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Team 34:

1) Mennatullah Magdy Mahmoud (20201378920)

2) Yara Hassan Mohsen (20201447189)
3) Nardin Philip Boles (20201448030)

Use-Case Diagram
1- Actors:
1) System User:
• The End-User is a Primary Actor for some use-cases
in our system.
• Two types of users inherit from the system user
which are ‘New User’, and ‘Old User’ .
2) Board:
• The Board of the organisation represents a Primary
Actor for some of the use-cases of the system, and
also a Secondary Actor for another use-cases.
3) Staff:
• The Staff Members represent a Primary Actor for
some use-cases.

2- Use-Cases:
1) Log in: An old user is required to log into our software
using his username and password. In case of forgetting
his password, he can simply click on ‘Forgot Password’
link which sends him a code to set his new password.
A new user can register in our software by filling the
required information, and an automated verification
process must take place in order to create his account
2) Setup profile: The user can set-up or edit his own
3) Contact Us: The user can contact us by simply clicking
on ‘Contact Us’ button to send his questions, and the
board will be able to reply to those questions.
4) Create: Board members will be able to create tasks
and announcements like: meetings and events.
5) Submit task: Staff members will be able to submit
tasks given by their board member, board members will
access those tasks for evaluation and creating reports.
6) Message: Board and staff members will be able to
communicate through messages.
7) Requests: Staff members will make a request to join a
certain committee. Board members will either approve
or deny this request.

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