Goethe Zertifikat B1 Wortliste (001 030) en US

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A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

A joint product of Certified by


This exam was developed jointly by the Goethe-Institut, the University of Fribourg/Switzerland and the
ÖSD and is offered worldwide under the names Goethe-Zertifikat B1 or ÖSD-Zertifikat B1.

Overall coordination
Michaela Perlmann-Balme, Goethe-Institut, Language Department, Head Office, Munich

Authors and authors

Manuela Glaboniat, Michaela Perlmann-Balme, Thomas Studer with the collaboration of Naomi Shafer
and Eva Wiedenkeller

Project collaborators and co-authors

Team Goethe-Institut: Christof Arndt, Stefanie Dengler, Julia Guess, Roland Meinert, Ursula Schmitz
Team ÖSD: Helga Lorenz-Andreasch, Brigitte Mitteregger, Bettina Wohlgemuth-Fekonja
Team University of Fribourg/Switzerland: Naomi Shafer, Eva Wiedenkeller

Technical advice for the vocabulary list

Annerose Bergmann, Langenscheidt-Verlag
Kathrin Kunkel-Razum, Duden editorial office
Annette Kuppler, Klett-Verlag
Andreas Tomaszewski, Hueber Publishing House

This word list is taken from the following publication:

Certificate B1: Examination objectives, test description. Ismaning:
Hueber ISBN: 978-3-19-031868-1

© 2016 Goethe-Institut and ÖSD

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Goethe-Institut e.V. ÖSD Central
Examinations Department
Dachauer Str. 122 Hörlgasse 12/14
80637 Munich A - 1090 Vienna
www.goethe.de www.osd.at

V.i.S.d.P.: Johannes Gerbes, Goethe-Institut

Design: Felix Brandl Graphik-Design, Munich



Foreword 5

1 Word groups 8
1.1 Abbreviations 8
1.2 Anglicisms 8
1.3 Instruction language certificate B1 9
1.4 Educational institutions 10
1.5 Education: School subjects 10
1.6 Education: School grades 11
1.7 Colors 11
1.8 Cardinal directions 11
1.9 Countries, continents, nationalities, languages 12
1.10 Political terms 12
1.11 Animals 13
1.12 Currencies, measures, weights 13
1.13 Numbers, fractions 13
1.14 Time 14
1.14.1 Date 14
1.14.2 Holidays 14
1.14.3 Seasons 14
1.14.4 Month names 14
1.14.5 Times of day 14
1.14.6 Time 15
1.14.7 Weekdays 15
1.14.8 Time data 15

2 Alphabetic vocabulary 16



This list contains the vocabulary for the Zertifikat B1 German exam. It is an excerpt from
the publication Zertifikat B1, Deutschprüfung für Jugendliche und Erwachsene,
Prüfungsziele Testbeschreibung, published by Hueber Verlag 2013.

This exam was developed jointly by the Goethe-Institut, the University of

Fribourg/Switzerland and the ÖSD and is offered worldwide under the names Goethe-
Zertifikat B1 and ÖSD-Zertifikat B1. The B1 certificate documents the third level - B1 - of the
six-level competence scale described in the Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages. Level B indicates the ability to master the language independently.

The word list is intended as information and reference for all interested parties. It
provides an overview of the level of B1 and the Zertifikat B1 exam. This list is less suitable
for practicing and consolidating vocabulary.
To acquire the language skills at level B1, it is recommended to attend a language course
and to use didactically designed teaching material.

The vocabulary on which the Goethe-Zertifikat B1 is based comprises around 2,400 lexical
units that German learners at level B1 should know. It can be used for both the youth exam
and the adult exam. Which words and expressions appear in an examination set depends,
among other things, on the content and topics of the respective tasks. Examinees are
expected to have at least a receptive command of the vocabulary presented here, i.e., they
are expected to understand them when working on the written texts. There are words within
the listening and reading texts that are not included in this vocabulary list. These are not
necessary for understanding and completing the task.

The selection criterion for the compilation was the relevance of a word in
e v e r y d a y , contemporary use of the German language, especially in the private
and p u b l i c spheres, but also in work, school and training.


Some frequent thematic groups such as numbers, currencies, countries, etc. have been
prefixed to the alphabetical list as a word group list. These also include technical words
that are essential for understanding the instructions in the examination tasks,
z. e.g. answer sheets and solutions. Each entry appears either in one of the word groups or
in the alphabetical list.

We refrained from including composites that can be made accessible, such as crib, except
when the composition of the terms gives a new meaning, as in the case of the word

Nouns that can be derived from verbs, e.g. the printer from print or with known prefixes or
suffixes, e.g. the classmate, the payment, are not mentioned separately. In the case of verbs,
composites that are derived from prefixes,
z. e.g. join, take away are not listed separately if they can be tapped.
The example sentences illustrate typical usage contexts and the different meaning(s) of
the entries.

The present alphabetically listed vocabulary does not claim to be a

lexicographically arranged list in the strict sense.
Secondary entries are derivatives of a word and are indented.

start, begins, 1. when do you start working? started

has started 2. this is where the Bahnhofstraße begins.

the beginning, ¨-e 1. how was the movie? - I have only

seen the beginning.
2. In the beginning, I asked a lot of
questions at work.
3. My boss is in his early fifties.
4. My mother was against me moving
to Berlin from the beginning.
5. We go on vacation at the beginning of July.
6. My girlfriend lives at the beginning
of the street.

in the beginning In the beginning everything went well.


Like the entire test, this vocabulary is also based on the pluricentric approach.
Thus, the three standard varieties of German are included. This means that in
addition to German expressions (D), relevant standard language variants from
Austria (A) and Switzerland (CH) are also taken into account.

If different standard variants of a word or lexical unit are in use in Germany,

Austria or Switzerland, these are considered as separate entries in the word list,
but always with a reference to the other variants:

park, parked, parked, 1. you are not allowed to park

here. parked (D, A) 2. parking is prohibited here.
→ CH: park

park, parked, 1. you are not allowed

to park here, park.
has parked (CH) 2. here is the parking
→ D, A: parking forbidden.

the stairs, -n (D, CH) 1. where is the toilet? - The

→ A: Stairs Up stairs and then left.
2. my grandma is not good at
climbing stairs.

staircase, -n (A) 1. where is the toilet? - the

→ D, CH: Stairs Stairs up and then left.
2. my grandma is not good at
climbing stairs.

We wish you much success in preparing for the exam!

Michaela Perlmann-Balme Manuela Glaboniat Thomas Studer

Goethe-Institut ÖSD University of



1 Word groups

The word group list contains groups of words that can be grouped together according to semantic
aspects or higher-level categories, such as numbers, currencies, countries, etc.


subscription, -s = subscription, -s/-e the ICE = the Inter City Express

battery, -s = the accumulator (battery) motor vehicle, - = motor vehicle, -e
the apprentice, - = the trainee, -n truck, -s = the load (power) trolley, -
s (D)
respectively = respectively the PC, -s = the personal computer, -
approx. = circa/zirka car, -s = the passenger car, -
i.e. = that is the (D, A)/
DVD, -s = Data carrier the (CH) SMS, - = Text message
(Digital Video Disc) the TV, - = Television
the ground floor, = the first floor, etc. = and so on
upper floor,
the upper floor, cf. = compare
the basement (D, CH); WC, -s = Water closet (water closet)
the ground floor, the flat share, -s = the shared apartment, -en
the basement (A) et z. B. = for example
etc. = cetera


baby, -s the fitness, -

the babysitter the band global
the bar, -s googeln, googled, googled, has googled the
the bikini, -s hamburger, -
the blog, -s the hit, -s
blog, blogging, blogged, has blogged the the homepage, -s
camp, -s the internet
camping, camps, campte, has camped jazz the
the casting show, -s job, -s
the CD player, - jobben, jobbt, jobbte, hat gejobbt
the chat(room), -s joggen, joggt, jogged, is/has jogged
chat, chats, chattete, has chatted check, der/as Ketchup/Ketschup, -s
checkt, checkte, has checked the chip, -s the killer, -/the killer, -nen the
the city, -s laptop, -s
the club, -s the link, -s
the/coke, -s live
the/cartoon, -s the the (D, A)/the (A, CH) (e-)mail, -s
computer, - cool the mailbox, -en
the e-bike, -s mailen, mails, mailte, hat gemailt
the e-book, -s der Manager, -/die Managerin, -nen
the fan, -s the die Mobilbox, -en
fax, -e the mountain bike, -
fax, faxed, faxed, has faxed s o.k./O.K./okay
the festival, -s online
fit the platform, -en
the poster, -

puzzle, -s
WORD LIST the sandwich, -(e)s/-e

the show, -s the cab, -s

the smartphone, -s the team, -s
the snack, -s the terminal, -s
the software, - the tour, -en
s the song, -s the trend, -s
the spot, -s the t-shirt, -s
steak, -s twitter, twitter, twittered, tweeted the user,
surf, surfs, surfed, is/has surfed the -/the user, -nen
swimming pool, -s


task, -n For each task there are the solution, -en For each up-
only one correct solution. the correct solution.

mark with a cross, Please mark with a cross the presenter, -en The presenter of the radio
on the broadcast discusses with two
ticked off, Answer sheet Guests.
ticked. ticked,
has ticked module, -e The Listening module consists of
from four parts.
the answer sheet, Please transfer
-/-"- Your solutions on the the presentation, -en Explain the content and
answer sheet. the structure of your
advertisement, -n Read the
advertisements. the statement, -n Are the the point, -e Write something
statements correct about all three points.
or wrong?

the feedback, -en Respond to the

announcement, -n You hear an Feedback.
on the radio.
the structure, -en Explain the content and
the structure of your
introduction Write a
suitable introduction and
a conclusion.
the text structure Pay attention to the
Text structure.
foil, -n Here you will find five
slides for this purpose.
transferred, Please do not forget,
transfers, your solutions to the
the auxiliary means, - Aids such as mobile-
transferred, Answer sheet to
telephones or dictionaries
has transferred transferred
are not allowed.

assign, assigns to, Assign the statements

the comment, -eYou read comments on
assigned to, to.
an article.
has assigned

solve, solves, solved, To do this, solve


10 WORDeight
LIST has solved Tasks.



Germany the crèche/day nursery/day care center (Kita) the

elementary school/middle school/secondary
school/comprehensive school/vocational school/special
the high school
the (technical) college, university (Uni) the
adult education center

Austria the crèche / kindergarten

elementary school/middle school/new middle
school/vocational school general secondary school (AHS) =
grammar school vocational secondary school (BHS)
the (technical) college, academy, university (Uni)
the pedagogical college
the adult education center

Switzerland the crèche/the playgroup/the kindergarten

the elementary school
Secondary level I: the Realschule, secondary school, district
school, orientation level
Secondary level II: the middle school = the high school,
the vocational school, the vocational high school, the diploma
high school the (technical) college, university (Uni)
the College of Education the
Adult Education Center


Biology Music
Chemistry Philosophy
Geography Physics
History Sports



Germany (1) very good (the/a one)

(2) good (the / a two)
(3) satisfactory (the/a three)
(4) sufficient (the/a four)
(5) poor (the/a five)
(6) insufficient (the/a six)

Austria (1) very good (the/a one)

(2) good (the/a two)
(3) satisfactory (the/a threesome)
(4) sufficient (the/a foursome)
(5) insufficient (the/a fiver)

Switzerland (6) very good (the/a sixes)

(5) good (the/a five)
(4) sufficient (the/a foursome)
(3) insufficient (the/a threesome)
(2) bad (the/a deuce)
(1) very bad (the/one)


light, dark orange

blue pink
brown red
yellow black
gray purple
green white


the north North/north

the EastEast
the south South/south
the WestWest



Information about own origin or nationality: country, continent, inhabitant/resident, nationality,


Germany Austrian Turkey the

the German, -n Switzerland Turk, -n
the German, -n the Swiss, - turkish turkish
German Swiss, -nen Swiss, turkish
German swiss
Ukraine of
Europe Greece the Ukrainians -
the European, - Greek, -n Ukrainian Ukrainian
european european the Greek, -nen Ukrainian
Greek Greek
the Austrian, -
Austrian, -nen


the federal government, federal Germany the state

the Federal Chancellor, - Federal Republic of Germany

the Federal Chancellor
the Bundestag
the Federal President, -
the Federal President Austria The province

the mayor, - the National Council

the mayor, -nen
Republic of Austria
democracy, -n, democratic the
Switzerland the Ammann , "-er
European Union, the EU the the Ammännin, -nen

municipality the Federal Council, "-

e the Federal
conservative Councillor, -nen

liberal Confoederatio Helvetica (CH), the Swiss

the minister, -
the minister the canton

the Parliament, the European the national council

the government council, -
the party, -en "e the government
councilor, -nen
the government, -en
the president of the city
the state, -en; state the president of the city

the Council of States



1.11 ANIM
the monkey the rabbit, -n the mosquito
the bear the the dog, -e the the horse the
bee insect, -en the penguin the
the elephant cat, -n the sheep
the duck crocodile, -e the turtle, -n the
the fish, -e the cow, ¨-e snake, -n the pig,
the fly,- n the the lion, -n the -e the bird, ¨-
giraffe, -n mouse, ¨-e


1€ = 1 euro, -s (+) 4°C = four degrees above zero/

1c = 1 cent plus four degrees
1 sFr. = 1 franc, - 1% = one percent
1 Rp. = 1 centime, - 1l = one liter
1m = one meter 1g = one gram
1 cm = one centimeter 500 g = one pound/half kilo
1,15 m = one meter fifteen 1 kg = one kilo(gram)
200 km = two hundred kilometers 1 dkg or dag (= 10g) = one deca(gram) (A)
1 m² = one square meter 1 km/h = one kilometer per hour
-1°C = one degree below zero/
minus one degree


1 = one 21 = twenty-one second third

2 = two 30 = thirty fourth etc.
3 = three (up to 90) once twice
4 = four 100 = (one)hundred three times
5 = five 101 = (one) hundred(and)one four times etc.
6 = six 200 = two hundred simple
7 = seven 1 000 = (one)thousand double/double plus
8 = eight 1 000 000 = one million, -en minus
9 = nine 1,000,000,000 = one billion, -n the ½ = one half; half ...
10 = ten first ⅓ = one third, third ...
11 = eleven second ¼ = a quarter; quarter ... etc.
12 = twelve third
13 = thirteen fourth etc.
(until 20) first


1.14 TIME

1.14.1 DATE

1999 = nineteen hundred ninety nine

2004 = two thousand(and)four
today is march 1st = today is the first of March/the first third
Berlin, April 10, 2012 = Berlin, April Tenth/Tenth Fourth Two Thousand Twelve/Two Thousand Twelve


New Year Christmas New Year's

Easter Eve National Holiday

1.14.3 SEASONS

the spring/spring the the autumn

summer the winter


January (D, CH); A: January the July

February (D, CH); A: February the August
March the September
april may the October
june the November
the December


the day, -e daily, during the day in

the morning, -; A: in the the morning, in the
morning the forenoon, -e morning in the morning
noon, -e noon, midday, midday afternoon,
the afternoon, -e the afternoon evening, evening
evening, -e at night, at midnight
the night, ¨-e
the midnight


1.14.6 TIME

00:03 = zero o'clock three five minutes before/after one

07:15 = seven o'clock fifteen quarter before/after two A : also quarter three (14:15);
13:17 = thirteen seventeen also three quarters of three (14:45)
24:00 = twenty four o'clock half past three
one o'clock


weekday,-e weekdays, weekdays

the weekend, -n the weekend
the Monday monday, on monday
the tuesday tuesday, tuesday
the wednesday wednesday, wednesday
the thursday thursday, thursday
the friday friday, friday
Saturday; D: the Saturday saturdays; D: sunday, on saturday the
sunday sunday, on sunday

1.14.8 TIMES

second, -n month, -e monthly

minute, -n year yearly
hour, -n hourly the decade, -e
day, -e daily the century, -e the
the week, -n weekly millennium, -e


2 Alphabetic vocabulary A
write off, write off, write He copied the homework from me.
from 1. The trip costs 200 euros from has copied
2. From next week our store will be the Abitur (D)→A, CH: My daughter just graduated from high
closed on Saturdays. Matura school.
3. My brother visits us from time to time.
reject, rejects, rejected, He declined my offer to help him.
turn, turns off, At the next intersection you need to has rejected
t u r n e d off, has turn left. I thought we agreed you'd get the
turned off to make, to make off, to drinks.
On the figure you can see how to turn have made, to have made
the figure, -en on the device. off 1. Tomorrow we can take off the
1. Our vacation was a great adventure. decrease, decrease, 2. I have lost ten kilos.
the adventure, - 2. The children love decreased,
evening stories. has decreased I would like to subscribe to this
1. Today I can't, but tomorrow for subscribe, subscribed,
but sure. subscribed, has subscribed I have cancelled the subscription.
2. There was a lot of snow, but Enzo still
rode the motorcycle. subscription, -s/-e I'm afraid I have to cancel our
3. We have only a small apartment, but meeting because I got sick.
we are satisfied with it. cancel, cancels, said off,
4. It was very nice. But now I have to go. canceled A good high school diploma is very
5. I would love to come, but unfortunately important.
I can't. the conclusion, ¨-e
6. Can I buy you a cup of coffee? - Please read the second section.
But yes, with pleasure.
7. You play the piano well. the section, -e the Return the package to the sender.

Our train left on time. sender, - 1. Excuse me. My daughter did not do
the sender the that on purpose.
depart, departs, 2. Do you intend to study?
departed, has We have twenty minutes left before intention
departed departure. 1. What you are saying is absolutely wrong.
2. I have absolute confidence in you.
the departure, -en Please do not throw the organic waste
with the regular garbage. absolute Let's vote on this item.

the waste, ¨-e Throw this in the trash can, please!

vote, vote, vote,
Exhaust gases from industry and has voted the My girlfriend works in Mrs. Kaufmann's
the waste households pollute the air. department.
department, -en
garbage can, - waste I am supposed to deliver this package The caretaker helped me to carry the
to Mr. Müller. cabinet into the apartment.
gases (pl.) the caretaker, -e
Maybe we will stay a few days longer, it the caretaker (CH) → the
depends on the weather. caretaker (CH) → the From there the path leads down into
pass, passes, passed, has the valley.
caretaker (CH)
passed Gregor is financially dependent on his
D, A: Caretaker down
parents. I still have to wash the dishes.
depend, depends,
depended, depended (on) I withdrew 500 euros from my account
wash off, wash off, wash
for the trip.
dependent Mr. Huber will be absent until April
has washed up absent
My girlfriend picked me up from the 25.
train station.
take off, lifts off, took off, Please make sure you lock up when you
respects, respected,
took off leave.
has respected (to)

pick up, picked up, picked

up, has picked up


Attention Attention, the street ends here! Do everyday 1. everyday life is sometimes boring.
! 2. the novel tells a very ordinary story.
address, -n you already have my new address?
How many letters does the alphabet
similar 1. Emilia is in a very similar have in your language?
situation to me. the alphabet, -e
2. Oleg looks very much like his brother.

the inkling I had no idea today was your birthday. as 1. When my husband arrived, the
party was already over.
The city should plan an action for 2. You can register both in person and on
action, -s families. the Internet.
3. My sister is older than me.
I am very active and do a lot of sports. 4. It's later than I thought.
During the vacations, the city offers as if He acts as if we never talked about it.
various recreational activities for
the activity, -en children. 1. So here's the thing: ...
so 2. Irina is on vacation. So she can help
Environmental protection is a hot topic. us.
3. Really, that's enough.
current I cannot accept these conditions.
1. How old are you?
accept, accepted, accepted, Do not use the elevators in case of old 2. Maria is an old friend of mine.
has accepted fire alarm.
1. We are about the same age.
alarm, -e The age 2. Age: 26 years

the alcohol 1. You need to clean the wound the old people's home, -e Our neighbors' grandparents are in the
with alcohol. → nursing home.
2. No, thanks! I do not drink alcohol. Retirement home
Our neighbors' grandparents are in
all- 1. Are all the children there? the old people's home, -e nursing homes.
2. Anything else? - No, thank you. That's

all. We need alternative energies.
Home for the elderly
3. All the best!
On this route, the train is a good
alone 1. I don't like to walk alone. alternative to the plane.
2. Do you want me to help you? -
the alternative, -n
Thank you, I can manage on my There at the traffic light you can cross
own. the street.
3. It was very expensive. The food alone
traffic light, -n
cost over 50 euros. The employment office is located next
all- to the bus station.
1. The very best thing is to lie down in bed
the office, ¨-er
and sleep for a long time. Then you will We had a great time at the party.
quickly get well again.
2. This is the most beautiful thing I
enjoy themselves, amuse
have ever seen. 1. In the beginning, everything was very
themselves, amused
however difficult.
We can meet tomorrow, though I won't 2. So I'll see you on Tuesday.
has amused
be free until noon. 3. I'll wait for you at the station.
general 4. The best thing to do is to go to the
himself on
1. We were just talking about information desk and ask there.
general problems. 5. The light was on all night.
2. It is common knowledge that you
can eat well here. Politicians analyze the situation on
3. In general, I am very satisfied with the labor market.
my work.
the May I offer you something to drink?
analyze, analyzed,
everyday This is my everyday life: cleaning,
life analyzed, has analyzed
washing, cooking.

offer, offers, offered,

has offered


the provider, - Is this a private telephone provider? the fear, "-e 1. You do not have to be afraid. The dog
will not hurt you.
offer, -e 1. I have read in the newspaper a few 2. I am afraid, maybe something
read favorable apartment offers. happened.
2. The cheese is on sale today.
anxious My mother is a little bit afraid. She
other- 1. The others have already gone home. doesn't like to go out on the street
2. Please not all at once! One after the alone.
other. have on, has on, had on,
3. I would like to have another car. has had on Yesterday Julia was wearing a red dress.
4. Natasha has learned Chinese and
Spanish, among other languages. click, clicks on, clicked
on, has clicked on You have to click on the picture. Then
it will be bigger.

on the other hand Tarek wants to study, but on the arrive, arrives, arrived, 1. When does the train arrive in Hamburg?
other hand he also wants to earn has arrived 2. The object of the game is to run
money right away. faster than the others.

change, changes, changed, 1. The weather has changed. the arrival 1. Departure is at 0:55, arrival at
has changed 2. I have since changed my mind. 8:07.
2. Immediately after arriving, I called
There is a change in the program. my parents.
the change, -en
1. Unfortunately, there is no other way. announce, announces, We should announce our visit.
different 2. Oliver is different from his friends. announced,
3. I would do it differently. has announced
1. My music system is broken.
My education is not recognized here. the plant, -n 2. Attached to the email you will find
acknowledge, recognizes, my resume.
Has recognized 1. When are you going to start working? The instructions say that in this game the
2. This is where Bahnhofstraße begins. the instruction, -en oldest starts.
start, begins, started,
has started For this course you must
log in, log in,
the beginning, ¨-e 1. How was the movie? - I have only announced be sure to register in advance.
seen the beginning. has registered
2. In the beginning, when I was working
asked many questions. registration, -en 1. where can I get the forms for the
3. My boss is in his early fifties. Registration?
4. My mother was against me moving 2. registration is on the first floor, room 55.
to Berlin from the beginning.
5. We go on vacation at the beginning
of July.
6. My girlfriend lives at the beginning of assume, assumes, 1. I gladly accept your invitation.
the street. assumed, 2. I assume that you agree with
has adopted the the proposal.
initially At first everything went well.
advertisement, -n I read all the ads, but the apartments
indicate, indicates, Please provide your exact address. are too expensive.
indicated, has indicated
We need the following information salutation, -n You must not forget the salutation in
the from you: Name, address, date of the letter.
indication,-n birth.
call, calls, called, has I'll call you tonight.
The physician may only provide called
information to family members.
the relative, -n the the call, -e I am waiting for a call from Berlin.
relative, -n We wish you a pleasant journey.
the answering machine, I left you a message on the answering
Pleasant machine.
Pay attention to the announcement on
the platform.

announcement, -n

acquire, creates, We have purchased new the lawyer, ¨-e the I am not going to pay that. I want to talk
acquired, furniture. lawyer, -nen to my lawyer first.
Has acquired
If you park here, I will report you.
connect, connects, Where can I connect the indicate, indicates,
connected, computer? indicated, has indicated
has connected
the ad, -n 1. I have read all the ads, but
the connection, ¨-e 1. In Mannheim you have a connection to the apartments are too expensive.
Saarbrücken. 2. you must not park here, otherwise you
2. I need a telephone connection in my will get a report.
(to) put on, put on, put 1. You need to dress warmer or you'll
buckle up, buckle up, Don't forget to buckle up. on, has put on catch a cold.
buckle up, 2. Today I put on my new t-shirt.
Has strapped
the suit, ¨-e My husband bought a new suit.
look at, looks at, looked at, 1. Why are you looking at me so
has looked at frightened? We have rented a vacation apartment.
2. May I see your vacation photos? apartment, -s
I eat an apple for breakfast every day.
address, addresses, Yesterday, our new neighbor
addressed, approached me in the stairwell. the apple, ¨- Is there a pharmacy around here?
has addressed the
You live in the city center. Therefore, 1. Can you please turn the volume
claim, ¨-e you are not entitled to fare. the pharmacy, -n down a bit?
2. Where is my camera?
1. Can you please turn on the the apparatus, -e
heat? 1. I have no appetite today. I do not like to
hire, hired, hired, has 2. My brother-in-law is eat anything.
hired employed by a furniture 2. What are you in the mood for? Maybe a
company. the appetite salad?
3. There's the cash register up ahead. 3. Bon appétit!
You have to get in line.
Do you like the apricots?
Björn is an employee in a travel
the employee, -n agency.
the employee, -n apricot, -n (D, CH) → 1. He works until 4 pm today.
1. This work really stresses me out. apricot, -n (D, CH) → 2. Arzu works as a nurse in the hospital.
to exert oneself, to strain 2. If you want to pass the exam, you
apricot, -n (D, CH)
oneself, to have strained have to work harder.
A: Apricot
oneself, to have exerted
oneself I find this work very
work, works, worked, has
exhausting. work, -en 1. how do you like your work?
2. after the training, Mohamed found a
the request, ¨-e Have you filled out an application for job.
housing assistance yet?
the worker, - Maria has been a worker at Siemens
apply, applies, a p p l i e d , This ointment must be applied three the worker, -nen for two years.
has applied/applied times a day.
the work permit Do you have a work permit? How
All members were present at the unemploy long have you been unemployed?
answer, answered, ed the Unemployment has decreased.
answered, has Jorge has not responded to my letter
answered for three weeks. unemployment the There are fewer and fewer jobs in
the answer, -en job, ¨-e
Unfortunately, I have not received an My wife has found a new job.
the workplace, -n


the architect the This house was built by a famous 9. I've been up for two hours.
architect architect. 10.Come in, the door is open. (D) (A,
CH: open)
(to be) annoyed, annoyed, 1. Do not be annoyed.
annoyed, has annoyed 2. My brother used to tease me when I stay, -e 1. The train only has a 20-minute
was a kid. stopover in Munich.
2. We wish you a pleasant
the I had trouble at the office today. I had stay.
trouble a fight with a colleague.
stand out, stand out, I noticed that Harriett is all pale.
The train is late again. That is really has attracted attention,
annoying. has attracted attention 1. She challenged me to speak my mind.
annoying 2. He asks them to dance.
1. The government helps prompt, prompts,
poor neighboring prompted, You will receive a request to pay the
poor countries. has asked amount by June.
2. I would like 200 g of low-fat cheese.
the request, -en The children perform a play for
My friend broke his arm. Christmas.
the arm, -e
1. In the zoo they have 34 different perform, performs, 1. Have you done your homework for
species of birds. performed, has school yet?
the type, -en 2. I don't like his style. performed 2. That is not my job.
3. You can celebrate a festival in different
ways. the task, -n 1. I posted a package at the post
1. I read an interesting article. 2. One must never give up. There is
2. In German there are three articles: always hope.
the article, - der, die, das. give up, gives up, gave up,
has given up 1. Where is he right now? - In
1. I have to go to the doctor today. Munich.
2. When did you go to the dentist? 2. May I hold the door open for you?
3. Sorry for the delay, I got held up.
the physician, People are fleeing and asking for stop, stops, stopped, has
¨-e the doctor, - asylum. stopped 1. Just leave the papers on the floor, I'll
nen pick them up already.
He has a cold and can't breathe 2. You must keep the receipt well.
the asylum through his nose.

pick up, pick up,

breathe, breathed, picked up, has picked up
breathed, has breathed

the Please hold your breath. stop, stops, stopped, 1. It does not stop snowing.
breath has stopped 2. When are you going to stop working?
also 1. I'm afraid I have to go. - Me too. 3. This is where the main road ends.
2. I work all week and have to work
weekends as well. charge, charges, charged, I need to charge my phone. The
3. We'll go no matter what, even if it has charged battery is empty.
4. The train has just left. Why are you dissolve, dissolves, Please dissolve the tablet in water.
also so late! d i s s o l v e d ,
has dissolved
at 1. Your glasses are on the desk. 1. The student listened attentively.
2. The children are playing down in Attentive 2. I draw your attention to the fact
the street. that we close in half an hour.
3. My parents live in the country.
4. Yesterday we were at a party. 1. We have accepted Aneta into our
5. No one has yet responded to our ad club.
in the evening paper. record, record, record, 2. I shot the film while on
6. What is it called in German? has recorded vacation.
7. My daughter will be in high school
next year. (D) (A, CH: ins) Please be quiet! - I will start the
8. I was on vacation in May. (A) (D: in) admission, -n recording.


watch out, watch out, 1. I'm sorry. I guess I wasn't paying training, -en 1. I have completed my
w a t c h out, attention. training.
has paid attention 2. I have to stay home and take care of 2. With your good education, I'm sure
the kids. you'll find a job.

clean up, clean up, Before I go on vacation, I have to clean trained For this profession you need to be well
clean up, up my desk. trained.
has cleaned up
1. It upsets me that I have to work print out, print out, print Can I print this on your printer?
excite, excite, excite, overtime again. out,
has excited 2. Calm down! Please do not get excited has printed
on. the expression, ¨-e 1. I have never seen this expression
3. Today you have an exam. Are you before
excited yet? heard
4. Experiencing the music group was
very exciting. the printout, -e 2. Please make a printout of the e-mail.

stand up, stand up, 1. I get up every morning at six o'clock. apart We don't live far apart.
stand up, 2. You do not need to stand up. You
is up can stay seated. the exit, -en 1. There is an exit here, you are not
allowed to park there.
1. I come on behalf of Mrs. Müller and am 2. How far is it to the Freiburg exit?
the order, ¨-e to give you this letter.
2. At the moment, the company has a Next week the course is cancelled.
particularly large number of orders. fail, fails,
fell out, has fallen out
Next week a famous music group will On the weekend we are going on a trip
occurs, perform in the city hall. the trip, ¨-e to Heidelberg with friends.
occurred, has occurred
After the performance, the musicians Please fill out this form!
appearance, -e celebrate. I woke up from the noise. fill in, fill in, f i l l e d
i n , has filled in 1. What are your expenses in a month?
wake up, wake up, wake 2. Where is the food bank?
up, the output, -n 3. In which book did you read that? In
has woken up 1. You need to put on good shoes. The which edition?
path always goes up.
up 2. Lately, the economy has been on the Where is the exit, please?
upswing again.
Carola spends a lot of money on her
Unfortunately, the elevator in the the output, ¨-e output, hobby.
office is broken.
the elevator, ¨-e (D, A) → outputs,
the elevator spent, has spent 1. Suddenly the light went out.
Lift Both my children have blue eyes. 2. Are we going out tonight?
go out, goes out, went 3. How did the game turn out?
the eye, -n 1. I was just about to park. At that out,
moment, a car came out of the exit. has gone out Food and accommodation were
2. One moment, please! excellent.
the moment, -e 3. At the moment there are no places excellent
available. We are looking for a friendly temp for
our store.
1. Mrs. Müller leaves the house every temporary help, -n
morning at 8 o'clock. 1. I would like some information.
2. Mrs. Özgen comes from Turkey. 2. The company has a new number.
from 3. The furniture is still from the period the information, ¨-e Please, call the information desk.
around 1900.
4. I only wear sweaters made of pure wool. We usually go on vacation to a foreign
5. We married for love. country.
6. When is the course over? the foreign country
7. I can't see anything! The light is off!


the foreigner, - Many foreigners learn German at the the view, -en 1. From this tower you have a great
the foreigner, -nen adult education center. The foreign view.
foreign students must first attend a German 2. With several foreign languages you
course. have good prospects in the profession.

make out, made out, made 1. Sorry, you have to wait. - No pronounce, pronounce, How do you pronounce this word?
out, problem. I don't mind. pronounced,
has made out 2. Please turn off the light! has pronounced
3. I thought we agreed you'd get the
drinks. the Ali has a good pronunciation.
4. Have you made an appointment? pronunciation
1. Winter shoes are displayed in the
the exception, -n Normally I have to work on the exhibit, exhibits, shop window.
weekend. But today is an exception. exhibited, 2. The certificate will be issued by next
has issued week.

sufficient, sufficient, re- 1. The money must be sufficient until exhibition, -en 1. We went to an exhibition with the teacher.
ichte out, March. 2. issuance of a new passport takes two
has sufficed 2. His knowledge is sufficient for this weeks.
The money is sufficient for the trip.
(to choose something), Choose something beautiful! I invite
align, aligns, a l i g n s , My husband is not here. Do you chooses, has chosen, you
has aligned want me to give him a message? has selected

(to) rest, rested, rested, select, selects, selected, For the task, you can choose from three
has rested 1. They are resting from work. has selected topics.
2. Are you well rested?

exclude, excludes, 1. it cannot be excluded completely. the selection, -en 1. We have to make a selection from the
excluded, 2. I can't pay that much. That is completely Meet books.
Has excluded out of the question. 2. the store has a wide range.

exclusively Sorry. We have non-smoking rooms the identity card, -e May I see your ID?
move out, moves 1. Don't you want to take off your coat?
look, looks, looked, 1. You look better again. Are you healthy out, moved out, 2. Müllers have already moved out four
has looked again? has/is taken off weeks ago.
2. He looks just like his father.
3. It looks like it's going to rain soon. the car, -s Mario goes to work by car. The village is

outside 1. We have seen the castle only from the the highway, -en right next to the highway.
2. Outside the house is not very beautiful. the vending machine, -en 1. You can get cigarettes at the
vending machine.
outside We live outside of Berlin. 2. The ticket machine is on the

external You may use the drug only externally. automatic 1. the door closes automatically.
2. The certificate will be sent
1. No one applied for the job except to you automatically.
except Lisa.
the author, - This author has already this year
2. The elevator is out of service. the author written two books.
3. We are open every day except

also 1. Is there anything else you would like?

2. The movie was boring, and besides, the
actors acted badly.


B bar, -s 1. Let's sit down at the bar!

2. I meet my girlfriend in the hotel
bake, bakes, baked, has If you come, I'll bake a cake. bar.
We always buy our bread at the bar Do you pay
bakery, -en bakery in the market. cash?

the cash I no longer have any cash.

bathe, bathes, bathed, 1. If you want to take a bath: The the beard, ¨-e John now wears a beard.
has bathed bathroom is back there on the
left. the basketball, ¨-e 1. She likes to play basketball very much.
2. Bathing is prohibited here! 2. He has for his birthday a new
the bath, ¨-er 1. After a warm bath you feel Get basketball.
feel much better right away.
2. I would like a room with a bathroom. tinker, tinker, 1. The children make a birdhouse.
tinkered, has tinkered 2. I like to work with natural
bathtub, -n After a long day at work, she sat Craft Materials.
down in the bathtub.
battery, -n Can you please bring batteries for the
the railroad, -en I come by train. camera?

Suburban railroad, -en The S-Bahn is faster than the the belly, ¨-e My stomach hurts.
build, builds, built, My neighbor has built a house.
the streetcar, -en Take streetcar no. 16. has built

the subway, -en The last subway leaves at 11:15 pm. the construction, buildings 1. I live in a new apartment.
2. our house is an old building.
the station, ¨-e I will take you to the station.
construction We have to go around the construction
There are usually many platforms at site, -n site.
the platform, -e (D, A) →
main stations.
the platform, -e (D, A) → the farmer, -n We buy our vegetables from the
the platform, -e (D, A) 1. Come and visit us soon. farmer.
CH: Perron 2. Please let me know as soon as
possible. the tree, ¨-e We have two trees in the garden.
soon 3. Goodbye, see you soon!
note, observed, has Please pay attention to the
The apartment also has a small balcony. observed, has observed announcements on the platform.

I like to play ball with my children. the civil servant My wife is a police officer.
balcony, -e the civil servant
My daughter would like to dance
ballet. apply, requested, Have you applied for a new passport
the ball, ¨-e requested, has requested yet?
1 kilo of bananas, please.
answer, answered, Unfortunately, you did not answer my
ballet, -e Come on, let's sit on the bench over answered, has question.
there. answered

the banana, -n At which bank do you have your thank, thanked, thanked, Once again, I would like to thank you
account? has thanked very m u c h for your help.
the bench, ¨-e
I quickly get money from the ATM. The need There is great demand for this
the bank, -en
Please enter your bank code. mean, signified, meant, 1. What does this word mean?
the Bancomat/Bankomat, has meant 2. I am sick. That means I can't work
-en (A, CH) → D: You can also pay with ATM card. today.
the meaning, -en The word "mouse" now has two
the bank code, -en meanings.

ATM card, -n

(A) → ec card/EC card



serve, served, served, has 1. Are you already being served? claim, claimed, asserted, 1. He claims that our opinion is not
served 2. The coffee maker is quite easy to has claimed important.
use. 2. It's hard to stand up to my
the operating instructions, I do not understand the instruction hinder, handicapped,
-en manual. handicapped, has hindered 1. Please park in such a way that you do
handicapped not obstruct anyone.
condition, -en 1. If you accept our conditions, we can 2. Since the accident, our friends'
make a contract. child has been disabled.
2. We have very good working the authority, -n
conditions in our company. You will receive a letter from the
competent authority.
We have to hurry. Otherwise we'll miss at
hurry up, hurry up, hurry the train. 1. Potsdam is located near Berlin.
up, 2. I live with my parents.
has hurried 3. It's different for us than for you. We
You have to finish your education no do not eat meat.
finish, finished, finished, matter what. 4. I don't have any money with me.
has finished 5. We don't want to interrupt your
The on-board bistro is located in the meal.
are located, is located, middle of the train. both-
was located, 1. Both agreed with my proposal.
has been released 2. Which blouse do you take, the red
Male and female students are exempt one or the green one? - I'll take
from broadcasting fees. both.
satisfactorily leg, -e almost
The result is satisfactory. Andreas has broken his leg.
encountered is Haven't we met before at some point? example, -e I almost missed the bus today.
It was a great concert. I am thrilled. 1. Can you tell me an example?
enthusiastic 2. My friend has many hobbies such as
In two weeks the summer vacations cooking, dancing, playing soccer.
begin. 3. There are so many things here: for
begin, begins, began, example, sausage, fruit, bread ...
has begun At the beginning of the lesson, the bite, bites, bit, has
teacher greets her students. bitten Be careful that the dog doesn't bite
the beginning you!
I will accompany you for a while. the contribution, ¨-e
1. The health insurance company has
accompany, accompanied, increased contributions.
accompanied, has The number of participants is limited to 2. The membership fee for the
accompanied sports club is 34 euros per
12. Please give reasons for your month.
limited known
opinion. 1. An uncle of mine is a well-known
justified, justified, justified, politician.
has justified 2. This song is very famous.
the reason, -en The rent was increased without acquaintance, - Friends of mine live in Hanover.
justification. n the
acquaintance, -n We will inform you about the location
welcome, welcomed, The host welcomes his guests. of the examination in due time.
welcomed, has welcomed announce,
announces, announced,
kept, keeps, kept, has kept May I keep the magazine? has 1. Did you get my letter?
announced 2. I get an injection every day.
treat, treated, treated, 3. What do you get? - 5 kg of potatoes.
Has treated 1. Which doctor has treated got, gets, got, got 4. We have had a visitor.
you so far?
2. I will not let you treat me like this
any longer.


5. According to the weather forecast 3. On the mountain we had a picnic.

we get rain.
6. Suddenly I got a severe All newspapers have reported about
headache. report, reported, reported, the accident.
has reported
the receipt, -e Do you need a receipt? I read an interesting report yesterday.
report, -e
insult, insulted, insulted, 1. I did not mean to offend you. What do you do for a
has insulted 2. Don't be offended all the time.
profession, -e living? What do you do for a
popular This game is very popular among
young people. professio living? Are you employed?

notice, noticed, noticed, I did not notice that the window is nally 1. Please calm down. Everything is all
has noticed open. right.
employed 2. I can reassure you. Nothing has
endeavor, endeavored, 1. He tried very hard to cook something happened to your son.
endeavored, has good. calm, calmed, calmed
endeavored 2. I will try to make an appointment. down, has calmed down Michael Schumacher is a famous racing
Let me know if you need anything
else. Please make a list of what the burglars
need, needed, needed, has famous damaged.
needed Please use public transportation.

use, used, used, has used Gasoline is to become more expensive damage, damaged, 1. What did you deal with in your work?
damaged, 2. How long have you been
the gasoline again. Who observed the accident? has damaged employed by this company?

watching, watching, employ, employs, employs, I am looking for a part-time job because I
watching, has employed have a young child.
Has observed 1. My kids prefer to wear
comfortable clothes. You will receive the final decision in
comfortable 2. Shopping at the supermarket is the employment about four weeks.
very convenient.
3. I find this armchair very comfortable. I will inquire about the dates and then let
the notice, -e you know.
Our staff will be happy to advise you if
you have any questions. Can you let me know by tomorrow?
advised, advises, Let me know
advised, has advised Counseling sessions for families are We decided to buy a smaller car.
available every Tuesday between 2 and
the 4 p.m. Let know
consultation The number of participants for the
The cost of the trip must first be course is limited.
calculated. resolve, resolves, decided,
calculate, calculated, has decided restrict Can you give me directions to the airport?
calculated, has calculated 1. In which field would you like to
the area, -e 2. Drive around the construction area. describe, describes, A description of the device is enclosed.
1. I am always ready to help you. Has described Where can we complain?
2. The package is ready for you at
ready the post office. description, -en

Please get in touch with Mrs. Kaiser. complain,

She has already called three times. complains,
already complained, has
1. The Zugspitze is the highest complained
mountain in Germany.
the mountain, -e 2. We go to the mountains every Sunday.


occupy, occupied, 1. This seat is occupied. participate, participates, We want to buy a gift for our teacher.
occupied, has occupied 2. I filled three seats. participated, Who would like to participate?
3. I have called there three times has involved the
now. It is always busy. Please transfer the amount to our
amount, ¨-e account.
visit, visited, visited, has On vacation we visited Schön- brunn
visited possess, possesses, Palace. Who looks after the children in your
possessed, has possessed Does your wife own a car? care, cared for, cared company?
for, has cared for

special- My parents wanted to give us a very caregiver, - The caretaker of the children is very
special treat with this trip. the caregiver, -nen nice.

especially 1. I have a special today the care

favorable offer seen. Do you have childcare for your
2. The storm caused severe damage, children?
especially in southern Germany. the enterprise, -e
3. How are you? - Not particularly. 1. Ten people work in this plant.
2. Just before Christmas,
department stores are always
3. The elevator is in operation/out of
worried, worried, worried, Should I get the tickets? Operation.
has worried
the works council, The works council will inform you
discuss, discusses, We still need to discuss exactly when ¨-e the works about the new working hours.
discusses, we're leaving and what we're taking councillor, -nen
has discussed with us. 1. I would never cheat on my family.
cheat, cheated, cheated, 2. The bill is not correct. The waiter has
the meeting, -en I'm sorry, Mr. Schmidt is still in a has cheated cheated me.
If you drive drunk, you will lose your
the recovery Get well soon! driver's license.
confirm, confirmed, 1. The company confirmed the 1. We were going to buy new beds.
confirmed, date to me in writing. 2. As long as you have a fever, you must
has confirmed 2. I can confirm that he was here. the bed, -en stay in bed.

confirmation, -en I need a written confirmation for the 11% of the population was not born
office. domestically.
the population
pass, pass, passed, has 1. The Reading module consists of Before we go, I would like to eat
passed five parts. something.
2. I have passed the exam! before
1. I can hardly move because of the
order, ordered, ordered, 1. We ordered pizza. pain.
has ordered 2. I'm scheduled for a 4 p.m. move, moved, moved, has 2. I can no longer move my finger.
interview. moved
3. Mrs. Meier asked me to give you her You need more exercise. You need to
regards. go for a walk regularly.

determined 1. I'm sure Nancy didn't mean that. the movement, -en We can prove that you ran a red light.
2. Do you want a specific bread?
Do you have any evidence of this?
Speeding is severely punished. prove, proves, proved,
punish, punished, has proved 1. I applied for this position.
punished, has punished 1. Come and visit us. 2. I applied for a job as a waiter.
2. You still need to take a course. the proof, -e
visit, visited, visited, has
visited apply, apply, apply,
has applied
visit, -e 1. We are going to have a visitor.
2. I make a visit to the hospital. 1. where should I send my application?
3. I'm just visiting here. 2. will you help me with my application?


the residents, - I don't know the other occupants of the the request, I have a request. Can I use your cell
the resident, -nen house. -n phone?

pay, paid, paid, has Have you paid the bill yet? please 1. a cup of coffee, please!
paid 2. Here you go!
3. Excuse me? What did you say?
the relationship, -en We have good relations with our 4. Please speak slowly.
bitter Do you have sugar? The tea is very bitter.
the library, -en The city library has already closed.
pale You look very pale. Are you sick?
A beer, please!
the beer 1. The trees are already getting yellow
1. He offered me another 800 euros for the leaf, ¨-er leaves.
offer, offers, the old car. 2. Do you have a piece of paper for me?
offered, has 2. The company offers its employees the
offered opportunity to attend language courses. 1. I will stay at home today.
remain, remains, 2. In June and July our store is closed on
A picture of my children hangs above remained, has Saturdays.
my desk. remained 3. Please stay on the line.
picture, -er 4. Why don't you stay seated?
1. I need a bigger screen for my computer. 5. We will stay only until tomorrow.
2. We have a TV with a very large
the screen, -e screen. Do you have a pencil for me?

You can buy a ticket at the ticket office. the pencil, -e the From here you have a great view over
the city.
look, -e
ticket, -e/-s → D, A: He has been blind since birth.
cheap This book is not cheap. My
flash, flashed, 1. Yesterday evening there was a
the biology girlfriend is studying biology. flashed, has flashed thunderstorm. There was terrible
lightning and thunder.
Bio- I only buy organic vegetables now. 2. Her eyes flash with joy.
lightning, -e 1. what kind of thunderstorm, did you see
bio(logical) Organic food is now also available in the lightning?
the supermarket. 2. did you take the photo with flash?

pear, -n Would you like fruit? The pears are blond 1. My son is blond.
especially beautiful today. 2. Nina has long blond hair.

to 1. Line 8 only goes as far as mere 1. I don't want to buy anything. I just
the main station. want to look around.
2. Until when can you stay? 2. Don't be late. We have to be at the
3. Bye. See you soon! station on time.
4. Some trains were delayed for up to 3. Oh, if only I could earn more!
two hours.
5. For the renovation we need three to The trees are already blooming. It is
four days. bloom, blossom, spring.
6. Wait here until I come back. blossomed, has
blossomed We gave my mother flowers for her
so far So far, everything is in order. birthday.
flower, -n
a little 1. If you wait a bit, we can go together. I would love a white blouse.
2. Would you like some more rice?
3. Can you speak a little louder, please? blouse, -n I have hurt myself. My hand is bleeding.
4. Do you speak English? - A little bit.
bleed, bleeding, bled, The injured person has lost a lot of
Can I ask you to listen for a moment? has bled blood.

ask, asks, has the blood



the ground, ¨- 1. The books were all on the floor. the letter, -e I don't like writing letters.
2. Vegetables grow on this soil
particularly well. the mailbox, ¨- 1. Is there a mailbox near here?
2. please get the newspaper from the
the bow, -/¨- Please write your name on the mailbox.
answer sheet.
the bean the Stamp, -n You can get stamps at the counter 7.
I like to eat beans.
boat Has the letter carrier been there yet?
At this lake you can rent boats. the letter carrier,
→CH:the letter carrier,-nen
the message, -en I got the visa from the embassy. Post office worker
I would like 50 envelopes and stamps to
1. Unfortunately, I forgot about the the envelope, ¨-e → go with them.
evil book. I hope you are not angry with A: envelope; CH: envelope
me. I only have small change in my wallet.
2. Don't make such an evil face! wallet, -n → D, CH:
3. I'm mad at you, you didn't come purse/port- monee; A:
again! money purse I need a new pair of glasses.
4. Let me see! You hurt yourself? That
looks nasty. Glasses, -n 1. Bring me a glass of tea, please!
2. I'll take you home.
roast, roast, roast, 1. The meat must fry for ten minutes. bring, brought, has 3. The Abendzeitung has brought a
has roasted 2. Today we have fried fish. brought report about the accident.

the roast, - Will you have some more gravy to go In the brochure you will find the latest
with the roast? information.
the brochure, -n
need, needs, needed, has 1. I need a car. 1. I always buy bread at the bakery,
needed 2. Do you still need the paper? not at the supermarket.
3. My grandmother is sick. She bread, -e 2. What would you like on your bread?
needs a lot of rest. 3. Take a few more sandwiches for the
4. It took me a week to do the ride.
5. You don't need to come I quickly get some rolls for breakfast.
tomorrow. I can do it alone.
the roll, - (D) → A: I quickly get some rolls for breakfast.
break, breaks, broke, has 1. He injured himself while skiing, his Semmel; CH: Brötli
broken leg is broken. Drive over the next bridge and then
2. I broke my leg on vacation. das Brötli, - (CH) → D: turn right.
roll; A: bun the
The carpet is two meters long and one My youngest brother is still in school.
wide meter wide. bridge, -n
I have pain in my chest.
What are the dimensions of the table? -
width, -n Length: 1 m, width: 80 cm, height: 1.20 m. the brother, ¨- There are 15 boys and 10 girls in the
school class.
The man crossed the road quite
brake, brakes, braked, suddenly. I had to brake hard. The chest Do you have a book about the history
has braked of Berlin?
You really need to have the brakes the boy, -en (A, CH) → D:
checked. Young At the bookstore in town, they have
brake, -n the book for sure.
1. There was a fire in this house last the book, ¨-er
year. I have booked a flight to Rome for
burn, burns, burned, has 2. The candle is still burning. Please turn tomorrow.
burned it off. bookshop, -en
3. The light was on in your room all night.

book, book, booked,

has booked


spell, spelled, spelt, Would you spell your name, the couch, -s We bought a couch and new armchairs.
spelled, has spelled please?
1. I would like a cream for the
the cream, -n/-s
the letter, -n 1. does this letter also exist in Hands.
your native language? 2. for the cream I took butter and chocolate.
2. Your name begins with K. - Letter K is in
room 3, please wait there. My cousin now lives in Brazil.
the cousin, -s
the box, -n (D, CH) → the I still have a can of beans. cousin, -n
box, -n (D, CH) → the box, -
the envelope, -s (CH) → I would like 50 envelopes and stamps to
n (D, CH)
A: Can The buffet is open! the envelope, -s (CH) → go with them.

the envelope, -s (CH)

the buffet, -s He likes to be on the stage. I
Envelope; A: envelope

the stage, -n like the colorful dress.

colorful From the castle you have a beautiful

1. There's a vending machine over there.
the castle, -en D
EU citizens can work anywhere in 2. What you are saying is correct.
Europe. 3. I was just about to park. A car came out
the citizen, - of the driveway in reverse.
the citizen the 1. Our office is closed on 4. We are already closed. - There is
Saturdays. nothing you can do.
office, -s 2. I would like to work in an office. 5. Since you don't have a membership
card, it's a little more expensive.
1. Do you have a brush? My shoes are 6. We were just talking about
so dirty. you. There you are.
the brush, -n 2. I need a brush for my hair. 7. Which blouse do you take? - That one.
8. Has Mr. Klein arrived yet?
I need a new toothbrush.
1. What were you thinking?
I usually take the bus to work. 2. It's good to have you here. Is
the toothbrush, -n your family with you?
I just want butter on bread. 3. Do you have a pen with you?
the bus, -se
1. We need to get the roof repaired.
2. We live directly under the roof.
the butter the roof, ¨-er
1. My sister is interested in politics. I
am not interested in it.
2. I'm all for leaving as early as
There is a café near here. Let's have a possible.
for this
C 1. Watch out, there's a tree! Do not
I quickly grab something from the drive against it!
café, -s cafeteria. 2. Are you for or against a smoking
ban? - I am against it.
My husband has a good chance of 3. I don't mind if we go home
against it
cafeteria, -s getting the job. already.

I can't decide that on my own, I have to I have a cold, so I can't come today.
the chance, -n ask the boss first.
The train will arrive in 30 minutes.
I think your dress is very chic. Until then, we can have a coffee.
the boss, -s therefore
the boss, -nen chic / 1. You look great! Who is your
chic 2. My daughter wants to be a hairdresser.

the hairdresser, -e
the hairdresser, -n (CH)

→ D, A: Hairdresser


then When I was 15, I wanted to learn to last, lasts, lasted, has How long is the break? - Half an hour.
play the piano. But at that time I had lasted
no money for it.
the duration 1. You can borrow the book for the
duration of one week.
lady, -n 1. She is a nice old lady. 2. in the long run, the work is not
2. Ladies and Gentlemen! interesting.
3. Dear Sir or Madam.
permanent 1. The constant ringing of the phone
with it 1. Make it quick so we're not late. bothers me.
2. What do you do with this thing? - 2. He is sick all the time.
You can open cans with it.
the ceiling, -n 1. In the living room we do not have
First we go shopping, then we a lamp on the ceiling.
after that barbecue on our balcony. 2. Can I get another blanket? I am cold.

next to it You know where the post office is. decorate, decorated, Will you help me decorate the table
Right next to it is the bank. decorated, has decorated for the party?

thank, thanks, thanked, Thank you for the invitation. think, thinks, thought, 1. You're laughing - what are you thinking
has thanked has thought right now?
2. I think that you are right.
3. We are currently discussing the
the thanks 1. thank you very much for your effort. Smoking. What do you think about it?
2. Here is your coffee. - Thank you 4. Please remember to turn off
very much! the heat.
3. Thank you very much! 5. I don't care at all what people think of
4. Thank God it didn't rain. me.
thankful I am very grateful for your help. 6. I often think about my family.
7. I had thought that we could
ride together.
thank you 1. would you like me to help you? No,
thank you, not necessary. thought, -n 1. I must first think my thoughts
2. bon appétit! - Thank you likewise. collect.
2. Your reference gives me a thought.
then 1. I have to go to the post office quickly, 3. The thought of misfortune makes us
then I'll be there. sad.
2. We were on time at the station. But 4. Let's take a trip to get your mind off
then the train was late. things.
3. I have a lot to do at the moment. - Then 5. She is completely lost in thought.
I will not disturb any longer.
4. If it does not rain, then come
we. the monument, ¨-er There are many famous monuments in
this city.
represent, represents, has He was able to present the problem
represented, has very well. because 1. I am also learning Portuguese now
represented because I want to travel to South
Your book contains a clear exposition of America.
representation, -en these problems. 2. How did the game turn out?
the same, same, same
Rico told me he was coming to the My friend and I go to the same school.
that party, too. therefore
I was sick. That's why I wasn't in the
Where did you save the file? office.
the file, -en dessert, -s → D, A:
1. What is the date today? Dessert because of After the meal we had a delicious
the date, the dates 2. Please do not forget the date and dessert.
signature. this
3. I need some more data from you. I parked the wrong way. That's why I
got a parking ticket.
We have all your data in the computer.

the data (plural)



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