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Master’s Learn to Row Program

1. Due to lack of physical activity, Master rowers had limited flexibility and weak hand
eye coordination in addition to limited stamina.
2. The program started with 2 sessions of land only training including long warm-ups
and stretching sessions, followed by ergs.
3. The order of hand, back, leg and vice versa took some time to get adjusted too in
addition to not rushing the seat.
4. Be very patient, they respond well to constant affirmation. Might have to repeat the
same thing multiple times and in multiple sessions.
5. For on water sessions, start when they have understood the leg, back and arms
6. Start with the doubles, one coach per master for half an hour outing. During this
time the other masters must continue erg.
7. For the first session on the boat, take the time to slowly teach and emphasize on
each of the terminologies used in rowing. Ask them if they understand, quiz them.
Some tend to get overwhelmed, use a soft tone and be patient.
8. Initially no flick to catch, square paddling and fixed seat only until the motion is
understood without any interruption. We found masters tend to start moving their
seats without prompt.
9. PAY ATTENTION TO SEAT RUSH, leg control is weak. They tend to use their body
weight to move forward rather than pulling them self and hence they always end up
with their hips ahead of their shoulders rather than leaning into the catch which
leads to bad catch preparation and weak drive.
10. When the coach judges that the master has learned the basics, the class can move up
to a quad. The coach being the back bow and the rest three being the masters. Start
to row in pairs so that they understand the importance of timing, give clear
instructions. If you feel someone has a weak technique or lacks confidence, take
them back to the double or encourage them to make mistakes and help them
through it.
11. Start of each session must be with warmups, use dynamic stretching for the initial
warm up. Followed by an erg distance. Don’t allow to free row, set a distance and ask
them to test themselves. Don’t let them increase set rate, which is inevitable due to
point 9. Constant supervision is important, they have a higher chance of injuring
12. After the sessions, use static stretching to cool down and ask for their
remarks/comments on the sessions. Give them feedback and reaffirm their rowing.

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