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Exponential Functions

An exponential function is a function of the form f(x)= aˣ, where a >0, a ≠ 1, and x is a real number. Examples of
exponential functions are f(x) = 2ˣ, f(x) = 3ˣ and f(x) = ( 4 ) ˣ


Evaluation of Exponential Function

- To evaluate exponential functions, substitute the value of the variable in the function

Example 1:

If f(x) = 4ˣ and g(x) = 2⁻ ᵌ⁻ˣ, find the value of each of the following:

a. f(-3) b. g(2)

f(-3) = 4ˣ g(2) = 2⁻ ᵌ⁻ˣ

f(-3) = 4⁻ ᵌ g(2) = 2⁻⁵

1 1
f(-3) = 4 g(2) = 2 ₅

1 1
f(-3) = 64 g(2) = 32
Exponential Equation

Exponential Equation are equations whose exponents are variables. To solve an exponential equation, express
both sides of the equation as powers with the same base.

Example 3: Solve the solution set of the following exponential equations

a. 4ˣ = 256 b. 5ˣ = 3.125 c. 16ˣ = 64 X= 2

= 4ˣ = 4⁴ = 5⁵ (4²)ˣ = 4ᵌ
2x 3
X=4 5ˣ = 5⁵ 2

Exponential Inequalities

Example 5: Find the solution set of each of the following

a. 3x⁴ < 243 Case 2: x is negative b. 2xᵌ + 12 ≥ 28 c. 4xᵌ < 32

x4 < 81 <>-3 2xᵌ ≥ 28 – 12 xᵌ < 8

x < ₋⁺ 3 2xᵌ ≥ 16 x<+2

Case 1: x is positive xᵌ ≥ 8

x<3 x≥2

Evaluation of Exponential Functions

Example 2: if f(x) = 3ˣ and h(x) = 6⁻ˣ⁻²

a. f(-2) b. h(4)
f(-2) = 3ˣ h(4) = 6⁻ˣ⁻²
f(-2) = 3⁻² h(4) = 6⁴⁻²
f(-2) = 3² h(4) = 6²
f(-2) = 9 h(4) = 36

Exponential Functions

Example 4:

a. 3ˣ = 2187

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