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Level 4:
NAME is successfully spelling and reading at a grade 5 level in terms of accuracy and fluency.
NAME will benefit from more focus on comprehension learning to better understand and
communicate about what they read. I will focus on reading comprehension, including
summarizing and inferencing skills, in our small group time with NAME in the next term.

Level 3:
NAME is reading at grade level in terms of accuracy and fluency. NAME will benefit from more
focus on comprehension learning to better understand and communicate about what they read.
I will focus on reading comprehension in our small group time with NAME in the next term.

Level 3:
NAME completed her Country Inquiry Project on COUNTRY with a great degree of success in
research and communication skills. NAME is encouraged to study more for quizzes in Social
Studies. I will provide a review study sheet before the next quiz next term to address this issue.

Level 4:
NAME completed her Country Inquiry Project on COUNTRY with a great degree of success in
research and communication skills. NAME is encouraged to go above and beyond the
instructions and project expectations next term in order to bring her mark up even higher. I will
provide enrichment opportunities for NAME to demonstrate her high degree of knowledge in
Social Studies next term.

Level 2:
NAME successfully completed all art projects with care this term. NAME is encouraged to
always try his best on art quizzes in order to bring his mark up next term. I will give the class a
practice quiz with individualized feedback before the final unit test next term.

Level 3:
NAME successfully completed all art projects and quizzes with care this term. NAME is
encouraged to go above and beyond the given instructions or expectations in order to bring his
mark into the 80s next term. I will give NAME opportunities to raise his mark by challenging him
to do more than the required task next term.

Level 4:
NAME completed all art projects and class work with a high degree of success this term. NAME
is encouraged to continue sharpening their art skills in order to achieve an even higher mark
next term. I will provide opportunities for art enrichment for NAME since they show a strong
gifting in this area.

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