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Module Code and Title : (UGB267) Integrated Marketing Communications

MDIS Module Leader : Mr Edmund Lau
Assessment : Individual Assignment
Submission Due Date : 19 May 2023
Word Length : 3500 words (+/-10%)
Weighting within Module : 100%

Assignment Submission
Students are required to submit their coursework through CANVAS. Only assessments
submitted through CANVAS will be marked. Any other submission including submission to
your study centre in hard copy will be treated as a non-submission.

This assignment is an individual piece of work that is, the work is conceived,
developed and written by you – the student. You should include the following
statement on the cover page.
“Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly
referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is
a form of malpractice and academic misconduct.” [Add your name and date]

It is essential that you contact your tutor for any assistance during the workshops. You
are responsible for your own learning.

Link to University Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy

Upon successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

K1 Critical understanding of integrated marketing communications theory,
practice, concepts and techniques.

K2 Discuss and evaluate traditional and new/social media, innovation, creativity

and visuals which are used effectively in integrated marketing communications
planning and campaigns.

S1 Construct and evaluate integrated marketing communication plans and

S2 Develop critical and creative communications skills and analysis.

Summative Assessment Task:
The Client Brief
A well-known manufacturer in Uzbekistan has just created a new computer laptop,
and you are the marketing communication agency tasked to develop and conduct a
marketing communication campaign for the new computer laptop. The new computer
laptop has the latest energy-efficient laptop battery technology that can last up to 21
hours with a single charge and features a powerful processing CPU chip. It has a
good camera and a set of good internal speakers and is connectable to the latest WIFI
and comes with the latest Bluetooth technology to connect with any compatible

You will be responsible for providing a suitable name for the product and also
marketing the product and ensuring a good marketing and promotional mix for the
product. The need to articulate the characteristics of your intended targeted segments
is envisaged and ensure the marketing campaign leverages upon such characteristics.
Where possible, the student is to look for relevant information from reliable sources.
Where such data is not available, the student can fabricate his own data, but he needs
to show clearly how such data is analysed and leveraged upon in the campaign.

The student is to design a campaign as to the best way to implement things using all
the communication channels offline and online. The product development is already
in their final stages and you are overall responsible to see through from the beginning
to the end of the campaign. You have to give an appropriate name, packaging design,
promotional mix, marketing... etc. to ensure the successful launch and continuity of
sales of the product.

The IMC Challenge and objective is centred around raising awareness and finding the
best way to communicate to the target audience.

Detailed IMC Plan

Suggested Generic Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Plan Format -

(SOSTAC Model)

(What information goes into an integrated marketing communications plan?)

Title Page – (This should be professional in appearance and packaged

appropriately, it should be clear what the report is about and who it is from?
/who wrote it? It should have your campaign name or strap line. Don’t forget
first impression counts).

Executive Summary* – Presents a brief overview of the proposed plan. The

integrated marketing communications plan should open with a brief summary of the
plan’s main goals and recommendations. It should wet the appetite of those who may
read it! E.g. senior management, or colleagues who will implement your proposal. It
should assist them to grasp (within one minute) the overall plan’s thrust/direction. It is
like an abstract written for an essay or academic paper or final year project. This
should not be more than one A4 page! This is not part of the word count.

Acknowledgements* – (This is a useful exercise for your final year/placement project.

So why not develop this good practice now?). Basically, anyone who has helped you.
In practice this is fellow staff or people who funded the project. For your UGB 267 IMC
You can thank God, mummy, dad,” significant others”, tutors, marketing
communications company, of course the client and the lovely library staff! Don’t forget
friends who helped you when the “chips were low” or anyone who inspired you! Please
no Oscar speeches! Check with the client and organisation re: relevance. This is not
part of the word count.

Table of contents*, Glossary of terms, Table of Illustrations – This should follow

the executive summary. It should identify where one can find the information (with
page numbers and appropriate sections) contained in the plan. You should also
have a table of illustrations and abbreviations. We expect you to have appendices
and a bibliography.
This is not part of the word count.

Note –The sections above in blue are not part of the page count and sections
should be numbered using roman numerals.

Introduction – You should introduce your client, your chosen campaign (preferably
with a strapline and the integrated marketing communication problem and challenges.
Cross reference and incorporate it into the situational analysis below.

Developing the IMC Brief - This is the first stage of developing your campaign. You
need to explore and identify the target audiences, current marketing communications
problems or opportunity the client wants to achieve or position the company. Basically,
below is how you developed the Client Brief:

Background - of the client/company/theme and its industry.

Purpose – Intended purpose of the marketing communication campaign.
Aims/Objectives – of the marketing communication campaign.
Target Audience – Intended target audience.
What has to be done - Must Haves/Must Not Haves?
What your client/company/theme for your campaign want to be considered
plus evaluations
Budget – Integrated Marketing Communications Campaign Budget
Timescale – (Usually 12 months)
The 5WH – (What? Who? When? Where? Why? and how?

Market Research – Evidence of primary and secondary research and research

methods you used to develop the creative brief (integrated marketing communications
brief). Carry out an audit and evaluation of what is happening in terms of the client’s
integrated marketing communications. Apply and embed integrated marketing theory
and practice.

Situational Analysis (Current marketing situation) – This section presents relevant

background data on the market, competitors, distribution, and the macro-environment.
Your source of information should be Athens Database including (Mintel, Keynotes,
Euromonitor, Emerald),, Economic Intelligence Unit, Industry specific sources
for example, FIA, Automobile Association, sponsors websites & publications, ABTA,
WTTC (World Travel & Tourism Council), Academic journals, books and articles about
the industry, empirical research, including your own).

Opportunity and issue analysis – After summarising the current marketing situation,
you should proceed to identify the major opportunities and threats, strengths and
weaknesses, and the issues facing the product line or your idea or campaign.

Objectives – Once you have summarised the issues, you should decide on the plan’s
CSMART Objectives (The integrated marketing communication Challenge – the
problem you are trying to solve or opportunity to exploit; Specific – The campaign
should be specific and focused; Measurable – Budget, metrics, SEO; Achievable –
The objectives should be achievable; Realistic – this is not a game. Solutions put
forward need to be realistic; Targeted – you must have a target market and audience.
You should ensure that you have covered these objectives in the plan. People would
want to know the unique selling proposition (USPs) and the brand promise being

Marketing Communications Strategy – You should outline (briefly) the broad
marketing strategy or game plan to accomplish the plan’s objectives. In developing the
strategy, you should carry out the necessary primary and secondary research. Please
also refer to the 7Ps Chartered Institute of Marketing. (Please note this is not a
marketing plan but an integrated marketing communication plan).

Creative Strategy – This is the “pitch” describing the vision, the emotional touch point
and/or inspiration that underpins the creative aspect of the campaign. It should be
cross-referenced to the media pack and the rest of the report. It should make sense
to non-media/creative people and a doorway on how it will be implemented. It should
win the client and target audience over, whilst offering options to various approaches.
It should be linked to the rest of your IMC plan.

Tactics & Action Programs - The marketing communications plan must specify the
broad marketing programs for achieving the business objectives. Each marketing
strategy element must be elaborated to plan! We need only proposed costs of the
communication element of the campaign. This should be cross-referenced to the
tactics and action programme. To help answer questions: What needs to be done?
Why it should be done? Where will it be done? (Product placement)? When will it be
done? Who will do it? How much will it cost? The tactics should relate to the elements
of communication mix. The action programme should be in the form of a Gantt chart
and or calendar form. All items should be linked to your overall strategies and budget.
We need to see how you arrived at the costings!

Budget – This should outline the total budget for the campaign on the credit side. On
the debit side you should indicate where the costs for the various promotions would
be spent. This should be cross referenced to other parts of your plan.

Controls – The last section of the marketing communications plan outlines the
controls for monitoring the plan. Senior management can review the effectiveness of
their strategies/tactics during the campaign. The control section will include
contingency plans. A contingency plan outlines the steps management would take in
response to specific adverse developments, such as negative responses or an advert
being “pulled” by media networks, etc. price wars or strikes. A diagram would be useful
to summarise your thoughts.

Conclusion - You should reflect on the whole experience of writing this report and if
you have any feedback or special comments you would like to highlight on this project.

Reference - Give credit to the various authors and contributors that have in one way
or other, help in your report. Referencing in Harvard format and in alphabetical order.

Module Leader’s note – You should adapt the integrated marketing

communications plan to suit your individual circumstances and needs. A
marketing communications plan should fit into a marketing plan, which in turn

fits into a business plan. The Integrated Marketing communications plan is
usually used for specific campaigns. You need to know what goes into a
marketing plan before you develop a marketing communications plan. Please
do not forget the relevant appendices – for example, references, and relevant
supporting documents.


Appendix D - Generic Assessment Criteria – Undergraduate Bachelor’s degree

These should be interpreted according to the level at which you are working

Grade Relevance Knowledge Analysis Argument and Structure Critical Evaluation Presentation Reference to Literature
86 – The work examined is exemplary and provides clear evidence of a complete grasp of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the
100% qualification. There is also unequivocal evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are fully satisfied. At this level it is
expected that the work will be exemplary in all the categories cited above. It will demonstrate a particularly compelling evaluation, originality, and elegance of argument,
interpretation or discourse.
76-85% The work examined is excellent and demonstrates comprehensive knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. There is also
excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that level are fully satisfied. At this level it is expected that the work will be
excellent in the majority of the categories cited above or by demonstrating particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation or discourse and
there may be some evidence of originality
The work examined is of a high standard and there is evidence of comprehensive knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification.
70 – There is also clearly articulated t evidence demonstrating that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that level are satisfied At this level it is
75% expected that the standard of the work will be high in the majority of the categories cited above or by demonstrating particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of
argument, interpretation or discourse.
Directly relevant to A substantial Good analysis, Generally coherent and May contain some Well written, with Critical appraisal of up-to-
60 – the requirements knowledge of clear and orderly logically structured, using distinctive or standard spelling date and/or appropriate
69% of the assessment relevant material, an appropriate mode of independent thinking; and grammar, in a literature. Recognition of
showing a clear argument and/or may begin to readable style with different perspectives.
grasp of themes, theoretical mode(s) formulate an acceptable format Very good use of source
questions and independent position material. Uses a range of

issues therein in relation to theory sources

and/or practice.
Some attempt to Adequate Some analytical Some attempt to construct Sound work which Competently Uses a variety of literature
50 – address the knowledge of a fair treatment, but a coherent argument, but expresses a coherent written, with only which includes some
59% requirements of range of relevant may be prone to may suffer loss of focus position only in broad minor lapses from recent texts and/or
the assessment: material, with description, or to and consistency, with terms and in uncritical standard grammar, appropriate literature,
may drift away intermittent narrative, which issues at stake stated only conformity to one or with acceptable though not necessarily
from this in less evidence of an lacks clear vaguely, or theoretical more standard views format including a substantive
focused passages appreciation of its analytical mode(s) couched in of the topic amount beyond library
significance purpose simplistic terms texts. Competent use of
source material.
40 – Some correlation Basic Largely A basic argument is Some evidence of a A simple basic style Some up-to-date and/or
49% with the understanding of descriptive or evident, but mainly view starting to be but with significant appropriate literature
requirements of the subject but narrative, with supported by assertion formed but mainly deficiencies in used. Goes beyond the
the assessment addressing a little evidence of and there may be a lack derivative. expression or material tutor has
but there are limited range of analysis of clarity and coherence format that may provided. Limited use of
instances of material pose obstacles for sources to support a point.
irrelevance the reader

35 – Relevance to the A limited Heavy Little evidence of coherent Almost wholly Numerous Barely adequate use of
39% requirements of understanding of a dependence on argument: lacks derivative: the writer’s deficiencies in literature. Over reliance
the assessment narrow range of description, development and may be contribution rarely expression and on
may be very material and/or on repetitive or thin goes beyond presentation; the material provided by the
intermittent, and paraphrase, is simplifying writer may achieve tutor.
may be reduced to common paraphrase clarity (if at all) only
its vaguest and by using a
least challenging simplistic or
terms repetitious style

The evidence provided shows that the majority of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied – for compensation consideration.
30 – The work examined provides insufficient evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. The evidence provided
34% shows that some of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will be weak in some of the indicators.

15-29% The work examined is unacceptable and provides little evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. The evidence
shows that few of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will be weak in several of the indicators.
0-14% The work examined is unacceptable and provides almost no evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. The
evidence fails to show that any of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will be weak in the majority or all of the


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