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Poblacion, Tagbina, Surigao del Sur



Group: Nine(9)
Members: May M. Pernia, Aleaxandra Grace Ventic, James Andre E. Marquez

Proposed The Potential of Coconut fiber ash as additives for concrete hollow blocks.
Title &
Proponents by May M. Pernia, Alexa Grace Ventic, James Andre E. Marquez

Nowadays, it is clear in construction that what has been is simply insufficient. Th

Background materials that were thought to be "heavy duty," "durable," and "strong" are no longe
of the adequate. Cement is an essential material that plays an important role in building an
Study construction, but cement eventually wears out due to pressure, temperature, and usage. I
an Ultra-High-Density (UHD) mixture is used, a normal cement mixture could last for u
to 100 to 16,000 years, which is the life span of cement. However, the aforementione
influences have dramatic effects on cement, which can shorten the life of a concrete.

The composition of an admixture varies. With the rapid changes in the environmen
several researchers have been studying materials that can provide concrete structures wit
long-term sustainability. Chemically produced admixtures are made in laboratories an
are made up of various chemical compounds that react with the concrete mix. Because o
the abundance of minerals present, organic or natural admixtures are also widely used i
the construction industry.

These natural admixtures contain a variety of compounds that help in the modification o
alteration of the initial properties of the concrete mix. However, if natural resources ar
overused, they can quickly deplete and cause environmental damage. Minerals from
rocks that require quarrying to extract the necessary ingredients that could improve th
concrete are a common example of these natural admixtures. These actions can result i
damaging the environment and oppose the initial aim of researchers, which is to provid
sustainability in all forms.

Many studies on concrete mix modification have been conducted in response to th

demand for sustainability and environmental protection. Several studies have found tha
when used, rice husk ash, an abundant agricultural waste, can be used in a variety o
ways, particularly in the creation, modification, and manufacturing of concrete. Severa
studies suggest using husk that has been burned in a controlled environment. The ric
husk ash can be substituted or act as a replacement to cement (PEDROZO, 2008) wit
proper proportions with water and aggregate. Another study introduces rice husk as a
admixture, in which it is grinded carefully to determine the suitable fineness to make th
cement mix workable (Doria, et al.,

Due to a lack of rice fields in our municipality of Tagbina, the researchers will b
utilizing Coconut fiber because the municipality has an abundance of Coconut trees an
wanted to determine if it is effective as an alternative additive like Rice Husk Ash.

Coconut fiber being the most ductile among all natural fibers (Majid Ali et al.,2012) i
has the potential to be used as a reinforcement material in concrete. They are non
abrasive, inexpensive, and widely available. In respond to the biodegradability concern o
Coconut fiber, the Coconut fiber will be burned to transform itself into an efficient as
that will be utilized in making the concrete hollow blocks.

The main objective of this study is to test the Effectiveness of Coconut Fiber ash a
alternative additive in concrete bricks for a new way to find solution in making th
concrete more durable. When proven effective Coconut Fiber ash can be used a
alternative additive in concrete that can be beneficial to the society and environment.

Research The study aims to determine the effectiveness of Rice husk ash and Coconut fiber a
alternative cement additive in concrete bricks.
Problems: Specifically, it aims to answer the following research question:

1. What are the characteristics of treated and untreated hollow block in terms of its:

a. compressive strength
b. water absorption

2. Is there a significant difference in the characteristics of the treated and untreate

hollow block in terms of its:

a. compressive strength
b. water absorption

(Null): There is no significant difference in the characteristics of treated and untreated concrete
hollow block in terms of its compressive strength and water absorption.

Framework Gathering of Rice Husk ash and Coconut fiber

Independent Untreated
Coconut Fiber Alternative Additive
Ash Sample

Experimental Concrete hollow

Substance Compressive
Dependent strength
Variable Water absorption
The conceptual framework above conveys the overview of the study. The processes
done are shown graphically. The methods and major procedures to be done are depicted,
mainly focusing on the two processes, which are the gathering of the material and the
process of making the concrete hollow block. The experimentation is presented. There
are three setups; the samples with Coconut Fiber ash is the experimental setup while the
untreated sample is the control group. The presence of the alternative additive is the
independent variable. The treatment will be applied in the process of making the concrete
hollow block which is the experimental subject. The results are based on the dependent
variables which are the compressive strength and water absorption.
Research This study will be utilizing a quantitative-experimental research design (Completely
Design Randomized Design), this will enable the researchers to manipulate and apply an
independent variable to one or more variable-dependent variables to determine its impact
Concrete Hollow Block
and changes. In this design, the influence of independent factors on dependent variables
is generally monitored and recorded R1 over time
R2 to helpR3researchers
R4 comeR5 to a plausible
conclusion about the connection.
10% Coconut Fiber Ash x1 x2 x1 x1 x1

5% Coconut Fiber Ash x1 x1 x1 x1 x1

x1 x1 x1 x1 x1
No Treatment

Table 1. Compressive strength

Table 2. Water Absorbency

R1=replicate 1
R2=replicate 2
R3=replicate 3
x= Compressive strength
y=Water absorption
Experimental Subject: Concrete hollow block

In this experiment, the presence of the alternative additive is the independent variable.
One group will have Coconut Fiber Ash as additive in the hollow block while the other
group will be untreated. Each setup has three replicates. The dependent variables,
compressive strength, and water absorbency, will be measured.

Concrete Hollow Block

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

10% Coconut Fiber Ash y1 y2 y1 y1 y1

5% Coconut Fiber Ash y1 y1 y1 y1 y1

y1 y1 y1 y1 y1
No Treatment

Procedure A. Raw Material Preparation

A.1 Gathering Materials

Coconut fiber will be collected in the Poblacion of Tagbina and made sure 13kg of
Coconut fiber will be prepared for it will be divided. The cement and fine aggregate will
be purchased in our locality. Tap water will be used upon the process of making hollow

A.2 Drying
The Coconut Fiber obtained will be sundried for 1 day.

A.3 Burning
The dried Coconut Fiber will be burned until it transforms into an ash in an open area.

B. Methodology

B.1Mixing of the materials

1 sack(40kg) of Holcim Cement and 100kg of sand will be mixed in a dry state. Add 20
liters of water to the mixture and mix until it becomes a homogeneous mixture.
For the Controlled group, the normal mixture will be poured into the hollow block
molder. For the Experimental group, coconut fiber ash will be added to the normal
mixture before putting in the hollow block molder. (Proportions are based on the methods
used by seasoned hollow block here in our municipality).

C. Data Collection
After making the hollow block, let it dry for 7 days. Three samples of each set-up will
then be taken to the lab for the compressive strength test using a machine, each result is
then recorded. Using the method of Civil Engineering Portal (CEP) to test the water
absorption, three samples of each set-up will be put in a separated container and
submerge it to a 5L of water for 24 hours after removing, let is set for 1 minute and
record the weight of the hollow block before and after submerging, and calculate for the
water absorption where (A-B)\B * 100 and the results are then recorded.

E. Decontamination and Disposal

The excess cement and aggregate will be put in a storage room for future purposes. The
materials used during the process of mixing will be washed thoroughly and will be put in
a storage room.

F. Data Analysis
The data collected from the setups will be recorded in the Project Data Book. It will then
be organized in Microsoft Excel. Descriptive statistics will be used to answer research
question 1. Using JASP software, independent sample t-test will be carried out to
determine if there is a significant difference in the durability characteristics (Compressive
strength and Water absorption) of treated and untreated concrete bricks. Assumptions for
t-test will be examined to ascertain the suitability of data analysis performed.


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