught.

13. The school subdivisions and departments.

The school shall be subdivided into two sections namely; kindergarten and primary
school, mid and Upper Primary school. Each section shall have its own head, while
all of them will be under the school Manager. On another hand, the school is going
to have different departments in accordance with subjects to be taught in the
school which namely; Languages, Science, Technology and ICT, Mathematics,
Social studies, Environmental, Sports and games, and Guidance departments.

Kindergarten and primary school continue to work with the Ministry of Education, Science and
Technology, and other stake holder to build on this capacity while also working closely with
international development partners working on educational programs in the Ethiopian. will
develop a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Education, which will clarify
each partner’s roles and responsibilities both short and long term. The kindergarten and primary
school will also work with residents in Merawi to develop the capacity of individuals to play an
active role in governance and delivery of education in the schools. Parents Association will be
formed to cooperate with the kindergarten and primary school to ensure the school’s future

15.Risk Analysis
The major risk of this project shall be high market price fluctuation and turnover the skilled and
trained man power. These risks can be mitigated. The high staff turnover may be lessened by
creating conductive working atmosphere and providing some benefits. For this project, 25%
benefit is proposed for the permanent employees.

Conclusion and Recommendation
Conclusion: The Project is found to be operationally profitable & has significant socio-economic
benefits. According to the projected income statement, the envisaged project starts earning profit
from the first year of production. The income statement and other profitability indicators show that
the project is viable. The project is believed to have significant social and economic benefits that
accrue to the society beyond those financial returns to its owner. The most remarkable social
benefits can be expressed in terms of job creation that leads to reduction in the level of

Recommendation: The project directly employs 89 persons; therefore, considering the attractive
financial and economic benefits the project is to produce, the promoter has made the necessary
preparation hoping that all the concerned offices & financial institutions should give their
support to facilitate the implementation of this plan.


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