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plants, while the pigmented individuals may eat them without

(Jour. of Chem. Soc., 1895, lxvii. p. 283), if sulphuretted

undoubtedly those in which a carboxyl group is obtained

order to increase the mobility of his troops, and carried

that the Punjab and Sind had since become British, and that

1880 1717 498 418 45

be made for a detailed discussion of the feeding of animals.

Herod the Great. It was before him and his sister Berenice

to the social environment. Their importance for aesthetics

against the Egyptians, and, after the capture of Khartum and

angle u2 in the axis point O'2. If there be refraction

al-`Anazi] (748-828), Arabian poet, was born at Ain ut-Tamar

line dividing the Bantu from the Negro proper, has now been

This reservation was formally abandoned by the British government

on certain subjects, having the character of a local law,

naked'' on his way to Paris. He translated seven books of

alimony about one-fifth of the husband's net income; where

Epidaurus, and after skilful manoeuvring surrounded the Argive

throughout (Nostoc), or the filament may be attached

horse-rakes (self-acting and not self-acting), guards to

perils, and the liability of the shioowner and his lien applies

ADJUNCT (from Lat. ad, to, and jungere, to join), that which

Clinton cut off the city from relief, and after a brief

&c.; these alone can be printed on white paper, all others

1712. It had then completed the 555 numbers usually collected

frequent. Alexander II. succumbed by degrees to the mental

coating. The first layer spread over the wall of the cavity

volume. A more complete edition in two volumes was

der alteren Abessinischen Kirche (Leipzig, 1895); F. M. E.

expedition to New Orleans (q.v.) is separately dealt with.

of his enemies, the Berber chiefs of the Ronda, into visiting

There were only nine Carthusian houses in England. The

a crushing defeat at Slankamen from the Austrians under

and the purification of the Italian language, and though

students during the twelve days ensuing. The scathing vehemence

named decomposing aluminium acetate from lead acetate and

Elek. Zeits., 1889; Kohlrausch and Heim, ``Ergebnisse von

sections:--(1) the ocean; (2) the Canadian frontier, from

and force of character, and many of these he placed over the

Immediately before arrest the heart may beat much faster than

goods coming into cold store. Thus it is well-nigh impossible

has as yet been published. But W. Haacke has described a

Anarchism continued to develop, partly in the direction

metal of the vent by preventing the escape of gas through it

race. Their population is divided between a white minority,

sovereign to whom he is accredited, and they embody a general

to be very clean and well pressed home. The joint ought to

Coming now to the ambulance system of the British army, in

of the 14th and 15th centuries. It also contains a number

holding by cattle, sheep, or pigs, or by horses other than

source of literature of high distinction, the progress of

introduction of a more complete symbolism for quantities and

Ezek. xlvii. 12). The oil-tree should doubtless be grouped

say that, at any rate as regards contracts made in partibus

to be passively obeyed. (5) Sinners or unfaithful ones are to

also investigated; here, again, negative results were obtained.

is a certain flexibility and elasticity with which it

Cloth, and in the reign of Edward I. an oflicial called an

For further information on the routine and details of

Mozambique. Dates are grown in Tunisia and the Saharan

to be mentioned here, if only in illustration of the use

others; but agreements may be made as to the patronage of

of the republic, and extending between the eastern and

measure realized the reform aspirations of the educated classes.

his mistress Giulia, who bore him a daughter Laura in 1492.

the first lord of the Admiralty, considered that ``it ought

different parts of the county, and which is celebrated in John

1864, was incorporated with Germany. Its area is 105 sq.

were prohibited. The triforium was omitted. The windows

of that name, pop. 32,000; Prizren, 30,000; Iannina (often

of crystals of pure tin in juxtaposition with crystals of

in comparison with most other preservatives; its potential

riebeckite--a soda amphibole. The last of these minerals

(1789), Gross Glockner (1800), Ortler (1804), Jungfrau (1811),

the railway from Dakar to St Louis had been commenced and

(C. dama) and the Indian sambar (C. aristotelis or

all the appointments he subsequently received from the same

Festo, ed. C. O. Muller) as a Gallic word used by Ennius

Inquisition; on the first occasion he was acquitted, and he

time of Mahomet, the Aga Khan traced his descent from the

history, the distinction between it and New Aberdeen can no

to the large amount of food produced, and (5) to the small

practice the early Christian ideals of which their persecutors

there is some amount of sterile tissue in Riccia, in Bangia

and its extension towards the interior laid down for a short

Ancient Laws and Institutes of England (1840), with the

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