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UNIT 7: TRAFFIC ............................................................................................. 1

UNIT 8: FILMS .................................................................................................. 6

UNIT 9: FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD .......................................... 9

UNIT 10: ENERGY SOURCES ..................................................................... 13

UNIT 11: TRAVELING IN THE FUTURE ................................................. 19

UNIT 12: ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES ....................................... 28

LISTENING PRACTICE ............................................................................... 35


● Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic “Traffic"

● Grammar:
It indicating distance
Should/ Shouldn't
● Pronunciation: /ai/ and /ei/ sounds


bumpy (adj) /ˈbʌm.pi/

distance (n) /ˈdɪs.təns/

fine (v) /faɪn/

fly (v) /flaɪ/

handlebars (n) /ˈhæn.dəl.bɑːr/

lane (n) /leɪn/

obey traffic rules /əʊˈbeɪ/ /ˈtræf.ɪk/ /ruːl/

park (v) /pɑːrk/

passenger (n) /ˈpæs.ən.dʒər/

pavement (n) /ˈpeɪv.mənt/

pedestrian (n) /pəˈdes.tri.ən/

plane (n) /pleɪn/

road sign (n)/ /rəʊd/ /saɪn/

traffic sign /ˈtræf.ɪk//saɪn/

roof /ruːf/

safety (n) /ˈseɪf.ti/

seatbelt (n) /ˈsiːt ˌbelt/


traffic jam (n) /ˈtræf.ɪk ˌdʒæm/

traffic rule/ law /ˈtræf.ɪk//ruːl/

vehicle (n) /ˈvɪə.kəl/

zebra crossing (n) /ˌzeb.rə ˈkrɒs.ɪŋ/


It indicating distance
We can use It in the position of the subject to indicate distance.
It is about 300 meters from my house to the bus stop.

We use should (negative: shouldn’t)

- to give advice
Example: You shouldn’t go out late at night.
- to say what is the correct or the best thing to do
Example: We should go now, or we might get stuck in a traffic jam.

Exercise 1: Match the two halves in A and B to make sentences.


1. When you cross a road, a. you should get her some medicine.
2. If you get lost in a city, b. you should help her.
3. When you see an old woman crossing c. they should avoid that area.
the road, d. at the zebra crossing.
4. If your mum has a headache, e. you should ask a policeman.
5. You should cross the street f. you should stop and look both ways.
6. There’s an accident over there;

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Exercise 2: Make questions for the underlined parts in the following sentences.
1. Most of my classmates go to school by bicycle.
2. It is about three kilometers from my home to the nearest town.
3. It is about 170 km from Ho Chi Minh City to Can Tho City.
4. There are often traffic jams in the city center during rush hour.
5. Trung usually rides his motorbike very carefully.

Exercise 3: Complete each sentence with should/ shouldn’t and a verb from the box.

call ask do finish ride drive

1. He ______________ his bike too fast. It’s dangerous.

2. It’s a long way to the station. You ___________ a taxi.
3. I think the world _____________ more to stop the spread of the disease.
4. You ____________ the teacher to help you if you don’t understand the lesson.
5. People ___________ fast in the town center.
6. You ______________ this project completely before you start the next one.

Exercise 1: Choose the word in which the underlined part is pronounced differently

1 A. flight B. tricycle C. sign D. vehicle

2 A. date B. safety C. traffic D. station

3 A. system B. cyclist C. crying D. style

4 A. survey B. honey C. obey D. grey

5 A. weight B. sleigh C. eighty D. height


Exercise 2: Single-underline the words with the sound /ei/ and double-underline the
words with the sound /ai/ in the dialogue
A: Excuse me. This train is late! I’ve been here since nine.
B: Which train, madam?
A: The nine-twenty train to Miami.
B: I don’t think there’s a nine-twenty train to Miami.
A: But I wrote in my notebook: Miami train - nine-twenty.
B: Oh, no. The Miami train leaves at eight-twenty.
A: Eight-twenty?
B: Yes. They changed the timetable at the end of July. It’s the fourth of August today.
A: Oh, dear! What time does the train go to Miami today?
B: Eight-twenty.
A: So the train isn’t late! I’m late!

Exercise 1: Read the following passage and decide whether the statements are true
(T) or false (F)

Who are the best drivers? According to a recent survey, young and inexperienced
drivers are the most likely to have an accident. Older drivers are more careful. Young
men have the worst accident record of all. They often drive faster cars with bigger
engines. One of the most interesting findings in the survey is that passengers can affect
the driver. When young male drivers drive their friends, their driving becomes worse.
When their wives or girlfriends are in the car; however, their driving improves. But
this is not true for women. Their driving is more dangerous when their husbands or
boyfriends are in the car. However, if their children are riding in the car, they drive
more slowly and safely.


1. According to the survey, young and inexperienced drivers are the most
likely to have an accident.

2. Generally, older men are likely to drive fast cars with big engines.

3. Passengers have an effect on the driver.

4. When men have their wives or girlfriends in the car, they drive worse.

5. When children are in the car, mothers drive more slowly and safely.


Exercise 2: Read the text and decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fills each gap
When you are in Hong Kong, you can go about by taxi, by tram, by bus, or (1)
_________ underground. I prefer the underground (2) _____ it is fast, easy and cheap.
There are (3) _____ trams and buses in Hong Kong, and one cannot drive on the road
(4) ______ and without stopping many times. The underground is therefore usually
quicker (5) ______ taxis or buses. If you do not know Hong Kong very well, it is very
difficult (6) _____ the bus you want. You can take a taxi, but it is (7) _____ expensive
than the underground or a bus. At the underground you can find good maps that tell
you the station names and show you (8) ______ to get to them, so that it is easy to find
your way.

1 A. in B. by C. on D. with

2 A. because B. when C. so D. but

3 A. some B. a lot C. many D. few

4 A. quick B. quicker C. quickly D. quickest

5 A. as B. than C. so D. like

6 A. finding B. to find C. found D. to finding

7 A. more B. much C. as D. too

8 A. who B. when C. what D. how



● Vocabulary:
Types of films
Adjectives describing films
● Grammar:
Connectors though/although and however
● Pronunciation: /iə/ and /eə/ sounds


acting (n) /ˈæktɪŋ/

comedy (n) /ˈkɒmədi/

confusing (adj) /kənˈfjuːzɪŋ/

director (v) /daɪˈrektə(r)/

documentary (n) /ˌdɒkjuˈmentri/

dull (adj) /dʌl/

enjoyable (adj) /ɪnˈdʒɔɪəbl/

fantasy (n) /ˈfæntəsi/

frightening (adj) /ˈfraɪtnɪŋ/

gripping (adj) /ˈɡrɪpɪŋ/

horror film /ˈhɒrə(r) fɪlm/

moving (adj) /ˈmuːvɪŋ/

must-see (n) /mʌst siː/

poster (n) /ˈpəʊstə(r)/

review (n) /rɪˈvjuː/

scary (adj) /:skeəri/


science fiction (n) /saɪəns fɪkʃən/

shocking (adj) /ˈʃɒk.ɪŋ/

star (v) /stɑː/

survey (n) /ˈsɜː.veɪ/

twin (n) /twɪn/

violent (adj) /ˈvaɪə.lənt/

wizard (n) /ˈwɪz.əd/


We use although/though before a clause to connect two contrasting ideas in the same
Although/Though John Peters is an amateur actor, he gave a great performance in
his latest film.
John Peters gave a great performance in his latest film although/though he is an
amateur actor.

We use however to contrast ideas in two sentences. We normally use a comma after
John Peters is an amateur actor. However, he gave a great performance in his latest

Exercise 1: Combine the two sentences, using although/though.

She watched the film twice.
She didn’t understand the film.
→ Although/Though she watched the film twice, she didn’t understand it.
→ She didn’t understand the film although/though she watched it twice.
1. The questions were very difficult.
He solved them easily.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
2. He was a great actor.
He never played a leading role in a film.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
3. They spent a lot of money on the film.
The film wasn’t a big success.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
4. The film was a comedy.
I didn’t find it funny at all.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
5. We played well.
We couldn’t win the match.
→ _________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences using although/though or however

1. It was cold and wet. ________, he put on his swimsuit and went to the
swimming pool.
2. ______ he has problems with his health, he is an active actor.
3. ______ she was an amateur actress, she was chosen for the leading part in the
4. Her father gave her a lot of good advice. ________, she didn’t follow it.
5. _________ I had a lot of studying to do, I went to the cinema.

Exercise 3: Read the text. Fill in the gaps with although/though or however.
(1) _______ Mai had lots of homework to do, she agreed to go shopping with her friend
Mark. Mark loves to buy jeans and T-shirts. (2) _______, Mai prefers to buy sportswear.
(3) _______ it rained, they set off on Sunday morning for the town center. Mark, as
always, had more cash than Mai. (4) ______, Mai was better at buying things at a lower
price. They were hungry and had lunch at the local burger bar. (5) _______ they had
spent nearly all their money, there were still a few shops that Mark wanted to visit. (6)
________ they had aching feet, Mai and Mark ended up spending a few more hours


Exercise 1: Write the following words in the correct columns
near, here, there, nightmare, fear, share, square,
care, pier, fare, stair, clear, cheer, chair, hair

/iə/ /eə/



● Vocabulary:
Types of festivals
Festival activities
● Grammar:
Yes/ No questions
● Pronunciation: Stress in two-syllable words


candy (n) /ˈkændi/

Cannes Film Festival /kæn//fɪlm//ˈfes.tɪ.vəl/

carve (v) /kɑːv/

celebrate (v) /ˈsel.ə.breɪt/

costume (n) /ˈkɒstjuːm/

decorate (v) /ˈdekəreɪt/

decoration (n) /ˌdekəˈreɪʃn/

disappointing (adj) /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ/

disappointment (n) /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntmənt/

Dutch (adj, n) /dʌtʃ/

Easter (n) /ˈiːstə(r)/

feast (n) /fiːst/

feature (v) /ˈfiːtʃə(r)/

fireworks display /ˈfaɪəwɜːks dɪˈspleɪ/

float (n) /fləʊt/

folk dance (n) /ˈfəʊk dɑːns/


Holland (n) /ˈhɒl.ənd/

Mid-Autumn Festival /mɪd//ˈɔː.təm//ˈfes.tɪ.vəl/

parade (n) /pəˈreɪd/

perform (v) /pəˈfɔːm/

performance (n) /pəˈfɔː.məns/

symbol (n) /ˈsɪmbl/

take part in /teɪk pɑːt ɪn/

Thanksgiving (n) /ˌθæŋksˈɡɪv.ɪŋ/


Yes/ No questions

● These questions need either a Yes or No answer.

● We form a Yes/ No question with an auxiliary verb (be, do or have) or with a
modal verb. We put the auxiliary verb or modal verb before the subject.
- Are you eating moon cakes?
Yes, I am.
- Did they eat moon cakes at the festival last year?
No, they didn’t.
- Can he eat all these moon cakes?
Yes, he can.
● We don’t use an auxiliary verb when we use be as a main verb.
- Is that your Christmas present?
Yes, it is.


Exercise 1: Find a mistake in each sentence and correct it
1. Can you watch folk music performances at the Russian Winter Festival last
2. Did they went to the Tulip Festival with their family?
3. Do she carve pumpkins every year at Halloween?
4. Will he asks his brother to go to the cinema with him?
5. Are they perform an Indian folk dance on the stage?

Exercise 2: Change the following sentences into Yes/ No questions

1. Last year their family went to Da Nang to enjoy the International Fireworks



2. They will go to the music festival next week.


3. We can design some posters to sell food at the Mid-Autumn Festival.


4. My mother usually cooks special food at Tet.


5. People should behave well on the first day of the new year.


6. He is singing a song about the beauty of his country.



Question 1 A. enroll B. system C. allow D. agree

Question 2 A. begin B. mountain C. kingdom D. passage

Question 3 A. alone B. equal C. amazed D. perform

Question 4 A. believe B. parents C. reply D. promote

Question 5 A. before B. arrive C. imply D. listen

Question 6 A. mistake B. machine C. escape D. open

Question 7 A. address B. include C. forget D. common

Question 8 A. maintain B. marine C. challenge D. device

Question 9 A. become B. famous C. children D. friendly

Question 10 A. relax B. wonder C. problem D. special

13/04/2023 face (n)

Question 11 A. sleepy B. trophy C. facial (adj) D. exact
/ˈsɜː.fɪs/ /prəˈfaʊnd/ /ˈpɜː.pəs/
Question 12 A. surface B. profound C. purpose D. perform
/rɪˈkruːt/ /ˈriː.teɪl/ /ˈʃɔː.tɪdʒ/
Question 13 A. recruit B. retail C. answer D. shortage

/ˈprɑː.dʌkt/ /ˈpoʊst.kɑːrd/ /poʊstˈpoʊn/

Question 14 A. product B. purpose C. postcard D. postpone
/ˈmjuː.tʃu.əl/ /ˈkæn.səl/
Question 15 A. beauty B. mutual C. cancel D. reduce
Question 16 A. village B. begin C. column D. pity
Question 17 A. disease B. people C. upset D. upstairs
/ɪɡˈzɔːst/ /ɪkˈspekt/ /ˈek.strə/ /ɪkˈsept/
Question 18 A. exhaust B. expect C. extra D. except
exhausted (adj) = very tired expert (n) chuyen gia

Question 19 A. captain B. belong C. respect D. avoid

US: /ˈkæp.tən/
UK: /ˈkæp.tɪn/ /ˈhʌn.i/
Question 20 A. discharge B. honey C. decide D. appoint
money: /ˈmʌn.i/ appointment
extra-curricular activity: hoạt động ngoại khoá

● Vocabulary:
Types of energy sources
● Grammar:
Present Continuous
● Pronunciation:
Stress in three-syllable words VD: I’m living in an extended family.
nuclear family (n): gia đình chỉ có 2 thế hệ (thế hệ bố mẹ và
thế hệ con cái)
extended family (n): gia đình có nhiều hơn 2 thế hệ (VD: 3
thế hệ: Thế hệ ông bà, thế hệ bố mẹ và thế hệ con cái)

available (adj) /əˈveɪ.lə.bəl/ sẵn có

electricity (n) /,ɪlɛk'trɪsɪti / điện năng

energy (n) / 'enədʒi / năng lượng

hydro (adj) / 'haidrou / liên quan đến nước

light bulb (n) / laɪt bʌlb / bóng đèn

limited (adj) /ˈlɪm.ɪ.tɪd/ bị hạn chế

non - renewable (adj) /,nɔn ri'nju:əbl/ không thể tái tạo

nuclear (adj) /ˈnjuːkliə(r)/ thuộc về hạt nhân

overcool (v) /ˌəʊ.vəˈku:l/ làm cho quá lạnh

overheat (v) /ˌəʊ.vəˈhiːt/ làm cho quá nóng

panel (n) /ˈpæn.əl/ tấm ghép

produce (v) /prəˈdʒuːs/ sản xuất

reduce (v) /rɪˈdʒuːs/ giảm

renewable (adj) /ri'nju:əbl / có thể tái tạo

replace (v) /rɪˈpleɪs/ thay thế

solar (adj) / 'soʊlər / liên quan đến mặt trời

solar energy: năng lượng mặt trời

source (n) / sɔ:s / nguồn

syllable (n) /ˈsɪl.ə.bəl/ âm tiết

tap (n) /tæp/ vòi (nước)

làm cho ấm lên/ làm cho
warm (v) /wɔːm/
nóng lên
warm up: khởi động
Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. There is one extra

a. electrical appliances các thiết bị điện

b. low energy light bulbs
c. solar panels
d. new source of energy
e. non-renewable energy sources
f. plastic bottles
g. the environment

1. We can protect ________

g by reducing our use of coal and gas.
2. The workers are putting ____
c on the roof of my house.
3. We are putting the _____
b in the kitchen tomorrow.
4. She turns off _____
a when not using them.
5. Do they recycle _____?
6. They are looking for a _____
d now.

Exercise 2: Mi and Tony are talking about energy sources. Choose the sentences (a -
e) to fill in the gaps (1 - 5) of the conversation.

a. We won’t have any more energy.

b. We’ll have to use energy sources such as wind, water and sun.
c. Well, they are sources that we can’t replace after we use them.
d. We call them renewable sources.
e. They come from different sources like coal, oil and natural gas.

Mi: Hi, Tony. I’m doing a project on energy sources, but I don’t understand what non-
renewable sources are.
Tony: (1) ________________________
Mi: Oh. Where do they come from?
Tony: (2) ________________________
Mi: What will happen to us when they run out?
Tony: (3) ________________________
Mi: So what will we do then?
Tony: (4) ________________________
Mi: Oh, I see. What do we call them?
Tony: (5) ________________________ They are renewable because they cannot run out.
Mi: Thank you.


We use the present continuous to express:

- an action happening now or at the moment of speaking.
The students are doing a project in the classroom now.
- an action around now but not necessarily at the moment of speaking.
Scientists are looking for a new energy source to replace coal.
We can use the words or phrases: now, right now, at the moment, today,
nowadays, this week/month, etc. with the present continuous.

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences, using the verbs in brackets in the present
continuous aren’t doing are watching
1. The boys (not do) _______ their homework at the moment. They (watch) ______
TV instead.
is reading is doing
2. Mai (read) ______ about renewable energy, and Nam (do) ______ a project on
our local environment.
is getting is putting
3. The music (get) ________ louder and louder. Many people (put) ______ their
hands over their ears.
isn’t having is watering
4. Her mother (not have) _____ a nap now. She (water) _____ the plants.
is installing
5. My father (install) _______ a biogas cooker in the kitchen, and the workers (put)
_____ solar panels on the roof of our house.
are putting


Exercise 2: Complete the sentences, using the present simple or present continuous
1. Lan always (call) ________
calls me when I (do) am
doingmy homework.
2. The workers (put) _______ the solar panels on the hill when it suddenly (rain)
rains putting
3. While we (look) are looking
_______ for information about energy sources, the electricity
(go) _____
goes out. am watching
4. I often (play) _____
play the piano in the evening, but tonight I (watch) ______ TV.
5. Normally my father (water) _________
waters the vegetables in the garden, but today
is cooking
he (cook) ______ in the kitchen. are not going
6. They (have) ________
have a lot of work to do, so they (not go) _____ to town tonight.
7. He usually (come) ________
comes back home at one o’clock, but today he (work)
________ late.
is working


Question 1 A. family B. hospital C. confidence D. solution
Question 2 A. suitable B. supportive C. expensive D. excited
/ˈmɪs.tʃə.vəs/ /əˈbiː.di.ənt/ /ˌhɑːrdˈwɝː.kɪŋ/
Question 3 A. mischievous B. obedient C. hard-working D. progressive

Question 4 A. well-behaved B. annoying C. expensive D. important

Question 5 A. efficient B. interesting C. mischievous D. different
Question 6 A. essential B. possible C. supportive D. unhappy

Question 7 A. solution B. decision C. holiday D. importance

Question 8 A. approval B. difference C. attitude D. summary

Question 9 A. appearance B. partnership C. expression D. protection

Question 10 A. grocery B. photograph C. counterpart D. opinion


Exercise 1: Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B or C) to complete each
We can use renewable and non-renewable energy sources to make electricity.
Most of our electricity comes from power stations that use fossil fuels like coal, oil and
gas. We call them non-renewable sources because they will eventually run out.
Unfortunately, burning fossil fuels produces lots of greenhouse gases which cause
global warming.
We also use renewable energy sources like the sun, wind and water to make electricity.
We can use them again and again because they cannot run out. They do not produce
greenhouse gases so they are much less harmful to the environment.

1. Power stations use fossil fuels like _____ to produce electricity.

A. coal, oil and gas B. coal and gas C. oil and gas
2. Burning fossil fuels produces ____ which cause global warming.
A. greenhouse gases B. carbon dioxide C. methane
3. We can use the _____ to make electricity.
A. sun and water B. sun and wind C. sun, wind and water
4. The renewable sources can be used again and again because they ______.
A. can run out B. cannot run out C. should run out
5. Renewable sources are _____ harmful to the environment.
A. much more B. much less C. not less


Exercise 2: Read the passage and complete the table.
Our environment is in trouble. People and industries are polluting the air, rivers, lakes
and seas. There are many things you can do and do to help the environment. Here are
a few.
Cars: The burning of petroleum is one of the biggest sources of carbon monoxide (CO)
that causes global warming. CO thins the ozone layer, which protects us from the
sunrays. So try walking, bicycling or using public transportation.
Energy: The biggest use of home energy is for heating and cooling homes. It costs a lot
of money. So don’t use air-conditioners too often , especially at night. Replace regular
light bulbs with low energy light bulbs, which use less energy.
Water: Showers use a lot of water. Buying a special “low-flow” shower head or taking
shorter showers can cut this use in half.

Problems Solutions
The burning of petroleum produces
Cars carbon monoxide that causes Try walking, bicycling or using
global warming. CO thins the public transportation
The uselayer
of home energy costs a
lot of money

Water showers use a lot of water Buying a special “low-flow”

shower head or taking shorter
Exercise 3: Complete the passage with appropriate phrases in the box.

a. causing climate change

b. walk or cycle
c. low energy light bulbs
d. powering our appliances
e. turn off the lights

We use energy for almost everything we do: for heating our homes, cooking our meals
and (1) _______.
d The use of energy is (2) _______
a worldwide. It is responsible for many
recent floods, droughts and storms.
What should we do to avoid these problems? Firstly, we should (3) ______
e before going
to bed or when going out. Secondly, we should use (4) ______
c at home. Thirdly, we
should (5) _______
b to school. In conclusion, we should use energy more wisely for our
wise = clever = intelligent



● Vocabulary:
Future means of transport
● Grammar:
Future simple
Possessive pronouns
● Pronunciation:
Sentence stress


appear (v)

autopilot (adj, n)

bamboo-copter (n)

comfortable (adj)

convenient (adj)

disappear (v)

driverless (adj)

eco-friendly (adj)

economical (adj)

fume (n)

function (n)

hyperloop (n)

mode of travel

pedal (v)

rails (n)

run on

sail (v)


skyTran (n)


solar-powered ship

solowheel (n)

walkcar (n)

teleporter (n)

Exercise 1: Use the phrases in the box to complete the sentences

solar-powered ships driverless car high-speed train

petrol-powered cars eco-friendly vehicles self-balancing

1. People will not drive _____ in 10 years’ time because they cause pollution.
2. Riding on a ________ is more comfortable than a traditional train.
3. _______ will be greener than the ships we are using today.
4. You can relax and read if you ride in a ______.
5. ________ will certainly become popular in the near future.
6. A solowheel is fun and safe to ride. It is ________ so riders do not fall.

Exercise 2: Use the words and phrases in the box to complete the passage

hyperloop flying car autopilot function combination ideas

bullet trains public transport developing convenient

As the world’s population has grown, and traffic jams have become a ‘nightmare’ in
many big cities, scientists are researching and (1) ______ new means of transport to
solve the problem. Henry Ford was one of the first to think of a (2) ______ - a car that
can fly - in 1936. It is a (3) _______ of an airplane and a motorcar. Later, more new (4)
________ about cars came about, including cars that have an (5) ______ or are
driverless. Scientists have also worked to develop new means of (6) _______, and
skyTrans is one of their inventions. Scientists have also invented (7) _______, which
are not much different from traditional trains, but are much faster, safer, and more (8)
_______. They are also working on a (9) ________ system, which allows people to travel
from one country to another in minutes.

The future simple

We use the future simple
- to talk about future activities.
We will buy an electric scooter soon.
- to make predictions.
We will probably use electric cars because normal cars cause too much
The negative of will is won’t.
In the future we won’t drive normal cars any more.

Pronoun and possessive determiners: Đại từ và tính từ sở hữu

Chủ ngữ Tân ngữ Tính từ Đại từ Đại từ

sở hữu sở hữu phản thân

I me my mine myself

You you your yours yourself

We us our ours ourselves

They them their theirs themselves

He him his his himself

She her her hers herself

It it its - itself

You you your yours yourselves

- Đại từ phản thân (Reflexive pronouns) là loại đại từ dùng để phản chiếu lại
chính chủ ngữ của câu, thường được dùng để thay thế cho một danh từ.


Exercise 1: Underline the correct subject pronouns
1. My brother and I / me get along well with each other.
2. She / Her is mowing the lawn in the garden now.
3. Can we / us go to the cinema, daddy?
4. Her / She and John played chess in the afternoon.
5. My mother and me / I will travel to India tomorrow.
6. Amanda and him / he arrived at the airport at 9 p.m.
7. Can we / us help you with your project?
8. Her / She and I / me usually spend an hour in the library on Fridays.
9. It / They is looking for its bone.
10. Him / He and me / I are excited to go fishing.

Exercise 2: Choose the correct answers

1. Vicky, our parents want to talk to _______ about your study.

A. their B. you C. your D. it

2. My dog is playful, and I usually play with ________.

A. me B. you C. them D. it

3. Tom and Sandy are my friends. I often go to school with ______.

A. us B. you C. him D. them

4. Where is Jake? Why didn’t you invite _____ to the party?

A. me B. you C. him D. her

5. My parents gave ______ a new digital camera. I love ____ so much.

A. me/it B. you/them C. them/it D. it/them

6. The book you gave me is interesting. I really like _______.

A. me B. you C. us D. it

7. Bill is thin, but her sister is thinner than _____.

A. me B. us C. him D. them


8. She is caring, so everyone likes _______.

A. her B. you C. them D. him

9. Can you pass ______ the tomato sauce, please? I need some for my pizza.

A. me B. you C. him D. us

10. We are going to the hairdresser’s. Will you go with _______?

A. me B. you C. us D. them

Exercise 3: Underline the correct possessive determiners.

1. I forgot to bring my / me calculator.
2. James does him / his homework at 7.30 p.m everyday.
3. My children are playing monopoly in they / their room.
4. Look! That bird is in it’s / its net.
5. She loves working with she / her foreigners.
6. We ride us / our bikes to school every morning.
7. Helen sometimes has dinner with her / she friends.
8. The monkeys are in them / their cage in the zoo.
9. We should brush us / our teeth twice a day.
10. Taylor and Ricky are twins. They / Their house is very big and modern.

Exercise 4: Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronouns from the box.

mine yours ours theirs his hers

1. The Smiths bought that car last month. It is _______.

2. Here is your spaghetti. It is _______.
3. This farm belongs to Mr. Anderson. It is _______.
4. You have a new phone. It is _______.
5. This novel is _______. It has her name on it.
6. My grandma bought a cat yesterday. It’s _______.
7. Is this leather jacket _______, Tony?
8. Chloe has a new pair of glasses. They are _______.
9. They own this villa. It’s _______.
10. That’s _______. He received this telescope from his mother.


Exercise 5: Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns from the box.

myself yourself yourselves ourselves

themselves himself herself itself

1. Anna can wash _______ and clean her teeth.

2. Liam cut _______ with a sharp knife yesterday.
3. I have to take care of _______ because my parents are quite busy.
4. My sister burned _______ while she was baking some cakes.
5. My puppy licks _______ to get clean.
6. The girls are looking at _______ in the mirror.
7. Let me introduce _______ to the class.
8. Everyone, believe in _______.
9. Can you teach _______ to play the piano, Amy?
10. Vanessa hurt _______ while she was running towards me.

Exercise 6: Find and correct the mistakes

1. They enjoyed them at the party last night. _______________

2. What is your brother job? _______________
3. He’s chef. Him work is very creative. _______________
4. We have a new house. Our color is white. _______________
5. I’m starving. Can I have nothing to eat? _______________
6. The children’s tests are easy. _______________
7. Those are Emily and Leo. Their are my relatives. _______________
8. Your result is food. My is good, too. _______________
9. Is she dancing with hers brother? _______________
10. There isn’t nothing exciting to do.

Exercise 1: Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, or C to fill each
A hoverboard can bring (1) _______ a lot of benefits. It is self-balancing so it is safe for
(2) _________. It is also fun because it connects to a music speaker with a phone, so
riders can enjoy music while (3) _______ on the road. It can also give riders a smooth
(4) _______. It runs on electric battery. Its run time is 30 minutes but you may have to
wait 2 - 3 hours for the battery to (5) _______. Because hoverboards are safe, easy to
use, and inexpensive, they will (6) _______ around for long for the children to enjoy.
1. A. owners B. riders C. players

2. A. beginners B. professionals C. adults

3. A. hovering B. running C. driving

4. A. drive B. ride C. fly

5. A. change B. replace C. charge

6. A. be B. live C. work

Exercise 2: Read the passage and do the tasks below

My uncle is working at a car company. His company is now developing a new flying
car. The car will have solar panels on its roof and wings, and it will charge its battery
as it moves. During light traffic, you can use roads. But in heavy traffic, you can use
the flight mode to avoid traffic. It will be able to carry eight passengers. The car will
have an autopilot function, so a driver is not needed. All passengers can relax, read
books or play games while traveling.
I was worried about the safety because it is driverless, but my uncle said it will be
much safer than a traditional car. It will also be more comfortable and greener because
it is solar-powered.

a. Tick T (True) or F (False).


1. The writer’s father is working at a car company.

2. The car runs on solar energy.

3. You can use it in flight mode when roads are crowded.

4. You have to be very careful and skillful drivers to drive this car.

5. It will be more comfortable than a traditional car.

b. Answer the questions.

1. How will the car be powered?
2. When will its battery be charged?
3. What can it do during traffic jams?
4. What can passengers do when the car is running?
5. Why is it greener than a traditional car?

Exercise 3: Read the passage and do the tasks below

Tel Aviv will be the first city in the world to have a skyTran system. This system will
help the city reduce traffic congestion. Moreover, skyTran will provide a greener, less
expensive, faster, and more comfortable mode of travel than cars and buses. The
system has many pods and each pod has two seats. Passengers can get a pod by using
a smartphone app. The pods glide along the rails above to their destination. The pods
run on electricity and can travel at speeds up to 150 mph while passengers will still
have a smooth ride. The system is about 70m above the ground. The cost is higher than
taking a bus but lower than taking a taxi. So, many people think it will be a perfect
means of transport to replace traditional ones. The USA and many Asian countries are
interested in building skyTran networks in the very near future.


a. Find in the passage the words that have a similar meaning to these words or

1. decrease

2. more eco-friendly

3. riders

4. move smoothly

5. be used instead of something

b. What is the best title of the passage?

1. Future Modes of Travel
2. SkyTran in the USA and Asian Countries
3. SkyTran - a Future Mode of Travel

c. Choose the best answer A, B, or C.

1. One benefit of skyTran is that ______.
A. it is more expensive than a taxi trip
B. it makes cities more modern
C. it helps avoid traffic jams
2. It will be more comfortable and faster than ______.
A. a train
B. a bus
C. a truck
3. To get a pod, people can ______.
A. call it the same way as they call a taxi
B. use an app on their smartphones
C. go to a pod station and wait
4. The pod glides fast, and the trip is _______.
A. smooth
B. unsafe
C. tiring
5. The system is _______.
A. underground
B. on the ground
C. above the ground



● Vocabulary:
People and places in English-speaking countries
● Grammar:
Articles: a, an, the
● Pronunciation:
Rising and falling intonation for questions


amazement (n)

amazing (adj)

ancient (adj)

Australia (n)

Canada (n)

capital (n)

castle (n)

coastline (n)

culture (n)

historic (adj)

island country

kilt (n)

landscape (n)

local (adj)

native (adj)

New Zealand

penguin (n)


royal (adj)

shining (adj)

sunset (n)

symbol (n)

tattoo (n)

the UK

the USA

tower (n)


Articles: a, an, the

A. Mạo từ bất định

A An

- Dùng “a" trước các từ bắt đầu - Dùng “an” trước các từ bắt đầu
bằng một phụ âm. (trừ: a bằng một nguyên âm.
university, a universe,...) Ex: an umbrella, an apple, an
Ex: a girl, a ball,... elephant, an orange,...
- Dùng trong các thành ngữ chỉ số 5 nguyên âm: u, e, o, a, i
lượng nhất định như: a lot of, a Trường hợp đặc biệt: an hour, an
great deal of, a couple, a heir, an honor,...)
Ex: a dozen eggs,...
- Dùng trong các thành ngữ chỉ
giá cả, tốc độ, tỉ lệ: a dollar, a
kilometer, 4 times a day…

B. Mạo từ xác định: The

- Dùng trước danh từ được xác định bằng cụm từ/ mệnh đề.
Ex: The place where I waited for him.
- Dùng với tính từ chỉ cả nhóm người.
Ex: the rich, the poor,...


- Dùng với số thứ tự.
Ex: the first, the second…
- Dùng với tên dãy núi hoặc quần đảo, sông, biển, đại dương, sa mạc.
Ex: the Pacific, the Red Sea,...
- Dùng trước danh từ đã được xác định cụ thể về tính chất hoặc đặc điểm.
Ex: The dog is on the chair.
- Dùng trước vật thể hay nhóm vật thể là duy nhất hoặc được xem như là duy
Ex: the world, the sea,...
- Dùng với tên của các loại nhạc cụ.
Ex: the guitar, the trumpet, the piano…

C. Không dùng mạo từ

- Không dùng mạo từ cho những danh từ không đếm được, danh từ số nhiều,
hoặc danh từ đếm được mang nghĩa nói chung
- Không dùng mạo từ trước:
+ Tên gọi các bữa ăn (dinner, lunch…)
+ Tên gọi các ngôn ngữ (English, Vietnamese,...)
+ Tên gọi các môn thể thao (soccer, football, volleyball…)
+ Tên gọi hầu hết các con đường, thành phố, đất nước… (Chua Lang Street,
Pham Van Dong Street…)
+ Tên gọi các ngọn núi riêng lẻ, các hồ (Hoan Kiem Lake, West Lake…)
+ Tên gọi một số phương tiện giao thông (car, bus…)
- Không dùng mạo từ khi muốn nhấn mạnh đến các hành động diễn ra tại
một địa điểm thay vì bản thân địa điểm ấy. Các danh từ thường thấy trong
trường hợp này bao gồm: school, hospital, university…

Exercise 1: Choose the correct answers

1. Apples/ The apples are good for you.
2. Look at apples/ the apples on that tree.
3. Who are people/ the people in this picture?
4. It annoys me when people/ the people throw rubbish on the ground.
5. My memory isn’t good. I’m not good at remembering names/ the names.
6. What were names/ the names of those people we met last night?
7. He’s lazy. He doesn’t like hard work/ the hard work.
8. Did you finish work/ the work you were doing yesterday?
9. A: Did you see football match/the football match on television/the television last


B: No, I hate football/ the football. I was listening to news/ the news on radio/ the
A: You know that cars/ the cars cause pollution/the pollution, don’t you?
B: Yes, but cars/the cars these days are cleaner than they used to be. Isn’t it
aeroplanes/the aeroplanes that are mainly responsible for pollution/the pollution of
atmosphere/the atmosphere?
11. Steve is very good at telling stories/ the stories.
12. I can’t sing this song. I don’t know words/ the words.
13. Don’t stay in that hotel. It’s noisy and rooms/ the rooms are very small.
14. I don’t have a car, so I use public transport/ the public transport most of the time.
15. All books/ All the books on the top shelf belong to me.
16. Life/ The life is strange sometimes. Some very strange things happen.
17. Everybody needs water/ the water to live.
18. I don’t like films/ the films with unhappy endings.
19. Where is university/the university? Is it near here?
20. Neil left school and got a job. He didn’t want to go to university/ the university.
21. In your country, what proportion of the population study at university/the
22. This is a small town, but university/the university is the biggest in the country.
23. My brother has always been healthy. He’s never been in hospital/ the hospital.
24. When my friend was ill, I went to hospital/the hospital to see her.
25. When I was visiting my friend, I met Lisa, who is a nurse at hospital/the hospital.
26. I saw an accident. A woman was injured and was taken to hospital/the hospital.
27. Why is she in prison/the prison? What crime did she commit?
28. There was a fire at prison/ the prison. Firefighters were called to put it out.
29. Do you think too many people are sent to prison/the prison?
30. John’s mother is a regular churchgoer. She goes to church/ the church every
Sunday. John himself doesn’t go to church/the church.
31. The village is very nice. You should visit church/the church. It’s interesting.
Exercise 2: Circle one letter to indicate the best option that completes each of the
following exchanges
32. More and more investors are pouring _______ money into food and beverage start-

A. a B. the C. Ø D. an

33. We moved to the countryside because we wanted to be close to _____ nature.

A. a B. the C. an D. Ø


34. First our team should identify ______ specific needs in the community and carry
out a project to address that need.

A. an B. Ø C. a D. the

35. Housewives find it easier to do domestic chores thanks to ______ invention of

labor-saving devices.

A. a B. an C. the D. Ø

36. A recent survey has shown that ____ increasing number of men are willing to share
the housework with their wives.

A. a B. an C. the D. Ø

37. I need _______ new cell phone. I’m going to the electronics store to pick one out

A. a B. an C. the D. Ø

38. I want to have _______ apple for ______ lunch.

A. a - the B. an - Ø C. the - Ø D. Ø - Ø

39. Quick! Someone called the police. I need ____ help right now.

A. a B. an C. the D. Ø

40. All she wanted was a place where she could live without _______ fear.

A. Ø B. a C. the D. an

41. It takes not only _____ talent, but also ____ hard work to succeed in a career.

A. Ø - Ø B. Ø - the C. the - Ø D. an - the

42. It is estimated that about 640 million women remain illiterate in _____ world,
mostly in ______ developing countries.

A. the - the B. the - Ø C. a - Ø D. a - the

43. It is estimated that only 1000 pandas remain in _____ wild.

A. a B. an C. the D. Ø

44. Can you give me ____ little more information about the hotel?

A. a B. an C. the D. Ø

45. Janet ran into one of her old friends on her way ______ home from Paris.

A. a B. an C. the D. Ø


46. You will find the image of an Asian fire dragon on ______ ninth page.

A. this B. Ø C. an D. the

47. Is Mr Smith going to have _____ X-ray check tomorrow morning?

A. Ø B. a C. an D. the

48. Lisa loves listening to music while David is interested in playing piano.

A. a B. the C. Ø D. an

49. _____ Statue of Liberty was a gift of ____ friendship from France to the US.

A. the - Ø B. the - the C. Ø - Ø D. the - a

50. There are only a few seats left for _____ tonight’s musical at ____ university.

A. a - Ø B. the - a C. Ø - the D. the - the

Exercise 1: Read and complete the passage with the words in the box

fast show Earth welcome

they home the children


California is (1) ______ to one of the biggest and most famous entertainment parks in
the world - Disneyland. Disneyland opened in 1955 with the slogan “The happiest
place on (2) ________”, and it soon became very popular. The number of visitors to the
park has gone up very (3) __________. In 2018, it attracted nearly 19 million visitors,
both (4) _______ and adults. There are kinds of entertainment throughout the park.
Mickey’s Soundsational Parade is (5) ______ most popular event. It celebrates songs
from the most famous Disney films. During the parade, well-known Disney characters
march along Main Street. (6) ________ dance along with the music, greet visitors, talk
with children, and pose for photos. Everybody is (7) _______ to join in the fun.
Another great attraction of the park is its fantastic fireworks (8) _________. During the
busy season, the park offers the show nightly.
Exercise 2: Read the passage and complete the summary in the box with the
information from the passage.

The ability to use English brings a lot of benefits to its users. It helps you learn many
things by watching TV programmes and YouTube videos. It helps you communicate
when you are traveling abroad. It also allows you to sing English songs, read English
books, and make friends from many English-speaking countries.
In Asia alone, there are countries where English is a second, or official, language. It
means people in these countries use English at schools, at work, and for public
communication. These countries include India, Singapore, Nepal, the Philippines, and
Pakistan. This means that if you know English, you can communicate when you visit
these countries.

English users have a lot of (1) _______.

Name two benefits of knowing English:
- communicate when travelling
- (2) _______________________
- (3) _______________________
The word “second” in “second language” is similar to (4) ______.
Name two countries where English is a second language:
- (5) _______________________
- (6) _______________________


Exercise 1: Listen and complete the text with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS


A great number of people consider Halloween to be an (31) _______ holiday. In

reality, it originates from the Celts of Ireland. These days, people do not do what the
old Celts did in the past. They do not have a (32) _______ before the winter starts and
do not leave their houses cold, without lighting during the night, hoping to stop spirits
wanting to live there. It was believed that the souls of (33) _______ could come back if
they find a person to stay in. Therefore, wearing scary masks and costumes to make
the spirits go away, is an old Celtic tradition.

Today, people and especially (34) _______ enjoy Halloween costume parties.
They dress up as witches, vampires and ghosts. Children in masks go from house to
house and when the door opens, they say: “Trick or Treat”! If they do not get sweets,
they do something bad like throwing eggs at the house.

The classic (35) _______ of Halloween are horror characters: black cats,
spiders, witches, and ghosts and big orange pumpkins. Great Britain and the USA
celebrate Halloween every year on the last day of October.


Exercise 2: Listen and decide if each statement is True (T) or False (F)
1. James is 20 years old.
2. Halloween isn’t important in the USA.

3. James is going to be a scary witch.

4. If someone does not give us a treat, they play a trick on him or her.

5. At Halloween night, people make a lantern from a pumpkin and light candles inside

Exercise 3: Listen and decide if each statement is True (T), False (F) or Not Given

1. Garret A. Morgan lives in a rich family since he is born.

2. He is famous all over the world for his imagination.

3. In 1901, he sells the idea of a special belt at the price of $150.

4. When Morgan witnesses the car accident of his mother, he thinks of a traffic light.

5. Morgan spends the amount of money from selling the idea of traffic light on an
abroad trip.

Exercise 4: Listen and complete the text about traffic with NO MORE THAN THREE


There is too much traffic on our roads. In (21) ___________, it may take 20 minutes to
go through a 02-kilometer road by motorbike.

Everyone agrees that something has to be done to solve this problem. No one likes to
spend much time going to school or the (22) ___________. Going home takes even more

It is not easy to build more or (23) ___________ the roads because it is expensive. So,
the answer here is to reduce the number of vehicles.

Public transport may be the solution to the traffic jam.

The problem is that time is golden, so not everyone agrees to wait for means of public
transport such as buses or (24) ___________. Another problem is that they may not like
to be stuck in a crowded bus. The last problem is that the buses cannot go in a small
road, so some people who work in a small road will have to (25) ___________for a
Exercise 5: Listen to the conversation between Trung and Alisa. Circle the best
answer A, B, or C

1. When did Alisa begin living in Ho Chi Minh City?

A. About four weeks ago.

B. About 6 months ago.

C. About one year ago.

2. How does Alisa feel when crossing the streets in the rush hour?

A. Hot and tired.

B. Unsafe.

C. Angry.

3. What does Trung think about the traffic jams there?

A. Complicated.

B. Dangerous.

C. Unbelievable.

4. Why does she feel uncomfortable in the rainy season?

A. She sometimes gets wet while waiting at the bus stop.

B. She cycles to school in the rain, and she’s late for class.

C. The traffic jams are so heavy that she can’t take the bus in the rain.

5. What idea does Alisa suggest to solve the traffic problems?

A. Limiting the cars running at rush hour.

B. Using bikes instead of cars.

C. Building a modern underground system.


Exercise 6: Listen and complete each sentence with NO MORE THAN TWO

36. Energy is classified into _________ groups.

37. The energy from _________ is called renewable energy.

38. Using renewable energy can reduce your _________ costs.

39. Non-renewable energy is limited and will _________in the future.

40. Fossil fuels when burnt release _________ in the air and cause serious
environmental changes.

Exercise 7: Listen and complete the text with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS

Overpopulation is a real problem. It could kill the Earth. Very soon, there will be too
many people and not (36) ________.

There won’t be enough farms to grow food for everyone. We’ll eat all of the fish in the
sea. And our pollution will cause more (37) ________. I think we are in a very serious

I don’t know what the answer is. Our leaders don’t seem too (38) ________. They never
see the bigger picture. The world’s population is exploding, and explosions cause great

More and more people are living longer and longer. We have better (39) ________. Our
scientists have found cures to many diseases. There are many reasons. What we really
need to do is to think about how overpopulation (40) ________ the Earth.

Exercise 8: Listen and decide if each statement is True or False

36. There are more and more people on the earth.

37. The author thinks that it is totally bad for the population to continue to increase.

38. When the world’s population increases too much, there will be food wars but water

39. Natural disaster is one of the factors controlling population.

40. Although we are rich, we cannot control the length of time we live.


Exercise 9: Listen and decide if each statement is True or False

1. Buses, subways, airplanes and trains are called private transports.

2. The subway is the most public transport used in big cities.

3. People don’t use bicycles much in China, Japan and India,…

4. In some double-decker buses, there are automatic doors.

5. Open top in buses allow passengers to see the places in London.

Exercise 10: Listen to the talk and choose the correct option

36. Power stations use fossil fuels like _______ to produce electricity.

A. coal, oil and gas

B. coal and gas

C. oil and gas

37. Burning fossil fuels produces _______ which cause global warming.

A. greenhouse gases

B. carbon dioxide

C. methane

38. We can use the _______ to make electricity.

A. sun and water

B. sun and wind

C. sun, wind and water

39. The renewable sources can be used again and again because they ______ .

A. can run out

B. cannot run out

C. should run out

40. Renewable sources are _______ harmful to the environment.

A. much more

B. much less

C. not less


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