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There was never any revolution, in the French

ADRIAN II., pope from 867 to 872, was a member of a

centre; Arakan, farther down the rivers; and Akyab on the

pressed into a wood tube or into a channel formed in a metal

a lecture on flying delivered in 1617 by Fleyder, rector of

exempt from episcopal jurisdiction, the confirmation and

reallzed the necessity for more observations before any

natives. In Latin literature it was employed for the

the eyes of his other children were put out, by his orders.

to those species which grow near low-water mark, or under

Castor . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,879 Mont Pleureur. . . . . . . . . . 12,159

calm followed the outrage. On the 11th of February 1873,

Herat). Only nine years after Mahommed's announcement of his

true and are reared in the State fish-hatcheries of America.

the question of the withdrawal of the army of occupation from

Abyssinia, where he remained six years, returning to Lisbon in

there must have been some very important reason for the

11 See Life of Adam and Eve (apocryphal), sec. sec. 36,

Sala de las dos Hermanas (Hall of the two Sisters), so-called

IV., and his successor, P(b)udu-ilu, held the same position

river, which has swept away several other bridges at different

He purchased an estate that came into the market at the

justifying the move on the ground that until Virginia was reduced

thong, hurled from the hand, from a sling, from an atlatl or

cell, giving off whorled appendages at regular intervals.

series'' of the general formula Cn H2n+1COOH, ethylene

2 Menelek means ``a second self.''

which closely recalls the large caecum of many mammals.

History of America (Boston, 1887). Its nine chapters,

AISSE [a corruption of HAIDEE], MADEMOISELLE (c.

seized Egypt in 1517, established the regencies of Algeria,

but under certain conditions ethers (see ETHER) are obtained.

barium acetate. Crude acetone may be purified by converting

practically unknown till recent years. This is the South

the towns, who were embittered by confiscations and religious

unjustly their deserved fate. The passage (Theb. 597-608)

Old, academy under Speusippus and Xenocrates; the second,

Gables. In his earlier work, as an artist, he shows the

Each of these hydro-carbons gives rise to two alcohols:

Macta, the Tafna, the Harrach and the Mazafran. The Macta,

in character to Switzerland, but covers a very much greater

called for will be here performed, nourishment, stimulants

dedicated to him on the road from Thebes to Potniae, and here

the Bir el-Arwah, under the ``Dome of the Rock''

of the modern departments of Saone-et-Loire, Cote d'Or and

applied to the Negro tribes, themselves also in process of

is in the curious position of directly paying a certain

a fixed point in the heavens; variation of latitude, however,

and by erecting numerous buildings, he greatly improved the

arms. He therefore advised the purchase of a tract of waste

among the Britons in his time, and St Columba is said to have

it means that uncondensed hydrochloric acid is sent into the

organs. In 1763 he published his Familles naturelles des

practically isolated in Russia, and he declared that he could

Neolithic period, of uncertain but very long duration,

which disfigure the scenery or are otherwise objectionable.

consequently the greatest assimilation of carbon, occurs in

added which is released by the rotation of the shell. On

15 The mortality of man forms no part of

to 17,600 in each of four carts, with, in addition, about 4000

vesicle; df, dorsal section of myocoel (=fin spaces); e,

the annihilation, off Strela (Stralsund), on Whit-Sunday

ascetic. Abu Nuwas is recognized as the greatest poet of his

brilliant depicter of scenery and the external aspects of life;

elder brother, Ernest, were close companions in youth, and

life of Francis Bacon. His theological writings include three

it. The treasury department has charted the coasts, sought

and he was only mollified for the time by Napoleon's public

For details see Handbook of American

saints. The basis for this crusade was theological, not

and H. B. George, Battles of English History.

Branca to Evora and Elvas. For administrative purposes the

scarcely amounted to a half of his original revenues. At

offices in that state; but when Mysore was restored to native

of his enemies, to obtain complete power over their real

the whole Afghan people may be divided into dwellers in tents

represented by the eleven kings of Leon and Castile already

ALISMACEAE (from the Gr. alisma, a water-plant mentioned by

not clear that FIG. 4.--Phaeophyceae, variously magnified.

Pass (4902 ft.), and by it is but 5 m. from the Inn valley.

person to President Lincoln, but the robbers could not be

day set apart in the Roman Catholic Church for the commemoration

n1 and n2 and radii r'1, r"1, and r'2,

and so on, that make particular alloys valuable in the arts,

(Khair-ed-Din). One of the last Venetian strongholds in the

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