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Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom

Subic Bay Freeport Zone
Tel # (047) 252-3808
We have the EdGe TeleFax # (047) 252-3801

Truth * Freedom * Just ice



 HARDWARE – refers to the TANGIBLE (can be touched) components or delivery systems and run the
written instructions (programs) provided by the software

- Input – Keyboard

- Processing – Central Processing Unit – CPU (micro-processor)

- Storage – Hard disk, CD, DVD, Pen/Flash Drive, Solid-State Drives (SSDs) like in a

- Output – Speaker, Monitor, Printer, Printer combined with Fax/Scanner, etc – converting
information into a human-perceptible form—

Sound being played through a speaker

Monitor – the main output device which forms images by converting electrical energy into
light in the form of tiny dots on the screen called pixels

- Communication devices – Modem – which is capable of transmitting data, instruction, and

information between a sending device (server) and a receiving device (as in LAN)

Others: Motherboard, Main memory (RAM-Random Access Memory), Expansion Cards, Power
Supply Unit, Optical Disk Drive, Video Card; Memory Card;

 SOFTWARE – refers to the INTANGIBLE (cannot be touched( components of a computer system;

these are the programs and other operating information used by a computer

- Systems software – a type of computer program that is designed to run a computer’s hardware
and application program
 Operating System
 Application programs
 Device Drivers

- Application software – performs a specific function for a user, or for another application

- Driver software – what’s inside the Disk of a newly bought computer whose owner bought the
said computer from a Microsoft accredited dealer

- Middleware – advanced programs for database and other applications such as POS, ATM

- Programming software – these are programs or set of programs which help the software
developers by assisting them in creating, debugging and maintaining other programs

 OPERATING SYSTEM – the software that supports a computer’s basic functions, such as scheduling
tasks, executing applications, and controlling peripherals

- LINUX – is a free, open source operating system, released under the GNU General Public
License (GPL). Anyone can run, study, modify, and redistribute the source code, or even sell
copies of their modified code, as long as they do so under the same license;
Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom

Subic Bay Freeport Zone
Tel # (047) 252-3808
We have the EdGe TeleFax # (047) 252-3801

Truth * Freedom * Just ice

An open source and community-developed operating system (OS) for computers, servers,
mainframes, mobile devices and embedded devices

o ANDROID - is an open source operating systems, developed by Google, and used by a

range of devices such as smartphones and tablets. Android devices usually come with
range of built-in programs (called applications or apps) such as web browser, email
client, calendar and maps

 Is a Linux-based mobile OS that primarily runs on smartphones and tablets. The

Android platform included an OS based on the Linux kernel, a GUI ( ), a web
browser, and end-user applications that can be downloaded

- WINDOWS – an operating system designed by Microsoft. The OS is what allows to use a

computer. Windows comes preloaded on most new personal computers (PCs), which helps to
make it the most popular operating system in the world

- The macOS is the OS that powers every Mac. It lets you do things you simply cannot do with
other computers. That is because its designed specifically for the hardware it runs on ---and vice

o APPLE COMPUTERS – (the Mac -from Macintosh) is a family of personal computer

designed and marketed by Apple, Inc. Example: The IPhone Series ---

 COMPUTER APPLICATION/PROGRAMS – these are software prepared and sold to the market
 Microsoft software: MS Office, Power Point, Word, Excel and Outlook
 Common internet browsers like Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox
 Graphics and designing software such as Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw and AutoCAD


 Word processors – Word-star, Word
 Database programs – like a POS or ATM
 Web browsers - Google
 Deployment tools - AutoCad
 Image editors- Adobe

 Communication platforms –Phone, chat, SMS, Social Media (FB) and Video
o Collaboration & Productivity Sofware
o Email software
o Instant Messaging
o Mobile Device Management
o Phones
o Contact Center and Technical Support software
o Wed and Video Conferencing


INPUT – Typing or Encoding a series of inputs on a program like a word processor (Word) or
Spread sheet programs (Excel)

OUTPUT – Print-out or hard copy of the same input – through a printer, scanned documents--
Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom

Subic Bay Freeport Zone
Tel # (047) 252-3808
We have the EdGe TeleFax # (047) 252-3801

Truth * Freedom * Just ice

 PDF – stands for the Portable Document Format, used to display documents in an electronic form
independent of the software, hardware or operating system they are viewed on.

 This is a file format created by Adobe that gives people easy, reliable way to present and
exchanged documents – regardless of the software, hardware, or OS being used by anyone who
views the document

 This is a vector file, which allows the file to be resized and printed without any distortion
(changes). However, a PDF can also be created as a raster file if it was for example created
using a scanner. A PDF therefor is either a vector or a raster file

 Can be found in My Files or File Manager, Google Drive or One Drive, Adobe Acrobat Reader
Mobile App

 INTERNET – A worldwide system of computer networks – a network of networks in which users at

any computer can, if they have permission, get information from any other computer (and sometimes
talk directly to users of other computers

A globally connected network system facilitating worldwide communication and access to data

A global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices, With the internet, it is
possible to access almost any information

“Superhighway of information”

 LOCAL AREA NETWORK – LAN – Consists of a series of computers linked together to form a
network in a circumscribed location. The computers in a LAN connect to each other via TCP/IP
Ethernet or WI-FI

TCP/IP – Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol – is a set of standardized rules that

allow computers to communicate on a network such as the internet

Wi-fi – is a wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless high-speed
internet access. Stands for a trademarked phrase that refers to *IEEE 802. 11x standards

“Eye Triple-E stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer which published

 WIDE AREA NETWORK – WAN – Is the technology that connects offices, data centers, cloud
applications, and cloud storage, together. It is called a WAN because it spans beyond a single building
or large campus to include multiple locations spread across a specific geographic area, or even the world
Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom

Subic Bay Freeport Zone
Tel # (047) 252-3808
We have the EdGe TeleFax # (047) 252-3801

Truth * Freedom * Just ice

 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORK – MAN – is a computer network that is larger than a single
building local area network but is located in a single geographic area that is smaller than a WAN.
Generally, it is several LANs interconnected by dedicated backbone connections

 CLOUD – refers to servers that are accessed over the internet and the software and databases that run on
those servers. Cloud servers are located in data centers all over the world

Is the delivery of computing services – including servers, storage, databases, networking, software,
analytics, and intelligence---over the internet to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and
economies of scale;

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