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Subsumption - is a process by which new material is related to relevant ideas in the existing

cognitive structure

Subsumption theory suggests that our mind has a way to subsume information in a hierachical or
categorical manner if the new information is linked/incorporated with prior knowledge/familiar

4 processes for meaningful learning

Derivative subsumption
Existing knowledge+new knowledge = learning

Correlative Subsumption
New Material is extenstion or elaboration of what is already known

Superordinate Subsumption
Specific knowledge to general knowledge

Combinatorial Subsumption
Newly acquired knowledge + prior knowledge to enrich the understanding of both concepts

Advance Organizer
-is a major tool proposed by Ausubel

You will find it easier to connect new information with what you already know about the topic

Describes the new content

Presents the new information in the form of a story of students

Is done by looking over the new material to gain a basic overview

Graphic Organizer
Visuals to set up or outline the new information. This may include pictographs, descriptive
patterns, concept patterns, and concept maps.


Ausubel's Theory is concerned with how individual learn large amounts of meaningful material
verbal/textual presentations in a school setting as opposed to theories developed based on
experimental settings.

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