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Mở nhạc: The lion sleep tonight (0:00 – 1:23)
Fox và owl xuất hiện trước -> mouse -> bat -> scorpion -> tarantula
Đang hát say sưa thì Leopard nhảy vồ ra từ 1 bụi cây, tất cả sợ hãi hét toáng lên.
Fox: Ahh! What is it? Is that a lion?
Leopard: Lion? You fool! I’m a leopard.
Mouse: Oh no! I don’t wanna be your dinner. Please don’t eat me!
All animals to Leopard: Don’t eat me!
Leopard: Hahaha. I won’t. I just want to have some fun. What are you doing here, when
the sky is soooo dark?
Bat: Well, we are all nocturnal animals, so the dark doesn’t bother us.
Scorpion: That’s right! Anyway, we are going to a job interview, at a security
Tarantula: They are looking for animals that can work well at night. I think I have
All animals: Me too! Me too!
Leopard (nói giọng khinh thường): Potential? You little species! What can you really do?
Make a silly cobweb? Haha
Tarantula (tức giận, nhảy bổ về phía Leopard): How dare you!
Fox đứng giữa can ngăn: Calm down guys! I don’t wanna see any fight here.
Leopard: Alright, alright. So, what skills do each of you have then?
Fox: Me first! I’m a fox. I usually go hunting at night. Mice, lizards, and insects are my
favourite food.
Mouse nhảy lên sợ hãi.
Fox: Don’t worry buddy, you are my friend. (cười). Look at my ears. Look how big they
are. They help me hear very well in the dark. I also have a super sense of smell. No
matter how far the food is, I can track it down from miles and miles away.
Bat: Why don’t you hunt in daylight?
Fox: Well, I can’t stand the heat, so I sleep all day long in the sand and wait for the dark.
Bat: Same here, but I hang myself upside down in caves or trees, sometimes in
buildings. And I hate fighting birds for food during the day, so I come out at night.
Scorpion: Hey Bat, you don’t have big ears. Can you hear well?
Bat: Of course. My hearing works in a special way.
Leopard: How so?
Bat: I have a sense called echolocation. When I fly, I make special noises. When the
noises bounce off things, they create echoes. By using these echoes, I know where
things are. It helps me find food.
Owl: That’s kind of cool. I myself don’t like making noise when flying. The prey would
just run away if they heard me.
Scorpion: Look at your feathers, they are so soft.
Owl: Yeah! They help me fly quietly. And you know what, I can turn my neck in a
complete circle, like a 360-degree camera. (owl làm động tác quay đầu).
Tarantula: Your eyes are huge, like binoculars!
Owl: How am I supposed to see prey in darkness without these eyes? Also, just like Fox
and Bat, I can listen to little noises from prey thanks to my amazing hearing!
Mouse: Lucky you. I don’t have very good eyesight. But don’t laugh at me! I’m still active
at night.
Fox: How do you see though?
Mouse: I touch and smell to find food.
Fox: You can just find food in daylight right?
Mouse: I don’t think so. I am the food of many other animals. I don’t wanna get spotted,
so I prefer going out after sunset.
Scorpion: Speak of bad eyesight, I can’t be left out. But look at my legs. You guys see
those little hairs?
All animals: Wow! Yeah!
Scorpion: They are super sensitive. They help me feel when prey is around. Then…(nói
chậm lại kiểu kịch tính) I STING IT TILL DEATH WITH MY TAIL! HAHAHA (Gào lên).
Tất cả động vật lùi lại vì bị bất ngờ.
Owl: Better stay away from that deadly tail.
Tarantula: Hey scorpion, I think you and I have a lot in common.
Scorpion: Really! (Nhìn Tarantula kiểu nghi hoặc). You don’t have any tail.
Tarantula: I don’t, but look! I have special hairs on my body to feel prey, too.
Scorpion: Oh I see. Do you sting the prey with those legs?
Tarantula: I grab prey with my legs, inject it with paralyzing venom, and then bite it with
my fangs.
Leopard: Interesting! I must say you all have great abilities to survive in this wildlife.
Owl: What about you, Leopard? What special skills have you got?
Leopard: Me? Well, unlike you guys, I can freely walk around during the day, cuz I’m BIG
and SCARY. (gằn giọng doạ dẫm). I’m a good hunter at night too. Come and have a close
look at my eyes. You see that?
Fox: Oh, I see myself in there.
Leopard: Not that you silly! I meant the special part called the tapetum. It reflects light
so I can see very clearly in the dark. It makes my eyes glow too.
Fox: I can see it now. That’s amazing!
Bat: Hey, it’s almost 12 AM. We’d better go now. I don’t want to be late for the
All animals: We’ve been talking too much! Let’s go.
Leopard: Can I come with you? I wanna try to apply for the security job.
Tarantula: Sure! Mr. Big and Scary (nói kiểu châm biếm).
Tất cả đi từ từ ra khỏi sân khấu theo tiếng nhạc.

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