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New Visayas, Panabo City, Davao Del Norte



July 25, 2023 (Day 2)
Learning Competency: The learner illustrates the different subsets of real
Code: M7NS-ih-1
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a) Determine the correct placement of real numbers on the number
b) Illustrate the concept of a number line
c) Perform the right procedure in plotting real numbers on the
number line


• Topic: Subsets of Real Numbers, Concept of Number Line
• Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, marker/chalk
• Reference:, Plotting on a number line,retrieved from

a.) Preliminary Activities (5 minutes)
i. Classroom Management
ii. Prayer
iii. Checking of Attendance
b.) Lesson Flow (55 minutes)
A. Review (Optional) (5 minutes)
Good morning Grade 7 students! Good morning sir!

How are you today? “We’re fine sir thank you!”

“We”re a little bit busy sir

because of the projects and
school works.”

”All is well sir”

All right, it is nice to hear that each of you are
doing fine, keep it up students!
For this day, we will continue our discussion “Okay sir!”
about illustrating the different subsets of real-
numbers but before that let us have a quick

Who can tell me the definition of real numbers? “It is a number that can be
expressed as an infinite
decimal expansion and it
includes both rational and
irrational numbers.”.

Okay very good! Now, who can tell me the “Rational number is any
difference of rational and irrational numbers? number that can be written
as an integer divided by
another integer while
irrational numbers on the
other hand are numbers
that cannot be written as a
ratio of two integers.”

That’s right, very good!

B. Motivation (Optional) (3 minutes)

At this moment, before I present the objectives
for today’s lesson let us have a short game
first. I will show different flash cards and all you
need to do is to stand up if the number written Expected Response:
on the card is rational and sit still if it is

√16 (Students will stand up)

(Students will stand up)


(Students will sit down)

-7 (Students will stand up)

π (Students will sit down)

Okay class based on our activity, how many “Pi and square root of 5 sir
irrational numbers are there? which means that there are
2 irrational numbers.”

How about rational? “3 of them are rational

numbers sir”

Okay, thank you for participating and please

listen as I read the lesson objectives for this

C. Presentation of Objectives (2 minutes)

The teacher will present the objectives of the (Students will listen
day. attentively giving their focus
At the end of the lesson, the students and attention to the teacher)
are expected to:
a) Determine the correct placement
of real numbers on the number
b) Illustrate the concept of a number
c) Perform the right procedure in
plotting real numbers on the
number line

D. Lesson Proper (45 minutes)

Activity (15 minutes)

Instructions: The teacher will attach a tape

measure to a wall and will randomly call a
student to stand up. The called student will ask
one of his/her classmate to measure his/her
height by standing in front of the tape measure
and the assisting classmate will put a mark on
it. At the end of the activity the teacher will
compare the height of different students.

Okay Mr. (Random Student) kindly stand up “Okay sir, I would like Ms.
and ask one of your classmates to measure (Random Student) to assist
your height. me.”

Okay what is his height? “The height of Mr. (random

student) sir is 5 feet and 6
inches, I already put a mark
on it.”

Okay this time you switch role and still, put a “The height of Ms. (Random
mark on the tape measure as a representation Student) sir is 4 feet 11
of her height. inches.

One last student, can you stand up Ms. “Okay sir! Ms. (random) can
(Random) and ask someone to measure your you assist me?”

What is her height? “Her height sir is 5 feet and

1 inch.”

Okay thank you so much students. At this

moment as you can see, we have 3 heights
which are 5 feet 6 inches,4 feet 11 inches,and
5 feet 1 inch. That was the end of our activity.

Analysis (5 minutes) (Students will answer the

question based on their
experience in the activity
given to them)

Based on our activity, what are your thoughts “Since you asked us about
about our next lesson? measuring our height sir, I
guess our next topic is all
about plotting a point or
Okay very good! That was a good observation.
You are actually right because on this day, we
will learn how to plot real numbers on a
number line. We will now proceed with our
discussion so please listen okay? “Okay sir!.”

Abstraction (10 minutes)

Lesson Discussion
A number line is a line on which numbers are (Students will answer the
marked at intervals. Before we proceed to following questions based
arranging the subsets of real numbers in on the activities conducted)
increasing and decreasing order, we must
know first how to plot them in a number line.
The activity that we had has the same concept
with plotting on the number line.

From this picture, in which area are the “Positive numbers/integers

positive numbers located? sir are all located in the right

That’s correct which means that negative ”I guess sir there is no such
integers/numbers are all in the left side. Based thing as negative height so
on our activity, can someone tell me the that means that all of the
location of the heights that we have measured height that we measured
earlier? are located on the right for
they are positive integers.”

That is correct! Plotting a point on the number

line is very easy, all you need to remember is
the fact that if the given integer is positive, then
it is plotted to the right of the origin and if it is
negative it will be located on the left. From the
picture, we can see that the origin is always

The next step is to determine the exact

location after determining the position of the
given integer.

For example we have -5. What is the location “The location is in the left sir
of the point? since it is negative.”
That is correct. Negative 5 means five steps
from the left of the origin so the point would
look like this.

Do you get it students? “Yes sir!”

That’s for whole number, how about decimals? “Maybe sir we will divide
How can we plot them? Do you have an idea? one interval into many
Very good! That is correct. For example we
have 1.5 and negative 1.5. Point five means
one half of an interval so that means that from
the origin there will be 1 and a half steps to the
left and right and it would look like this.

Do you understand?
“Okay sir, we geit it!”

The same goes for numbers with roots or

irrational numbers. All you need to remember
is to first identify the location if is it left
(negative) or right (positive), then find the exact

Application (15 minutes)

Since you already know how to plot the

subsets of a real numbers on a number line, let
us apply them by having an activity. I want you
to form a group with 5 members and you will
act as the points on the number line by
standing on the exact location of the given

(Let 0 be the starting point)

1.) Student 1 travelled 4 km from their school
to the left and student 2 did the same but
travelled 1 km longer than student 1.
Meanwhile, Student 3 travelled 3 km to the (Students will work together
right and student 4 travelled 2 km lesser than with their group and will
student 3. Lastly, student 5 stayed at the stand at the exact position
school. Plot the points of 5 students by of the points.)
standing on their exact positions.

Ready, get set, GO!

(Let 0 be the origin and each interval will count

as 10) (Students will cooperate
2.) We have 5 foods at the canteen. A bread and show the plots of the
costs 15 pesos, water is free, pie is 45 pesos, prices)
a chocolate is 10 and a budget meal costs 15
pesos more than a pie. Plot the prices of the

Ready, get set, GO!

Did you guys enjoy our activity? “Yes sir, that was fun!”

Assessment (5 minutes)

To check your learning, I want you to get a

piece of paper.

Direction: Write the correct answers on a ½

sheet of paper. No need to copy the questions.
ALLOWED. answer the quiz)

I. Left or Right? Find the location.

⚫ -8
⚫ 10
⚫ Square root of 16
⚫ Pi
⚫ 9/10

II. Plot the points of the given numbers from

test I on the number line. (3 points each)


For our homework I want you to find 5 objects

and measure them. After that, you need to plot
the exact points of their measurement on a
number line. That will be for test 1 and for test
2 I want you to explain the concept of a
number line and subsets of integers on your
own words in less than 5 sentences. Write your “No sir, we managed to
answers on our activity notebook. write it on our notes.”

Do I need to repeat the questions? “No sir!”

Do you have any questions with regards to our “Thank you so much Sir!”

Okay, that is all for today. Class Dismissed.

Prepared by:

Tugap, Aldrin John O.

Grade 7 Math Faculty

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