Summer School of Political Ecology 2023 - Ljubljana - Invitation

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Overcoming the Inequalities of Green Transition

When: 21 August – 25 August 2023
Where: Faculty of Social Sciences, Ljubljana, Slovenia

The International Summer School of Political Ecology 2023 will explore growing inequalities and
address the question why concepts such as environmental justice or just transition are increasingly
important in discussions on how to tackle the environmental crisis without deepening inequalities.

The consequences of climate change, mass extinction of species, loss of habitats and pollution
lead to general environmental and ecological issues that are appearing more than ever on the
political agenda, as they affect and influence us all, albeit in a very unequal way. They have
distinctly negative impacts on different regions in the world, societies, classes, groups of people
and other living beings. The most vulnerable are the least responsible for the environmental crisis,
but are usually the most affected.

Policy measures for protecting environment and climate that have been or are yet to be adopted
are likely to lead to more inequalities and other undesirable social consequences: undermining
social cohesion and reducing social welfare, as well as preventing just solutions to environmental

The focus of the Summer School will be on the growing inequalities within and between countries,
and how our societies and economy can be organised in ways that do not exacerbate these
inequalities, but also do not further harm our planet.

We are pleased that so far we have confirmed the following speakers:

• Prof Aristotle Tympas - Lecturer at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, a
specialist in the study of technology;
• Dr Mine Islar - Lecturer at Lund University and scientific adviser to the UNs IPBES in the
field of ecosystem services;
• Prof Stefan Bouzarovski - Professor at the University of Manchester and one of the
leading experts on energy poverty;
• Dr Roland Ngam - Head of climate justice at the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung's South Africa
• Prof Selina Gallo-Cruz - Associate professor at Syracuse University, author of “Awaiting
Spring and War: Insights from Ecofeminism”;
• Dr Max Ajl – Researcher of climate and agrarian questions at Ghent University and the
author of “A People's Green New Deal”;
• Dr Rachel Guyet - Director of the Master in Global Energy Transition and Governance at
the Centre international de formation européenne;
• Dr Nora Teller - Researcher at the Metropolitan Research Institute in Budapest, focused on
• and many other international and local theorists, researchers and practitioners working in
the field of green transition (please follow our web page for additional announcements).

The 2023 International Summer School of Political Ecology invites students, academics,
practitioners, activists and all those with interest in contemporary ecological and social concerns.
Participation in the Summer School is FREE!

Reasons to join us:

• Earn credits through accredited participation for PhD and Master students (10 ECTS and 6
ECTS respectively).
• Immerse yourself in cutting-edge inequalities research with leading international and
Slovene researchers and practitioners.
• Develop critical thinking about inequalities in regard to the green transition.
• Enjoy a summer school without fees.
• Engage in interactive activities in the evenings, and discover Ljubljana.

Join us to discuss and co-shape new concepts for overcoming the inequalities of green transition!
Apply here!

The event will take place at The Faculty for Social Sciences.

Please apply by:

• 25 May 2023: Master and Doctoral Students who wish to obtain ECTS credits;
• 15 June 2023: all other participants.

You can find all the information about the Summer School here.

The International Summer School of Political Ecology 2023 is organized within the framework of the integral project LIFE IP
CARE4CLIMATE, which will, through awareness raising, education and training of key stakeholders, encourage the implementation
of measures to achieve Slovenia's greenhouse gas emission reduction targets by 2020 and 2030. More information about the
CARE4CLIMATE project can be found on the official website of the project.

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