Spring 2023 - CS610 - 1 - BC210411505

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Total Marks: 15

CS610: Computer Networks
Due Date: 17th May, 2023


To enhance the learning capabilities of the students about:

 Shared communication medium
 Network configuration
 File size calculation
 Probing Tools
 Using command prompt for network analysis

Question No.1

Given below is the detail of a video file which needs to be transferred among two
devices in a network where multiple devices are connected with each other using a
shared transmission media:
If this file is divided into multiple packets where each packet is 1KB in size then
how long will it take (in seconds) to transfer the entire file over a network with a
bandwidth capacity of 1Mbps?

Provide your answer with complete calculation steps and proper unit.
Convert the file size from MB to Kb(Kilobits)
1 MB=1 megbyte=8 megabits(1 byte=8 bits)
Therefore file size will become=25MB*8=200Mb

Now we will calculate the total number of packets requiered

The size of each packet is 1KB=8Kb(1 byte is equal to 8 bits)
Number of packets=file size/packet size=200Mb/8Kb=200*1000000/8000=25000

Now we will find the time taken for one packet to transfer
Bandwidth capacity is 1Mbps
Time taken to transfer one packet=packet

Now we will calaculate the total time taken to transfer all packets
Total time=time per packet*number of packets=8ms*25000=200,000ms

Now we will convert this time of millisecond in second

Total time=200,000ms/1,000=200 seconds

Form above calculations we conclude that it will take 200seconds to transfer the
entire file over network with bandwidth capacity of 1 Mbps.

Question No.2

You are required to use ping command for testing the reachability to HYPERLINK
"http://www.vu.edu.pk" HYPERLINK "http://www.vu.edu.pk/" www.vu.edu.pk in
two phases, for phase 1 you have to use ping command with 10 bytes of data for each
packet and for phase 2, you need to send 10,000 bytes of data for each packet. Perform the
mentioned task in your computer / laptop, take the screenshots clearly showing ping
command and the result for both scenarios (Phase 1 and Phase 2) and paste in the MS Word
file as solution. At the end, also compare the results of both scenarios / phases, provide the
average time difference in milli-seconds in the same file and upload the file on VU-LMS
within the due date.



To calculate average time difference =69ms-43ms


Best of Luck!

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